View Full Version : Introduction and question, lysodren vs trilostane

05-01-2017, 10:02 AM
Hi! My name is J.Z. and I have a 14 year old Maltese, Cali, who is, of course, my everythng! After what felt like an exhaustive (and expensive) journey, she was finally diagnosed with Cushings. She has all the symptoms (excessive thirst, losing hair etc...)

We would like to start treatment right away. My vet likes lysodren, though admits to me that most vets now use trilostane. She explained to me that lysodren, while an older medication, is more affordable because you run less blood tests on it, and also it is administered twice a week rather than twice a day. As a mom to three very busy children I appreciate not having to do the twice daily dosing.

My vet, however, did admit that she has not dosed a small dog like my Cali who is only 6 lbs. I've done a lot of reading on this forum, and it seems like the standard is loading at 50 mg per 1kg, then maintenence dose of 25-50 mg per 1 kg.

My vet said that she reached out to several vets who have delt with this before, and she said that they recommend starting with 30-50 mg per kg divided into 2 or 3 doses, then going up slowly. She said she would actually call in 20mg and going up slowly from there.

Could you kindly share your experience with a small dog and why your dr advised Trilostate vs Lysodren. If and lysodren...how the dosing is done for your dog? Thank you!!

05-01-2017, 12:58 PM
Hi J.Z. and welcome to you and Cali. I only have a moment but was wondering if you would be able to provide the results of the testing done to diagnose Cali with Cushing's. Any bloodwork that is either high or low (please also provide the reference ranges) as well as the results of specific tests to diagnose Cushing's would be of great interest to us.

As for Trilostane (Vetoryl) vs Lysodren, as well as the proper dosage amounts and procedure, I'll leave that to those with experience with the particular medication. (My vet prescribed Trilostane so that is where my experience lies.)

Kudos to you for reaching out, and doing what you can to help your girl. We do have others here with experience dosing both medications, as well as those who use lysodren exclusively (if I remember correctly). Hopefully they will see your post and respond with more info specific to their experience.


05-01-2017, 01:30 PM
Welcome, similarly...I only have experience with Trilostane (vetoryl). Although my results have been great, albeit very expensive.

The experts here will be able to help for sure. Just letting you know that you are not alone!

Welcome, Jeff

05-01-2017, 02:34 PM
Hi, J.Z., and welcome to you and Cali.

I adore Maltese and just adopted a senior a few months ago though I have shared my life with many others over the years. None have had cushing's. My cushdogs were both Pomeranians, one weighing 4.5 lb and one 7 lbs and both loaded more than once on Lysodren at the full dose of 50 mg/kg. I encourage you to do no less than 25 mg/kg as you will have a protracted loading period, which often requires more acth stimulation tests. You may have a protracted loading at 25 mg/kg but it all depends on how sensitive Cali's adrenal glands are to the drug.

I have more to share but I am pressed for time and wanted to welcome you and let you know that we have lots of experience with Lysodren here. I've included a link to Lysodren Loading and Related Tips which can be found in our Helpful Resources subforum. These instructions come form a very credible source so you may want to share them with your vet.

I'm sure others will be by to welcome you and share their own experience. I'm sorry for the reasons that brought you here but I'm glad you found us. We're here to help you learn so that you can be an even bigger voice for Cali. More to come....



molly muffin
05-01-2017, 05:18 PM
I just want to say hello and welcome. My experience is with trilostane, but both drugs work, and you want to go with the one your vet has the most experience with.
Your vet is right, ACTH and dosing are less with lysodren than trilostane.