View Full Version : Chloe has passed - doxie/yorkie mix

08-10-2016, 08:12 PM
I thought I'd create a separate thread for my parent's dog, Chloe. She is an almost 8-year-old doxie/yorkie mix (her birthday is Sept 1). Her regular groomer mentioned that her hair is thinning and they should take her in to the vet to have her thyroid checked. They did that today and will be getting the blood/urine test results tomorrow. Their vet said her symptoms could be from diabetes, thyroid or Cushing's.

Bit of history - Chloe was grossly overweight until earlier this year. I finally got through to my step-dad just how bad it was, so they started her on a "diet". :rolleyes: They started measuring her dry food - I think they're giving her 1/4 cup twice a day with limited treats. Previously, they gave her more food than that... and she would eat their other two dogs leftovers... and get waaay too many treats, including lots of human food. She weighed over 32 pounds and almost couldn't fit through their dog door. Her tummy practically touched the floor. :( She is now either 26 or 29 pounds (Mom doesn't remember which) and last time I saw her, you could actually see daylight under her. She is still very overweight, but they're making progress.

Mom said that she has been "losing so much hair and peeing all over. Big. Puddles." She is also driving them nuts wanting more food (which we expected with the "diet" so they didn't think much of it).

I asked Mom to get copies of the test results.

My Mom is past retirement age (was on disability for years before) and my Dad just retired at the end of July. They are not going to be able to afford treatment if it turns out to be Cushing's. But I want to support them the best that I can, with information and a little less emotional investment than I know they have. Though of their 3 dogs, and all the ones before these, Chloe is my favorite. She's an absolute sweetheart.

If I left out anything, or you have suggestions I can pass along, let me know.

Thanks friends.

08-10-2016, 08:18 PM
Shana -- I know you will be a great resource for your folks. Chloe must be adorable as a doxie/yorkie mix. Hopefully, thyroid issues are the main culprit as that is, I think, the easiest and least expensive disease to deal with among the three options you mentioned.

Are your folks nearby? Wondering if Visuddha and Chloe are buddies! :D

08-10-2016, 10:03 PM
Judy, thyroid is what I'm hoping for as well.

They live about an hour's drive away. Visuddha doesn't always play well with others (someone didn't know about socialization when he was a puppy :o) so he hasn't been up there. Besides, three girls might be a little more than he could handle all at once!! ;)

Harley PoMMom
08-11-2016, 11:15 AM
Out of the three, I too, hope that the thyroid is the issue as it is the one that is the easiest to treat. Fingers crossed that the blood panel will provide information needed to move in the right direction. Keep us updated.

Re; the hunger, giving Chloe frozen green beans may help curb her appetite.

Hugs, Lori

08-11-2016, 12:34 PM
Oh jeez! I was giving Visuddha green beans but never even thought to mention it to my parents for Chloe!! I'll let them know today.

Thanks Lori.

08-12-2016, 09:23 AM
Quick update before I forget: Chloe does not have diabetes, but does have bacteria in her urine. They've started her on 14 days of Clavamox and are running a T4. Some results may be available today, but others may take until Monday.

molly muffin
08-14-2016, 01:37 PM
A UTI would be even easier than thyroid ultimately to fix.
No point in testing for cushings if she has a UTI as it can cause false positives, so hold off on that. I'm not sure if a UTI would affect thyroid results or not. I don't think so, but I can't be sure on that.

She does sound like a sweetheart.

08-15-2016, 07:59 AM
Here are Chloe's lab results:

ALP 440 IU/L HIGH (5-131)
Creatinine 0.4 mg/dL LOW (0.5-1.6)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 33 HIGH (4-27)
PrecisionPSL 194 U/L HIGH (24-140)*
Note: In dogs with appropriate clinical signs, this mildly elevated PrecisionPSL result is equivocal for a diagnosis of pancreatitis. In dogs without clinical signs of pancreatitis, a mild PrecisionPSL elevation is an insignificant finding.

Platelet Count 613 HIGH (170-400)

Neutrophils HIGH 10665 (79%) (2060-10600)
Bands 0
Monocytes HIGH 1080 (8%) (0-840)

Total T4 0.8 (0.8-3.5)
Note: The Total T4 result is less than 1.0 mcg/dl. A Free-T4 by equilibrium dialysis may be helpful in supporting the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in patients demonstrating clinical signs compatible with hypothyroidism.

Color Yellow
Appearance Cloudy
Specific Gravity 1.016 (1.015-1.050)
pH 7.0 (5.5-7.0)
Protein 1+ (HIGH)
Occult Blood Trace (HIGH)
WBC 4-10 (HIGH) (0-3)

Mom said they will go in next week and the vet will review everything. I think they are doing the Free T4 test next. These tests cost more than my mom's income so they really can't afford anything more right now.

Harley PoMMom
08-15-2016, 01:30 PM
With the high WBC and blood in the urine this does indicate that Chloe does have an UTI, which is being treated. In searching for info regarding a correlation between an UTI and thyroid issues I did find this article, it is geared toward people; titled: Bladder involvement in thyroid dysfunction:
Thyroid dysfunction is a common problem, especially among women. Thyrotoxicosis is characterized by exaggerated responses to catecholamines, while in hypothyroidism, narrowing of adaptive responses is observed. It is, therefore, not surprising to see gastrointestinal and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients with thyroid dysfunction.


Another article:
Though rarely thought of as part of the immune system, the thyroid gland plays a crucial role in maintaining the body’s defenses. Hormones produced by the thyroid help regulate the metabolic rate within each cell and directly influence over 100 different cellular enzymes. With hypothyroidism, individuals routinely become more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, especially those of the respiratory and urinary tracts.


