View Full Version : Lexi
05-23-2016, 04:35 PM
Hi, I don't usually do things like this, but i am curious. My dog Lexi is a 15 pound, 13 year old rat terrier who has been very healthy until the last 2 months. She is blind due to removing both eyes 8 years ago due to anterior lens luxation, but she has always got around so well. Now she is some disoriented, maybe some hearing loss, hard to tell what is old age sometimes...Anyway...I took her to the vet about a month ago after she just seemed different and not herself, she was eating and drinking more than normal for her. Dr. said probably Cushing's, so they did the bloodwork and her levels came by very high. They put her on a 30 mg dosage of Vetoryl, with only every other day the first 7 days, she seemed to do ok, her belly started coming down in size from being swollen and then 1 pill per day. After a week on the meds, she seemed some better but then last week she was really down, i stopped the meds for 2 days.. she was really week i felt that i might have to make the decision to put her down that afternoon, took her to the vet her levels now were way low, she was dehydrated and they kept her overnight and gave her fluids for 2 days. That perked her up, they said take her off the dosage and try to figure it out over the next few weeks, she is not eating and not having regular bowel movements. Just when i think i need to consider putting her down, she seems some better, but she certainly is not herself. I really don't know what to do...i want to do what is right for her. I love her dearly and want to keep her forever but i know that is impossible. I feel that the level they started her with was too high...don't know if i should keep putting her through all this. Any suggestions????
05-23-2016, 04:42 PM
Hi there and welcome here. I am so sorry your girl has been done such a disservice by your vets, but I am very, very glad you've found us before something worse has happened.
Firstly, it is very good you stopped the vetoryl. Clearly your girl was over-dosed. Second, very good you took her in to get her help when she went down hill. Please do not give her anymore vetoryl.
I suspect that if she's still not acting herself, then she may still be over-dosed and need supplemental prednisone to help her recover. Did they send you home with any? Do you have any on hand?
It would be very helpful to us if you could round up your bloodwork and testing that was done and post those for us. We are most interested in the results of her ACTH stimulation tests and any abnormal bloodwork.
Treatment can be successful and a life saver when it is done properly. There are hundreds of success stories. So please do not think your girl is doomed. We will help you get through this and guide you to help your girl get better.
05-23-2016, 06:23 PM
Welcome to you and Lexi, though I too am sorry for the issues you've experienced with your vet. I will also echo Renee's other comments - you have done things right since Lexi was overdosed by getting her in right away and stopping the medication. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time right now to respond more, but I'll check back in tonight.
05-24-2016, 03:46 PM
I don't have the exact numbers i know the first day really high at 500+ not sure of the exact number but that was the first test when i initially took her in... last week after 2 weeks on meds, it was really low i believe 100+...once again not exact...sorry. I do have prednisone at home, not given her any as i was told not to at this point. She seemed better later after this post yesterday...perkier and social...seems to have a new "normal" for her. She still isn't eating normal and does not have BM's. I guess after reading some other postings on dose levels, i can't figure why they put her on 30mg a day when she weighs 15 pounds...She currently isnt on meds...any advice on the lack of appetite? Has it just not been long enough since her "episode" of just bottoming out last Wednesday?
molly muffin
05-25-2016, 09:53 PM
That is a pretty big drop from 500+ to 100+ was that in just 2 weeks?
With the needing fluids, I'm guessing her electrolytes were off and that is a sign quite often that the dosage is too much and she is in danger of the cortisol going too low.
Can you get the test results showing the numbers? Too high of a dose can be deadly. The key is to get it just right and that is why the manufacturer recommends starting at 1mg/1lb or 2mg/1kg
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