View Full Version : Jackson and Pepper
01-16-2017, 10:52 AM
You have already met Jackson. He is in a couple pictures in Visuddha's album, but I made him his own. Here's the latest:
Jackson is a 6.5 year old Australian cattle dog/English coon hound mix... we think. We got him from Colville Animal Sanctuary in January 2011 at about 6 months old. He had been left on their doorstep as a young pup. I have no idea why no one had adopted him in the 4 or 5 months he was there, except that he was waiting for us!
I took Visuddha with me to meet him. Jack was in a kennel, quite honestly jumping straight up and down inside the door, wanting to be let out. Once out, he was inquisitive but not pushy and Visuddha accepted him immediately. (They had another puppy in the kennel and the staff wanted me to consider him as well, so they put Jackson back inside and let this pup out. Visuddha wanted nothing to do with him - growling right away. So they changed places again. ;))
Visuddha didn't mind Jackson at all, until he got in the truck. Then he was irritated as anything! For the almost 2 hour drive home, I had V tied to the driver's door and in my lap, while Jack was behind the passenger seat of the truck. Once home, the two were just fine again.
Now, meet Pepper!
He has his own album with a few other pictures as well. :)
Pepper is an approximately 6 year old beagle. His former mom had to enter a nursing facility so was unable to keep him. He was at the rescue (WABR) for about a week and was neutered on the 12th. I put in my application for him late in the evening on Friday the 13th. They accepted my application in the morning - but Pepper had already been adopted!! I put in an application at another rescue over the weekend, for a girl they had. Last night, Judy from WABR called because his previous adoption had fell through.
She brought him over around 5pm and he and Jackson hit it off immediately. Tail wags, sniffing, chasing, humping :eek: :D. Before Judy left, Pepper found the cat in her hiding place. Cue the beagle bark/howl. Oh boy. This is going to be fun. ;)
He is a good boy though. He knows his name (we are not going to change it), sit and down. He's apparently crate trained and doggy door trained, though we don't have either one for him. I need to get him a set of dishes and a jacket for our sub 10F weather!! He borrowed Jackson's this morning for a sniff around the neighborhood... going to take some work to get him to walk nicely on a leash! :cool:
01-16-2017, 11:12 AM
Awww, Shana...he is adorable (and so is Jackson!) Congratulations on the new arrival!
01-16-2017, 02:10 PM
Shana -- I am so excited -- you are a beagle Mom!!! :D:D:D
Pepper is adorable -- Abbie was about the same age when I adopted her and I found it is really a good age for adoption -- none of the puppy stuff left and lots of good years ahead!
If you want any beagle tips or just share beagle stories, check out the beagle forum that I moderate --
Looking forward to hearing all about the Jackson/Pepper adventures to come (and you know there will be many)!
01-16-2017, 02:51 PM
Yay!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Whiskey's Mom
01-16-2017, 09:58 PM
Yayyy! Great news! Pepper is a lucky dog :):)
01-17-2017, 10:59 AM
I'm going to use this thread for both of these boys, separately as well as together. Today's post is about how they're getting along.... or not...
Yesterday I was at work, while my husband was home with the dogs. The dogs were loose, left alone for about half an hour and were fine when I got home.
After I put my things away, I was at the sink with my back to the rest of the kitchen. Jackson was either under the table or near it, and Pepper about 4' away sniffing the floor near the garbage can. I don't know what prompted it but Jackson attacked him. I immediately corrected with a sharp "hey - knock it off" which they responded to. I took Pepper into the laundry hallway which has a door to separate it and made sure he was ok. There was a tooth indent on his snout but otherwise fine. I closed the door, leaving him in there and checked Jackson who was also fine.
I gave Jackson his dinner in the kitchen and then Pepper in the laundry area. They went outside separately. After they were both inside, I was sitting on the floor with Jackson giving him attention. Pepper was again sniffing in the kitchen and as he approached, Jackson was watching him then bark/growled when he got a little too close. I told him again knock it off. Pepper retreated and went into the laundry. I gave Jackson a bit more attention then went to the doorway of the laundry, where Pepper looked at me as if to say "what did I do?". I was giving him attention when Jackson kind of peeked around the corner and growled at Pepper again. Grrrr. Knock it off.
I took Pepper to get fitted for a coat, so Jack was home for an hour. When we got back, I spent a little time at my desk. Jackson typically goes under my desk, but Pepper went in there as I sat down. I had him move and Jackson lay down in his usual spot without incident. Pepper was nearby, first to my left then behind me. No issues.
They went outside together, following each other around but no arguments.
I cleaned out a crate (previously used for Jackson when we first got him), put a sleeping bag and one of our couch pillows inside. Pepper went in and I closed the door. He licked his front paws for a while then went to sleep. In the meantime, Jackson was on the couch while I watched TV, also sleeping.
At bedtime, I let Jackson outside (Pepper didn't need to go) then took the crate upstairs to my bedroom. Pepper went in and slept quietly all night. Jackson was on the floor, then on my bed, as usual.
Breakfast was the same as dinner - Jackson in the kitchen, Pepper in the laundry. There was one moment this morning when Jackson growled at him but it was short lived and quickly corrected.
Jack was walked; then Pepper. Jackson wanted so badly to go on a second walk but I can't handle them both yet. Pepper has no idea how to walk on a leash so until he learns that, we'll be taking separate trips.
They got a few treats in the kitchen after the walk, then Pepper went back in the crate while I got ready for work. I brought the crate back downstairs so he could be near my husband (who fell asleep on the couch ;)) and will be asking him to put him in the crate before he leaves for work so they're not loose and unsupervised.
Squirt's Mom
01-17-2017, 11:31 AM
awww what precious boys, Shana! I think in time Jackson will settle and they will be fine. There is usually a period of playing "who's the boss" then they find their places in the pack and work things out. That has been my experience so far anyway. We are going thru something of the same with Bud - he is the only male and the largest dog in the house by 30 lbs. so he feels he should be top dog....until Mom speaks then he remembers his place. ;):D You're a great mom so I know this will work out fine!
01-17-2017, 11:50 AM
Shana -- I agree with Leslie -- it will just take some time (and corrections by Mom) for each to find their place. Jackson has been an only pup for a brief while and now has to adjust to an "intruder". I think your separating them as needed is a good plan!
01-17-2017, 01:30 PM
Aww thanks ladies. I don't really have experience with introductions other than what I mentioned before between Visuddha and Jackson. We did have another dog at the time - Jupiter - who was the same age as V but suffering from lymphoma and passed away only a couple days after we got Jackson. Jackson was a puppy and Jupiter growled if he got close, so he kept his distance. Jackson and V got into one 'fight' ... Visuddha got him on the snout but that was it. Hopefully this will be the same.
