Bogey's mama
07-29-2017, 09:26 AM
Hello, I'm brand new to this forum and hoping someone could give me some guidance or share a similar experience with his/her Cushings dog. My 12 year old Boston Terrier (Bogey) was diagnosed with Cushings about 5 months ago. The vet started him on 30 mg of Vetoryl once a day, but Bogey exhibited zero signs of improvement so I took him in for the ACTH test to see where his levels were at. The results showed the levels had gone down but still above normal range so his dosage of Vetoryl was increased to two 30 mg capsules per day.
After a month on this dosage, Bogey still was not improving at all. He still drank water all day, peed all over the house, continued gaining weight/appeared bloated, seemed more lethargic and weaker, his panting become more excessive and he just did not seem any better at all. He had another ACTH test and more blood tests and his levels were completely within normal range and his blood work and physical exam indicated no other health issues. The dr told me his cushings is totally under control with the Vetoryl and there is nothing else he could do. He even said Bogey is most likely just an "emotional water drinker". I was so confused and frustrated because I know my dog and I know something is really wrong with him.
The day after the ACTH test, he had a seizure. It was under ten seconds but he cried a horrible scream that sounded so painful and it was terrifying to watch. I called the vet as soon as they opened and the dr said a small seizure is ok and not to be alarmed. Well since then, he has had the same type of seizure 5 times in 2 weeks. I'm not a doctor, but according to some things researched online, he may have a brain tumor. I cannot afford an MRI and I would not opt for radiation or surgery just to extend his life a few months. I read that the side of effects of Vetoryl can be worse than the cushings itself, so I weaned him off (since he is getting worse not better) and I just started to treat him homeopathically and I'm feeding him a strict raw, high protein diet.
I adore my baby like he is my child and I can't imagine life without him. Im heartbroken and devastated that he is not getting any better. I cherish every moment I still have with him, but I don't want him to suffer and that's what I'm not sure of. He is now completely deaf, but he still seems happy, he has a great appetite, loves to be cuddled, he still has his eyesight and excellent coordination. I do know though that dogs hide pain. I feel like he still has quality of life and I'm hoping that this new natural regimen will help. Has anyone else had a cushings dog with seizures? Has anyone seen any improvement with natural remedies instead of medication? Can he still have quality of life with these mild seizures or should I be thinking about euthanasia now? I appreciate any input, suggestions or thoughts and thank you for taking the time to help me.
After a month on this dosage, Bogey still was not improving at all. He still drank water all day, peed all over the house, continued gaining weight/appeared bloated, seemed more lethargic and weaker, his panting become more excessive and he just did not seem any better at all. He had another ACTH test and more blood tests and his levels were completely within normal range and his blood work and physical exam indicated no other health issues. The dr told me his cushings is totally under control with the Vetoryl and there is nothing else he could do. He even said Bogey is most likely just an "emotional water drinker". I was so confused and frustrated because I know my dog and I know something is really wrong with him.
The day after the ACTH test, he had a seizure. It was under ten seconds but he cried a horrible scream that sounded so painful and it was terrifying to watch. I called the vet as soon as they opened and the dr said a small seizure is ok and not to be alarmed. Well since then, he has had the same type of seizure 5 times in 2 weeks. I'm not a doctor, but according to some things researched online, he may have a brain tumor. I cannot afford an MRI and I would not opt for radiation or surgery just to extend his life a few months. I read that the side of effects of Vetoryl can be worse than the cushings itself, so I weaned him off (since he is getting worse not better) and I just started to treat him homeopathically and I'm feeding him a strict raw, high protein diet.
I adore my baby like he is my child and I can't imagine life without him. Im heartbroken and devastated that he is not getting any better. I cherish every moment I still have with him, but I don't want him to suffer and that's what I'm not sure of. He is now completely deaf, but he still seems happy, he has a great appetite, loves to be cuddled, he still has his eyesight and excellent coordination. I do know though that dogs hide pain. I feel like he still has quality of life and I'm hoping that this new natural regimen will help. Has anyone else had a cushings dog with seizures? Has anyone seen any improvement with natural remedies instead of medication? Can he still have quality of life with these mild seizures or should I be thinking about euthanasia now? I appreciate any input, suggestions or thoughts and thank you for taking the time to help me.