View Full Version : I've fallen in love.....

Squirt's Mom
09-20-2016, 07:48 AM
...with a beautiful red-coated dude named Bud. He is probably a Golden mix of some sort, Doc thinks 3-4 yrs old, weighs about 46 lbs, and is MALE! :eek: I had sworn after Redd there would be no more males in my house but being the sucker that I am.....well, you know. ;) Bud was found out in the little community where my brother and his family live, including his youngest daughter and her new hubby. Our best guess is that Bud, like countless other dogs out there, was dumped. A friend of my niece's found him in the road by a little store but couldn't keep him so she took him to my niece, Britten. Brit and her hubby, Cody, kept Bud for several weeks, posting pics of him around the area sure someone would step up and want him back home. He is a very, very sweet dog and someone has worked with him because he knows sit, stay, and no. But Brit and Cody live in a rental home and were not allowed to have inside dogs...and Bud wants, needs, to be inside with his people. So Bud would get out of her fence while they were at school/work and hang around the front yard where he could visit with any and everyone who came by. Unfortunately, one of Brit's neighbors is a bit unbalanced (alcohol might have something to do with that :( ) and when she would see Bud out front the neighbor would go ballistic on Brit, threatening her and Bud. The neighbor was careful to stay inside when Cody was home tho for some strange reason. ;)

On Labor Day weekend Brit and Cody went to the lake with her mom and dad and asked me to watch Bud while they were gone. Since he had been outside for some time, he had fleas and ticks...and we do not do fleas. The heart worm treatment I use takes care of fleas. ;) So our first order of business that weekend was a trip to PetCo for flea stuff. We came home with Vet's Best spray (which smells WONDERFUL!) and Capstar thinking that would take care of things over the weekend and keep Fox from having problems - she's allergic to fleas.;) I had an extra Preventix collar for ticks so I put that on him as well. In no time he was free of all those pesky buggers thankfully. He was a delight, and he was delighted, in PetCo, needing to say "Hi!" to every human he met, giving them a chance to pet him if they wished and greeting every dog, big or small, with good manners and simple curiosity. Not one sign of aggression or fear. He carefully sniffed the treat counter they have with all the treats out in the open but never tried to take one piece. However, when we got to the check-out counter where they have an open display of Whimzees, he very gently picked up one of the alligator chews, brought it to me, dropped it at my feet, then looked up at me as if to ask if he could have that one, just one. Of course, he got the gator. :rolleyes::D

This boy is extremely loving; when you touch him he first leans on your leg then slowly slides to the floor to roll over on his back so you can get to his belly easier - he's very accommodating. :D He loves kids, gets along well with other dogs - even my itty bitty ones - and never meets a stranger. He is such a good, good dog...tho the coons cause a great deal of excitement for him (and terror for me! :eek: ), Bud is related to Velcro. He has stuck by my side every minute of every day...and night, sleeping in the bed with me, touching me at all times in one way or the other. It has been many, many years since I've had a male sleeping in my bed! :p He is very smart and caught on to our routines extremely quickly. By the time Brit came to pick him up I had already decided he was staying here until I could find him a home where he could be an inside baby. So Bud stayed with me. Britten was torn between relief and tears - she, who doesn't really like animals, had also fallen in love with Bud, but relief won out; she knew he would be safe here, no whacky neighbor who might throw poisoned meat over the fence as threatened. :mad:

We listed Bud on Arkansas Lost and Found with no response. When I had him vetted, Doc scanned him for a microchip - nada - but he does have a tattoo from the Humane Society the next county over so I contacted a friend who used to work there to see if she could help find his family. This was also to no avail. The HS puts that tattoo on dogs who are sterilized in their shelter so there is no method to track based on the tattoo. I have been posting him and asking that his pics be shared on FB, and they have, but no one has stepped up. So I feel we have done all we can to find his family. Either they are long gone from the area or simply do not want him - tho I cannot fathom why. So my next step was to try to get him up north where it is pretty easy to find good homes that keep dogs inside. I started talking with one of our old forum members from NY whose cush pup passed several years ago and she has been sharing my pics of Bud among her rescue friends - last count I knew of, there are four families very interested in Bud. And they each have something wonderful to offer him so I am sure he will find the perfect family. She has secured a foster until the families can meet Bud and a decision made, and she is working on finalizing transport to get him from ARK to NY. Altho Bud has been vetted and was all clear on heart worms, other parasites, received his vaccines (as much as I HATED to do so), and got a clean bill of health these type transports across state lines require a health certificate - so once we know the date he will start the transport I will take him back to Doc for that documentation so he will be legal. So this precious, adorable, sweet, loving boy will soon be leaving me. I have told Lori that if it should happen that he doesn't fit with anyone up there, she is to send him back to me. I don't want him shuffled from place to place, never belonging anywhere so I will take him back should that happen - I do NOT anticipate that at all. ;)

