View Full Version : Buffy's new little sister, Trixie
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-06-2016, 06:40 AM
Greetings everyone.
In February I adopted a new little Sheltie sister, Trixie, for my Collie-mix, Buffy. She is 2 years 8 months old.
hen I first brought her home, she sometimes held her urine for 37 hours. Blood work was perfect when she had her physical for her spaying and dental. I have the levels, but don't think they are pertinent to my thread here.
She went from never going potty to pottying regularly last week.
By this week, she was going twice in the same outing, sometimes three times and -- don't think this is pertinent either -- but eating her poop.
Yesterday I wanted the veterinary office to take a sample via cysto (?) so before going there, gave her a little dogfood with -- guessing here -- 1/2 cup of water.
Doc called and said her urine was dilute and no bacteria was found. He recommended a culture be sent to a local lab and I said OK.....
Urine came back 1.008. He suspects a urine tract infection because he said, "How could she go from holding her urine 37 hours at times to going potty too much?"
PH normal. 6.5. no bacteria, no glucose.
We will do the sensitivity test and culture and I will not sleep well until Saturday when the results come back.
I am sure it is not common to find Cushings in a dog this young, but entirely possible.
I am sure that she could have acquired a UTI from such poor potty habits, too.....she would at first (besides waiting 37 hours) potty once a day, then twice, then normally last week.
What does anyone think?
I lost two fur babies to Cushings (Trixie and Buffy) in 2008 and 2012 respectively. Actually Trixie had Cushings, but died from liver cancer.
Interest to know what you think.
At least I am an experienced Cushing's Mom....I understand there are better meds today, but I probably will have to do the old med because it was expensive and the others are probably twice that. I don't remember the meds.....just the cost (-: and that they kept Buffy alive for 2-3 years longer than if we hadn't discovered Cushings.
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
Can I change my name to Buffy & Trixie's Mom?
04-06-2016, 10:57 AM
Hi and welcome back, although I'm so very sorry about these new problems. I was happy to change your username as you've requested. So from now on, you are "Buffy & Trixie's Mom." ;)
I do have to say that, right now, I am doubtful that Cushing's is Trixie's problem. It seems much more likely to me that there is some problem going on that is specific to her kidney/bladder/urinary tract. As you already know, it is not normal for a dog to hold urine for 37 hours. So that in itself seems odd. The turn-around now to having to pee excessively is really a head-scratcher. But truly, the onset of the problem does not sound anything like Cushing's to me. Perhaps there is some kind of structural or inflammatory issue with her bladder or ureter??
If the culture comes back with no evidence of an infection, I am hoping your vet will refer you to a specialist to get to the bottom of all this. I really do suspect that something else is going on with your little girl.
Harley PoMMom
04-06-2016, 03:21 PM
From googling I see that frequent urination after spaying is not that uncommon. One site states:
After a female dog is spayed, the strength of the urethral sphincter decreases in the year following surgery — and it often continues to weaken with age. Approximately 20 percent of spayed female dogs will develop incontinence within three years of being spayed.
molly muffin
04-06-2016, 05:32 PM
I'm happy to see you and be able to say hello again, and what wonderful news that you were able to adopt Trixie. Welcome Trixie. :) But sorry that it is worry that has brought you to us again.
I'm with Marianne and Lori, this isn't screaming cushings so much as urinary/bladder etc to me, especially after a spaying. I think those are the avenues I would investigate first and maybe even do an ultrasound to see whats going on in there. Lie 37 hours holding urine!!! Holy moly! That's a long time, any thoughts about a bladder or kidney stone causing a blockage or anything? Not that it sounds like it exists now but if there was one and it passed, then would it have caused any damage, or could a UTI be from urine build up in the bladder/kidney?
Just my initial thoughts.
Welcome back and you don't have to be stranger even if it isn't cushings. We'd love to hear how you and Trixie are getting on from time to time too.
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-07-2016, 01:15 AM
Thanks to those who responded. Yesterday was a long day. The good news was that her specific gravity was a healthier 1.038. The new vet is pleased.
I am looking for a vet closer to where I live. Trying a few my 'hood. I was shocked to realize how often trying to cut down trips back and forth from the original vet influenced my decisions or requests pertaining to the treatment for my dogs. Something like 12 miles or more one way. An hour one way, an hour again to get home. Add on however long I have to wait once there (-: )
So probably not Cushing's. Certainly not diabetes. New vet ran a complete blood profile on her yesterday and I might have the results tomorrow. I will also have a culture result possibly on Sat from the original diluted urine.
