05-17-2016, 11:33 AM
I am hoping for some advice from anyone who has dealt with calcinosis cutis –we do not yet know if our girl has Cushing’s or not.
The history: Back in November, I noticed that our 12 year old (13 this June) French Bulldog, Mimi, had a strange spot on her head, it looked thick and dark, but did not seem infected or paining in her in any way, so I just kept an eye on it at first. Then I noticed two spots on her neck that looked sore, and when I touched them, the hair could be pulled right off the skin. I made a vet apt. and the vet suspected a bacterial infection. Mimi was put on oral antibiotics with an antibiotic topical cream as well. She had the two spots on the neck that were red and sore looking with hair that could be peeled off in clumps. One spot on her back that was just a little red. And the weird crusty spot on her head that didn’t look at all like the other three, but could also at that point have the hair peeled off at the edges.
The two week antibiotic treatment cleared the two neck spots and the back spot right up. The skin became pink and healthy, hair grew back on those three spots (somewhat slowly) and they are still perfectly healed to this day. The spot on her head didn’t respond at all and actually was getting worse. We went back to the vet and a longer course of oral antibiotics was prescribed, as well as continuing the topical antibiotic. She was on antibiotics for another month, and at the end of them, I took her back because I saw no improvement –the head spot was larger, and very crusty. The areas that weren’t dark and crusty were almost scaled.
Our vet took biopsies and the biopsy result showed the spot was calcinosis cutis. At that point, our vet had Mimi come in for a full blood panel and a fungus test. She talked to us a bit about Cushing’s Disease. And gave us DMSO gel to treat the spot. At the time we went in for the full blood panel (May 2nd), there was a new spot on Mimi’s head that I was afraid might be another of these, although on that day the new head spot was just a little red and a slight bit of roughness to the skin.
Once the blood test results were in, we had a long talk with our vet. She is perplexed. Mimi’s blood tests are 100% normal and show none of the indicators she was looking for to support Cushing’s as a diagnosis. Mimi has no other symptoms of Cushing’s –no pot belly, she doesn’t drink or urinate or eat any more frequently than she ever did, no hair loss other than the spots, and no weight gain (in fact, she had lost a bit of weight)
At this point, the vet consulted with the lab doctor who diagnosed the calcinosis on the biopsy, and he looked at the results again, as well as had another diagnostician at his lab look, and they are positive it’s calcinosis cutis. Our vet also spoke with some sort of canine disease specialist who said if Mimi has the calcinosis, it’s almost a guarantee she has Cushing’s.
Our vet is hesitant to do the further testing (suppression test?) for Cushing’s right at this moment for a couple of reasons –one, we don’t have the fungal test results back yet, and she wants to rule that out first. Two, when Mimi first presented with the four original spots, the antibiotic topical had a steroid in it, because the head spot was itching Mimi. She only had the topical applied for about 5 weeks, and the vet thinks this would be an abnormally short time for an exterior source of steroid to be the problem, but she wanted to see how the head spot did with just the DMSO first. Just in case the head spot, like the other three spots Mimi originally had, were just a bacterial infection, but the steroid cause the head spot to become calcinosis. Which we know is a long shot, since the head spot never did look like the three that healed, even before any topical.
So, I have been treating the head spot with DMSO since May 2nd. Also treating the new head spot. The original spot pretty much looks the same, it is a large scale, and occasionally seems to spread a bit at the edges (I’ll notice a bit of hair peel at the edges). It has never seemed to hurt her at all, and she doesn’t mind when I apply the DMSO to it.
The new spot, which was just a reddened bit of skin on May 2nd, is now as large as the original spot (about 2 inches), and became very swollen and oozy and horrible in the last two days. I couldn’t even put the DMSO on it this morning or yesterday morning, as it is actually hurting Mimi. She yipped yesterday morning when I tried, and I have never heard her yip in my life. She is very stoic. Last night I bathed her and gently put a warm washcloth on the new spot. Large chunks of the hair in that area came right off and it just looked so oozy, raw and sore that I put a piece of A&D ointment covered gauze on it after her bath.
We’re at a loss as to what is the best way to proceed. I’m trying to get Mimi in to the vet today to show her how much worse the new spot has become.
For anyone who has used DMSO –is it normal for spots to continue to worsen? How long until the gel has a positive effect?
Does anyone else have a dog who had absolutely no Cushing's symptoms except the calcinosis cutis?