Pepper seems to have been very well socialized. He was a sniffing hound at the pet store but otherwise well behaved. They had a pup there who is apparently not very good around big dogs (they're working on that) and Pepper was friendly as can be to him. He was also friendly to a neighbor dog we ran into on our walk this morning.... who was *not* particularly comfortable with Pepper sniffing. But that little one named Max ran off and Pepper could have cared less. (Jackson had a similar experience with Max and when he ran off, Jackson barked like a crazy fool.) Pepper is sniffing and tail wagging the entire time on our walk otherwise. I am very hopeful. I think I might be falling for this chunky monkey. ;)
01-17-2017, 08:10 PM
Jackson just attacked him again, we were all sitting together nicely. I think pepper just looked at him for too long. now Pepper won't even come into the room where we are... :( he howled like crying after for a few seconds and ran towards the front door. When I got to him he calmed down. He is not hurt physically but he is really scared now. :(
01-17-2017, 08:32 PM
Ah gosh, Shana, I'm so sorry for everybody. :(
Maybe you might want to sent a note to Saskia and ask her to check in. She's so helpful with behavioral and training issues, and I know you want to get this under control before Pepper gets hurt or really traumatized. I'll bet she can give you some good suggestions.
01-17-2017, 09:10 PM
Thanks Marianne. I sent her a pm.
There were a few drops of blood in a couple places on the tile where he retreated. I can only assume they are from him and this fight. Poor little guy.
I had Jackson go outside and convinced Pepper to come in the TV room and go in the crate. So he is safe now.
01-18-2017, 07:40 AM
Poor Pepper~ Our Chihuahua, Doree, still attacks Sibbie if she gets too close and it's been 9 months. But Doree has always been nasty. She's 12 and set in her ways. If she's in a bad mood, none of them can go near her and the boys are smart enough to leave her alone, but Sibbie still keeps trying and it gets pretty bad...I usually have to pick Sibbie up and hold her until Doree calms down. Doree has bitten me a couple of times when I try to separate them. She has back problems and is in pain a lot, so we really can't get mad at her...she doesn't want to be bothered by a puppy.
Jackson must have gotten used to having you all to himself and he might sense your missing V and feeling like only he can make you feel better. Maybe your husband or a neighbor can walk with you and take Pepper, so Jackson doesn't feel like he is not welcome on those walks. Whenever we introduced other dogs, we did it on walks.
Good luck, Shana...I hope it gets better.
01-18-2017, 09:16 AM
Thanks Joan. Yeah I read about having two people walk the dogs. I just asked my husband if he will do that with me in the mornings and he agreed. Hopefully that will help.
I also sent Saskia a very long message with all the details I could think of in the past few days. Jackson pinned Pepper down this morning. :( :( Pretty sure it was because I was nearby...
My husband thinks it will just take time, and Jackson is asserting his dominance. This morning's altercation did not result in injury so other than the possible injury last night (I can't confirm where that blood on the floor came from, it was dry so it may have been there a while or maybe not I'm just not sure), there hasn't been any real physical damage done. Pepper's certainly afraid of Jackson now though and keeping his distance. It sucks. I hate for either of them to be living with that stress all the time.
I'm going to call a behaviorist I emailed last year and make an appointment with her. She said she comes in for 2 hours for the first appointment, so if nothing else, I'll get an outside opinion on the situation. See if she agrees that time and training will help, or not.
01-18-2017, 10:43 AM
Shana, I commend you for jumping on this and trying to get some evaluation and assistance ASAP. I know nothing about dealing with this type of situation. But given Jackson's seemingly unprovoked attacks and the fact that he has the potential to harm Pepper truly seriously, I wouldn't think you'd want to sit on this any longer to work it out themselves. Just one unpredictable attack could have really bad consequences. I am so sorry that things are not going smoothly for you guys, but I think you are taking the right steps to try to get a handle on it.
Harley PoMMom
01-18-2017, 10:56 AM
Oh Shana!
Congratulations on the new addition to your family!! And I am sorry to be late in welcoming your new precious boy, Pepper!!!!
When I adopted Sampson my cat just hated him. In fact when Sampson was first let of his crate my cat (Alex the bad cat) hissed and backed poor Sampson into a corner, Sampson was terrified. Walking them both together helped immensely in getting them to be friends although every now and then Alex would let Sampson know that he was the top "dog" Alex always thought he was a dog in a cat's body :D
I am sure with the behaviorist and Saskia that they will be able to help get things sorted out between Jackson and Pepper.
Love and hugs, Lori
01-18-2017, 11:33 PM
Marianne, Lori, thank you.
Saskia has been so very helpful with messages today, providing suggestions on how to set up the dogs for success.
And tonight I spoke to the behaviorist, Cathy, for quite a while on the phone. She will be coming over next Tuesday when I get off of work for her initial consult. I have shared with her everything I could think of about Jackson's experiences to date, and the interactions between Jack and Pepper so far. Of course I hope that her evaluation will say that if we can do X Y Z then she believes all will be well. I know it will probably take time and a fair amount of work, even in the best case scenario, and I am committed to that. At the same time, I am trying to prepare myself for the possibility that she will suggest rehoming Pepper.
For now, I remain hopeful. We will be walking them "together" in the morning, keeping them separated when I am home alone (tonight and Monday night) or THEY are home alone, with Pepper in his crate or in a different room.
My husband put Pepper in his crate before he left for work and he has stayed there so far this evening. I gave Jackson some attention away from Pepper, as well as a little training in the same room as Pepper's crate. Then I told Jackson to lay down; he chose to go in the other room and I opened the crate and gave Pepper some attention. He came out of the crate just far enough to rest his head on my legs. What dinner he ate, was in his crate. He hasn't needed to go out so he's basically just snoring away.
I kind of feel bad for leaving him in there all the time but I have to keep reminding myself this is just a short term solution. It sucks, but I think it is the best choice for us right now. Both Saskia and Cathy essentially agree, keeping them separated, especially when I am home alone with them is good. If I can figure out a room that Pepper could be in so he has a little more space, with his crate, some toys, etc that would be better. Then I can go in there and spend some time with him, as well as spend time with Jackson where he is. Cathy said that if they will respect a baby gate (Jackson always has before), then using that as a barrier would be a good choice. I'll talk to my husband about their ideas in the morning and see what we can do.