Two questions here:
I do not "get" urine. I am not good at it and patience is not one of my virtues. My original vet has a state of the art facility and cystos urine specimens. I am used to this. None of the smaller local vets do this. The new vet ticked me off when he said he never had a conversation from a pet parent who refused to get the urine herself. I don't think that makes me a bad person. He lost a few points with that and also because I needed a minute or two to think about leaving my girl with him -- I wasn't prepared to part with her. I expected -- urine cysto and on my way. But I left her when he said he thought it would be best for her.....also -- because she is a rescue (rescued by the lady who sold her to me from another previous owner who put her up for sale on Craig's List) and this is her fourth home, she is very shy and nervous.
New vet wanted me to consider putting her in a sort of doggy boot camp. I call it that because he takes her into his facility (whatever that is) for however long it takes to assess the problem and correct it.
IMHO the last thing my girl needs is a change of homes -- again.
Oh -- price tag: $2500!!
I had a lovely woman come into my home (non threatening for Trixie) and show me a few things I can do to get Trixie started. She told me how to get Trixie to bond with me, to come (she is NOT good at this, but that is the only command she balks at); sit; go down; and I added stay and am working on beg now.
My goal is to get Trixie confident enough to go to a commercial place (no names mentioned (-: ) and train in their ring. I think she needs to get out into the world and do stuff.
So I don't know about the new vet, but tonight I am grateful for what he did Wednesday for us.
molly muffin
04-07-2016, 06:34 PM
Holy Molly that was expensive. Okay so not Cushing's lets see what the other tests show.
04-07-2016, 08:28 PM
I'm no expert but it really sounds like a UTI. Sometimes Henry will only go once a day, so I have done a bit of research, and from what I've read females are more susceptible to UTIs given their anatomy.
Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn but I'd be very wary of sending her to a doggy boot camp as she needs to bond with you. You have had dogs before, and you have sought help. If you are willing to take the time then I'm sure you will do a far better job than the vet.
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-12-2016, 11:06 AM
Thank you all for your responses. I have been busy this past week buying a carpet for the "summer" bedroom (neither Buffy nor Trixie enjoy jumping onto or off of the bed and skidding across the hardwoods (-: so a carpet was at the top of my to-do list before warm weather hits the Ohio valley.
Trixie does have a UTI (just found out yesterday. The lab needed to grow bacteria, then a culture and sensitivity test had to be done....a med determined to be the right one....and I just picked it up from Kroger's this morning. She is on the way (-: to healthy urine once again.
Trixie is very nervous and did much better practicing at the local pet store training ring yesterday morning than in our home. She will be evaluated (my idea -- the pet supply place guarantees its training and lets you repeat for free if you aren't happy ) and so I want a trainer's opinion as to whether we are ready for commercial training or not. I believe we are. She did very well.
My Buffy (original dog before Trixie arrived) won't be able to attend the classes as he was a royal pain yesterday when he attended the practice session. I promised the presumed trainer that I would just bring her....
Do dogs get hurt when their mommies waltz off to training with a new dog? How do I show him he is the best dog I ever had and my love is not wavering, it just grew so much that I had to adopt a sister for him??
So no Cushing's.
If someone could move me to the "Everything else" page, I think that is where I belong now.....
Does anyone think that she could have acquired a UTI from holding her urine 37 hours????
Am I an evil person because I don't collect my dog's urine myself? I am patient in most things with her, but not that. I bring her to the vet and happily pay for this service. It is not what I want to do. The local vets are aghast at regular vet just cystos it.
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-12-2016, 12:40 PM
Yay, so glad to hear that it's a UTI! :)
(Not glad that Trixie has a UTI :o, but you know what I mean...!)
