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Whiskey's Mom
04-03-2017, 08:30 PM
Hi everyone! Nothing new to report here, Whiskey is just holding steady with his daily routine, and there are no problens that anyone can see. Still making me crazy with his menu changes but we keep on trying! And Oddly the diarrhea issues he had in the past aren't nearly as bad with his strange diet. We have literally a library of 20 different treats in the closet now, so sometimes it takes awhile til we offer him each kind & he finds the "flavor of the day". we will keep on with this as long as he's eating & happy. No food diaries for any of us!!

molly muffin
04-06-2017, 12:08 PM
Holding steady is a good place to be. :)

you could make little baggies of each treat in a bag and just dump them out and see what he likes each day. LOL Like a buffet. Pick and choose. :)

Whiskey's Mom
04-06-2017, 06:54 PM
Sharlene-We think alike! I have mixed treat bags at work for him since I cant bring the whole "store" with me. :p
Whiskey was a bit quiet today, although he ate what I served for breakfast on the first try! Very exciting. It was miserable pouring rain & he slept most of the day away, can't say that I blame him. My knees were aching & I think his were too. He was really good yesterday, the weather was perfect & he spent hours outside hanging out in the yard. Better weather is coming for the weekend so hopefully he'll perk up.
He is due for his chewable Heartgard & I'm all out, plus vaccinations are coming due soon. I think I'm going to skip them, being that his prognosis is not good.:( He is doing well considering & I don't want to rock the boat, and I don't want to put him or his immune system through any unnecessary stress. If anyone has any thoughts on this please share, I've never been in this situation before and I want what's best for my boy.

04-06-2017, 07:33 PM
Annie -- I feel the same way about vaccinations at this point. For my Maggie, who also had Cushing's, I had started with titer testing fairly early. It turned out that she didn't need any vaccinations from age 7 on.

My vet did urge me to have Abbie get the bordetella spray done. I didn't think she needed it since she has no contact with dogs at home (other than my neighbor's dog who is fully vaccinated) but he brought up a good point. Abbie often has to stay at the vet for tests and he said the last thing she needs is to pick up something from another dog there. He also said that, since the bordetella is a nasal spray, there is little effect on the immune system.

Since Abbie was heartworm positive when I adopted her and Florida is rampant with mosquitos, I have to give Abbie heartworm treatment year round. She thankfully does still chew the Heartgard Plus chewables.

molly muffin
04-06-2017, 09:38 PM
I wouldn't do anything at this point that wasn't needed either.

Yes, it was raining here today too, but whoo hooo, sun and warmer weather on the way for the weekend and early next week. I'm looking forward to it too.

Carole Alexander
04-06-2017, 11:43 PM
Thank you for your kind note about Skippy; I just can't talk about him yet. I just keep reading everything I can find about research on macro tumors and treatments.

I read an article a couple of days ago about vaccines for dogs and the dangers therein. I have not had a chance to verify but the article, written by a vet I think, said that Rabies vaccine's contents are proprietary, sold in large batches to vets and may contain mercury as a preservative. I too would skip that opportunity for Whiskey. I will post the article when I have a chance to find it.

Harley PoMMom
04-07-2017, 11:14 AM
Regarding our pets, vaccines should only be given if the pet is healthy, and this rule applies even to a healthy pet that is displaying symptoms of any kind of illness, in this situation vaccines should be halted until the pet is completely healthy again.

My last three boys received waivers for their rabies shots because of their health issues; Harley had Cushing's, Bear had cancer, and Sampson had kidney disease. Even my new boy, Marvin, was granted the approval of not getting the rabies vaccine due to his collapsed trachea.

On the the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) it states:
However, AVMA recognizes some animals might require a waiver from rabies vaccination because the vaccination poses an unacceptably high risk to the health of the individual animal...


So my opinion is that any animal that is unhealthy should not receive any vaccines.

Hugs, Lori

Whiskey's Mom
04-18-2017, 06:27 PM
Hi All,
Just letting everyone know Whiskey is still hanging in there. Much the same as he has been, although I know he is thinner and doesn't eat much at once-kinda spends the day grazing, constantly picking & choosing. We spent the weekend with family & 3 other Goldens, much younger than Whisk, and he really held his own with them! No ball chasing of course, but he explored the property & the woods & really enjoyed himself. :D Feeding him is always a challenge, there was a link on another members thread that described Whiskey perfectly. He loves a food for a few days & then he refuses it. Trial & error over & over again, but I'm thankful for whatever he eats, no matter what it is! Banana muffins(healthy & home made) & ham are his latest faves. And he drinks a normal amount of water which I'm happy about.
Thanks for the vaccine info, too. Reinforced my thought that I'm leaving well enough alone.

Harley PoMMom
04-18-2017, 07:34 PM
Just wanted to let ya know I'm following along, and sending you both some huge loving hugs.

Carole Alexander
04-18-2017, 09:41 PM
Me too, long live Whiskey!

04-19-2017, 06:48 AM
Banana muffins! Our Saluki, Isis, used to go nuts over banana muffins. My husband used to have to go to the deli everyday to get her one...she was also a picky eater.

Happy to hear that Whiskey is doing well...think of you everyday!

04-19-2017, 08:15 AM
Yay Whiskey!

04-19-2017, 03:29 PM
Hm-m-m ... banana muffins -- I bet Abbie would like those as much as Whiskey does!

(Just one caution about the ham -- be careful with how much you give to Whiskey -- you definitely don't want to trigger pancreatitis.)