Since many human diseases have the same symptoms in dogs (diabetes and Cushing's are two) I just wonder if dogs experience this as well....hmmm So maybe if Chloe does have a thyroid that is not functioning properly that increased urination may stop with thyroid treatment.

Hugs, Lori

08-15-2016, 07:32 PM
My mom texted to say Chloe has a thyroid problem. She hasn't yet picked up test results or meds so no idea what those are but I think she's quite relieved.

Whiskey's Mom
08-15-2016, 07:50 PM
Chloe sounds sweet & adorable! Hopefully the thyroid will be an easy fix and she'll be feeling better soon.

Squirt's Mom
08-16-2016, 08:05 AM
I am glad to hear this report! :cool::cool::cool: This is easy and inexpensive to treat and hopefully your folks will have their sweet girl back to her old self very soon.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-16-2016, 04:06 PM
Just like a human, those thyroids can play havoc on the system when they go wonky. Let us know how it is going with her.

03-19-2017, 09:54 PM
I spoke with my mom about Chloe yesterday and she said she didn't know how much longer Chloe would make it. Last night, she sent me a text to say they will be making an appointment tomorrow to let her go.

I drove up there to see them (and Chloe) today. Mom had copies of the bloodwork and xray comments from January. For what its worth:

ALP 955 high (5-131)
GGT 58 high (1-12)
Glucose 385 high (70-138) - dx with diabetes and insulin started at this time
Chloride 97 low (102-120)
Cholesterol 405 high (92-324)
Amylase 3226 high (290-1125)
PrecisionPSL 9212 high (24-140) - pancreatitis dx
WBC 25.7 high (4.0-15.5)
Platelet count 897 high (170-400)
Neutrophils 20817 high (2060-10600)
Monocytes 2313 high (0-840)
Total T4 <0.5 low (0.8-3.5) (note: they apparently ran out of thyroid meds and she had been without for 2 weeks when this test was done)

X-Rays were also done. Notable comments: "abundant intra and extrathoracic adipose tissue... pumonary underinflation... cardiac silhouette is normal... vertabral heart score is ~9.5 (normal 8.7-10.7)... the caudal margin of the liver extends well beyond the costal arch and the margins of the liver are rounded". Other findings were normal with no abnormalities, etc.

All of that was two months ago. There have been lots of tests, various meds, prescription food. Her poor little body is just ... broken. I don't know how else to put it. Drinking has decreased dramatically, although is still excessive, as is peeing. She's developed cataracts and can barely see. She frequently refuses to eat, and can't get her meds when she does. She lays next to the dog door but still doesn't always make it outside to pee. She is panting. When I first arrived, she barked but I didn't even recognize the sound, it was so weak. When she saw me she wagged her tail - left, right... once. She gave me kisses when I picked her up and held her to my chest, but later it was as if she didn't know who I was... where she was...

I had thought going up there, perhaps I could convince my parents it wasn't time yet. I would help with the finances, even bring her home with me if they just couldn't care for her.

She just looks SO miserable. :( Her eyes... her nose... her poor swollen belly. Last August she weighed over 32 pounds; she's now 17 pounds. The last time she went to the groomers they put a bandanna snugly around her neck. It's been 2, maybe 3 weeks and that bandanna is so loose I could put my whole hand between it and her neck...

She was born on Sept 1, 2008....she's only 8 and a half years old. My heart, and my parents, are crushed.

03-20-2017, 12:00 AM
So sad, Shana...your poor parents. It sounds like it's time to let her go. Poor little girl...

Sending hugs and comforting thoughts to all of you...

03-20-2017, 08:45 AM
Oh Shana, I am so sorry, too! I know what a sad day this will be for your family, and my thoughts are surely with you all.

Giant hugs,

Harley PoMMom
03-20-2017, 03:25 PM
Oh Shana, I am so sorry too :( I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs, Lori

03-20-2017, 03:40 PM
Shana -- you and your parents are in my thoughts and prayers today. A big hug sent your way!

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2017, 06:03 PM
Oh Shana, it does sound as if she is ready to leave this life. I know how hard it will be for you and and your folks...we all do. But know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.


Whiskey's Mom
03-20-2017, 06:30 PM
Aww poor little Chloe. So very sorry for all of you. I will be thinking of you all.

03-20-2017, 06:47 PM
Prayers and sympathy to you all... it is the hardest thing to do, but sometimes your dog just lets you know it's time. Thinking of you...

03-20-2017, 10:12 PM
Thanks everyone. She is now running free of all her pain. She is happy again. We hurt.... so she doesn't have to anymore.

RIP little one. :(

Budsters Mom
03-20-2017, 10:42 PM
Fly free little one, fly free!

I am so sorry. :o

Squirt's Mom
03-21-2017, 11:18 AM
Rainbow Bridge: Sequel To The Original

Oh, when we get to Heaven
We hope that we will find
The souls that once we loved
Who left us all behind.

Some left us at the right time
They left this world in peace
Others left too sudden
Without the chance to say Goodbye,
They were gone before we had
The chance to even cry.

There's a special place for grownups
A special place for kids
Me? I'll be on the other side
The side called Rainbow Bridge.

Across the dark green meadow
A'top the hills I'll run
Where the colors from the rainbow
Glitter from the sun.

And there I'll find my sweetheart
Running fast toward me
In my arms where she belongs
for all eternity.

Jean McColgan

molly muffin
03-23-2017, 07:59 PM
Oh Shana :( I am very sorry. I am sure your parents hearts and yours are hurting now.
From what you described though it sounds like that time came and they all knew it and probably Chloe knew too. I'm so glad you were able to go up and see them and her.

03-24-2017, 08:48 AM
Thank you.

And thank you again Leslie for adding her name to the memorial. Sadly, we do not have any good pictures of Chloe Mae to share. Her image will remain in our memories.