07-01-2017, 12:01 PM
Our 10 year old female pit bull has been showing some odd behaviors. We believe it started in May when we found that she had been peeing in the house. She was treated at that time for a UTI. Everything seemed normal after that until a few weeks ago. It started with a decrease in appetite, lethargic (would sleep all day), would drink a lot more water than normal. We took her to the Vet this past Wednesday where they observed her, did x-rays and did blood work. The x-rays showed arthritis in her lower back. An ultrasound was performed, which showed which showed a mass near her bladder. They will be doing exploratory surgery to determine what this mass is and if it can be safely removed. Other than that her blood work was mostly normal except for the following...
Alk Phosphates 359
Glucose 37
Sodium 155
Cholesterol 372
PrecisionPSL 168
Platelet Count 485
The Vet said these could be markers pointing to Cushings. He had her Cortisol level checked, which was within the normal range. He gave us Duramax for her arthritis pain, she took a half a pill on Thursday evening. We brought her back home on Thursday evening when she had what we believed to be a seizure. After the actual seizure she was walking around aimlessly, running into walls, heavily panting/drooling and looked completely out of it. We were able to settle her down and Friday morning she seemed better but still not herself. We took her back to the Vet where they observed her for a full day and gave her fluids. We brought her back home last evening. Thankfully, she didn't have any signs of seizure. Where we stand with her today...is still eating very little, pacing around the house in what could be described as "loops", and just kind of mentally out of it. I wouldn't say she doesn't know where she is or is unaware...she's just not herself, mentally. Does anyone have any insight? Could this be Cushings? Does the story/symptoms/test results add up to what anyone else has experienced?
Alk Phosphates 359
Glucose 37
Sodium 155
Cholesterol 372
PrecisionPSL 168
Platelet Count 485
The Vet said these could be markers pointing to Cushings. He had her Cortisol level checked, which was within the normal range. He gave us Duramax for her arthritis pain, she took a half a pill on Thursday evening. We brought her back home on Thursday evening when she had what we believed to be a seizure. After the actual seizure she was walking around aimlessly, running into walls, heavily panting/drooling and looked completely out of it. We were able to settle her down and Friday morning she seemed better but still not herself. We took her back to the Vet where they observed her for a full day and gave her fluids. We brought her back home last evening. Thankfully, she didn't have any signs of seizure. Where we stand with her today...is still eating very little, pacing around the house in what could be described as "loops", and just kind of mentally out of it. I wouldn't say she doesn't know where she is or is unaware...she's just not herself, mentally. Does anyone have any insight? Could this be Cushings? Does the story/symptoms/test results add up to what anyone else has experienced?