04-19-2017, 03:31 PM
Thinking of you and Whiskey, glad to hear he is hanging in there! My Tanner, who looked a lot like Whiskey, loved vanilla ice cream and looked forward to it daily. I never tried banana muffins, I'll remember that for the future!


molly muffin
04-19-2017, 03:41 PM
mmmm, whiskey might have a better dinner than me sometimes ROFL!!!

Go Whiskey!!! You got yourself a fab mum!!

Squirt's Mom
04-19-2017, 04:06 PM
I can't eat a banana without Bud doing his utmost to take it away from me! :p We have a compromise now....he gets on the bed then gets the first and last bite. While I am eating the middle, he drools on my leg. :p:D:p

04-19-2017, 04:10 PM
LOL! What a great deal!

Budsters Mom
04-19-2017, 04:21 PM
Whiskey gets a better dinner than I do, MOST of the time! ;):D:D

mmmm, whiskey might have a better dinner than me sometimes ROFL!!!

Whiskey's Mom
04-19-2017, 07:07 PM
Did I mention he had a filet mignon on Saturday? a petite one, but his very own:) I think he would have eaten everyone else's too! (we were celebrating-believe me it's not a regular meal at our house!)

I am careful about giving him fatty meats so he just gets small, well-trimmed pieces of ham & whatever else. It's just so hard to deny him anything at this point, but I do worry about pancreatitis. I made him fish for dinner which he usually eats but wouldnt touch it, then tried chicken-no go. however he ate 2 corn muffins & was begging for a 3rd. It's just crazy! My husband has learned to ask for permission before he eats anything in case it's Whiskey's, but now I just let them share. :D

Thanks for all the laughs & good wishes everyone

molly muffin
04-19-2017, 07:23 PM
Molly LOVED filet mignon!!! I'd trim it for her and cut it into small pieces, so she thought she was getting more than she was. Not entirely sure how much I fooled her. LOL Hubby knew to save some of his good more rare pieces for her and I saved some of my more cooked pieces so she got the best of both worlds.

I agree Kathy "MOST" times better meal LOL

Carole Alexander
04-19-2017, 10:12 PM
Annie, thank you for your note; I hate, hate, hate all of it. I now know how you feel for real. Whiskey is a champion though, as are you.

04-20-2017, 08:18 AM
For a while, I was feeding my dogs (V and Jackson) raw. My KIDS complained that the dogs were eating better than they were. :rolleyes: Those meals were nothing compared to Whiskey's though! I've got to make sure Jackson doesn't learn to read... I'll be in trouble if he finds out about Whiskey's meals!!

Harley PoMMom
04-20-2017, 10:02 AM
The first night I had Marvin I made us both filet mignon, he wouldn't touch it :eek: I thought to myself: "What dog doesn't like filet mignon?!!" but he came to realize that people food is yummy (me bad) so now when I'm in the kitchen he gets excited knowing that he'll be getting some of whatever I am eating!!

My husband has learned to ask for permission before he eats anything in case it's Whiskey's, but now I just let them share.


Whiskey's Mom
05-12-2017, 01:00 PM
Whiskey is going to heaven today at 4:30. :( the whole family is with him today & will be with him til the end. Our hearts are beyond broken and we will miss our sweet boy forever.

molly muffin
05-12-2017, 01:05 PM
Oh flippin... :(

We'll be right here if you need us. We love you and Whiskey and send tons of hugs your way with many tears being shed.

Squirt's Mom
05-12-2017, 01:22 PM
Oh, Annie, my heart just broke reading your post about our precious Whiskey. :( You and he have fought the good fight every step of the way and now when nothing more can be done, you give him the greatest gift of all in spite of the anguish you feel. Cherish every second you can and know your sweet boy trusts you completely and loves you with every fiber of his being.

We are all around you and Whiskey, you just can't see us. But we are there...

Leslie and the gang

Guardian Angle of Pets

Hello. I've been expecting you for quite some time.
Here, come sit beside us for awhile .
and let me tell you about this old friend of mine.
He might look tattered or maybe old
But I won't say goodbye until you've been told.
He had the brightest eyes I had ever seen,
And wore a beautiful fur coat that would out shine a king.
He was never prissy but walked with an aire ......
And oh so polite, you could take him most anywhere.
He could run like the wind and could catch anything he chased
But he protected and sat with me when I had problems to face.
You could not find a friend nearly so dear.
Because no matter the trouble he always stayed near...
He has never asked for much from me;
Just to love and respect him and I think you'll agree,
To give him a good meal plus a nice warm bed is not much to ask
When he has given me all his love and to him this was no task.
Now I understand you have a schedule to keep.
But I have a small favor before he nods off to sleep.
Please fold your wings around him and let him feel young while in no pain.
Dear Guardian Angel of Pets,
please keep him safe and happy until I see him again.

Ginger Patton

05-12-2017, 01:24 PM
Oh Annie! Please know that your K9C family is right here alongside you all, as well. Just as Sharlene says, we are sending our love and sharing our tears. I am so, so sorry that this day has come! Please give sweet Whiskey a giant hug for us all. And our hearts are with your family.


05-12-2017, 01:29 PM
Oh, Annie....I'm so sorry and so sad for all of you. I know how heartbroken you all are...mine is breaking for you right now. I haven't cried at my desk in weeks and I'm sobbing right now. He was a great dog, a beautiful creature and it is just not fair.

Give him a hug and kiss for me, please...

05-12-2017, 03:17 PM
Annie, I am so sorry. I saw there was a new post in Whiskey's thread and saved it for the very last, worrying all while hoping my fears were wrong. No matter how much we know this day was coming, we are never ready when it arrives. I am so glad that Whiskey's whole family is there with him now, including all of us, surrounding him in love.

