View Full Version : Considering a second dog...

07-02-2017, 08:41 AM
You've probably seen my post about bringing a beagle named Pepper into our home earlier this year. He and our heeler mix Jackson didn't get along right away, and after much consideration, I took him back to the rescue organization. He was adopted before long into a home where he would be the only pet, which I believe was the best choice for him.

We think that Jackson would get along better with a girl rather than another boy, and would prefer one that is younger and will remain somewhat smaller, though that's not absolutely necessary (it all depends on how well they get along). :) With this criteria in mind, I have applied and inquired on several dogs through various other rescue organizations and shelters.

We were very interested in two in particular through two different rescues, and for whatever reason, seem to have been shut down by both. The first was going to set up a meet and greet, but we already had plans to be out of town that weekend. She then expressed concern about Jackson's leash reactivity (which she only knew because I was open and honest with her), and had another family with a friendly and outgoing dog that "could be a great fit for her". I basically told her to go ahead with that possibility but "to keep us in mind" if that didn't work out or for other dogs in the future. She didn't reply to that message; I haven't heard anything more from her at all. I also haven't reached out but the communication kind of put a bad taste in my mouth, you know?

The second rescue also sounded very promising over the phone and said they would call "in the next day or so" to schedule a meet and greet. They never did, and also have not responded to email. :confused:

So now I'm once again checking on Petfinder and the various shelter websites nearby. There were two younger girls at one of the shelters; when we got there only one was still available. She was found as a stray, pregnant. She stayed in a foster home, had the pups and was "a great mom" to them, kept things clean though they can't guarantee she is housetrained. She's very timid around strangers... could be her breed (American blue heeler)

07-02-2017, 09:16 AM
Oops! I submitted the post accidentally. I could edit but let's just make this reply about "Sasha".

... as I was saying, she is very timid around strangers. She didn't approach the front of the kennel unless I turned my back. The shelter worker brought her out of the kennel and walked her past all the other barking dogs... Sasha trying to make herself as small as possible. She walked nicely on the leash for me for a quick potty break.

Her initial meeting with Jackson (both on leash - Sasha with shelter employee) went well, we think. Briefly: circling sniffs, one nose-to-nose, more circling sniffs then basically ignored each other while exploring the front yard of the shelter. Leashes dropped in a fenced area was more exploring, mostly ignored, though Jackson tried to mount her twice. Both times, she told him off immediately and he complied. We didn't keep them together for too long, maybe 10-15 minutes? It was after shelter hours already so we had to get going. The only option at that point was to put her on hold, which I did. Now, we need to decide if we are going to bring her home.

In addition to her timidity around strangers (which I expect a little of the breed anyway), as well as the unknown of how Jackson will behave when she's at his home, I have one other BIG concern. Her paperwork says she screamed when separated from the person to whom she had bonded (I assume at the foster home).

Separation Anxiety.

I just don't know about that. I know YOU can't tell me if she'll do that at our home, how Jackson might react if she does, etc. But, any ... I don't know... suggestions? Thoughts?

I'm thinking about going to hang out with her a bit, alone, today or tomorrow. And maybe see if I can get more information about her from the foster.

Oh, one more thing. My husband is now unemployed - by choice. So we are NOT going to be leaving anyone home alone for 9 hours a day, 4-5 days a week. He'll be there most of the time. I'm the only one gone all day. :p

07-02-2017, 12:57 PM
Our Cooper (a Puggle) suffered from separation anxiety when my son first got him. Nothing helped...meds, training, crate, etc.

When he came to stay with us and got stuck here, during Superstorm Sandy, until Thanksgiving, he was so happy because we had three other dogs who kept him company. So we wound up keeping him...he's got a lot of other problems, which we have just learned to live with.

Jackson being with Sasha will surely help, as will your husband being home.

Good luck!

Budsters Mom
07-02-2017, 01:16 PM
Well thoughts. Hmm..... Lets see. Daddy is now home. Yay, on the doggy front! As far as adding a new four-legged family member....
It'll happen when the time is right without much effort. It will fall into place because it is meant to be. Then you'll know.


07-02-2017, 01:37 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience Joan. Kathy.... I agree.

