View Full Version : Checking in for June 2016
06-01-2016, 05:42 AM
"Checking in" is a topic that we start on the first of each month. We suspect that we have a good number of members who read the messages regularly but who don't post very often. Maybe that's because their dogs are doing well, or they don't have a Cushing's dog anymore, or they haven't got any questions to ask, or maybe they don't feel very comfortable about posting answers to other members' questions. It's perfectly understandable and acceptable for folks to only post once in a while, but when we don't hear from people, many of us find ourselves wondering what those folks have been up to recently and how their dogs are doing.
It's always preferable to post updates about your Cushing's dog in your own thread/topic (especially if you want feedback/replies from other members) but you can also post a quick reply here if you just want to say hi and let everyone know how you are doing in general.
We'd love to hear from you! :)
06-01-2016, 05:01 PM
It's been a year since my dog died. I clicked on this forum I didn't know why until I saw the date.
He is always doing things like this to remind me he is still here :)
I only remember the good times like birthdays but I guess he wanted me to remember that there are still dogs suffering with Cushings.
Thank you all for helping us through the last two months of his brain tumour and Cushings I know I wasn't on here long but the information and help you all gave was amazing.
It does get better. You smile when you remember them now.
And I now know when the right time to let them go is - its when they can't stand up , wag their tails, go to the toilet without being helped.
It's when you can see pain in their brave eyes.
It's when you know that surgery and medication will prolong their life but also their suffering.
It's when the vet will agree that it's time if you dare ask.
It will never feel like the right time - it will always feel too early or too late - because there is never a right time to let someone you love go -but if it's the right thing to do you will know.
And yes they do come back and let you know they are ok - and yes they are ok - and so will you be.
Maybe you like me will feel that you want another dog but even a year on it's not the right time yet - but you will know when the right time is - trust your instincts as a mother, a father, a friend - whatever you are to your dog... don't be hard on yourself.
So yes I remember only the good times now and I can smile a year on - but obviously I have found myself here so - I haven't forgotten that you all helped us get to this point where we can smile again. Thanks :)
06-01-2016, 06:05 PM
Hi Gabriel,
I only joined this year, but wanted to thank you for your comments here. I'm happy that you are smiling at the memories now. :)
Blessings to you.
06-02-2016, 06:20 AM
It is good to see you pop in again!! I know your pup will always be by your side and the words you speak are so very true. We will always remember you and honor your sweet Gabriel ( here.
06-09-2016, 10:45 AM
I don't come here much anymore since my baby left me in February of this year. I still miss him so much it hurts but I know he is in a better place and not miserable anymore.
I have gotten another dog, a rescue which has been a great distraction for my pain. I think you need to bring a smile into your life no matter how you choose to do it after the loss of a treasured baby.
Thank you all again for being with me on that journey, know you did make a difference and are helping people and a whole lot of cushdogs.
06-25-2016, 10:28 PM
I didn't get back in May to post an update. So, I thought I'd catch everyone up here.
I have a new teaching position! A few health issues with my husband, myself, and our senior poodle, but none turned out to be serious, and all are being treated.
This past month I've gotten to decompress and regroup. And in a few days, my husband and I will visit my family in Canada.
So the summer's been good. Hugs and thanks to everyone!
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