Much love to all of you.


Edited to add: Fly free, sweet boy.

molly muffin
05-12-2017, 04:55 PM
It's about 5pm, sending you hugs Annie. I'm so sorry. :(

05-12-2017, 05:11 PM
It's about 5pm, sending you hugs Annie. I'm so sorry. :(
Me, too, Annie. Me, too.

Budsters Mom
05-12-2017, 08:02 PM
I am so very sorry. :(:o You are absolutely right, it's not fair. :o

Big soothing hugs,

Whiskey's Mom
05-13-2017, 05:59 AM
Thanks everyone. It's was so so hard to let him go, but it was time and he was ready. He was everything to us and our lives will never be the same.

05-13-2017, 07:11 AM
We will always be here for you, Annie, and I do believe that Whiskey is now running freely once again, surrounded by all our precious babies who have welcomed him with kisses and tail wags.

Always in loving memory of your precious boy,

Carole Alexander
05-13-2017, 07:20 AM
Dear Annie,
I too am so, so sorry for your loss this morning. I know that your and your family's hearts are broken. Whiskey's life, the joy that he gave everyone and that you gave him, is testimony to the goodness of life. I hope that in time your million memories of Whiskey will assuage your grief and pain. Doing the right thing at the right time is too often the hardest thing, But I know that Whiskey's boundless spirit will live on into eternity. My thoughts are with you.

Hugs to you,


Harley PoMMom
05-13-2017, 10:29 AM
Oh Annie, I am so sorry too. It is extremely hard losing them and even when knowing that this decision to release them is the absolute right and loving thing to do, it is still so heartbreaking.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, please know we will always be here for you.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

05-13-2017, 02:44 PM
I am so very sorry for you and your family. You did the right thing for Whiskey and I am sure that when you see him again he will give you lots of doggie kisses for being strong enough to relieve him from his terrible pain.

May you find solace in your many happy memories of Whiskey.

05-13-2017, 05:34 PM
Annie and family , I am so very sorry for your loss of Whiskey. Even tho I never posted on your thread, I followed your thread from the beginning. What a big loving sweetheart Whiskey was. And what a great mom you were. Love is forever.

molly muffin
05-13-2017, 09:17 PM
Oh Annie. :(. Hugs m friend. I think they take a huge hunk of our hearts with them when they go. It sure does leave an empty place in our lives.

As Marianne said. We are always here for you

Whiskey's Mom
05-15-2017, 07:52 AM
Thank you all so much for being here and sending us beautiful messages of comfort. Today is the first day in 14 years that I have been alone in the house. It's awful- there's an emptiness that I can't describe. And it's the first time in my adult life that I haven't had someone to care for-my aging parents, my children, my pup. My husband is taking this really hard too. I've never seen him like this.

05-15-2017, 08:12 AM
Oh Annie, I do believe the empty house is absolutely the worst part. Before my Barkis died, my house was really my refuge -- I loved puttering around our home and Barkie was my shadow, always following me everywhere. But beginning that first morning after he was gone, I could barely even stand to stay in the house. It was so quiet and empty and wrong. I just sat and cried. I took lots of walks and ran lots of errands to try to escape the loneliness. But that never really worked, and that's how we ended up bringing our sweet baby Peg home just a couple months later. :o

I'm not in any way saying that's what you should do, too. But I just want you to know that you can come and write to us anytime that you want some company. You can write ten times a day if you want. In my grief, I spent so much time here with our K9C family. You are never truly alone, Annie, even though your house is so empty.

Sending tons of hugs to you, and to your husband, too. This is such a huge loss for your whole family. Whiskey was such a good and sweet boy, and he filled your home with love and joy. It's no wonder you miss him so.


Whiskey's Mom
05-15-2017, 08:54 AM
Oh my gosh Marianne you took the words out of my mouth. I loved spending time at home with Whiskey. we all became total homebodies especially in these last months since he hasn't been well. Now I can't stand the silence. I keep forgetting he's not here, I hear his nails & collar on the tiles of his favorite napping spot. And I hear the gentle padding of his paws as he walked into the room. All of his things are around the house. I can't bear to move them and I don't want to vacuum up his beautiful golden fur. Even when I was doing housework I always had someone to talk to & keep me company. i know someday we'll get another pup but I truly raised Whiskey as one of my kids and my girls always called him baby brother. They are struggling so much too but had to return to their lives today and try to be normal & hold it together. I feel so bad for them too.

05-15-2017, 09:57 AM
Even with Jackson and my kitty, I also took many long (long!) walks after Visuddha passed. I just couldn't stand to be in the house where he wasn't. Going to work and continuing a "normal" life outside the house was often easier for me than staying home. His crate is still next to my bed, with his bed and blanket inside. The bed and blanket were washed (eventually) but I can't put them anywhere else yet.

Sometimes I still hear him, or smell him. Jupiter too... and he's been gone for 7 years now.

You've been on my heart all weekend, Annie. I wish we didn't live across the country. (((hugs)))

05-15-2017, 10:11 AM
We all know the feeling, Annie...the emptiness is so loud! Even with my 4 others, I still feel something is missing...my little angel. I look out my kitchen window and imagine her walking down the path after her little strolls, I still see her little face when she would put her front paws on the bottom step and look at me at the sink, waiting for me to come down and help her onto the deck...so many memories, some make me smile or make me cry.