People on FB keep telling me I should just keep him, he loves me and it's obvious I love him, he would be a good protector, a woman alone needs a big dog in the house, he has come to help heal me and give me courage for what may come, he needs me and I need him....and on and on and on. While what they say may be true, or most of it anyway, Bud needs someone younger and healthier than me so the best thing, the most loving thing, I can do for him is to give him every opportunity to find someone who can run and romp and play with him as he needs. So in a week or two, I will be standing in line with this handsome fellow waiting our turn to board the bus going north, my hands shaking, my heart breaking, my body racking with sobs. Today I know Bud has blessed my life and in time I will remember that again once he is in NY but letting him go is going to be a very difficult thing to do. But as a Jack Russel rescue is credited with saying - fostering is a bridge from where Bud was to all the possibilities he can be. I am humbled to be that bridge for for this amazing boy.

09-20-2016, 08:00 AM
Awww...I'm crying, Leslie. That is why I can never foster. I would not be able to let them go. It takes a strong person to do that and I am definitely NOT.

You're a good person with a heart of gold!

09-20-2016, 08:07 AM
What a wonder-filled tale! I think I went through the whole gamut of emotions reading that.

Bless you for taking him in and doing all that you have to care for him, including helping to find him a forever home.

Can we see a picture of this lovely boy?? :D

09-20-2016, 08:12 AM
I would have bet my life you were going to keep him.... but once again you show your kindness and love by letting him go. Good luck on your trip and best of luck to that sweet boy.

09-20-2016, 11:35 AM
"fostering is a bridge from where Bud was to all the possibilities he can be. I am humbled to be that bridge for for this amazing boy" ....this reminds me of Quincy and maybe it will help you in some way :) Not too long ago I was thinking about all the people who have played a role in Quincy finally getting here, with me :) She stayed with several different persons, familiy's , rescue's and a shelter...before she ended up with me :) It was a long road for one doggy but every step in that road was necessary to get her with me....and all of those people loved her dearly, found it excruciating hard to let her go. But in the end, they all agree, she ended in the best place possible for her....loving her job, her freedom, playtime, cuddles and everything else she enjoys with me :)

Hopefully, one day you will look back and think the same...that Bud ended up in the best place possible for him (and that does NOT mean at all that you are not an amazing place for any dog!) Who knows what lies ahead of him, he may become a therapydog, helping children or the eldery...there may lay great things in his future...and you were needed to get him there... :)

But I understand it will be very hard...


Saskia and Quincy :)

Harley PoMMom
09-20-2016, 02:07 PM
Awww, Leslie, you never cease to amaze me with your generosity and the willingness to share your love with anyone whether it be human or animal.

Bud is one very lucky boy to have found you to take care of him and to help him with his next journey to a forever home.

Bless you, dear Leslie.

Love and hugs, Lori

Budsters Mom
09-20-2016, 06:45 PM
Leslie, you are so much better than I will ever be. You care for so many so selflessly, yet are able to let them move on to forever homes, if possible. Personally, I would never be able to let Bud go. A whole army would have to pry him out of my hands and heavily sedate me while they did it. Bless you and thank you for being able to do what you do so well.