Yup, I do think holding her urine for that long could have triggered the UTI. So from now on, maybe there'll be some way to encourage her to go out and pee more often. :confused:
And no, you are definitely not an evil person. I can easily collect pee from my bigger Lab, but it's nearly impossible for me to get it from my younger, smaller girl. She just squats down too low and immediately startles if I try to stick anything under her. Frankly, I'm astonished your vet would be mad that you're requesting a cysto -- that really is the best way to get a sterile sample, anyway. Go figure...:rolleyes:
Anyway, per your request, I've moved your thread and also edited your title so that we can cheerfully start a "do-over" as far as welcoming Miss Trixie! :)
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-18-2016, 08:34 AM
Hello everyone. Buffy's little sister Trixie -- not yet even three years old -- has been a member of our family since February 19, so she marks her second month anniversary today.
Ours is her fourth home. She went from breeder to her first home. Her first owner put her up for sale on Craig's List. The same "rescue mama" who connected me with Buffy several years ago bought her and kept her for a year, then sold her to me when I said I was looking for a Sheltie.
So she has quite a history.
I had an in-home trainer come and get us started in some obedience and bonding exercises. She did remarkably well.
We are now enrolled in a commercial pet store's training program.
This is individualized training, but at the store to get her "out there" more. I think it is time for her to get out a little....the problem is she is afraid of everything. Mostly noise.
At first, my coffee maker. She is no longer afraid of that. Other noises from which she runs are: the bread machine when it cycles; the range hood fan; the ceiling fan; my dehumidifier in the basement; the furnace when it kicks on; the fan I have for my rough Collie-mix Buffy in the bedroom; walking on a leash; boogeymen in my basement (I can't catch them (-: and throw them out.....).
When we walk, she presents a hazard to me. I am holding the leash as I was instructed to do when I enrolled her in training on Friday. She collides with me and trips me. If I hold it the "wrong" way she walks sometimes nicely, sometimes just as bad.
How do I settle her down enough to train her to walk and so that I can conduct my household chores as I always have done?
1. enroll her in a sort of doggy boot camp for a minimum of $2500!!! LOL!!!! I don't get to see her for two weeks to a month.....NO WAY!!! I don't have $2500 minimum and she needs to have a secure environment -- I am her fourth home, remember.
2. Prozac (a local radio veterinarian doctor suggested that, my vet said "not at this time. We can revisit it later." I don't know.
3. Time will straighten it all out?
If anyone has had an overanxious dog, please give me the benefit of your experience....thanks
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-18-2016, 08:49 AM
Aw, poor Trixie. My Jackson has his moments but he's not afraid of everything, just the vacuum and my dad (though we can't figure out why).
I couldn't imagine how a doggy boot camp would help, as you say she'd be away from you. I'd think she needs stability and time to bond with you, to learn to trust that you'll keep her safe. That isn't of much help in the meantime though.
Hope you can figure something out to calm her down.
Harley PoMMom
04-18-2016, 02:38 PM
If anyone has had an overanxious dog, please give me the benefit of your experience....thanks
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
One of members, Saskia, is a certified dog behavioral trainer, if you would like, I could PM her and ask if she would have any advice for Trixie?
Hugs, Lori
04-18-2016, 03:29 PM
It must be telepathy... :) Hi Buffy and Trixie's mom. I'll do my best to help you anyway I can if you could please tell me some more about Trixie and what specifically needs to be adressed :)
In general, and from what I understand so far, Trixie seems pretty scared of many things? If that is true, my advice right now would be to take it easy with her and don't let her encounter too many things (as little as possible even) that scare her....she can't possibly overcome too many things all at once :)
My current dog, a former Polish stray, now a certified service dog, was sooo scared at first that she would lay on my lap and pee...out of fear. So, there is hope...just take it easy for now and we'll start with first things first, okay? :)
Saskia :)
04-18-2016, 05:41 PM
Hi again from Me! Just wanted to tell you that I've shifted today's posts about Trixie's fear issues away from Buffy's thread, and instead over here to Trixie's thread. This way, we'll keep all the info about Trixie consolidated in one thread. ;)
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-19-2016, 12:59 AM
Thank you! You are so gracious and kind.
Buffy & Trixie's Mom
04-19-2016, 01:44 AM
Anything but quick, here.....sorry.....
Did you get my private message?
I encountered technical difficulties (-: please let me know.
04-19-2016, 06:24 AM
I'm not sure who you were messaging, but I did not receive one. I also just checked our K9C gmailbox and didn't find an email there. :o
Hope everything is OK with you guys!
04-19-2016, 10:44 AM
It was meant for me... and I did receive the mail, So all is fine in that regard :)
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