She was always there, watching me, listening to me or waiting for me. I still can't get used to her not doing any of that. My son always called her my third child, and she was, just like Whiskey was yours. We've lost our children, Annie, and it is so very hard.

Much love to you all...


05-15-2017, 10:22 AM
Oh, the fur......!!! :o :o

I couldn't bring myself to vacuum for days and days and days, both with Barkis and Peg. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't erase that lingering physical presence. But then the day came when I had to, of course. So then I cried. For a couple of sweepings after Peg died, the fur remained salt 'n pepper -- it was a combo of Peg's black fur and Luna's yellow fur. The first time all the black was totally gone, I cried. Shortly thereafter, my mom was here for the weekend and was sitting at a writing desk when all of a sudden she pointed behind the desk and said "Peg" and she started crying. Yup, there was a little ball of sweet black fur that I had missed.

To this day, I have kept little balls of Barkis' and Peg's fur in a special little bowl on my favorite bookcase. I don't even know whether hubby realizes they're there. But every once in a while, I go and cup them in my hands. And I remember. And of course, I still cry. But it comforts me that I have them.

05-15-2017, 10:52 AM
So sorry for your loss. Nothing more can be said that hasn't already. Pleas know that we are all standing with you in the quiet moments.

molly muffin
05-15-2017, 09:12 PM
I had a panic attack the first time I came home and molly wasn't there to greet me. A full out oh my god i can't do this attack. Never had one before. It's the house, the house is all about her and her place, her territory, her home. We just lived there with her. All good things though happened in that house, and sometimes I'd find myself outside and not able to go in. I think the first day after I spent outside by the pool, just laying and crying. I did not want to go back in.
That gets better btw, but I still feel the emptiness of her not being here. I guess we just find ways to handle that pain, but there are just triggers you know, that make it all come straight at you like a bulldozer. That bulldozer becomes a lawn mower, then eventually it's more like an annoying little RC car racing around. You hear it, know its there but it isn't going to knock you on your rear end.

Whiskey's Mom
05-15-2017, 11:19 PM
It's so true- it's Whiskeys house. We always said: His patio. His driveway. His backyard. He is everywhere here, we had no restrictions for him. Every inch of the place was touched by his presence. There are nose prints on the front door glass from him. Now tomorrow it's back to work where I will miss him all over again. And my regular customers will be looking for him so I'll have to explain & cry every time. I'm glad he got some extra love and attention in these last months of his life. I do just dread walking into the house, I even hated walking to the mailbox without him. He was part of every daily routine. You just don't realize it cuz it's so natural.
Thanks for listening and understanding everyone-don't know what I'd do without all of you!

05-16-2017, 03:46 PM
I'm so, so sorry. :( Blessings and hugs to you.

05-16-2017, 09:12 PM
Oh Annie, I'm so sorry!!! I've been having computer/internet problems and just read about sweet Whiskey. My heart aches for you. It does get better with time but I sure know the feeling of the void they leave, in your heart and in your home. I still miss Charlotte terribly every day but I have my dog Lido with me so the house isn't empty like it is for you. But there were so many memories of Charlotte left behind and I'm just now starting to completely put everything away. I couldn't even bring myself to wash her bedding until a couple of days ago.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.


Whiskey's Mom
05-17-2017, 08:17 PM
Thank you, we are still struggling, missing our boy. Waiting for the call that he is ready to be picked up to come home. I got this in a card from a friend. Hope others get some comfort from it too:

Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be the household word it always was. Let it be spoken without effort.
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was, there is absolutely unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.
Nothing is past, nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before...only better, infinitely happier and forever we will all be one, together.

molly muffin
05-17-2017, 10:33 PM
That is truly lovely.

I'm sure Whiskey will be coming home very soon. But really, he's already there.

05-18-2017, 07:14 AM
Very pretty, Annie....after Lena died, everyone was afraid to mention her because I would start crying uncontrollably, but I was doing that anyway, they just didn't know it. It took months before I could say her name without breaking down.

I still cry a lot some days, cry a little on others, and am finally able to talk about her. When I think of her, sometimes I find myself smiling at the memory now instead of sobbing. My husband joins in when I talk about her instead of running away. My grandson Josh, will go through the pictures in my phone and always stops now at the ones of Lee, instead of whizzing by before I see them.

The ache is always there, but it does get easier to handle. I think that's the key...handling it.

How are the girls doing?

05-18-2017, 03:22 PM
Annie -- I am so, so sorry that I wasn't here when you first posted about Whiskey's passing. My heart goes out to you during this most difficult time. I am sure that all of our Cush pups who went to the Bridge before Whiskey were there to greet him with lots of love.

05-18-2017, 08:09 PM
That's gorgeous - thank you for sharing. I hope it brings you peace. <3

Whiskey's Mom
05-18-2017, 10:57 PM
We brought Whiskey home tonight. Somehow I feel better with him here, I didn't think I would. We are still struggling and I know we'll always miss him. My girls are hanging in thanks for asking. they're busy so it's a distraction but at bedtime the reality hits them and the tears come. He was their rock through the crazy teenage years, and the main reason for missing home when they left for college. I've been sending them screenshots of all your kind messages and they are so grateful and touched. Thank you all.

Judy, it's ok! I was worried about your girl. Hope she's feeling better.

05-19-2017, 08:51 AM
It's good to have him home. <3

molly muffin
05-19-2017, 06:48 PM
It's good to hear that Whiskey is home.

I'm sure the kids are devastated. It is saying good bye not just to a friend but to as you put it their teenage rock. That has to be hard on them and you.

big hugs!