For now, I'm going to try to get some sleep. I didn't get too much last night.
01-19-2017, 04:17 AM
Shana, I am so proud of you :) I hope you slept better last night and you all had a good walk this morning...
Saskia :)
01-19-2017, 06:41 AM
Shana, I am so proud of you, too. I am truly hoping things will settle down soon. In the meantime, you are doing a great job of working toward that goal.
01-19-2017, 08:22 AM
Thank you. Sincerely.
Last night was really good. Of course, the dogs had extremely limited access to each other but hey - there were no scuffles, growls or anything so I'll mark it as a win!
When I had to let Pepper out to go potty, I put Jackson out back. Then I took Pepper to the front door. Jackson inside, behind baby gate. Leash on Pepper and out the front we go. But he didn't go. So... bring him back in and put a leash on Jackson too. I tethered him to furniture in the living room, through which I had to walk Pepper to go to the back yard. Told Jackson to sit/stay - and he did. The tether was there just in case. Then Jackson got to go around the block with me.
When we came back, I left Jack in the front room in a sit/stay and let Pepper back in and to his crate. Jackson was then allowed in the room and all was good.
I told Jackson to lay down, then opened the door to Pepper's crate and gave him attention. Jack stayed so well and Pepper got a little love. He didn't want to stay in his crate :( but he had to. So I put the TV on and sat in there with him and Jack until Pepper was snoring. :p Then Jackson and I went upstairs to bed.
Pepper woke me around midnight because he needed to pee. I had Jackson lay down, took Pepper to the back door and as soon as we were outside, Jackson ran past us. Pepper saw him, turned around to go back in the house. I told him it was okay and he turned back around to go in the yard. I stayed outside and watched, once Jack was done he looked toward Pepper. I said his name and he looked to me, then back at Pepper. I said his name and called him to come inside; he ran straight to me. :D He got lots of praise for being such a good dog, dried off and then told to go lay down again. Stay.
Once Pepper was done, he comes up onto the deck but keeps a bit of distance from the door and looks at me as if to ask if it's ok to approach. I went back outside with the towel to dry him off there, then led him inside and to his crate. He really didn't want to go inside this time but once in he settled right down.
Jackson and I went back upstairs to bed until my alarm woke us. :D
My husband came home early last night so he was already sleeping. He woke but is really sleepy; since he does not have to work tonight, I will walk the dogs separately this morning. We will do our first together walk tonight.
I moved Pepper's crate to the laundry "room" (really more like a hallway) which has a sliding door. I also set up a gate in the doorway, so we can still close the door but we can keep it open with just the gate if that works okay. At the moment the door is open. Pepper has room in front and behind the crate, and just enough room on one side to pass it. I feel better about this arrangement and a bonus - it provides him with full time access to a water dish. It is also where I have been feeding him most of the time so he naturally heads there as a safe spot anyway.
Ok - off to walk Jackson.
I'm so grateful for all of your support. SO grateful.
01-19-2017, 09:49 AM
Good job, Shana!! I was so anxious to read your report this morning, and am so glad to hear how things are going. Yay for all four of you!
01-19-2017, 01:57 PM
Shana -- it sounds like a lot of work just reading what you are doing but I bet it is going to pay off big-time with two much happier pups co-existing! I'm glad you got some sleep last night --
01-19-2017, 03:07 PM
I remain hopeful that the amount of work involved will decrease as time goes by. Some of it is setting up the environment, and some of it is having to do everything without another person there to support. When my husband is there, it makes it all SO much easier, as then we can each take a dog and do whatever needs doing. I really really hope that having him home for the next few days, and walking the boys together, will reap some major rewards soon. Not that I expect an overnight miracle... but I can still hope for one! ;)
molly muffin
01-19-2017, 04:29 PM
Congratulations Shana!!! What an adorable little guy.
I think that with you being proactive that you will have success, it just will take time. You are really on top of this and working towards a positive outcome so that is good.
Hopefully Jackson will settle down in no time, once he realizes he is still your precious boy and nothing changes that.
Pepper of course is just too adorable!
01-20-2017, 12:48 PM
My husband was home with the boys all day yesterday. He slept only a few hours in the morning but told me then they were "free" throughout the house the rest of the day with him. He gave them treats throughout the day, they passed each other (in the hallway I think he said), went outside to potty and came back in without issues. Jackson growled at Pepper once but otherwise they were fine. :)
I came home and the boys were both in the hallway, behind the baby gate and next to each other, tail wagging and so excited to see me. :D I took off my coat and came through the gate, tails wagging and happy. I fed them separately, picked up their dishes and put them away, then joined my husband and his friend who was visiting in the kitchen.
Jackson came in and lay down under the table. I was standing near the door a few minutes later, when Pepper came through the doorway behind me, walked next to me and approached our visitor. Jackson attacked him again. :eek: I immediately raised my voice and said "knock it off" :mad: ... and Jack stopped right away. Pepper ran out of the room. I made sure both dogs were ok and gave each one attention and reassurance, physically separated. The rest of the evening and this morning, Pepper was in his crate with the door open, behind the baby gate in the laundry room.
This morning we walked the dogs separately. I took Jackson out and went across the street, waiting for my husband and Pepper to come out. They got to the street but were too close so Jackson barked and lunged. We moved away and they kept back far enough that Jackson knew they were there but was able to walk with me. Jackson sometimes was oblivious of them, walking and looking forward, or sniffing things. Whenever I saw him look back and then look forward again without stopping I said "yes!" and gave him a treat. A handful of times he stopped and stared at them. If I touched him or moved so he couldn’t see them, he would turn and start walking again. For the last two blocks, they were on the same side of the street but far enough back that Jackson didn't care.
We got home, went inside and upstairs. Maybe 10 minutes later, I went downstairs with Jackson following me. Pepper was with my husband in the office, only a few feet away. I went the other way, through the baby gate and the dogs were on the other side… not necessarily together but not with any barriers. And they were fine. My husband went over to give Jackson some attention, Pepper went up a few steps, my husband sat down at the bottom of the steps between the dogs and gave them both attention. And they were fine.