09-20-2016, 07:01 PM
Oh Leslie, I have to confess that when I started reading I was sure Bud was going to be staying with you, however I understand your reasoning. It sounds like Bud will have a very happy future, and it's all going to be Thanks to you.
Although there is a small part of me that hopes he doesn't leave ;)

09-21-2016, 07:25 AM
Oh Leslie, I have to confess that when I started reading I was sure Bud was going to be staying with you, however I understand your reasoning. It sounds like Bud will have a very happy future, and it's all going to be Thanks to you.
Although there is a small part of me that hopes he doesn't leave ;)
I agree 100%...:o :o ;)

09-21-2016, 11:32 AM
Leslie, I am so glad Bud will finding an amazing home up North. You have no idea how glad. I fell in love with the guy through your words and watching the videos. I was actually thinking about packing me and Juju up for a visit to see if Bud was a good fit for her.

09-25-2016, 04:13 PM
Bless you for fostering Bud and for putting so much effort into trying to find him a home. My husband and I have foster failed three times. So we know the agony of letting go.

But.... I think you've made the right decision and in time it'll be okay. One of our foster fails was Gizmo, whom I posted about here in previous years. We loved his zest for life, but felt that he would be best in a home without cats and with a dog that reciprocated interest. Alas, no one ever stepped up to do anything but short-term care and we felt this would be wrong for a senior dog. For better or worse, we adopted him. But if the right home had come along, we would have sadly let go.

As for the other foster-fails, both cats fit so well into our home, we just couldn't let them go. That happens too!

Do you know if you'll get updates once Bud settles into his adoptive home? That should help.

molly muffin
09-26-2016, 10:35 PM
I love the Bud pictures and updates, he is such a loving soul. I know he will have a good home, whether it is with you whom he adores, as is so evident by his pictures with you or with a family young enough to spend lots of time outdoors playing with him.
I do love that guy.

Squirt's Mom
12-23-2016, 10:56 AM
uuhhmmm....guess what? :D Bud found a home.....ahem....with US!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Budsters Mom
12-23-2016, 11:01 AM
What a lovely Christmas surprise!!! A loving forever home for the holidays. So glad he's staying. :):):):):)

Welcome to the family Bud!

Great news indeed! :) I assume pictures are on the way.

12-23-2016, 12:46 PM
I KNEW IT !!! I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW IT!! - only cause once you started posting those pics on FB... he just wasn't going anywhere. He was meant for you and you for him... such a sweetie. LOL- you too of course Leslie. I just know he's going to bring you years of sheer joy. So glad for both of you.

12-23-2016, 04:26 PM
Lol! So happy for you!

Harley PoMMom
12-23-2016, 10:33 PM
Awww!!!!!! He is such a lucky boy to have you as his mommy, bless you Leslie for giving him the best forever home he could ever wish for!

Wally P's Mom
12-24-2016, 01:10 AM
I knew that you found the best possible home for Bud. Congratulations on your new addition. What a wonderful Christmas gift the both of you have been blessed with.


12-24-2016, 05:49 AM
My mouth and my heart are both smiling this morning, Les. :) :)

Merry Christmas, indeed!! ;) :D :D :D

12-24-2016, 03:49 PM
How exciting, Leslie -- what a great holiday gift for all of you! :D

molly muffin
12-24-2016, 11:12 PM
hahahha, I'm with Judi, I Knew that Bud was meant for you and you for him.
What a wonderful gift. The very best in fact!

Welcome home Bud

Squirt's Mom
02-06-2017, 10:45 AM
As Bud has become more comfortable and secure, he has also become more destructive. :rolleyes: He has chewed on my old couch and the pillows from the new couch, chewed up 4 harnesses and 3 leads so far and Sophie cannot keep a stuffed toy - he murders them in short order! :D So Soph has to go in the bedroom to play with her toys so he won't get them then we have to put them up out of sight. LOL

Yesterday I went to the store and came home to find my yard shoes, several pee towels, his NEW harness, and his 25' long lead we use in the field in 100 pieces in the living room. SO off we went to PetCo for a crate for Bud. I got it all put together and he wanted to go in! I had anticipated weeks of awful howling and crying as he learned to accept being crated but someone already trained him! YAY!! He kept begging me to open the door and he would go in and lay down with his Kong, content as all get out. He even wanted to sleep in it last nite instead of in the bed! WOW! He is scared of storms so I hope it will help him feel safe during them, too. We are expecting storms today and maybe tomorrow so we will see! Putting Sophie in a crate during a storm is NOT good since she will throw herself against the bars but hopefully Bud will not be that way and find comfort in the crate.

