View Full Version : Praying for answers

08-28-2016, 04:35 PM
My nearly 8 y/o basset pitbull mix had a bulging disc in his neck and was put on steroids. He has always been thin and healthy until this. He was only on the treatment for 12 days and around the 9th day his belly became very distended (he has been eating, drinking, peeing and pooping well) , he's tired, his beautiful shiny coat is now dull and shedding. Others have told me he could not have medication induced Cushings from such a short treatment of steroids. He can't jump on the couch or even the lower height beds. Does anyone have knowledge to share? Thank you so much for accepting Madrox and me!

08-28-2016, 05:23 PM
Hi, Joan! Welcome to you and Madrox -- hopefully, we can help you figure out what is happening. I can relate to your dog's issue with his neck as my beagle, Abbie, underwent spinal surgery in February due to a herniated disc in her neck.

I do think that it would be unusual for a dog to develop iatrogenic Cushing's (medication induced) from such a short time period of treatment with steroids. In my reading, the average time on steroids causing iatrogenic Cushing's is 9 1/2 months. Of course, there are always exceptions. Were any of the symptoms you saw during the steroid treatment seen beforehand?

It might help us if we could see the results of any recent lab tests that were done on Madrox. With respect to the blood chemistry and complete blood count (CBC), you need only post anything that is marked high or low along with the range. Does Madrox have any underlying illness that he is taking medication for? If so, what is it and what is the medication? Is he taking any supplements, medications or herbs? Was an urinalysis done and, if so, could you also post those findings?

Is your general vet or a specialist treating Madrox for his disc issue? Have you followed up with him/her to discuss the symptoms you are seeing?

Is Madrox still on steroids? If not, how long ago were they stopped and have you seen any improvement in the symptoms since the steroids were stopped?

Others will be along to add their thoughts -- hang in there!

08-28-2016, 07:50 PM
Thank you so much for responding. He was very healthy but occasionally had a tummy issue where he would run around and lick the carpet and eat greens outdoors. Those were rare and his vet was unconcerned. He does not take any medications but a daily vitamin. He's been off steroids for only a few days. His neck pain is greatly reduced and the vet wants him to go to a chiropractor. He had one other neck incident and was given Rimadyl which he reacted badly to. He is sweet and gentle and he became aggressive. Vet has done no other tests and wants to wait awhile to see if the swelling goes down. He said a dog who is thin can get the large tummy and it may or may not go away. Madrox wasn't eating well during the treatment but is better the last two days

08-28-2016, 08:24 PM
Joan -- My Abbie goes for her next chiropractic visit on Wednesday. Her neck is doing good but she has IVDD and now her thoracic discs are giving her a lot of pain.

I just realized that you mentioned that Madrox is unable to jump up, even lower heights. I expect that this is due to the cervical disc issues. He definitely shouldn't be jumping!

I do not allow my dogs to be given Rimadyl -- there are way too many negative stories about horrible side effects. Abbie is on tramadol now and it looks like we will be adding gabapetin soon. Gabapentin is an anti-inflammatory that zeroes in on nerve pain.

If Madrox hasn't had a chem panel in a long time, I would suggest that you think about asking your vet to do this now and not wait until his stomach may get smaller. The results of the chem panel can help lead a vet and owner to determine what issues are going on.