This is so horrible, we have no idea how to help our dog, we're not even sure what is actually wrong with her :(
I am hoping for some advice from anyone who has dealt with calcinosis cutis –we do not yet know if our girl has Cushing’s or not.
The history: Back in November, I noticed that our 12 year old (13 this June) French Bulldog, Mimi, had a strange spot on her head, it looked thick and dark, but did not seem infected or paining in her in any way, so I just kept an eye on it at first. Then I noticed two spots on her neck that looked sore, and when I touched them, the hair could be pulled right off the skin. I made a vet apt. and the vet suspected a bacterial infection. Mimi was put on oral antibiotics with an antibiotic topical cream as well. She had the two spots on the neck that were red and sore looking with hair that could be peeled off in clumps. One spot on her back that was just a little red. And the weird crusty spot on her head that didn’t look at all like the other three, but could also at that point have the hair peeled off at the edges.
The two week antibiotic treatment cleared the two neck spots and the back spot right up. The skin became pink and healthy, hair grew back on those three spots (somewhat slowly) and they are still perfectly healed to this day. The spot on her head didn’t respond at all and actually was getting worse. We went back to the vet and a longer course of oral antibiotics was prescribed, as well as continuing the topical antibiotic. She was on antibiotics for another month, and at the end of them, I took her back because I saw no improvement –the head spot was larger, and very crusty. The areas that weren’t dark and crusty were almost scaled.
Our vet took biopsies and the biopsy result showed the spot was calcinosis cutis. At that point, our vet had Mimi come in for a full blood panel and a fungus test. She talked to us a bit about Cushing’s Disease. And gave us DMSO gel to treat the spot. At the time we went in for the full blood panel (May 2nd), there was a new spot on Mimi’s head that I was afraid might be another of these, although on that day the new head spot was just a little red and a slight bit of roughness to the skin.
Once the blood test results were in, we had a long talk with our vet. She is perplexed. Mimi’s blood tests are 100% normal and show none of the indicators she was looking for to support Cushing’s as a diagnosis. Mimi has no other symptoms of Cushing’s –no pot belly, she doesn’t drink or urinate or eat any more frequently than she ever did, no hair loss other than the spots, and no weight gain (in fact, she had lost a bit of weight)
At this point, the vet consulted with the lab doctor who diagnosed the calcinosis on the biopsy, and he looked at the results again, as well as had another diagnostician at his lab look, and they are positive it’s calcinosis cutis. Our vet also spoke with some sort of canine disease specialist who said if Mimi has the calcinosis, it’s almost a guarantee she has Cushing’s.
Our vet is hesitant to do the further testing (suppression test?) for Cushing’s right at this moment for a couple of reasons –one, we don’t have the fungal test results back yet, and she wants to rule that out first. Two, when Mimi first presented with the four original spots, the antibiotic topical had a steroid in it, because the head spot was itching Mimi. She only had the topical applied for about 5 weeks, and the vet thinks this would be an abnormally short time for an exterior source of steroid to be the problem, but she wanted to see how the head spot did with just the DMSO first. Just in case the head spot, like the other three spots Mimi originally had, were just a bacterial infection, but the steroid cause the head spot to become calcinosis. Which we know is a long shot, since the head spot never did look like the three that healed, even before any topical.
So, I have been treating the head spot with DMSO since May 2nd. Also treating the new head spot. The original spot pretty much looks the same, it is a large scale, and occasionally seems to spread a bit at the edges (I’ll notice a bit of hair peel at the edges). It has never seemed to hurt her at all, and she doesn’t mind when I apply the DMSO to it.
The new spot, which was just a reddened bit of skin on May 2nd, is now as large as the original spot (about 2 inches), and became very swollen and oozy and horrible in the last two days. I couldn’t even put the DMSO on it this morning or yesterday morning, as it is actually hurting Mimi. She yipped yesterday morning when I tried, and I have never heard her yip in my life. She is very stoic. Last night I bathed her and gently put a warm washcloth on the new spot. Large chunks of the hair in that area came right off and it just looked so oozy, raw and sore that I put a piece of A&D ointment covered gauze on it after her bath.
We’re at a loss as to what is the best way to proceed. I’m trying to get Mimi in to the vet today to show her how much worse the new spot has become.
For anyone who has used DMSO –is it normal for spots to continue to worsen? How long until the gel has a positive effect?
Does anyone else have a dog who had absolutely no Cushing's symptoms except the calcinosis cutis?
This is so horrible, we have no idea how to help our dog, we're not even sure what is actually wrong with her :(