Whiskey's Mom
05-26-2017, 10:16 PM
It's been 2 weeks since we said goodbye to our boy. 2 awful weeks. I've been working tons of overtime. I can't stand to be in my house. It was once my sanctuary, now it's my enemy. The silence is so loud: the clock ticking- the faucet dripping- the fridge running, I never heard these things before. We moved into this house when Whiskey was 2, he is a part of every inch of this place. His things are exactly where they always were. My husband took him in the backyard right before we left for the vets that day. Whiskey grabbed his tennis ball,bless his heart,he was a trooper, trying to be his old self. It's still in the yard where he dropped it. My husband cut the grass around it-with a scissors. I'm not kidding. My bad ass biker husband will not move that ball. I've never seen him like this. Ever. I know time heals, but we will miss our guy forever.

Budsters Mom
05-26-2017, 10:29 PM
Two weeks is no time at all. Of course, Whiskey is everywhere. His spirit is still there with you and your, "Bad ass biker husband". I can so picture that. Him on his hands and knees carefully scissoring around that precious tennis ball. Now that's unconditional love.

We remain here for you both.

05-27-2017, 07:46 AM
That is so sweet, Annie...the poor man. I think it's harder for them, they can't just cry like we can, and do. They feel they have to be strong for us. Before we brought Lena to be cremated, I asked mine to cut some hair off of her ears for me and he ran to get the scissors and carefully cut a little from each ear, symmetrically, so it wouldn't be obvious.

It's the little things....

molly muffin
05-27-2017, 09:23 PM
It is true. I have never seen my hubby the way he was when Molly passed. She was his baby and he was devastated in a way I have never seen before. That broke my heart as much as missing molly did. He wouldn't let me wash her sheep skin rug, it was just too much for him and said, that smells like molly, leave it and I did. We packed her favorite toys including the cow that she tore the ear off of and he sewed back on for her by hand.
These guys of ours, so tough on the outside, but we know the mush that hides within the tender heart inside.

Whiskey's Mom
06-02-2017, 08:22 PM
3 weeks today buddy. Miss you so much.

molly muffin
06-02-2017, 10:54 PM
3 very very long weeks I imagine.


06-03-2017, 08:03 AM
Sending hugs, Annie...the first few months are so hard. You keep expecting them to be there. My mind just would not accept it. My husband said I was catatonic. I had to shut my mind down or I would've been screaming in agony. I still have those moments, I cry myself to sleep a lot and can break down at a memory, or a picture I've found or a song on the radio.

But there are times when those same things that break me, will make me smile and remember how much I loved and enjoyed her...I guess it just depends on the day.

We love them with all of our heart, and when we have to let them go, they take it with them...like any wound, it takes time to heal, but it leaves a scar.

Whiskey's Mom
06-06-2017, 09:41 PM
3 very very long weeks Sharlene.
part of me can't believe he's gone, the other part feels like it's been years since I last saw him. I think this house is missing Whiskey too-everything's breaking-microwave & gas grill both just stopped working, computer crashed, all needed to be replaced. I feel like I'm personally falling apart too- in so many ways. Good news though- I'm watching my cousins 2 Goldens for a few days. They were Whiskeys buds, ( he was definitely the boss ;)) . And also my daughters & I are going to Italy to visit our family in July! So at least there's something happy to think about between tears. This empty house is just horrible. I found out about a Senior Dog Sanctuary nearby so I plan to volunteer there eventually too. I'm just not ready yet.
Joan-slow to heal & will leave a big scar for sure, a part of us went with him, but we all have a part of him with us too. Forever.

06-06-2017, 09:53 PM
Hug those Goldens, enjoy your trip and let us know about your volunteer experiences (when you're ready). I considered doing that too, but ... keep looking for another pup to bring into our family. When it's right, we'll connect. Til then, I keep looking.

molly muffin
06-07-2017, 07:04 PM
ohhhhh a trip! to Italy! I'm jealous. I just got over being jealous of Shana's trip. LOL

What a cool idea, to volunteer at a senior dog sanctuary and dang, how cool is it that one even exists! I would totally be there too.

Oh fun getting to dog sit some goldens. Now that's a happy time for sure. I'll probably be dog sitting a one year old cockapoo (Coco) this summer when her family goes on vacation. And I played with my friends newly adopted brussels griffon the other night. Man those are cute and this one is just so sweet it gives me a cavity. hahaha I love her. Her name is Tudi.

Whiskey's Mom
06-12-2017, 10:26 PM
It was great having dogs in the house again but so hard to say goodbye when they left. They were looking all over for Whiskey when they first arrived. and the little girl Roxie was sniffing & following scents around the house the whole visit. She would always go into Whiskeys bed & he was willing to share, but this visit she completely avoided it. They knew something was up-their buddy was gone & I was sad.

molly muffin
06-14-2017, 07:37 PM
My molly looked for Trophy, her golden retreiver friend a couple houses down every time we went past the door after Trophy passed from cancer. And Molly still has friends that try to come to our door and whine to see her.

Whiskey's Mom
06-14-2017, 11:27 PM
Yep same here. When we still walked, Whiskey knew every house on our route that held a dog. And would give just the slightest squeaks as we walked by, if nobody was around. Now I see the buddies walking by our place and I kind of hide inside. Not that I don't want to see them but I feel lost without my sidekick. So I stay in. Don't even have my patio set up. I don't know how to act around here with out him. Weird I know but it's true. When we moved here he was only 2, and HE was the reason I met so many people. I'm boring, but he was this beautiful,friendly, funny boy who went out of his way to make friends with every human in his path, dragging me behind him. I just miss him, and I always will.

