View Full Version : New Member Struggling with Cushings/Lymphoma/Kidney leaking protein/IBD

04-01-2017, 03:22 AM
I have a 12 yr old golden retriever named Harriet who was first diagnosed with kidney leaking protein and hypothyroidism in August. Started treating with Soloxine, 6 mg for hypothyroidism and Benazepril 5 mg for kidneys. I kept remarking about her trembling and panting. At first vet though trembling was from the Soloxine but kept up when off it for a day or so. Trembling was never resolved although lately I see less of it. There are large skin callouses at her elbows but very few other skin problems. Panting was said by one vet to be pain. I read where Cushing's causes panting due to calcification in the lungs or the liver pushing on the diaphragm. Vet I usually see says cortisol causes her to feel hot.
2/28 urine/cortisol/creatinine test:
Urine Cortisol: 19.8
Urine Creatinine: 101.7
Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio: 61 (>/= 34 hyperadrenocorticism is possible)
I felt like I was losing my dog soon after hearing Cushing's, kidneys leaking protein, and hypothyroidism and started preparing for it mentally. Vet sd costs would be high and I resolved to not treat the Cushing's because of everything else going on.

We had just lost another golden retriever in February so all this news seemed staggering. The other golden, Penny, was 12 3/4 and was being followed for anemia that kept getting worse and then suddenly could no longer use her rear legs. I believe degenerative myelopathy that wasn't diagnosed. Instead she was being followed for arthritis because of difficulty getting up and down stairs.

1/17/17 Bloodwork:
ALP 1072 (5 - 160 U/L) Notes say 9/16 ALP was 943, 10/22 was 713
ALT 126 (18 - 121 U/L)
BUN 13 (9 - 31)
Creatinine 0.6 (0.5 -1.5 mg/dL)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio: 21.7
NA/K Ratio 27 (28-37 range) Low
Hemolysis Index +++ (index of +++ may decrease ALP)
SDMA 11 (0 -14)
Both SDMA and Creatinine are within the reference interval which indicates kidney function is likely good.
T4: 3.6 (1.0 - 4.0 ug/dL) 8/23 = .8, 9/16 = 2.8, 10/22 = 1.8
For dogs on thryoid supplement, acceptable T4 concentrations generally fall within the higher end or slightly above the reference range.
WBC 11.6 (4.9 - 17.6 K/uL)
MCH 20.9 (21.9 - 26.1 pg) Low
Lymphocyte 998 (1060 - 4950/uL) Low
Protein 1+ (100 - 200 mg/dL) Negative - trace, was 4+ before Benazepril

There have been ups and downs with vomiting and diarrhea but has responded well to treatments for that. Is currently on Budesonide 1 ml per day for IBD and lymphoma. Responded well on that. Harriet's nights are really restless. She was moving after only 10 minutes. Seemed to be either hot or uncomfortable. Vet has her on 3-4 Tramadol 50 mg at bedtime and one during the day for the panting. Tramadol seems to help. Room at night can be 53 degrees and still she will be panting. A few nights back it was 64 degrees and she was really uncomfortable.

Approx. 3/6/17 I had an ultrasound done. It showed enlarged lymph nodes, slightly enlarged spleen and liver. Vet says lymphoma. I am not going to treat the lymphoma due to my dog's age, stress, chemotherapy, etc.

Having said all this...I am wavering about treating her for Cushing's. I talked to tech today and would be approx $200 for initial testing and approx $100 mo for meds. I feel bad about her panting all the time and would like to help her. Vet questions her quality of life but she is eating 1 - 1 1/2 boiled chicken breasts, about a can of dog food (was Pure Balance but got her to eat EN for now, eats treats, usually 1/2 - 1 c of dry dog food. I do have to hand feed her a lot. About a week and a half ago there was a blood clot in her urine and she wasn't eating well. Vet gave her an antibiotic shot and she was feeling better within a day. She drinks a lot of water and urinates frequently. Uses puppy pads at night or if I am out for a few hours. I felt she would be gone by 3/21 when my vet returned from a 3 week vacation and now she's still here. I honestly can't imagine that she will be with me for another 2 months though but am glad for every day. Vet says whenever she doesn't eat for two days she needs to be put down, which I agree. I don't want to keep her if she is in pain and am always trying to get a sense of that. She picks up toys, plays with them for a minute, wags her tail, goes up and down stairs both outside and inside, goes off on her own to roll on the carpet in my bedroom, and follows me around the house. Any help on whether to treat for Cushing's? Is the panting pain, hot, or difficulty breathing? Thank you ahead of time for your help. Barb

Harley PoMMom
04-01-2017, 09:09 AM
Hi Barb,

Welcome to you and Harriet! I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Penny and my heart goes out to you and your family.

Regarding Harriet's increased drinking and urinating, has an urine sample been tested after the antibiotics were given? Dogs that drink a lot of water may have diluted urine and a regular urinalysis may not pick up any bacteria in the urine so I would definitely want to rule out an UTI and submitting another urine sample for a urine culture and sensitivity test, I believe, would be the next step I would take. UTI's can be painful so her panting may be caused by that.

Increased drinking/urinating along with her elevated liver enzymes can be a sign of a liver issue so I would mention to the vet about performing a bile acid test to see if the liver is functioning properly.

So, the urine culture would be the first thing I would do and if that comes back clean than a bile acid test is the next step I would have done.

Please know we will help in any way we can and we are here to support you and your sweet girl. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them.

Hugs, Lori

04-01-2017, 01:11 PM
Thank you! No urine culture was done after the antibiotic shot so I can ask for that and the acid bile test. The panting has been going on since at least June - July 2016. I just didn't pick up on it being something different because it was a hot summer. In about August I started mentioning it to the vet because I saw Harriet panting when Penny was not necessarily panting that much.

