View Full Version : My yorkie Gracie
10-20-2016, 03:26 AM
Hi, my name is Dottie and I have a 9 yr old female yorkie who was diagnosed with Cushings about 2 yrs ago. Her testing was done correctly when first diagnosed. Initial test, put on 10 mg Vetoryl, tested 2 wks later, no dosage change, tested , I believe, 2 mos later, no dosage change. Then I changed vets, she was again tested and no dosage change. She was doing pretty good. Then due to some personal problems, I again had to change vets. Thus my reason for being here. She is not doing well at all. When I first went to this vet in May of this year, I requested X-rays to see where she stood with her cushings. All was good except her liver was slightly enlarged. She also did an ultrasound, which was same. Then in Aug she did a Cushings test, said her level was high and upped her vetoryl to 20 mg a day. She has gone down some since then. I am especially concerned with her distended abdomen and labored breathing. I requested a blood work up and liver enzymes were elevated, also the bun and a few more. I expressed my concern with her stomach and breathing. She got irritated, said everything had been tested and was
fine. Not so!! She weighs 8.6 lbs. Appreciate any help, please.
10-20-2016, 08:38 AM
Hi Dottie, welcome to you and your baby. I hate it when they tell you everything is fine, when you know it's not.
Just because the blood work looks fine, doesn't mean there isn't something wrong. Maybe you could ask the vet to recommend a cardiologist to check out the labored breathing?
More experienced members will be along and will ask for the test results, do you have them? If not, you should get them from your vet.
I hope your darling girl starts to feel better. I know how upsetting it is when we don't know what to do.
Harley PoMMom
10-20-2016, 01:05 PM
Hi Dottie,
Welcome to you and your girl from me as well! I have only a moment to post and as Joan has mentioned, getting copies of all tests and posting those results here would be a great help to us. Is Gracie eating and drinking normally? Any episodes of diarrhea? Is she taking any other herbs/supplements/medications?
Hugs, Lori
10-20-2016, 06:23 PM
Hello Dottie,
Welcome to our group. We'd be interested in the narrative of the last ultrasound, Pre and Post numbers with units of measure of the ACTH test in August also the one before that if possible, the latest blood and urine results for items that are out of range (Test / Value / Units of Measure, Range).
It could be that your new vet didn't follow protocol or incorrectly read the last ACTH test. Was your girl was doing well before the dosage increase or was she doing poorly and that's why you tested in August?
I'd find a new vet or IMS that has experience with Cushings and get an new ACTH test done ASAP. Also, If it were me and I couldn't get the latest ACTH results for the group to look at or an ACTH test done quickly I'd go back to 10 mg a day until I could. There are people here much more experienced than myself may tell you differently.
In my opinion the doubling of dosage was a wreckless decision and breaks protocol on dosage adjustments. A lower dosage at worst may make your dog show cushing symtoms. If the dosage is too high it will make your dog sick (Addisons Crisis) or possibly worse. I'd error on the side of lower dosage and cushing symptoms until things get straitened out.
My girl weighs 52 lbs and takes 25 mg once per day. All dogs are different I'm just telling you what my girl takes for your reference.
Darrell and Lolita
10-20-2016, 07:28 PM
Thanks to all of you for your kind suggestions. I have an appt with a new vet tomorrow am. I cannot afford a specialist right now, but I'm confident she can give me some answers and refer me to a specialist if necessary. It's a mixed bag of what it could be, with the cushings, it affects all of the organs. I pray things will be ok. She is on Denamarin for her liver, and I give her salmon oil 1x daily, 1/2 niacin 250mg every other day for high triglycerides, a probiotic, and an all natural multiple vitamin and mineral which also contains herbs and a number of other supplements. Her last ACTH in August was 14, according to her vet, and in February it was 3. I will have to pull her records that I have for the blood results. I am so glad I found this site. I can tell that you guys really care. I will fill you in on the vets visit.
10-20-2016, 07:56 PM
It's very unlikely a 3 (good place in the lower range 1.5 - 9.1) in February has come back high enough in August for a doubling of dosage. Feed your girl and dose her 10 mg 3 hours before the visit. That would give the new vet the opportunity to give an ACTH test tomorrow. Even if that meant feeding and dosing at noon for a 3 pm visit. I missed the 14 in August, sounds like something either really changed medically or the new vet just totally messed up the test.