Whiskey's Mom
07-07-2017, 06:49 PM
Hi everyone,
Been trying to keep up on here when I can. It's coming up on 2 months since we said goodbye to our sweet boy. Someday's it seems like so so long ago that I hugged him & other days it seems like yesterday.I'll never really get over it, I'll just learn to live with it, there's no choice. I wanted to explain what happened at the end, though. He was holding his own, very fussy with food but still pushing onward, every day coming to work with me and still happy. My daughter had a 4 day break and was beyond happy to be home with her "baby brother". She called me that he seemed to be having trouble getting up but after a bit he was ok. It happened again a few more times that day, but they said he was sleeping and seemed better(denial). Unfortunately, I had to work late that night. When I got home I let him out & he was walking like he was drunk and as he came towards me I noticed his his head was tilted at an odd angle. When he came in he awkwardly got in his bed and looked right into my eyes and I knew, I just knew. So we all slept downstairs with him and at 5 am I texted my other daughter so she could make the 2 hour drive home. We noticed his one eyebrow was twitching and also his eyes moving rapidly from side to side, along with the head tilt. I called the vet at 8 & she said she felt it was time. She said he had symptoms of Vestibular disorder, which can be treatable, but most likely it was the tumor metastasized to the brain.These neurological symptoms probably gave him double vision & nausea too. We agreed to bring him in after she closed at 430 so we could have privacy & take our time. That day, he ate a bit of pulled pork(always a fave), popcorn and vanilla ice cream, we took videos & loved him all day. He was such a trooper, his girlfriend Molly came over to say goodbye & he picked up her leash & was walking around(unsteadily) with it in his mouth. Molly's family was devastated, but they also agreed that it was time, he was different. Right before we left, my husband took him out one last time, and he grabbed his tennis ball on the way & dropped it in the yard where it still is to this day. When we left for the vet, he put his head on top of the back seat and watched the house til we turned. At the vet, they had a quilt on the floor for us, we all got on it and after a minute, in true Whiskey fashion, he got off the quilt & laid on the tile! He always always loved tile-Cushings or not! A horrible day, but he kept us smiling through our tears til the end, bless him.
After -I researched Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome,, I was devastated to learn that a dog can overcome it in a few days. I felt terrible that I didn't know this sooner, and just wondered if we should have waited. My family & friends helped me get over these feelings, because we knew he had a very large tumor and probably it had been there awhile, and he was failing, slowly but surely. Deep down I know there were times where he felt really crappy. I've come to terms with it(kind of), but the look he gave me the night before I will never forget. And now, looking back I guess I know it was time, especially as we go through pictures.
Anyway I just needed to get all this out, so I'm sorry for the long post--and thanks so much for being here as always. We are leaving for Europe on Sunday-We land in Munich and take the train through Austria & the Brenner Pass into Trentino, Italy where our family waits! I've never done this train trip before & it was on my great big to-do List , so we're going for it. After we come back my oldest is moving to Florida. A year of big changes so far ..

07-07-2017, 09:44 PM
Awww, Annie....it was the right time. You got to spend a good day with him and he with the family and I'm sure he was very happy. The look he gave you says it all.

They know...I remember how Lena looked at me the last night we went to the ER. She knew, but I didn't pick up on it. I wish I had...I never would have left her that night.

You and Whiskey were blessed to have been together at the end. Waiting until they are in pain, or so far out of it, is so much worse. He knew that you all loved him and he loved you...that's all that matters.

Have a wonderful trip!


07-08-2017, 07:44 AM
I think Joan has said things perfectly, Annie. Just to add a few words more, I had a heart-to-heart talk with my own beloved vet a couple of months after my husband and I released our Cushpup, Barkis. I was having my own doubts as to whether the time had been "right." He said that of course he has witnessed so many people struggling with that decision, including himself. He said that, in honesty, he had probably waited too long with his own dogs, even being a vet. And I think, very wisely, he said that after witnessing what he has witnessed, if an error is to be made, than to err with "too early" is often more compassionate than waiting until "too late." For a dog with a terminal condition, that little bit of extra time is not a gift if it ultimately means greater suffering and loss at the end for an animal who depends upon our loving judgement. I felt a little better after hearing that, although to this day I sometimes have my moments of regret and questions.

From what you've told us, I believe Whiskey left this world while he was still a proud dog who was fully aware of how deeply he was loved and cherished. I honestly don't think any person or dog could ask for a better send-off to the eternal.

Sending many hugs and hopes for a great trip, too!

Whiskey's Mom
07-08-2017, 07:54 AM
Thank you so much, For always being here, for everyone not just me- dogs and people too!
I know Whiskey is watching over us. I put a few new pics in his album. I had gotten charms made for my girls last Christmas. I sent pictures of Whiskey's nose and paw and they put it on a charm with his name. They of course love them and wear them always. I'm so glad I did it while he was still with us. Anyway my daughter went to FL to get an apartment, furniture etc and as they were driving my husband saw the nose print reflected on the steering Wheel! Right after that, they saw a rainbow (it wasn't raining-maybe they are more common in FL?). Then at the apt rental office(it's pet friendly) there was a jar of Whiskeys favorite treats on the counter! Even my husband the cynic said that Whiskey was telling her he will always be with her, no matter how far from home she is.

07-08-2017, 08:06 AM
They're great pictures, Annie...he was such a little cutie pie!

07-08-2017, 08:18 AM
Awww. I love the messages from Whiskey for your daughter. That's precious and beautiful.

