View Full Version : alternative treatments

04-02-2017, 02:37 AM
My chihuahua has just been diagnosed with cushings. Does anyone have experience with alternative treatments and did they work? Also which medications have the least side effects? And what dosage is acceptable for tiny dogs (he weighs 4 pounds) Thanks, any information would be helpful.

04-02-2017, 07:15 AM
Hello and welcome! I wanted to tell you that I've moved your post to our main discussion forum -- this way, our members will be more likely to see your questions and to have a chance to reply to you.

We're really glad you've found us. :)

Harley PoMMom
04-02-2017, 08:28 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your furbaby!

With our new members we ask a lot of questions, this is not because we are nosy, instead, it allows us to provide you with our best possible feedback. So here are some questions that I have:

Could you get copies of all tests that were done on your furbaby and post any abnormalities that are listed? With respect to the blood chemistry and complete blood count (CBC), you need only post the highs and lows and please include the normal reference ranges. What test/s were done that diagnosed the Cushing's and could you post those results? What symptoms did your furbaby display that led to the testing for Cushing's? Does your furbaby have any underlying illness that s/he is taking medication for? And if so, what is it and what is the medication? Is s/he taking any supplements, medications or herbs?

As far as holistic/alternate medications, unfortunately I don't know of any truly effective substitutes to the Rx medication when one wants to lower cortisol levels significantly. Having said that, if clinical symptoms are not that bothersome to the dog or owner, some members have told us that Cushex and Adrenal Harmony Gold worked very well in controlling symptoms but only for a short time period. Now, Cushex and Adrenal Harmony Gold have no controlled clinical testing whatsoever to back up their claims (we know this because we have contacted the manufacturers and we have been told that no testing has been done).

The two medications that are usually prescribed for Cushing's are Vetoryl/Trilostane and Lysodren/Mitotane. Regarding the side effects of Vetoryl/Trilostane versus Lysodren/Mitotane, one is no safer than the other. These are strong drugs and both have some pretty scary side effects, however, adverse effects are minimized when the proper treatment protocols are followed. We have many members that are treating their cushdog with either Vetoryl/Trilostane or Lysodren/Mitotane and are experiencing success.

Both of these drugs can be compounded and if brand-name Vetoryl is used it does come in 5 mg strength capsules. The recommended starting dose is 1mg per pound of a dog's weight so for your 4 lb furbaby the 5 mg Vetoryl capsules would be just a tad higher than what is endorsed.

Please know we are here to help in any way we can and we will walk this journey with you.

Looking forward to hearing more about your sweet furbaby.

Hugs, Lori

molly muffin
04-02-2017, 11:59 AM
Hello and welcome from me too. I can't really add to what Marianne and Lori have said but did want to welcome you.

If treating with vetroyl you can get compounded trilostane in small doses.
Alot depends on the numbers and how high they are and if there is any other type of illness.

04-02-2017, 11:58 PM
Marianne, thanks a lot for moving my post. :)
Lori, his bloodtest showed abnormalities with his kidneys. So the vet already considered cushings an option (also at this point he looks like a cushings dog). The ultrasound showed that his small kidneys (the test was done in Germany. So I am not quite sure what you call the second kidneys in english) was enlarged.To confirm the diagnosis they injected him with cortisol and took his blood after that (twice). It was conclusive that he has cushings. The vet in Germany recommended Vetoryl. He is showing severe symptoms and hasn't been himself for quite some time. Although I am not a big fan of medication it sounds like that might be the only option.
Thank you guys for the support and the warm welcome.:)