Good Luck and get a paper copy of that test.
Darrell and Lo
10-21-2016, 08:09 AM
Hi Dottie, welcome! I'm glad you've an appointment with a new vet today. Please let us know what you find out!
molly muffin
10-21-2016, 11:49 PM
I wan to say hello and welcome also.
What did the new vet say today?
10-22-2016, 02:13 AM
Hi everyone, I took Gracie to the new vet yesterday. I like her very much. She goes into details when explaining things to you. The news was not good. She took another X-ray and her liver is very enlarged. It is pressing on her gall bladder and her intestines. She said there is nothing that can be done about it. She is going to do another ACTH test next week. I have stopped giving her the second vetoryl and I will not give it back to her. I have been giving her Meds for her liver for at least a year and obviously they didn't work. If anyone has any suggestions, please share. My heart is very heavy, I love this little girl so much.
Whiskey's Mom
10-22-2016, 08:27 AM
Whiskey has liver issues too. He had been on Denamarin for about a year and my vet switched him to Hepato Support. We haven't had his liver enzymes re checked yet since the switch but I definitely think it's helping. His poop had been orangey for awhile which indicated liver problems. After about two weeks that stopped and hasnt come back. His fur is soft and shiny again and his appetite is better too. It's also less expensive than Denamarin and for me it was easier to give, because it's given with food as opposed to on an empty stomach. I know it won't "cure" a bad liver but my boy is doing better on it. I called the manufacturer with questions and they were very helpful too. I should note that Whiskey is NOT on Vetoryl anymore. Hope you're girl feels better soon, I'm so sorry. I can relate to the heavy heart. It's an awful feeling
10-22-2016, 11:38 PM
Thank you Whiskey's Mom. You don't give Whiskey anything for his cushings? I only ask because I am really interested in how you are caring for your baby. If he is doing better, will you please fill me in on his history. I will do anything I can to help my Gracie. Your post seems so promising to me.
Whiskey's Mom
10-23-2016, 07:28 AM
Hi, Whiskey is not being treated for Cushings right now. His dosage of Vetoryl became less and less over a period of about 9 months. Then he seemed to feel so poorly while even on a low dose that I stopped it completely. His symptoms have not returned. I have my doubts as to he truly has Cushings at all. We do know his liver isn't good from the blood work results. I've never had an ultrasound, but my vet said his liver "feels enlarged" when she examines him. I learned more from the forum than I did from her and obviously she's not well versed in treating or diagnosing cushings. I don't want to give you false hopes but the Pets Rx Hepato support is worth a try. I got it from my vet first but It's available online from several places. I know there are liver diets out there too but I don't do that as of now. We just take it day by day, some days he's not as peppy as others. I'm beyond happy to have him by my side at almost 14. Hope your girl feels better soon.
10-24-2016, 01:20 AM
I have decided to try a holistic veternarian. There is one at the clinic where I saw the new vet. It is worth a try for my baby girl. Traditional medicine sure is not helping her. I will see how things go. I will keep updating my baby's status on here.
molly muffin
10-26-2016, 09:59 PM
I do hope that the holistic vet has some options for you. I used Hepato support for my dog too, for high liver values.
Do keep us updated on how she is dong.
11-04-2016, 11:47 PM
Hi everyone. I've been really busy with my Gracie. I took her to the holistic vet, whom I like very much. There is also a homeopathic vet at the same clinic. She is on a homeopathic cushings treatment, also Cushex-s drops, for her cushings, I put her on those. She is on a herb called liver happy, a treat like herb for the liver, and Denamarin, but I am going to try the other liver treatment mentioned here. I took her for an ultrasound yesterday to make sure she didn't have liver cancer. Her liver is good except for being enlarged, both her adrenals are enlarged, her kidneys are great. I will go with this for awhile and see how it goes. I hope everyone here is doing good. I will check back in soon.
molly muffin
11-07-2016, 07:35 PM
Good ultrasound report and consistent with cushings (adrenals and liver enlarged) Will you be doing a follow up ACTH test to see how she is doing after being on the holistic treatment for awhile?
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