View Full Version : Vetoryl and hair loss

mary d
02-23-2016, 04:34 PM
My 11 yr old "mutt" dog (she weighs 36 lbs) was diagnosed with Cushings in Dec. Her primary symptoms were increased panting, drinking and urination. She was put on 30 mg of vetoryl and within a few days all symptoms were gone. She just completed her ACTH recheck and the resting cortisol was 6.4, and 2 hr post was 4.7. Good numbers I was pleased to see good control.
However when she came home from the vet she panted and drank excessively for 2 - 3 days, but now all back to normal. Now, in the past week I have noticed excessive shedding; Roxie has never been a shedder. I brushed her and we gave her a bath in an oatmeal soap, but no improvement.
I know hair loss is a sign of cushings, but her blood works shows good control. I am wondering if the Vetoryl could cause this, or is there something else going on? Her appetite is fine, and so is her activity level. She is a blind dog as well, lost her sight completely also about a month ago from retinal atrophy. Could this just be nerves?
Thanks in advance for any advice

02-23-2016, 04:54 PM
Hello and welcome to you and your baby girl! I have only a moment to post right now, but I want to reassure you that many of us experienced massive hair loss after cortisol levels were stabilized with treatment. Although it seems surprising, we have been told that this can be the body's response to the resumption of a normal hair growth cycle that had been short-circuited by the Cushing's. My own Cushpup had developed very sad-looking bare spots on his flanks prior to treatment, and I was looking forward to hair regrowth once we started on trilostane. I was very upset when he started losing big clumps of hair all over after we treated him. But the difference this time around was that there was brand new little hair stubble growing underneath, whereas beforehand his skin was bare. He did end up regrowing all of his coat in due time.

Some folks have noted a difference in the texture and even color of the newly growing hair. That didn't happen to us, but I just wanted to warn you that it is also a possibility so that you won't be alarmed.

Once again, welcome, and I'm so glad you've found us!

02-23-2016, 04:57 PM
I just now noticed your comment about your dog having gone blind at the same time that the Cushing's was diagnosed. There is a condition called SARDS that can be associated both with blindness and also Cushing's-like symptoms. Was your dog's blindness evaluated by an eye specialist? The reason why I ask is because SARDS can be diagnosed upon specialized eye exam, and if that is the culprit for the loss of sight, it is possible that your dog may not truly suffer from Cushing's, after all...

Here is a link that tells a bit more about SARDS:


Can you tell us about any Cushing's-specific blood testing or imaging (e.g., ultrasound) that was performed at the time of diagnosis? As you'll see from the article, sometimes dogs suffer from both conditions. But this is not necessarily the case, and elevations in thirst and urination can occur with SARDS alone. The fact that she has responded so well to the Vetoryl may be validation that the Cushing's diagnosis is correct, but I am still wondering as to the range of testing that was done back in December.


02-23-2016, 05:05 PM
My pug blew her coat twice during treatment. I mean, she was bald! It grew back both times, each time a bit different than before, but it came back and she has a full coat now.

02-23-2016, 05:11 PM
A welcome from me as well! Marianne has gotten you started with info and questions. I wanted to address your seeing changes after the ACTH test. Many of us have seen our pups return home with what I call the "crazies", hyperactive and with exaggerated Cushing's symptoms. This is due to them basically getting an injection of synthetic ACTH which mimics cortisol. As you saw, this wears off after a period of time.

mary d
02-23-2016, 06:44 PM
Thank you all so much for your responses. I feel better knowing I am not imagining health issues. Roxie was diagnosed last spring with retinal atrophy. We did take her to a canine eye specialist to confirm the diagnosis. She has slowly been losing her sight, and lost it completely by the end of the year.
Guess I will keep her brush and vacuum cleaner close.

mary d
02-24-2016, 12:03 PM
her initial diagnosis was just the ACTH blood test, no ultrasounds. I don't have the actual test results, but I recall looking at them with the vet and seeing them out of normal range. She was also urinating in the house while we were gone, large volumes but no odor. Did test for UTI and diabetes, negative on those.

molly muffin
02-24-2016, 06:09 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Oh yea, I and many others know well the 48 hours zoom zoom period after having the ACTH. All the cortisol stored in the adrenal glands is dumped into the body so they can get that post reading and see how the glands are responding. It's like they are on speed until it wears off. At least its like that for my dog.

My dog, has retinal bleeds that has left scaring on her eyes, so that she took has diminished eye sight. Not totally gone yet, but her focal point eyesight for close things is kaput. She seems to be handling it well, better maybe than I do. :)

High cortisol usually impacts the coat on a dog and you see thinning and hair loss. Some more than others. For us, my dog lost her undercoat which makes the hair look thinner. Her outer coat still grows long but her tail is just ratty and thin looking which is a classic symptom with cushings.