I've had moments of regret for all the decisions I have made for the animals in my life. But I agree with the sentiment from Marianne's vet, and prefer not to wait "too long" so they do not suffer so much. It is always a tough decision and anyone who loves as much and as deeply as we do our babies is going to struggle with it and wonder if they made the right choice at the time.

You made the right choice. It was time.

This goes for everyone reading this....including me.

No matter who you are, or the reasons that brought you to that point. It was the right choice.

molly muffin
07-08-2017, 09:46 PM
The picture are just lovely. whiskey and his sisters. I know you all have a bond that isn't broken by life and death. Its in the heart and it lasts forever and ever.

We all have those moments. I had them after molly passed. I knew it was time but that doesn't make it any easier.

It does seem that Whiskey was sending his own message on the trip to Florida and at the apartment. Good boy. :)

Well drat if I'm not all teary again. It doesn't take much on this forum to get the klenex out. LOL

Whiskey's Mom
10-30-2017, 12:50 PM
Hi everyone!
So sorry I've been away for so long, I'm kind of ashamed to say that it was honestly too painful to come on here. I never thought I'd be that way, but it happened. I have so much catching up to do, and I want to be here to support the special and wonderful people who supported me through my struggles with our poor Whiskey, and offer help to the new people if I can. I was pretty busy most of the summer, with work, our trip to Italy and my daughter's big move to Florida. After all that, I think my grief actually got worse. I cried in the car, the shower, you name it-I barely went outside all summer. I did some dog sitting in my home, but I had no desire to get another dog. Then in september, a friend sent me a picture of a Golden at a rescue nearby. By the time I contacted them, she was adopted, but it got me thinking and browsing their website more often. We thought to get a Golden puppy, but my dearest friend is actively involved in rescue(has 5) and I know there are so many awesome pets out there in need of a loving home. As the weather turned cooler, I realized I could not handle a dreary winter without a dog, and there was a Golden mix available for adoption & we went to see her. She was quite a handful, and a family with young children also wanted her, so we said she should go home with them-my wish for them is for that pup to bring as much joy to their family as Whiskey did to ours, growing up with the human kids! :-) There were alot of dogs there, all of them looking at us like "pick me-pick me!". So we met a few others, and we found out that they got 15 dogs in that week, all Hurricane Harvey orphans that came there via a rescue in WV! A volunteer suggested we meet a certain dog that she thought would be perfect for us & we ended up bringing him home!! We named him Tex, he is a Mountain Cur mix with pointy ears, possibly mixed with Cattle dog (?), and he is around 3 years old. Such a good boy, we just love him!!!! He adjusted very well, just a few minor bumps in the road, but considering what he's been through, he's doing great. I'll make him an album, and I will also make an Italy album to share the beauty of my Trentino with all of you.
Love and hugs to all of you and your sweet pups!
Annie and Tex... And Whiskey too

10-30-2017, 02:58 PM
Annie! Welcome back.. and a great big hello to Tex! How wonderful you found a rescue who needed you, at just the right time.
I can't wait to see your Italy pictures - or Tex!

Harley PoMMom
10-30-2017, 04:52 PM
Oh Annie, I am so happy for you!!! Tex is so lucky to have found you as his Mom!!!! Yes, definitely want to see some pics of your handsome boy!!!!

molly muffin
10-30-2017, 07:12 PM
Annie! Welcome back. :). You never know what is going yo set off tge tears and tge forum is a potent reminder of everything. It was hard for me too and i think everyone reslly.

I bet Tex keeps you all busy. I cant wait to see pictures! Was he from the hurricane rescue also? Oh. 15. Yikes. Maybe Tex needs a friend? Hahaha. Has he gone to work with you? Christmas season coming soon. Amazing its here already.

Oh yes want to see Italy pictures. Love Italy.

Welcone back home Annie and Tex

Carole Alexander
11-01-2017, 11:27 AM
It's so good to read your posts! I would love to see pics of Tex and Italy; you are a breath of fresh air and life blowing back into the forum. Thank you,

11-02-2017, 09:08 AM
Welcome back. I understand it being painful to come back here, I still find it that way and it's 3 years now. Never felt grief like it. So glad you have another furbaby to help you through, hopefully I will get mine in the spring. I have some real reservations about it, so let us know how you yourself felt with the new one. Congratulations on saving another wonderful well deserving pup.

Whiskey's Mom
11-03-2017, 06:31 PM
Thanks everyone for your warm welcome back!!! I was having trouble logging in & had to change my password, but I can't log in on my phone either. It's probably something simple I'm doing wrong. Anyway my pictures wouldn't upload either so I promise to work on this soon.
Tex was from the Hurricane Harvey group, I wish he could talk and tell us what he's been through. What I know: He spent about 30 days in a shelter in Texas, then whoever was unclaimed got sent to different rescues all over the US I think. He went to West Virginia-where he was in a foster home with 6 other dogs, and got neutered, immunized, wormed etc. They estimated his age at 5, my vet thought 3 was more likely. Whoever had him did train him and I know he lived in a house as opposed to a barn because he knows all about beds, couches and other cozy things, oh and definitely the kitchen and sounds that go along with food! We had to bathe him a few times, his fur was oily and he kinda smelled like fuel oil, which means he was probably in the flood waters at some point, he also had bacteria in his ears. He is Lyme positive & was treated with Doxy & we will retest in 6 months or sooner if symptoms appear. He is great with people & super friendly, but he hasn't met any of our fur friends yet, we wanted to be sure his health was good & give him time to adjust. Soon, though, and I'm nervous.
Judi:I absolutely love Tex, but I still miss Whiskey as much as I did before we got him and I think I always will. But the pain doesn't seem as sharp as it was. Meaning I guess it's really nice to have a furry face greeting me when I come home, a buddy to walk with, and to be able to say "yes I have a dog!". That was hard for me, and I didn't see it coming, but I was so used to telling people about Whiskey and sharing pup stories that it was awful when someone asked if I had a dog & I had to say no. And it's really hard not to compare them, Tex is very different-his look, his size, his personality, but any comparisons we make are out of love for Whiskey, not criticisms of Tex. He is fitting nicely into our lives & adjusting to our schedules, I hope Whiskey would approve!