04-01-2017, 11:51 PM
I took a urine sample to the vet today hoping for a urine culture and sensitivity test. The vet who was there said would have to be sterile sample to do test so wasn't run. Tech didn't feel Harriet's panting caused by UTI. My Vet to call me on Monday to discuss urine culture and bile acid test. From what I am reading on here, I think the bile acid test would be a good place to start based on enlarged liver. I uploaded pictures of Harriet's lab work into my album. Barb

Harley PoMMom
04-02-2017, 09:17 AM
Ideally, a sample of urine is collected by cystocentesis or by inserting a needle directly into the animal’s bladder, however getting a urine sample midstream (free catch method) is usually good enough. Getting that free catch urine sample to the vets office right away is most important but if that is not possible putting it in the frig is recommended.

Hugs, Lori

molly muffin
04-02-2017, 12:37 PM
Hello and welcome from me too.

Okay so we have kidney leaking protein, hypothyroidism , pain and lymphoma diagnosed?

treating with;
benazepril for protein leaking into urine
Soloxine for thyroid
tramadol for pain
no treatment for lymphoma
and now cushings

When any other disease is present it can cause a false positive on cushings test too.
The high cortisol likely also helps with some pain management too, so lowering it depending on how high it is could affect that. It can be a delicate balancing out for sure when other things are going on.

I am sorry about the recent loss of your deal Penny.
With Harriet being 12 years old and having these other issues going on, I don't know if i would treat the cushings or not. Quality of life is always the most important issue, especially when they are older.

I lost my golden retriever at 10 years old and although I knew how uncomfortable and bad she must have been feeling, she always had a tail wag for everyone and a wet nose pressed into your lap for pets. They are just a remarkable, happy breed of dog with the best dispositions.

04-02-2017, 06:29 PM
Correct on the above synopsis of treatments Sharlene except I forgot to add Prilosec twice a day for possible IBD AND compounded Budesonide 1 ml once a day. The Budesodine is what made a big difference. I gave it once a day for two weeks and then every other. I saw a difference in decreased appetite on the off days. My Vet came back from vacation and said to give her it every day for the rest of her life.

Abdominal ultrasound: showed liver mildly enlarged and coarse in echo texture. The spleen is mildly enlarged with a diffuse hypochondria mottled and a few nodular areas. Abdominal lymph nodes are normal in appearance. Both kidneys are mildly hyper echoing with mild irregularity of the cortex and a slight decrease in corticomedullary definition. The left adrenal measures 7.9 mm in diameter and the right adrenal measures 8.6 mm in diameter. There is focal thickening of what appears to be cucumber or proximal colon at the ideological junction. The wall that is thickened is hypoechoic and measures 10.7 mm in Wall thickness. Abdominal fat is normal in echogenicity and there is no aspires.

Diagnosis : Mild hepatomegaly with a coarse echo texture. This is nonspecific and could be associated with inflammatory disease or vacuous hepatopathy. The plump/mildly enlarged adrenals bilaterally brings up the possibility of pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Focal Cecil thickening could be inflammatory however a neoclassical lesion such as emerging lymphoma is a strong consideration. Biopsy is recommended if clinical signs correlate. Endoscopic biopsy may be possible. Mild bilateral chronic kidney disease. The plump and mottled spleen can be benign such as extra medullary hematopoiesis, infectious/inflammatory response, but neoplastic infiltration is also a consideration. The spleenic changes are quite mild.

I feel like the Tramidol was just thrown in to help with panting and movement at night, not necessarily because we know she is in pain. I guess I will pursue a urine culture and sensitivity test on the next UTI. Her night pees have not reoccured since the antibiotic shot was given.

The reason I was now considering treating for Cushings was because she is still around and I hate to hear the panting and know that I am not trying to help her. Do the above U/S results help any of you understand better whether I should do bile acid test next or LDDS or just live in the moment with Harriet and continue to tell her how wonderful she is? Thanks! Barb

Harley PoMMom
04-03-2017, 10:23 AM
If this were me, I would start with the urine culture and sensitivity test to make sure that the increased drinking/urinating isn't due to a bladder/kidney infection.

Another reason I'm recommending in having the urine culture done is that a kidney/bladder infection can cause elevations in the ALP and since Harriet does have IBD along with kidney problems (mild bilateral chronic kidney disease as noted on ultrasound) either one of those issues can cause the ALP levels to be high.

These are just my thoughts and hopefully other members will drop by to share theirs as well.

Hugs, Lori

04-03-2017, 06:28 PM
UPDATE : Vet wants to give another antibiotic shot tomorrow. Will be ten days since last antibiotic shot then three weeks after that will do a urine culture and sensitivity test. How do you feel about 2nd shot of the antibiotic vs doing the urine culture and sensitivity test now? Additional cost of antibiotic ($80) for me. Will do Bile Acid test tomorrow. Thinks it's a good way to go.

Barb and the wonderful Miss Harriet Caroline!

Harley PoMMom
04-03-2017, 07:40 PM
My reluctance in having the antibiotic shot is because it's not certain if there is an UTI. Also, if there is an UTI brewing the antibiotic in that shot may not be the one that is needed to completely kill the bacteria that is in her urinary tract.

Whiskey's Mom
04-03-2017, 08:04 PM
Hi and welcome from a fellow Golden and his Mom!
I'm so sorry about the loss of sweet Penny and now for poor Miss Harriet Caroline having all these issues. She's such a beautiful girl! whether you decide to treat for Cushings or not, you came to the right place for support and advice. Based on my limited experience, I totally agree with what Lori & Sharlene said.
All the best to you and Harriet.
Annie and Whiskey