So I can’t explain what happened next. To me. I think I just feel so stressed (work has been absolutely horrible this week too), I just broke down and cried. I had to ask my husband to put Pepper in the laundry room so I could finish getting ready for work. I talked to him for quite a while about all of it (so I was late to work-oops) and he is absolutely certain that everything will be fine in time. But he told me that he heard fear in my voice last night when I told them to knock it off. He said I need to try to project confidence, or maybe even anger. Be stern and very matter of fact, that such behavior is NOT acceptable. I thought that’s what I was doing. :confused: :(
We want them to co-exist, be in the same room and relaxed, and eventually be able to play with each other again like they did that first night. That’s the goal. And I was SO happy to know they were able to be together yesterday without issues. They didn’t play, but they didn’t fight either. But I’m conflicted because that means they can’t be together and be with me right now. It seems to be all about me… and I HATE that. It’s a catch 22. I am the problem, which makes me anxious/nervous/stressed, which only makes it worse! :(
I asked my husband to put Pepper in the laundry room when I come home tonight. I *know* I am stressed from work when I get home, and I need them to be separated so I can unwind. I don’t think he liked the idea, but he agreed to do that for me.
We CAN do this. They DO get along, for 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds a day. It is just that one second that SUCKS!!
01-20-2017, 02:04 PM
You absolutely can do this!! Sometimes when we want something so badly it gets to be a stress trigger--do whatever you need to do to stay as relaxed as possible. Iif that means having them separated when you arrive home, so be it. Unfortunately, resolution may just take time--although we think are pups understand everything we say, they just aren't able to do that.
Okay, enough philosophy ... sending you a big hug! :D
01-20-2017, 03:25 PM
Thanks, Judy. I think Jackson and I need the same thing - to see that everything IS fine. He and Pepper can be in the same room, with me, everyone calm, relaxed, and comfortable. We need to see that over and over and over and over. It's hard to be calm, relaxed and comfortable until then ... so I kind of understand how he feels.
molly muffin
01-20-2017, 05:24 PM
It is so stressful when two animals in the house are not getting along it's hard to find that calm place you need to be for them. We are dealing with two cats fighting that have been best buddies for years but now we have daily fighting and pinning down and torn claws, blood. It's horrible and damn if I can find my calm place sometimes either.
I am hoping that time will make Jackson realize he doesn't need to guard around you or act out. He probably is even more protective now after Visuddha passed. So time. You can do this. I know it and luckily Pepper is a sweetheart that just wants to get along with everyone so hoping that helps Jackson.
01-21-2017, 08:39 AM
Hi Shana, when I saw your latest post, it was already late here and I had to go to sleep. :)
Let me start by saying that this is a difficult subject...behaviour. (for me personally, since I am not there and cannot see what is happening) But in general...there are many people, many views, ideas and thoughts out there regarding behaviour. All I can do is share my thoughts :) And that is what they are, my thoughts, nothing more, nothing less :) And, I feel it's my duty to represent the dog(s), in all circumsances. Having said all this, here we go :D
" He said I need to try to project confidence, or maybe even anger. Be stern and very matter of fact, that such behavior is NOT acceptable"
My personal opinion in this is that dogs need to be able to epress themselves and they do it growling, snapping, etc. If you "punish" this language, expression of feelings, you risk ending up with a dog that has learned that "warning" first is not a good idea because he will get punished for it, so he will skip the warning and go directly to the real thing... They are not children who you can explain that they should be sharing toys with their lillte buddy :) Jackson is letting you and Pepper know how he feels...he is telling you in the only way he can, in dog
language :)
From the incidents that have happened so far, it seems to me that Jackson is okay with Pepper being somewhere around but not with Pepper coming too close (to his people, his visitors, his bowl, his space, etc.) So, it's important to prevent both Jackson from "talking" and to protect Pepper from it. This means you need to be very aware when such situations can occur...and since Jackson is a very well trained dog from what I can tell, it would be maybe a better idea, in case of the visitor for example, to not let Jackson lay under a table...but to assign him a place and sent him there....and stay. And then you could perhaps guide Pepper to the visitor to meet. But Jackson should not have the possibility to "make his own decissions" in such situations. Because he will be faster then you :D It's all about setting them up for success :) And that means to you have to control the environment, who is where, doing what, etc.
I also feel it's my duty to have people think... from differant angles. It's not always appreciated and I certainly don't mean to being mean or a party pooper but it is part of being a behaviorist...even one that isn't actively working anymore :)
In my opinion and my experience over many years, if two dogs do not get along well right away, it will remain (in most cases, there are exceptions of course) difficult or at least, not quite satisfactory. It's only fair if and when both dogs can be truly who they are. When they don't have to be on guard all the time (either to defend something...or either to tip toe constantly out of fear for an other confrontation)
And I can't tell you what the case is, that's up to you and mainly up to Jackson and Pepper :) But I feel it is my duty to mention this as well...I wouldn't be doing it right if I didn't. And I don't know Jackon, I don't know if he is part Australin Cattle dog...if he is, this behaviour would be completely normal for the breed. He would simply be an Australian Cattle Dog :) They are good with other dogs, pets, kids, if the grew up with them (which was the case with Visuddha) but they are not good with dogs, pets and children other then their own. (and of course, this is general...there will be definately Australian Cattle dogs that are great with other dogs :) ) And they also tend to be defensive and in that sense, his behaviour makes completely sense to me. Except, that I do not know if he is part Australian Cattle dog :)
Something else I wanted to mention...and I feel bad because you might think I want to bring you down...and trust me, I don't want to do that...but I have to be honest, to the best of my abbilities and knowledge...I hope you understand that.
Ver often and very many people will say..."they (the dogs) will figure it out amongst themselves", "once leadership is established, its all good" ... But I am sorry to say, it's a myth. And I have still see, too many dogs, living together, with proud owners saying...that it took a while, but now they get along well. Well, the truth, unfortunately for those dogs, is often different. I see nervous dogs, shy dogs, bullying dogs...often very subtle (and the owners don't notice it) but at least one of those dogs is suffering and unable to shine, to be who he/she is. But usually both are suffering since also the one that's the "leader" is often stressed due to the situation.
And I cannot tell if this is the case or not, I am not there, I cannot observe both dogs but it's something one has to take into consideration.
Because, that's all it is...things to think about and to see if it applies to your situation or not... I cannot tell from here :)
But that you are doing a wonderful job, that is something I can tell from here... truly :)
So, I will be very curious to see what the behaviorist will say and think coming Tuesday :)
If there's anything in the meantime, you knwo where to find me, just whistle and I'll be there :)
Saskia :)
01-21-2017, 06:24 PM
Thank you, Saskia. I understand where you are coming from, you mean well, are trying to help and not be mean or anything like that. You ARE helping. You have experience and knowledge that I do not have, and everything you have shared with me is from that perspective. Also knowing that you are on the other side of the world so all you can know about Jackson or Pepper (or me!) is what I tell you. I understand how difficult it is to help someone from a distance like that... in something so much simpler and "black and white" than behavior. So I can only imagine how much more difficult your position is here. I appreciate it all so much and am looking forward to when Cathy will be here Tuesday to SEE the dogs for herself and tell me her thoughts, too. :) Now, with all that said.... :D
People I have spoken to in person, including my husband, oldest son, and other dog owners (but not trainers or behaviorists-yet) have all said the same thing... it just takes time. I do hear what you are saying though too, that we (as owners) may not recognize the subtle signs that the dogs are not comfortable, or as happy as they could be. They look like they get along fine but they are under constant stress.