molly muffin
11-04-2017, 04:32 PM
Ohhhh saw the pictures of Tex! What nice ears you have. LOL Those eyes are pretty darn soulful too aren't they. He looks so cute.

Poor guy, so sad to think of them in all that nasty water. Humans and animals, those hurricanes where just devastating this year. :( His fur looks soft and shiney in that picture, but I'm sure it took some doing and the skin underneath probably was affected too.

Crossing fingers for when he meets some new fur friends. Hopefullly he'll do fine.

Yes I hate saying no I don't have a dog. I get fur time with my friends dogs. It's not the same though.

Whiskey's Mom
11-06-2017, 12:18 PM
Phew-I resized my pics and got the albums updated. I even added one of Whiskey :o

11-06-2017, 01:10 PM
Lovely pictures of Italy! And of course the boys... :)

Harley PoMMom
11-06-2017, 05:50 PM
Loved the pics!!! Thanks for sharing them!

molly muffin
11-08-2017, 05:32 PM
Italy is just beautiful. I love it, the pics are gorgeous.

Aww, Tex looks comfy! He looks like a total sweethert.

Whiskey's Mom
11-11-2017, 02:46 PM
Thanks everyone for your compliments! Tex is a good boy, a snuggle bug too! He's doing better on the leash, but really having issues when we come across another dog. I just can't get him to focus on me, even with "high value treats". He's not aggressive, just wants to play, so he pulls and barks and play bows. Yikes-we are quite a sight! I absolutely think he's lonely for canine companionship, but I really can't take on another dog at this time. A friend brought her dog over, she's twice the size of Tex and a sweetheart, but she was afraid of him! Poor Tex didn't know what to do. I'm trying to arrange some play dates for him, but it hasn't been working out with scheduling so hopefully soon. He walks around kinda squeaking at times, I really think he's looking for his friends, especially outside. I know he was with 6 other dogs in his foster home, and have no idea about before that, but based on what I've seen- I really think he lived with dogs, cats and kids. We'll keep working on it!

11-11-2017, 08:22 PM
Are you taking him to the flower shop, Annie?

Whiskey's Mom
11-13-2017, 09:46 AM
I took him to the flower shop twice. He has to be tied because we are on a busy highway and there's alot of trouble he could get into besides that. I have him on a long lead in my work area with a bed, toys and water. Our big issue is that every time I walk away he wakes up, starts squeaking which then turns into barking! Not good when people are on the telephone. Even if he can see me, he still barks. He rarely barks at home. So it's an issue we need to work on, but I'm hoping as he gets used to the place he'll settle down. My big issue right now is that my cousin brought their 2 Goldens over to meet Tex and it did not go well. Tex lunged at each of them separately, going for the ear/neck area. So they had to leave and I'm really upset. I spoke to a trainer, and she said I kind of set Tex up to fail, since they came bounding into His yard and he felt the need to protect his new home. These other dogs get along with every dog they meet and are very mellow, but we shouldn't have assumed all would go well. This woman is a private trainer, highly recommended, so she is going to evaluate Tex and we'll go from there. She said we can overcome this, and regardless what Tex went through in his former life, we will start fresh. It's made me feel better, but I'm still worried.

11-13-2017, 10:26 AM
What are you worried about? I'm not being flippant. It helped me to identify exactly what my fears were, and work through them, to be able to discuss with the behaviorist/trainer while I was calm. Then I had a plan on how _I_ would behave, and helped the dog learn differently too.

Kira has been with us for 4 months, and when we first got her, she barked and was very nervous around strangers. She still has issues when she's startled, but she has come a long way. We've had lots of practice around things that were scary, showing her they're not so scary, and teaching her she can trust us to keep her safe.

If you remember, Jackson lunged and barked at other dogs we saw on walks. I learned to teach him what I wanted him to do, instead. It's been a long road and we still have work to do, but he often looks to me now when he sees other dogs (though occasionally still lunges and barks like a maniac). Occasionally. Wow. Last year I would have said he did that every time regardless of how the other dog behaved.

Anyway, a lot of my dogs' behavior is based on MY behavior. If I'm worried, I breathe differently. I tighten up on the leash. Prepare for them to act like a maniac. If I'm calm, relaxed, even happy... I trust the training. I trust them. And they trust me, which is key. They still react sometimes, but less and less.

Of course, Tex isn't Jackson. Nor is he Kira. And I'm no trainer. But that's my experience.

You'll figure it out. :)

molly muffin
11-13-2017, 02:56 PM
It is very hard I think when you go from having a dog you have trained, who just seems to know exactly how to behave around other people and dogs, to one that is new to the whole situation and doesn't know these things.

When you have them from puppy on, they grow and learn, but when you take in a rescue you are rehabilitating behavior from the beginning and it can be a real trial. At least that is what I think. Give it some time and training with the behaviorist and I think it will all come together for you and Tex.