Squirt's Mom
07-02-2017, 01:46 PM
If Dad is gonna be home from now on then it might be worth a shot. However, if he plans on going back to work at any time which would leave the dogs home alone, I would rethink this. She may bond to him and settle while he is home then fall apart when he returned to work. That wouldn't be good for anyone, especially her. ;)

I just learned that I am apparently living with a dog who has this condition so if you decide to get her we can share ideas, tips, tricks, etc. yay, huh? :p

07-02-2017, 02:32 PM
He has no plans to ever go back to work and basically says "just go get her already". LOL!

We have family visiting (my parents) from Minnesota. We spent the day with them yesterday, and they're headed over here today.

So. Tomorrow.................

07-03-2017, 08:48 PM
We did it. She is home!

I met with her for a while today. She is much more social and outgoing than on Friday. I think the spay surgery did her in.

Brought her home and my husband Ron came out to say hello again, before meeting Jackson. I went and got him, and met her in the yard. Then we walked them both around the block. Inside, to the back yard.... all good. Jackson has better social skills I think. She growls and he turns his head or backs off. He growls and she just keeps coming. Should be interesting....

She whined a bit on the way home, then when I left after for an errand. But she is totally relaxed, laying on the floor in the kitchen or TV room. Even on the couch a bit.

She has already given all three of us kisses! Jackson wasn't quite so happy about it as Ron and I... but he is doing great with her.

I love my cattle dogs!!

There is a new album for Kira with a couple pictures.

07-03-2017, 10:06 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwww...:) :) :) :) :)

Welcome to the family, little Kira! ;) ;) ;)

molly muffin
07-03-2017, 10:50 PM
Whooo Hoooo congratulations on the newest addition to the family.

I hope jackson just decides he loves her and that is it. It's going to be interesting I'm sure, because these things Always are. There will be bumps, maybe not the kind of expected even, but how wonderful of you to give it another go and give this little lady a home. I hate the thought of any dog being on the streets, a stray. :( Just too sad. So I'm really really hoping this works out for all of you, including Jackson and it's a happily ever after. :)

Don't forget to update us!!!

07-04-2017, 09:50 AM
Oh yay, Shana! I hope it continues to go well....

Harley PoMMom
07-04-2017, 10:03 AM
Congratulations Shana!!!

07-04-2017, 10:56 AM
Thank you. :)

She is truly adorable. We were going to have her stay downstairs on the couch with my husband last night, but she was having none of that. Whined outside my bedroom door until I decided to set the crate up next to the bed. :p Jackson slept on the bed, she slept in the crate and only woke me once with growls and barks at the cat sitting in the doorway.

The dogs had a short argument in the hall while I was in the bathroom this morning. No idea who started it, but they both looked sheepish when I came out. :rolleyes:

We walked them a couple miles after that, lots of good pack time and sniffs together. Both are now snoozing on opposite sides of me on the couch.

Squirt's Mom
07-04-2017, 03:28 PM
awwww she's beautiful, Shana! Sounds like things are off to a pretty good start and I hope they end up fast friends!

molly muffin
07-04-2017, 07:19 PM
She really is lovely. I suppose they will have some arguments until Jackson is sure she understands he has been around for awhile and all that. Not that I'm at all convinced she cares. She looks quite comfy on that couch. hahahaha

07-05-2017, 12:03 PM
Haha - she sure is comfy on the couch, Sharlene! :D

Yesterday continued to go well. I just read Turid Rugaas book on calming signals, and notice both of the dogs using these. I'm learning to use them more, too. Lots of yawns seem to help.

Jackson has given her a bit of whale eye now and again, especially when getting attention from one of us and she approaches. Once he climbed on the couch next to me... or rather, ON me... and she walked up. He growled at her, likely showing teeth though I couldn't see it. SHE growled back and flashed her teeth as well. *I* essentially growled at them both and she backed off, walked around the coffee table and hopped up on the other side of the couch while Jackson lay back down. I blocked them from seeing each other with my legs and a blanket, yawned and they both went to sleep.

I went in my room last night and she jumped on the bed, wasn't going to listen to "off". Jackson was lying outside the bedroom door watching us. I just walked out of the room and turned the light off and they both followed me downstairs. A few minutes later, I went back up and gave her some attention then put her in the crate. She whined a bit but settled quickly and was quiet until 4am. Jackson came up later and decided to sleep outside the room (which he does sometimes).