So I am curious, you said "if two dogs do not get along well right away"... do you mean if they are not best buddies from the very first meeting, living, eating, playing together immediately and from that point on? Because while I suppose it is possible (like love at first sight for people), wouldn't that be more rare? The common (positive) occurrence might be that they get along "just OK" at first but not great, perhaps with a conflict here and there, especially in the first weeks or months... but otherwise they get along well from then on. Or is it more likely that those dogs are under constant stress and we just don't recognize that, and love at first sight is the only way two dogs will be best of friends? Or am I projecting human relationships onto the dogs? :)
From my perspective, Visuddha and Jackson got along well when they first met but V was very unhappy with him getting into our truck. Once home, though I would like to think they were best buddies, they were not without their differences. My husband has reminded me of that, though I don't remember so well other than their very first meeting and one occasion when V had a bone that Jackson got too close to. Then again, maybe they were always under stress... Jackson was free from that for a little while... but now Pepper's here and threatening that freedom. Or something. I don't know. :confused:
I will absolutely let you know what I find out on Tuesday.
And now for an update! Last night we kept the dogs separated. Mostly so we could all relax and unwind from a stressful week. I spent time with both of them, separately, where the other dog could see and/or hear me... and sometimes pet them both at the same time.
This morning my husband and I talked about everything some more, without me having to leave for work this time. :) I think he believes they will be fine, if I will just relax. :) They both sense my stress which makes them anxious - even if they're not already - and Jackson is lashing out. I can't disagree with that... they can tell when I'm feeling good and when I'm not. Last night helped with that a lot.
Then we took the dogs out, this time Jackson with him and Pepper with me. Jackson whined when he saw me on the street, but settled quickly into a walk. Pepper on the other hand was showing off his best sled dog behavior. I honestly slid down the driveway and part of the street without picking up my feet at all. It was all I could do to not fall! :eek: He wanted nothing to do with anything I tried other than go go go sniff sniff sniff. We stopped. Turned around. Stopped again. Turned around again. Nothing was helping. My husband and Jackson got really far away before he realized we weren't following, and stopped to wait. Then a man crossed the intersection with his two dogs and Pepper decided he needed to talk to them (boy are beagles loud!!) and I needed a break. I told my husband to just go on, and Pepper and I came home.
I spent a few minutes on the deck with him, telling him how sorry I was for all the stress of the past week, and on and on. I pet him and he listened so politely. :) Then he gave me a kiss and lay down.
Ahhhhhhh. Okay. You wanna try again, buddy?
Out we went, but I was better prepared mentally this time. Leash training was the goal, not trying to keep up with Jackson. ;)
We came home and Jackson was already there, looking at us through the baby gate with his head tilted. Tail wagging. Got Pepper inside, talked to my husband for a few about the walks and then took Jackson back out. He could use a little more time out there, and I wanted to walk with a loose leash again so I remember how it feels!! :D We also worked on a couple other skills to help him with his leash-reactivity (u-turns and "watch!" which are going well).
We've been home for a few hours now and dare I say, it's been peaceful. We had to do some work which required us to repeatedly go back and forth between the kitchen and the garage. Pepper whined at the door of the garage and since I was sitting just the other side, I opened the door. Jackson saw me and came up right behind Pepper... they were both just wanting to come out and be with us. Back and forth we go, and they both just followed us.
Now they're laying down in separate rooms. My husband went up to go to bed and I think I'm going to lay down for a nap as well. Gate's going up again, just for my peace of mind.
01-21-2017, 07:25 PM
Shana -- so glad to hear that you are having some peaceful times. Just curious -- are you using a harness on Pepper? Just like with daschunds, this takes stress off of their necks which are prone to injury. It also allows much more control for you.
I hope the rest of your weekend goes smoothly and I, too, am looking forward to hearing what the behaviorist will suggest.
01-21-2017, 08:38 PM
Yes he has a harness. The biggest problem with his pulling is that the roads are icy right now. He even fell the other day, on sheer ice.
01-22-2017, 04:11 AM
Hi Shana :)
Thanks for understanding...realy :)
"So I am curious, you said "if two dogs do not get along well right away"... do you mean if they are not best buddies from the very first meeting, living, eating, playing together immediately and from that point on? Because while I suppose it is possible (like love at first sight for people), wouldn't that be more rare? "
It would be more rare, absolutely...but it would be the best choice, the easiest on both dogs and humans. What I personally would do when I had to help finding a second dog, was taking the resident dog to the shelter, meet several differant dogs and look at how both would react to each other. And what you will see is many differant meetings. Dometimes some sniffing and then turning away, or sniffing and sniffinf and sniffing and tense uo, or wiggling from head to tail, playbow...sniffing, jumping up and down, trying to get closer to the other dog....or sniffing, wiggling tails, licking ears, mouth...there are so many forms of how dogs react to each other when meeting for the first time. What you would be looking for is the meeting where both dogs are happy, tails wiggling, licking mouth and/or ears happy but not overly excited like jumping up and down, not giving each other their space... Too much exitement between dogs can also cause problems :) And of course, there can be one dog that is happy and the other isn't... it is not always a mutual like or dislike. The next step would be to take the best candidates and have them meet the resident dog at his/her home. (one by one of course :) ) Becuase behaviour is not a fixed situation. At the shelter, the resident dog was out of his/her comfortzone and may behave totally different there then he/she would at their own home. And the same goes for the shelter dog... You first take a walk with the resident dog and the possible newcomer and when that goes well, you go inside the home. Anyway, quite the process to come to the right choice...and it might even be the case that there isn't a good match at that time.
