View Full Version : Distressed boy

03-22-2017, 07:42 AM
Hi, My little boy Bobby was diagnosed last year, after gaining lots of weight (without eating more), drinking lots and urinating lots plus being very badly effected by heat. He takes 40mg twice daily trilastane . At first he seemed to be improving but lately his panting has become extreme and is making him very distressed to the point his eyes seem to be bulging. We can not go for walks as he becomes to exhausted, so his weight is still a problem. Currently 11kg , a lot for his size with a big belly. My other dog Prince (poodle 15yrs) is concerned and keeps licking his face. I'm not sure of his age as he is a rescue about 9-10 and is a poodle cross Cav or Shitzu. At times he also has a strong odour similar to keytones. I do not have his levels but his vet has said the latest results about 3 months ago were within range. Last night we both did not get much sleep as he was so distressed. Any insights would be very welcome. Thank you

03-22-2017, 08:12 AM
Hello and welcome, although I'm very sorry Bobby is having problems. My first and primary concern is whether he may be overdosed on his trilostane. This is actually quite an urgent concern if it has been three months since he was last tested. I believe it is time to perform another monitoring ACTH test immediately, alongside a basic test of blood chemistries.

Given his weight of 11 kg. (around 22 lb.), a daily total of 80 mg. is a really high dose of medication. It may be the case that he actually required that high a dose in the past, but cortisol levels often change over time and dosages must be altered. That's why monitoring testing is recommended every three months, even when a dog outwardly appears to be doing well. If a dog is not doing well, testing is recommended as soon as possible.

So I think that's the most important thing to be done, and as quickly as it can be scheduled. A reminder: the ACTH should be conducted 4-6 hours after Bobby is given his morning trilostane dose alongside breakfast (he should not be fasted for this test).

While at the vet, it will help us a lot if you can also get the actual numerical results for the tests that were used to diagnose Cushing's in the first place, and also his monitoring test from three months ago. And of course, we'll want the numbers from any new testing, as well.

Once again, welcome to you both (and Prince, too)!

03-22-2017, 09:59 AM
Hello and welcome from me as well...I am wondering if he has been tested for high blood pressure?

03-22-2017, 07:33 PM
Thank you I will get him an appointment asap. I have been told tests would be at 6 month intervals. I was very concerned and noticed he seems to get worse not long after his meds. I have only given him one tab yesterday and he was not as bad last night. As far as I know he hasn't been tested for blood pressure but I will ask at his next appointment. I did get them to check his urine for glucose and this seemed normal at the time. But getting a sample is difficult as he isn't very tall, if you get what I mean.

03-22-2017, 08:42 PM

For some temporary relief for his heat issues and panting you could try moving a box fan around wherever he is laying and purchase a cooling mat and see if that helps until you can get things sorted out.

Darrell and Lolita

Truman's Mom
03-22-2017, 09:39 PM
Hi and welcome!

I can vouch for the fan. Truman LOVES his, sleeps in front of it all night. Also there are cooling bandanas. You put them in the freezer and then tie around their neck.

Good luck!

03-22-2017, 10:02 PM
Thank you for any ideas. I have done all those, he loves his mat, his neck is very fat and anything there makes his discomfort worse. I also use a damp cloth on his chest ,tummy and face to try and keep him cooler. But nothing really seems to give him much relief.

molly muffin
03-23-2017, 06:17 PM
Hi and welcome from me too.
I'm with Marianne, at 11kg, that is a very high dose and we have seen adjustments needed to be made before with other members.

Do you know what the actual last numbers on his ACTH was?

The symptoms you mentioned can be associated with cortisol going low as Marianne said.

03-23-2017, 08:20 PM
Hi everyone, thank you for all the posts, it is great to be able to get info from others with the same types of issues. Bobby is a beautiful little boy, and it makes me feel so useless when he looks at you waiting for you to make it better but you don't know how. He went through so much before I got him, I just want to make his life the best from now on. One problem as with a lot of others I know is cost, I'm on a small income, but will do whatever is needed, as long as it will help him.
I am trying to get in to see his vet today and get his old results as well. I have never been told what his Cushings is from, so will try to get that info as well. He has now developed something wrong with his eye, and as I said before his eyes at time seem to bulge, others have even mentioned it. I will post as soon as I have the info from his tests. Thank you all again.

Harley PoMMom
03-23-2017, 08:28 PM
I used to spritz my boy's paw pads with cool water and it did help a bit.

molly muffin
03-23-2017, 10:21 PM
We all just do the best we can with what we have to work with.

The bulging eye does worry me a bit. Is he displaying anything like head pressing, or not wanting to put his head down, or getting stuck in corners? Neurological type of symptoms. Hmm, I wonder if a blood panel could tell you anything. Ask for a copy of his last blood work if you can also.

03-24-2017, 10:10 AM
I will try that as well, thank you. I dampen his chest and belly that sometimes helps a little when it is very hot, lately it has been very hot. But the worst attack was on one of the coolest nights. I am unable to see his regular vet as he has moved to a different practice away from our area but have an appointment Monday, and have already arranged to get copies of his past tests. I will post these as soon as I get them.

03-24-2017, 10:21 PM
Hi PrinceBobby. I am in Australia as well. Before my girl was regulated she would overheat and pant quite badly as well. I tried spritzing with cool water and cold towel and fans but they really didn't help that much. In winter we would have to turn on the air con to get her to stop panting so badly. And in the middle of the night she would constantly roam around unable to settle. She has been on the meds for 3 1/2 years now and whilst she still pants a lot easier than my other dog, she is doing so much better.

Also to help save some money you can get trilostane from a compounding pharmacy (which is the same as Vetoryl) and it will save you a lot of money. Just make sure it is a reliable compounding pharmacy.