View Full Version : Aug. 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse TODAY!!!!

Squirt's Mom
08-21-2017, 11:43 AM
In case anyone else is fascinated by this event here is where you can watch it. In my area we will get around 85-90% totality BUT in 2024 it will come directly over me!! So I have already made arrangements with two former members whom some of you may remember - Beth (the boy's mom) and Stephanie (Pallie's mom). Beth in her walker will roll my wheelchair out while Steph, much younger, laughs at our endeavors. Sounds like a plan to me! :D So watch this one today then stay tuned for 2024!


molly muffin
08-21-2017, 08:26 PM
We got around 65% in Toronto. I didn't go out as I was working in the office, but I could see the dimming via the huge windows.

Hope you had a wonderful event Leslie :)

Budsters Mom
08-21-2017, 10:13 PM
We got about 75% here. It looked super cool! A staff member had Eclipse glasses, so I got to see it. :)

08-22-2017, 10:51 AM
Sooooo...we had 98% coverage at our house, and were a couple hours drive from totality. I'd gone back-and-forth the last couple of weeks trying to decide where to go and what to do. Weather forecasts were iffy, our plans stayed up in the air. But yesterday morning dawned clear and bright, so I gassed up the car, packed lunches and sunscreen and our eclipse glasses, and we headed north. The farther we drove, the worse traffic got and the more cloudy the sky became. So halfway to our destination, we turned around and headed home, where the sky was clearer and we hoped we'd at least see something.

So we witnessed it with our neighbors, and we all agreed that we had expected much more from the 98%. The sky did darken somewhat, and for a few minutes it got a bit cooler and one streetlight even came on very briefly. We enjoyed seeing the goofy crescent shadows made by the leaves. But through our eclipse glasses, it looked as though there was still quite a sliver of sun left for 98%, and clearly, just like all the experts have been saying, there must be an enormous difference between even 99% and totality.

As soon as it was over I was so disappointed that we didn't soldier on through the traffic in the hope of seeing the truly big show. I even cried. To have been so close and to have missed it. And I'm still really bummed today. But then, I've never been an all or nothing kind of gal -- I go for the sure bet of "something" most every time. And something is exactly what I got, after all :o. Very true to form. <SIGH>

It sounds as though a lot of people will remember the Eclipse of 2017 for a long time. Life-changing, so many have said. I wish I could say I've learned a lesson and will do things differently from now on. Probably not (I'm a pretty old dog to be learning new tricks :rolleyes:). But you never know. Maybe another time I'll take a little more of a risk. "Just remember the eclipse," I may say to myself. Maybe.

So Leslie, you never know, you and Bethy and Steph may just have some company in 2024! In the meantime, please pass on to them my very best wishes. Seems like only yesterday we were all together here, and I surely hope they are both doing well!

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2017, 12:46 PM
Oh that would be wonderful, Marianne! A K9C eclipse party in Ark! :D