I would ask people, what were they looking for? And if they told me something like..."We want a ....(certain breed) ... or we want a nice small lapdog to cuddle with" , I would ask them "and what does your dog want?" And they would look at me strangely, hehehe... :D I would tell them I would be more then willing to help them pick a buddy for their dog, but I would not help them getting another dog for them ;) Some understood right away, others didn't. But what I am trying to say is, that if you go about picking another dog a certain way, you aim for that "love at first sight" because that will be the best match and it will be might just not be with the first (or 2nd or 3rd dog you meet) :) And I know, things are different here, especially our distances are never more then about 2.5 hours one way so it's easier to go visit several different dogs :) I saw many many dogs, before I picked Quincy...and they all were sweet, cute, wonderful dogs... but just not that special one I was looking for. It was awful to turn down all those other dogs..but I had to keep my goal in mind, make that my priority...and my patience was rewarded, big time :D
Uh oh, no Quincy-talk or I will never stop ;)
Also, your husband is right, the more relaxed you are, the better it will be for the dogs :) And having the weekend, with both him and you at home, will be a good start I think :) Also, Jackson is very well trained by the sound of it, which I compliment you with since that is not always the case....well trained dogs :) I would use his training as much as you can in certain situations, it gives Jackson something to do, to focus on other then Pepper and what he is doing, and it gives you more "control"over a situation :) And I truly hope that everything will work out perfectly and that Tuesday will go so well and positive :) Cause Pepper could not have hoped for a better, more loving and dedicated home :)
Saskia :)
01-22-2017, 08:35 AM
I wish I would have talked to you before we brought Pepper home. Or even better, had you :D (or another behaviorist :rolleyes:) with me to go through all of those steps, to find someone that Jackson truly loved from the beginning!
It has been our goal to have a buddy for Jackson, most of all. It was something I wanted for him since he was about 2 years old, someone closer to his size than Visuddha so they could play. But I was not certain I would be willing to handle 3 dogs, nor was I sure how Visuddha would be with another, so we didn't get a third.
And now here we are.
My husband is certain that all will be well. I am hopeful but not as certain, mostly because I suspect that how I define "well" and he defines "well" are not exactly the same. :rolleyes:
We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
01-22-2017, 02:29 PM
Mostly because I want to document how things are going, so I can look back on this later... but the boys have been going outside to potty without incident. I've watched them from a window and saw Pepper peeing on a bush, Jackson watching from halfway across the yard. Just before Pepper finished, Jackson started running straight at him. Pepper scooted "around the corner" of the bush and Jackson sniffed then peed on his spot. Pepper turned around and sniffed Jack, then they both took off running toward the house. :)
They also pass each other in the hallway or near the kitchen, though Pepper is definitely turning away and keeping his distance more than Jackson.
I took Jackson out for a walk and the roads are even more icy than they were yesterday! :eek: It took us well over an hour to go our usual 40 minute walk, though we were also practicing a few U-turns and lots and lots of "Watch!". I almost fell twice and really tweaked my back one of those times, :( so need some rest and stretching before going back out with Pepper.
When Jackson and I returned, both boys got a treat toy, Pepper in his crate and Jackson in the other room. When they finished, they bounded outside. I turned away from watching them for a bit when my husband asked from the other room if I could see them. I looked out just in time to see Jackson in a play bow and Pepper run towards and then past him, with Jackson hot on his tail. Oh Yay!!! :D They ran up to the door where my husband was waiting and let them in.
More to come...
01-22-2017, 03:58 PM
What encouraging signs!! :D:D I know there may still be some hiccups but their interactions today are very promising.
01-22-2017, 04:00 PM
Glad I checked in before I went to bed...I will sleep well tonight :D
Squirt's Mom
01-22-2017, 04:04 PM
OH, that does sound promising, Shana! :cool::cool::cool:
01-22-2017, 08:45 PM
Hiccups. I like that term.
I took Pepper out for a bit this afternoon. I am reasonably certain everyone in PetSmart was happy we left. The first half of our adventure in the store was great. Then we found the cats for adoption. Just as he quieted down, he saw another dog. Heading straight for him, the dog snarled. His owner did not see it and was going to come closer. Pepper doesn't seem to have manners... he was walking straight toward this little growling dog, pulling on his leash. I turned around and practically had to drag him around the corner before he finally decided to follow me willingly.
Another dog at the register had the same reaction. We waited until they left. A man came up behind us and Pepper was getting attention when the first dog came up behind him. Off he went again.
Gotta love beagles!
When we got home, all was well at first. I should have put Pepper in the laundry with the door closed as it was dinnertime. Jackson and I were in the kitchen, Pepper in the hallway. Jack growled and started after him, six inches away. I yelled something... hey I think. He stopped and looked up at me, and Pepper retreated. It's okay buddy... my fault.
I put Pepper in the laundry, got their dinners. Pepper is roaming a bit more, getting more comfortable. Jackson is looking to me. Pepper just approached me on the couch, Jackson near with only a glance.
Small hiccups we can handle. :)
Harley PoMMom
01-23-2017, 10:45 AM
When you got home I wonder if Jack's negative response to Pepper was because he smelled all the other dog's scent on him?? :confused:
01-23-2017, 02:17 PM
Hmm. That's a possibility I hadn't considered. I automatically figured it was because it was time to eat. I've been putting Pepper in the laundry to wait while I get their food (which means walking past him to the garage where the kibble is kept, then to the kitchen), but I hadn't done that yet. Jackson's very first issue with him was around dinner time so I've been careful about it... except last night.
Anyway, after Pepper approached me on the couch last night, he walked between the couch and the coffee table - RIGHT IN FRONT OF JACKSON, who didn't make a sound or move. No big deal. Oh yay!
I went into the kitchen and played cards with my husband, son and his girlfriend for a couple hours. Jackson was in there with us most of the time, while Pepper chose to go snore in his crate. Bedtime was a non issue.
Breakfast this morning was equally uneventful. Both boys went outside to potty and Pepper followed only a few feet behind Jackson to come in! Yay! :) Not sure if I mentioned it but Pepper's been reluctant to even come back into the house when he can see Jackson is nearby. More progress.
I sat at my computer for a cup of coffee with Jackson laying at my feet. Pepper did a little chasing of the cat, hounding her in the kitchen. :eek:
Later, I took Jackson out for a walk. My husband couldn't go this morning so Pepper was upset that he wasn't going but he was distracted with treats. When Jackson and I got back, Pepper got to go for a walk too (or more accurately, random laps in an intersection trying to learn how to *not* pull on the leash). He's also learning to sit to get his harness on and off (wiggly but at least he's sitting), and before I open the door. Boy is he excited for that walk. :D
Both boys got a couple treats when we returned, and I got ready and went off to work. Pepper sat at the gate so I could exit without trying to push his way out. ;) AND he didn't make a racket as I got ready to go (other mornings I've left the house with a rather noisy little boy).
