View Full Version : 10 yr old Boston Terrier - dexamethasone induced Cushing's?

06-12-2016, 05:53 PM
Doug is a ten yr old Boston terrier.
Very good health - bit sensitive stomach and some enviro allergies. Until recently.
Recently underwent radiation for meningioma macrotumor ( inoperable due to size & location - wedged against hypothalamus).
Has been on dexamethasone since early feb. He is only now down to every other day regimen with a month until fully weaned off.

He now has calcifications on his belly. Vet did skin scrape and there is bacteria as well. He has an enormous swollen potbelly ( he was very athletic pre ), drinks excessively and now is beginning to wet the bed.

I know it's impossible to differentiate if it'd the dexa or if it's possibly dexa induced Cushing's. The onco does not seem to think it is but his GP vet does.

Does anyone have any experience with this ? Once off the dexa could the symptoms dissipate? Is this possibly Cushing's ?

Thank you in advance for any input at all

06-12-2016, 06:22 PM
Welcome back, and hi to you and Doug.

I do not have experience or knowledge to respond to your questions. A quick search shows that the symptoms could be from the dexamethasone, and if that's the case, it would be possible they would go away when he is no longer taking it. Hopefully someone else will be along shortly that can provide some insight.


molly muffin
06-12-2016, 09:32 PM
If the tumor also caused cortisol levels to be elevated. Then that could be a contributing factor too in addition to the dexa.

I don't think you will know how much either contribute until weaned off the Dexa.

Anything causing protracted levels of high cortisol will cause all th associate symptoms that go with it. A cancer/ tumor of the brain would be enough to cause cortisol t go up.

Get a good anti biotic spray. Keep the areas clean and dry on the belly around the calcium deposits. I don't know if the skin itself is calcified if it ever completely goes away as opposed to calcium deposits that push up and out and cause sores will go away once the cortisol levels return to normal.

molly muffin
06-12-2016, 09:33 PM
I forgot to ask. When do you start weaning off dexa.

Welcome back and so sorry you are dealing with this in Doug.

06-13-2016, 07:24 PM
Thank you for the advice as always to all. Thank you thank you.

Doug is my mamas boy. He had no Cushing's symptoms prediagnosis ( of meningioma ) nor throughout his radiation. It is only recently. No panting or anxiety. He is very low energy.

He has been on Dexa since early feb.
Dosing - 75 mg. he was on 2 tab a day until end of April then 1 and a half to mid May then 1 until June 8. Now 1 every second day. One more month on.
So obviously no ACTH or LDDS until he's off and out of his system.

The radiation resolved his neurologic deficits exhibited pre radiation.

Have tried checking pubmed.for reference to dexa induced Cushing's to no avail.

Thanks for anyones input.

molly muffin
06-13-2016, 07:34 PM
This might help you, the risks are the same as giving prednisone or any other steroid supplement and can create cushings symptoms.


If you read down to the warning area it mentions cushings: http://www.drugs.com/pro/dexamethasone.html

These symptoms usually do start to go away once the medication is no longer used.