Another nice long walk this morning, with time off leash in a safely fenced area to run, chase the birds and play with each other a bit. She knows sit and can be lured into a down, so we've been practicing taking turns for treats. She is also learning to sit for her meals, eating on the opposite side of the kitchen from Jackson with me between them to ensure no issues. "Setting them up for success" as Saskia taught me. :D

I'll try not to inundate you with all the details, but do appreciate having a place to share them. :)


molly muffin
07-05-2017, 12:51 PM
We like details. :) :)

Sounds like things are progressing well for them both. You're doing a good job.

Eventually will you do some training with them both on togetherness with a trainer?

07-05-2017, 02:27 PM
:) I'm going to reach out to the training facility that Jackson and I went to and see what they recommend. I'm thinking about signing her up for a beginning obedience class; when will depend on our schedule and their availability. The next class starts this weekend and I'd rather wait until at least next month, to give her some time to settle in.

Anything else (especially together) would be a private session, I believe.

She's got her first appointment with our vet next Monday. :)

07-06-2017, 04:14 PM
They had a little scuffle last night but no injuries and it was very short lived. I'm just not sure if they're ever going to get along (/sarcasm)


Whiskey's Mom
07-07-2017, 06:58 PM
Ohhhh, she is sooo cute! Love the look on Jackson's face on the first pic ;). Best of luck with all the training & socializing-youre doing great!

07-08-2017, 09:01 AM
Thanks Annie. I learned so much with Pepper, and I believe the training classes with Jackson were great for his confidence and our relationship. I really underestimated the value of those classes and will take every dog through at least one class from now on.

I'm sure there will be bumps in the road but I'm happy to report that Kira and Jackson are getting along really well. It has been one week since they first met, and she has been home for only 5 days. Last night they were chasing each other in the yard, in and out of the house, wrestling and running and playing so well. We finally had to tell them both to take a break so they didn't get too overheated or exhausted.

The past two nights they have stayed in the living room with Ron, rather than coming to bed with me. Jackson sleeps on my bed, but I was planning on not allowing Kira to do so, training her to sleep in the crate instead. She would rather leave the room than go in the crate so.... I closed the door and left them both out. Jackson used to eat his meals in the crate but hasn't used it in years. I am not sure if we will use it with her or not....

This morning they had some of their breakfast in Kong puzzle toys. That was fun. They have since alternated who is laying on the loveseat with me. Jackson is starting to bug me though....Think he is ready for a walk. :rolleyes: I guess I better get going.


07-08-2017, 05:23 PM
Sounds good, Shana...I think they will be fine together.

molly muffin
07-08-2017, 10:01 PM
This is really good to hear. Jackson never got that far with Pepper so I think this is a good sign. :) whoo hooo Love to hear they are playing and chasing each other and having a good time

07-09-2017, 02:03 PM
Yep they are getting along really well. Jackson initiated a play session this morning, until she chased him around the loveseat over and over and over again. 😁

She got on his nerves a couple times yesterday. Once I gave her attention and he waited patiently... but when I turned to him she tried to butt in. He told her off in no uncertain terms and she responded well. Another time she was being a puppy pest and he didn't want to play. Nothing major.... And this morning's play session after their separate walks was fantastic to see.

I will be walking them together once Kira is better about not pulling. It's usually not too bad .... unless she is super excited or sees a squirrel. Ugh! My shoulders are going to be sore tomorrow... pretty sure that every squirrel was on the ground antagonizing her today. :mad:;) I ordered both a Gentle Leader and an Easy Walk harness for her. They should both be here by tomorrow so hopefully one helps.

Kira is learning to wait at doors and for her meals. She still jumps like mad when she greets us, but is settling faster every day.

She whines when we leave her, whether it's a trip to the bathroom, upstairs or outside. Ron just left for the store and she started whining. I called her name and she came running (yay!) and resumed whining. I rubbed her flank and told her it was ok, he'd be back, and yawned loudly. She lay right down .. quiet. I just love those calming signals!

Naptime sounds like a good idea. :)

07-14-2017, 03:06 PM
Kira has been doing really well at home, learning her name and the rules. She and Jackson play together both in the house and in the yard, running, chasing and a little wrestling. Nothing too out of control. We make sure they take frequent breaks to keep them from getting too wound up and turning fun time into an issue. We're working on whining in the house... and barking in the back yard.

The harness I ordered was too small so I sent that back, but she's getting used to the Gentle Leader now. The only time she really doesn't like it is the only time she really needs it... when she sees a squirrel and wants to GO GO GO! :p Otherwise, she walks with a relatively loose leash, usually right next to Jackson. They're just so darn cute together.

