View Full Version : Sparky possible Cushing's or anemia
Yvonne Munn
02-27-2016, 10:01 PM
Extremely scared my poor Sparky last week all of a sudden bloated was very weak and didn't want to eat. Took her to the vet where they poked prodded ultrasound it x-rayed blood test you name it they did it $1,400 later they come back to tell me for x-rays seemed fine her ultrasound showed enlarged liver spleen and bilateral adrenal glands, her blood work I don't have it with me have asked for a copy I will get one says she's at 24% red blood cells. She is weak I have to bring her water she doesn't want to eat she just wants to lay there she's not my perky Queensland heeler ready to go chase the cows girl. Sparky is only 10 years old and has always been an active over-enthusiastic dog. This scares me if its a pituitary tumor that medication CAN hurt her more than help is too many ups and downs on the internet that has a dog only lives a minimum amount of time I am glad I found your site it gives me a lot of information and it reassured me that that is not the case they can live healthy lives. I go back to the vet tomorrow morning because I have not seen any improvement in a week they have not given me medication or anything to help her she is bloated labored breathing just lays there I have to give her water I am sad and crying all the time nice to know other people have had similar situations thank you for letting me join your group.
02-28-2016, 06:27 AM
Hi and welcome to our site.
Firstly, did your vet mention the possibility of pancreatitis? Labored breathing and not wanting to eat or drink are symptoms. And with this coming on suddenly, I certainly would contact my vet to see if this has been ruled out as soon as possible. Bloating can sometimes happen as the pancreas becomes inflamed.
Has your dog tried to vomit and nothing comes up? Does she drool? And is her belly hard to the touch?
Please keep us posted on this condition and then we can talk further about any Cushing's test results and treatment.
PS I have manually approved your membership so not need to reply to the email the site sent.
02-28-2016, 07:52 AM
I'm going to second what Mytil said. First things first. The suddeness and the acuteness of your dog's symptoms aren't typical of anything that screams out Cushing's disease. Take a step back, breathe, and work with your vet to determine and treat what specifically is going on right now.
Then, and only then, does Cushing's come back into the light. That said, Cushing's is far from a death sentence. My boy was diagnosed at age 12 and lived to be 16 1/2 which was quite old for a dog his size. His Cushing's medication extended his life and helped give him great quality of life for many, many years. He passed from other complications of getting older...not from Cushing's disease itself.
Chin up and breathe. First things first.
Hugs to you on this journey.
molly muffin
02-28-2016, 08:30 PM
Hello, I want to welcome you and urge an immediate test for pancreatis as this is not typical cushings symptoms and seems to me to be something much more urgent that needs to be addressed immediately
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