02-06-2017, 11:49 AM
Wow! I haven't had a dog yet who liked to be crated! Bought them, tried them, threw them in the basement...mine are all spoiled brats! :)

But I love them dearly...

molly muffin
02-06-2017, 04:58 PM
At least he does like to be crated! Molly did for awhile. She guarded her crate like a favorite toy and would growl if anyone tried to remove her when she didn't want out. That passed after awhile, when she decided that sleeping with us or near us was much better. LOL

My golden in her youngster years chewed everything she could find, furniture, logs, anything loose was fair game but she did grow out of it eventually. Not sure Bud is going to hit that grow out of it stage. I was told it was from boredom after her puppy, teething years and sometimes it's anxiety. Whatever the reason behind it, boy it sure can be frustrating. Even when you love them as much as we all do our furbabies.

02-06-2017, 07:48 PM
Wow! Four harnesses, 3 leads, pillows and all the toys he can reach.

Jackson destroys the toys too, but he enjoys the Kongs, antlers and I got some sort of dental bone that he seems to really like. He did grow out of the chewing everything in sight stage, after destroying a boot (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=1153&pictureid=8724), three holes in the drywall and my son's network cable into half a dozen pieces! :eek: He's not had access to harnesses or leads and thankfully left the pillows alone... if they didn't have a squeaker in them, he wasn't interested. ;)

I hope Bud continues to enjoy his crate, his Kong... and notsomuch the other things in your house.

02-07-2017, 07:28 PM
As someone who has just picked up the pieces of a destroyed crate liner that was awaiting a wash (whilst we had dinner!) I feel very fortunate that Henry loves his crate! I find that he is quite happy to relax / sleep in his crate whilst being loose means he wants to do something.....
I hope Bud is happy to while away a few hours in his crate when you go out.

molly muffin
02-07-2017, 07:44 PM
It sure does make me think of how lucky I was with molly who never even as a puppy destroyed anything. She never even destroyed her toys, although all her friends did when they came to visit and have play dates.

It sure takes me back to Tasha though. She particularly loved logs but anything having to do with the dirt bike accessories Tasha would tear to pieces. That stuff is expensive to replace!!! I'm sure I spent thousands on replacement gloves, liners, boots, you name it. Gosh I loved that girl. LOL

How is Bud doing with the crate Leslie? How is Trinket too?

Squirt's Mom
02-08-2017, 08:57 AM
Bud is doing really good with his crating...in fact I have figured out something. He will go dance around his crate wanting in....and then I find something he has destroyed. So he is punishing himself! :D Not really. I reckon someone used to make him go in when he was a "bad boy" so he just does it himself now for comfort thinking he's in trouble. He did really good during the storms Mon nite, barking only once when a really loud boom happened...but I barked at that one, too. :p I need to go get him another 25' lunge lead so he has room to really roam when we walk the field without pulling me down - the short lead just doesn't work well for me or him in the field. Going to get the mail or other short walks on the road it is find but not in the field where he got used to roaming.

Squirt's Mom
02-13-2017, 05:09 PM
We learned a new game today that wears him slap out quickly! He has a Kong toy, the 3-tiered looking thingy, and a Kong ball and dearly loves to play fetch. So I took both outside this afternoon. I threw the ball first and when he brought that back and dropped it, I threw Kong which bounces crazy keeping him spinning trying to catch it. He loves to catch either one in the air so when he would bring one back and drop, I would throw the other, often in the air for him to jump and catch. He ran and jumped and chased for about 20 min then was ready to come in. Now he's laying under the kitchen table like he's been on a 10-mi hike! :p He jumped on me a couple of times when I wasn't fast enough for him but he and I both had a good time with his toy and ball so I think this will a regular for us.

molly muffin
02-13-2017, 06:08 PM
Yay for fun times! Nothing in the world than watching a dog play and getting to be a part of it is even better!