My husband will put up the baby gate when he leaves for work again, just to be safe. I love how relaxed and quiet everyone is when I get home, with that up, so that may be the usual procedure for quite some time (if it ever changes).
01-23-2017, 04:27 PM
Shana -- I wanted to share how I walked with my beagles. With my first beagle, Maggie, I learned to have different kinds of walks with her. Sometimes we went for "smells" and other times we went for "walks" and most often it was a combination of the two. Basically, she dictated which we did. I'm sure that dog trainers would object but we had a much better time outside if I wasn't forcing her to walk a long distance without stopping to smell. I did the same with Abbie when she was younger -- now that she is older, I am just happy when she wants to go out! :D If someone is very active physically, i.e., a runner, then training a dog to participate in that activity is great -- I just don't fall in that category.
01-24-2017, 03:49 AM
Judy...that's how it should be, in my opinion :) Walks are for dogs...and if you have a sniffer, then let them snif :D They are locked up inside for a several hours because we have to work and then when we finally get home, we rush the dog during a walk. Why? Because we are in a hurry? Bad luck,'s dogtime during walks and nothing else :) Really, it's better to make time for a good dog walk once a day then go for 2 or 3 short, hurry, hurry...and frustrating walks. Dogs go through life with their smell being the most important sense...we should allow them to fulfill that need. It's better for their mental health and wellbeing :) And many people find it awful, that consant sniffing, the slow progress, etc...but try and engage in what your dog is doing. If he's sniffing out something...ask him "is that a good smell?" and if your dog is looking up to you, look at the spot of the smell...that way you let your dog know you understad and are interested too :) Sounds silly...but really, try it :D Turn that phone off, keep it in your pocket, look at the things your dog is looking at, try to see what he sees....your walks will never be the same ;)
Saskia :)
01-24-2017, 02:28 PM
Oh, I agree! I'm not trying to keep him from sniffing - don't think I could if I tried - but AM trying to keep him from dragging me down the street ALL the time. Especially when the roads are so icy (I fell this morning just walking on black ice - no dogs at fault)! So he can sniff, but he doesn't always get to choose which way we go and what he can sniff. ;)
I think I mentioned previously that the flu is epidemic in our area this year. Cathy (the behaviorist) is home sick. :( She was willing to keep our appointment tonight but wanted to make sure I knew she was sick... and while I would be okay with her coming over... for HER sake I told her to stay home. She needs to do all she can to fight that flu and feel better. We are not in a dire emergency and can wait. :)
So we will take it day by day and see how she is feeling, to reschedule. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Thursday... it all depends on when she is feeling better.
01-24-2017, 04:12 PM
For MY sake you shoud have let her come :p :p :p Nah, jusy kidding of course ;)
At least now I can go to bed, knowing I don't have to wait up for an update on the visit of Cathy
Saskia :)
01-24-2017, 05:02 PM
For MY sake you shoud have let her come :p :p :p Nah, jusy kidding of course ;)
At least now I can go to bed, knowing I don't have to wait up for an update on the visit of Cathy
Saskia :)
HAHA! ;) :D :p I'll be sure to take your feelings into consideration tomorrow. ;)
01-24-2017, 09:21 PM
Shana--I remember those arm pulling days like they were yesterday! Thank goodness Abbie is much more "polite" in her senior days (a good thing because I am now going to physical therapy for tendonitis, bursitis and calcification of the rotator cuff tendon in my left shoulder!!).
01-27-2017, 06:51 AM
I have made the decision to rehome Pepper. I must admit that just making this decision makes my heart hurt so much, but I know with absolute certainty that this is the right thing to do. For Jackson. For my husband and me. And ultimately for Pepper.
I let the behaviorist Cathy know I made this decision because "as much as I want to say I'm willing to do what is necessary to make this work... it is already very stressful for everyone in the house. Especially Jackson, and he needs to come first." She replied "In all honesty, from our conversations, I think this is the best decision on your part. I always tell my clients that Quality of Life for Everybody Matters, Including the Dogs." She offered to help research a new home for him, unless he was going back to the rescue... but that won't be necessary. :)
I contacted the rescue organization where I got him and asked what they required, as my adoption was conditional upon returning him if it didn't work out ... and my friend Tina and her husband want him! :) Judy asked only that they fill out the adoption application for their records, and return him to her if they cannot keep him. They will not be charged an adoption fee.
When I told Tina yesterday that I was going to return him to the rescue she said "Wait - let me talk to (her husband). I really really want him." They lost their beagle Serra just a little over two years ago, and are ready for another. They'd been considering getting two female puppies if they could find them but hadn't had any luck with that yet. I have been sharing all of the issues and concerns we have had with him.... how his paperwork says he was dog aggressive (before neutering), he pulls on a leash, doesn't appear to have been socialized at all, barks and pulls like crazy at other dogs who really don't want him close, everything.... She knows and she still wants him. ;) :) After discussing it with her husband last night, she sent me a text that "He said YES!!!" :D She said they both cried, which of course made me cry. They are going to meet him tonight after work. :)
Thank you to all of you who supported us during the past couple weeks, most especially Saskia. I really would have been lost without you.
01-27-2017, 07:06 AM
Oh Shana, now you've got me crying, too! What a happy ending, and I totally agree that this sounds like the best decision all the way around. I've learned so much, too, from all the things Saskia has written here. And now I feel so much better prepared if we consider adding another family member alongside Luna in the future. You have still ended up saving Pepper by being his temporary custodian, and thanks to Saskia's tips, there is still every chance that Jackson may ultimately find another companion with whom he is compatible. I do think this is the right decision, and I am very relieved for you all!
Squirt's Mom
01-27-2017, 08:35 AM
Oh honey, wast a wonderful outcome for a sad situation. I dear friend just had to make the same decision but didn't have the support of a rescue like the one Pepper came thru nor anyone who would step up to take her boy. She is crushed. I am so very glad Pepper has a good home to go to right away where he is wanted so badly! As I told her - you have made the decision that is best for all concerned, be proud.
01-27-2017, 09:10 AM
Dear Shana,
I truly understand that it hurts to have made that decission, but you have the best, the biggest and purest (dog)heart anyone could have :) Your decission, eventhough painful for you at this moment, is probably the best thing anyone ever did for Pepper. For Jackson too...most definately, but Jackson already has the advantage of having such wonderfull people and such a loving home to call his home. And because of you...because you brought Pepper home, and because you were willing to really go for it, were willing to ask for help...were willing to do whatever it took, Pepper now also will have his own special people and loving home. And not that you wouldn't have loved giving him that, you tried so hard...but Jackson and pepper decided differantly :) And they always should have the final word...and I command you tremendously for listening to them :) They DO talk to us...we just need to learn how to listen...and you did just that. I am so proud of you...
