03-09-2017, 07:49 AM
I am new to the forum I have read through lots of your threads and have gained lots of advice so thank you.
We are based in Glasgow, Scotland.
Our Bulldog Marley is 8 years old and was diagnosed with Cushions in Oct 2015 after showing signs of excessive hunger, bot pelly apperance, lethargy, hair loss & weight gain. He was diagnosed by the Vetinary hospital here in Glasgow after a scan confirmed he had pituitary cushions, His ACTH levels were very high and his liver was enlarged ( sorry dont have exact figures now) He was started on Vetoryl he weighed 38kg so was started on 60mg, which increased then too 90mg then eventually went up to 120mg since diagnosis his levels have come down gradually being on the higher dose of vetoryl but after a while of feeling very helpless and our vet telling us on lots of different occasions this was just cushions we decided to change vets as marleys ACTH levels had come down but he still was showing all the clinical symptoms his hairloss was worse than ever, he is pretty bald now across his chest and shoulders, he is always ravenous, drinks more water than ever and we have been battling with calcinosis cutis after getting this diagnosed with a dermatologist.
We changed vets and I am glad I did but after a few months and seeing no real improvement our vet did more ACTH tests and suggested that the Vetoryl didnt seem to be controlling his cushions even though bloods show it should be, they done more ACTH tests and felt it was not working for the full 24 hour period and it would be an option to change the way we were giving the vetoryl 60mg in morning then 12 hours later give another 60mg as they seen it help on another similar case - has anyone else been advised to do this ?
We done another ACTH and the Pre levels were initially 154 and post 335 now they are pre 132 and post 291
Sorry I will get full reports from my vet to give more info this is just what I have from my notes that I jotted down.
Marley is doing ok he is such a gentle dog and takes this all in his stride but this past few weeks before we started splitting the vetoryl dosage his calcinosis cutis has been the worse ever its all across his shoulders and spread to the inside of his back leg and can see it starting on the bottom of his back and we feel so helpless, he has been given Cephalexin antibiotic and we have tried herbal creams and wash to help also malaseb shampoos but nothing helps.
I just feel or last vet felt marleys cusions was under control as at one point felt his levels dropped under 100 and we decreased his dose and now we are back at the higher does with the CC so bad !
I am going to the vets today and they considering changing him on to Mitotane, I feel so helpless and thought I would write a post to get your advise on the split dosage and also switching to mitotane and if anyone has any help with CC I know this is a secondary condition to cushions and will only get better once the cushions is under control though, just wondered if anyone else dogs have fluctuated so much like marley and not seen any good result of symptoms going from the vetoryl.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help.
I am new to the forum I have read through lots of your threads and have gained lots of advice so thank you.
We are based in Glasgow, Scotland.
Our Bulldog Marley is 8 years old and was diagnosed with Cushions in Oct 2015 after showing signs of excessive hunger, bot pelly apperance, lethargy, hair loss & weight gain. He was diagnosed by the Vetinary hospital here in Glasgow after a scan confirmed he had pituitary cushions, His ACTH levels were very high and his liver was enlarged ( sorry dont have exact figures now) He was started on Vetoryl he weighed 38kg so was started on 60mg, which increased then too 90mg then eventually went up to 120mg since diagnosis his levels have come down gradually being on the higher dose of vetoryl but after a while of feeling very helpless and our vet telling us on lots of different occasions this was just cushions we decided to change vets as marleys ACTH levels had come down but he still was showing all the clinical symptoms his hairloss was worse than ever, he is pretty bald now across his chest and shoulders, he is always ravenous, drinks more water than ever and we have been battling with calcinosis cutis after getting this diagnosed with a dermatologist.
We changed vets and I am glad I did but after a few months and seeing no real improvement our vet did more ACTH tests and suggested that the Vetoryl didnt seem to be controlling his cushions even though bloods show it should be, they done more ACTH tests and felt it was not working for the full 24 hour period and it would be an option to change the way we were giving the vetoryl 60mg in morning then 12 hours later give another 60mg as they seen it help on another similar case - has anyone else been advised to do this ?
We done another ACTH and the Pre levels were initially 154 and post 335 now they are pre 132 and post 291
Sorry I will get full reports from my vet to give more info this is just what I have from my notes that I jotted down.
Marley is doing ok he is such a gentle dog and takes this all in his stride but this past few weeks before we started splitting the vetoryl dosage his calcinosis cutis has been the worse ever its all across his shoulders and spread to the inside of his back leg and can see it starting on the bottom of his back and we feel so helpless, he has been given Cephalexin antibiotic and we have tried herbal creams and wash to help also malaseb shampoos but nothing helps.
I just feel or last vet felt marleys cusions was under control as at one point felt his levels dropped under 100 and we decreased his dose and now we are back at the higher does with the CC so bad !
I am going to the vets today and they considering changing him on to Mitotane, I feel so helpless and thought I would write a post to get your advise on the split dosage and also switching to mitotane and if anyone has any help with CC I know this is a secondary condition to cushions and will only get better once the cushions is under control though, just wondered if anyone else dogs have fluctuated so much like marley and not seen any good result of symptoms going from the vetoryl.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help.