View Full Version : Doxie has Cushings, trouble walking

06-24-2017, 06:09 PM

My 15 yr. old Mini Doxie was diagnosed with Cushings 2 years ago. We have been managing it with Trilostane. Not long after his diagnosis, he lost his site, his hearing followed and now, he has trouble using his front feet. I carry him outside to check his pmail, I set him down, his front feet stay together and he topples to his side. I stand him back up, he gets his bearings and shuffles to the left in circles while looking for the perfect spot. He has difficulty standing on the grass so we stick to concrete walkway. Now it's gotten to the point that if I don't grab him the minute he is finished, he will fall down right where he stands.

Inside, he uses the walls to navigate, unless I'm in the room then he will shuffle quickly across the room to get to me. I'm not sure if this is a symptom of Cushings or old age. Has anyone else experienced this problem with their dog?

Harley PoMMom
06-25-2017, 10:06 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your boy!

I am sorry that your sweet boy is having this difficultly with his front legs and I know how worried you must be. I was wondering if you could share more about your boy's medical history with us as this would allow us to provide you with more meaningful feedback. Some important information we need to know is when his last ACTH stimulation test was done and if would post those results for us that would be great. Also was he diagnosed with the pituitary or adrenal form of Cushing's? Has a chemistry/CBC blood panel been done recently, and if so, could you post those values that are abnormal with the normal reference ranges? Is he eating and drinking normally? Any episodes of diarrhea? Do his front legs seem to stiffen up or is it like they are weak?

I sure am sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us and we will help in any way we can.

Hugs, Lori

06-26-2017, 08:01 AM
Hello and welcome from me, too! I'm sorry your little guy is struggling. I don't have anything to add to what Lori has asked, and will be watching for your response. What's your doxie's name?