Big hugs,
Saskia :)
Harley PoMMom
01-27-2017, 10:00 AM
Oh Shana,
I'm so sorry to hear that things didn't work out with Pepper, I know you and your husband have tried everything under the sun to create a harmonious relationship between Pepper and Jackson. I completely understand and truly agree that you made the right decision in re-homing him. And it is so wonderful that your friend Tina and her husband have agreed to take him!!!
Love and hugs, Lori
01-27-2017, 11:05 AM
Thank you all. I am so grateful that he has a new home to go to, I am trying to focus on that and the happiness that brings... I am truly so happy for him, and for Tina and her husband. Jackson's going to feel smothered this weekend though, I just know it. :o We'll probably get some good long walks in, too. :)
I have to tell you - Tina is SO excited!!! :D When I gave her the news from Judy she asked if that means Pepper can go home with her tonight... YEP! :D Then she sent me a text before I got to work that her boss is letting her leave when I do! She absolutely cannot contain herself... she came over to my desk when I got here and was grinning from ear to ear and practically skipping. :D She said she can hardly wait!!
01-27-2017, 04:29 PM
Shana -- I can only guess at how agonizing your decision to rehome Pepper was but what an awesome outcome! It sounds like the best possible decision for everyone involved. Give Jackson a big hug from us!
Whiskey's Mom
01-27-2017, 06:30 PM
Wow! I haven't been on in awhile so I've missed so much! But I'm happy things worked out the way they did, for all of you & especially Pepper. Even though you couldn't keep him, The chain of events have led him to a loving home, which has me crying tears of joy! And I too have learned so much from Saskia, how amazing.:) Hope you have a great weekend spoiling your boy!
01-27-2017, 07:59 PM
Pepper just left with Tina.
My heart is so happy for him, for her... and already so broken missing that little wiggly monkey.
I could never intentionally be a foster mom. Those of you who do... must have much bigger and stronger hearts than I.
This is the right choice. This IS the right choice. For so MANY reasons.
I will get to see him if I want. He's not gone. There will be pictures on Facebook. Lots of pictures.
But it still hurts like hell.
:( :( :(
01-27-2017, 09:02 PM
((((((((Huge hugs to you, Shana, huge hugs...:o :o :o))))))
Squirt's Mom
01-28-2017, 09:21 AM
((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) You will always have a spot in your heart where Pepper lives but it does get better and getting to have contact plus see him so happy in his new home will help a great deal.
01-28-2017, 09:26 AM
Last night was hard. Pepper left a gaping hole in my heart, after only a week and half with us.
I do not regret the decision.
Unfortunately, Tina is bringing him back today. He won't fit in their home after all. Too determined, too focused on harassing their cats.
I have already emailed the rescue and will be returning him to them today.
01-28-2017, 11:16 AM
Oh my. This is sad news indeed. You are still making the right decision, but I know this makes things feel 100% harder, especially having to make the drive back to the rescue. :( :( :(
I'm keeping you all in my thoughts today, Shana.
01-28-2017, 12:26 PM
It's ok. In addition to the issues we had with him, my husband will be working on day shift starting next week - so the dogs would be home alone all day. Not the ideal situation, especially given their already apparent stress with each other.
Tina took Pepper by her vet's office last night on the way to her house, and he very obviously snarled and barked at a pomeranian there... his lunging and pulling was NOT friendly behavior. He was similarly behaved towards their cats. I didn't see him being truly aggressive, only persistent, and he wasn't that way at the rescue either (who has an older very dog savvy cat, and bassets - one in particular who I was told corrected any unruly behavior by the 'visitors').
I took him back to the rescue and passed on our experiences so they will hopefully find the right home for him on the next go round. It wasn't near as difficult to say goodbye this morning as it was last night. He'll find a good home. It just won't be with us.
Squirt's Mom
01-28-2017, 01:01 PM sorry to hear he didn't fit with Tina. They were so excited and I had so hoped this was the home for him. :(:(:(
01-28-2017, 05:50 PM
The right people will come for Pepper...I am sure :) Am still very proud of you...
Saskia :)
01-29-2017, 04:08 PM
Shana -- I am so sorry that both you and Pepper have been on such a roller coaster. I agree with Saskia -- I bet there is a perfect forever home for Pepper out there -- maybe one with no other pets and with someone who is retired and home quite a bit.
Hugs to you!
01-30-2017, 01:32 PM
Thank you. Tina and I are both at peace with our decisions. She and her husband learned from this experience as well and are thinking now that they will wait to adopt another dog until their cats are gone, and they are retired and can be home with them full time. Me? I don't know if or when we'll get another. It could be next weekend, or 5 years from now. We'll just wait and see.
In the meantime, it helps to know that Pepper is in Judy's home and not in a cold shelter somewhere. And I agree - he is a great little dog who will find the right home before long. :)
molly muffin
01-30-2017, 06:44 PM
Sometimes things just don't work out the way you wish they would and it takes a lot of guts to acknowledge that and make other arrangements . You did good Shana. It isn't the easiest but it is what is best for all including Pepper. HUGS!
02-09-2017, 11:40 AM
Pepper was adopted!! :D:D
Their message:
We "just love Pepper and we're pretty sure he loves us too!
As you know it was as love at first sight for me, just from the post on the Facebook. Then when I met him on Tuesday it was confirmed. By the time we got home, it felt like he knew it too. He ran all over the yard and walked right in the doggie door like he knew it was his.
When my husband and Pepper met it was a snuggle fest. So by Thursday we knew Pepper is the perfect dog for us."
I could not be happier for that little guy, and his new family. :D
02-09-2017, 11:58 AM
Great news, Shana....and you got the ball rolling!
02-09-2017, 01:59 PM
I know you are feeling relieved and happy for sweet Pepper!
02-09-2017, 03:37 PM
This is super good news, for sure!! Looks as though things worked out in the best possible way for everybody. ;) :) :)
Harley PoMMom
02-09-2017, 03:58 PM
Awww!! What great news!!!!!!
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2017, 12:02 PM
I was so glad to read that post and very happy things have worked out for Pepper as they have! I know you are relieved as well. ;)
molly muffin
02-13-2017, 06:16 PM
Awww wonderful news that Pepper found his perfect place and that they let you know. I am sure your mind and heart both feel better now that you know this.
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