View Full Version : Rollie - Need help with severe Calsinosis Cutis (Vetoryl)

10-09-2016, 11:51 PM
My Rollie has cushings and possibly the worst case of CC the vet has ever seen. Hes been on Vetoryl for almost 4 weeks now and i feel like the cc is getting worse. Its his whole back and face. =( breaks my heart.. any tips? Feeling hopeless.

10-10-2016, 08:57 AM
Hello and welcome to you and Rollie. I am sorry that I have only a moment to write at the moment, but I wanted to explain that I saw you had posted this reply to another member's thread. As you'll see, I've placed a copy here so that you and Rollie will have a thread that is your very own. This way, it will be easier for our members to reply to you directly.

Once again, welcome!

10-10-2016, 02:53 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Rollie! I wanted to provide you with a quote from one of our administrators to another member whose dog has CC:

I am sorry you and Herbie are dealing with calcinosis cutis (CC), and unfortunately CC gets worse before it gets better In our experience on the forum it seems that you need to get that post cortisol number down to least 5 ug/dl to get control of that CC. Our resident CC expert, Renee, is treating her sweet cushgirl, Tobey, for CC a second time around and Renee is also using Vetoryl to control the Cushing's. I am including a link to Renee's thread where you can read about their ongoing journey and gather information pertaining to CC: http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5908 [My girl pug (confirmed Cushings & confirmed calcinosis cutis)/Introduction]

Renee's thread is long but has invaluable information to someone dealing with this aspect of Cushing's.

In order to help us guide you better, would you please post the results (will be two numbers, a pre and post) of the ACTH tests that Rollie has had since starting Vetoryl? Also, if you could, please provide us with the results of the diagnostic tests that confirmed Cushing's as well as the results of recent lab tests. With regard to the latter, you need only post any blood tests that are high or low along with the range for that specific test. If a urine test was conducted, please let us know what the specific gravity was and if there was any protein in her urine.

I am sorry that Rollie is having such a tough time but glad that you have found our forum so that we can offer support.

molly muffin
10-10-2016, 08:48 PM
Hello and welcome. Judy provided some excellent information to you. The post cortisol can be key with getting cc under control, understanding that it take quite a long time to see the kind of progress that you want to see. So don't despair.