View Full Version : Hello everyone from Kanga

05-06-2016, 06:44 AM
I have many dogs, and one of them suffers from cushings. here to connect and feel the love.

05-06-2016, 12:07 PM
Hello to you, too, and welcome! We are really glad you've joined us and we will want to do our best as far as offering both support and info! :)

If you're able to share more specifics about your Cushpup's diagnosis and treatment, it will give us a starting point for launching our conversation. So we will be look forward to reading more about your dog.


molly muffin
05-06-2016, 02:13 PM
I just want to say hello and welcome to the forum.
We'd love to hear about your dog with cushings.

Squirt's Mom
07-14-2016, 08:08 AM
Hi Kanga,

I have seen several comments from you on threads started by other members but we know absolutely nothing about your cush baby. :confused: Is there some deep dark secret here? ooooo are you with the CIA?! Is your cush baby a spy for the gov't?! ooo ooo ooo is your baby in the running for Vice President for one of the two major political parties in the US?! :p:D:p:D

Seriously tho....we would love to hear about your baby! Could you help us out?

Leslie and the gang

Budsters Mom
07-16-2016, 04:08 AM
Hi, We get to know each other while working through the challenges our fur babies face. Through sorrow and joy. Through frustrations and exhaustion. Through heartwarming stories of life and love. In order to really start to connect and "feel the love", we need to know about your Cush dog. Name, age, any treatment, testing information, what you've tried already, when he/she was diagnosed, etc. WE NEED DETAILS!!!! We can't offer any suggestion or really even support you without some sharing of information. We are not asking for personal information about you. That is confidential and should remain so. However, we would like to try to help you, help your dog. I sincerely hope that he/she is doing well.


I have many dogs, and one of them suffers from cushings. here to connect and feel the love.