View Full Version : Upping Dosage

04-08-2016, 11:15 PM
Hi all,

I'm so glad I found this forum. I've looked through as many threads as I can to see if my Zoey has had any similar symptoms as any other pups. Zoey is a 9lb Maltese and turned 12 in Feb. She's been on 10mg of vetoryl since September 2015. When she was diagnosed, she just looked terrible. She could hardly stand, didn't lift her head up and was panting and drinking excessively. She got on the 10mg of vetorly and shortly after was doing amazing, back to being the same pup she was. Until the week before last, she's been having the same symptoms. Can't stand and falls when she tries to get up, panting nonstop, drinking a ton of water and having a lot of accidents, but has not made a bowel movement. She took another blood test to see if her vetoryl needed to be upped, and it did. She is now on clavamox, one baby aspirin for the pain (also perscribed by vet) and an extra 5mg every other day. She's been on the 15mg every other day for a week and I haven't seen any signs of improvement thus far. I've contacted my vet and he said it was normal for it to take a week to kick in, but I'm getting very nervous. Does anyone have any advice or has had a similar situation? I'm nervous that this is now a side affect from the trilostane. Any info would be great, thank you!!

04-09-2016, 06:28 AM
Hi and welcome to you both.

When you can post the numeric results of the last ACTH test (when the vet raised the dosage). Also, when were her electrolytes checked? There are times when Vetoryl causes an electrolyte imbalance showing some of the symptoms of stumbling, constipation and lethargy. Please check with your vet as this can become serious.

There could be something else going on here and really will not know until we see the numbers.

Also dosing every other day is not the correct protocol as per the manufacturer. I am not sure why your vet is doing this?

You also mentioned aspirin - what is causing the pain?

Keep us posted

Harley PoMMom
04-09-2016, 02:59 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Zoey!

I am so sorry your sweet girl is not feeling well. As Terry has mentioned getting those test results and posting them here would be a big help to us in providing you with more meaningful feedback. What type of Cushing's was Zoey diagnosed with, the pituitary or adrenal form? Does Zoey still have a good appetite? Has she vomited at all?

Those symptoms Zoey is displaying are indicative to diabetes, was her glucose checked? Cushing's disease puts dogs at increased risk for diabetes and it can develop rather suddenly.

Has she been checked for an UTI? And is this why she is taking the clavamox?

As Terry posted, giving the 5 mg dose every-other-day is generally not a good option. Since the medication remains active in the body for no longer than 24 hours, skipping a day of the 5 mg dose only sets up a roller-coaster of higher cortisol one day, lower cortisol the next.

Hope dear Zoey is feeling better soon.

Hugs, Lori