As she growl/barked at one person in the waiting area when we went to the vet on Monday, the vet assistant that called us back AND the one who met us in the room, they recommended a "reactive dog class" ASAP. I emailed the place where I took Jackson and knowing my experience with him, and what I shared about Kira, the owner suggested bringing her to a quieter obedience class instead. My husband and I couldn't agree more. They just happen to have one that started last Saturday where only 3 of 8 families showed up. So she is all signed up and I'm hoping attendance remains low. We'll see tomorrow!

Having Kira along when we go for a walk has proven to be GOOD for Jackson's reactivity. I was a little worried that he would go off and she would pick that up. So far we have had two instances where we were passing other dogs on the street.... Both times I've dropped treats on the ground and told them to "find it!" He immediately starts sniffing, she follows suit, and the dogs are able to go past without issue! I am one proud mama. :D

07-14-2017, 06:39 PM
And you should be!

07-06-2018, 06:42 PM
I'm a few days late, but Kira's first gotcha day anniversary was this past Tuesday. We celebrated by torturing her with squirrels on our morning walk, beating her until she quit whining, then locking her up in a cage for the rest of the day.


Sort of.

She WAS tortured by squirrels, whined almost incessantly and was threatened with being locked up. Instead, I gave her some extra treats before I left for work... my husband gave her even more and played games with her, Jackson and our houseguest Roo during the day. (Roo is our son and his wife's cattle dog who just a little older than Kira. They don't always get along. :p)

I'll add a couple newer pictures in their albums...

07-06-2018, 06:45 PM
Awww, Happy Anniversary, Kira!

Harley PoMMom
07-07-2018, 02:13 AM
Happy Gotcha day, Kira!!!!

07-07-2018, 07:08 AM
Happy, Happy Gotcha Day from me, too :-))))))))))))))))

So glad to hear from you, Shana, and I’ll sure be watching for those new pix!


Squirt's Mom
07-07-2018, 11:07 AM
Happy Gotcha Day, Kira!

Great to hear from you again, Shana!

11-16-2020, 09:04 AM
I was just on Facebook and saw a post from the Tipper and Squirt Care for Cushing's Fund, Inc. which reminded me of all of you. So I thought I'd pop in and say hi.

HI! We're doing well in our corner of the world. Kira is still rambunctious as ever, but she and Jackson get along (most of the time) without issues. Anything that does crop up is resolved quickly. They are both healthy and happy.

Personally, I had emergency gallbladder surgery in September, during which there was an issue. Long story short, I had my final procedure last week and am now fully on the way to recovery. Restrictions are gone; yesterday I drove Jackson up to visit my parents and took Kira for her first walk... my first time out with either dog alone since in months. Both trips went great and bolstered my mood considerably.

I hope you and your pups are all doing well.

Squirt's Mom
11-17-2020, 08:56 AM
Hi Shana!

Good to hear from you again! I'm glad you are recovering from your operation too and have been able to get out and see family. I am sure those babies have been a big help during your illness. ;):D I now have 3 babies - Bud, a big red male who is, I think, part Golden Retriever, part Carolina Dog and part Wet Noodle (because when you even look like you might be thinking of petting him he falls to the floor on his back limp as a wet noodle :D ); Sophie, a Pug; and Tilly, a Yorkie and Long Haired Chihuahua mix we think. They keep me busy and my heart full!

Drop in more often and let us know how things are going with you. I hope you and yours are staying safe during this pandemic!

11-17-2020, 11:26 AM
Oh Shana, it’s great to see you back here!!! Thanks so much for checking in! How frustrating about your surgery, but thank goodness it sounds as though you’re finally back on the mend.

Things are pretty quiet around here these days. I had wondered whether the COVID pandemic might result in a few more web visitors, what with so many of us cooped up at home. But our little family has stayed pretty quiet throughout. I’m surely hoping that everybody is staying safe, and just busy with other things.

Everything is really status quo in my house. “Baby” Luna is now twelve, and remains a happy girl although her mobility has really gotten pretty compromised. We still manage our beloved morning walks, although they are much shorter and slower these days. Her nose still seems to work fine, though, and every walk remains a sniff-fest for her ;-).

Anyway, once again, so good to hear from you! Please do drop by again whenever the mood may strike, OK?
