View Full Version : Gift of letting go

02-19-2016, 02:53 PM
Hi all

I have made the difficult decision to let 2 gDogs escape their illnesses and misery.

My dad has had prostate cancer for several years but last November was advised it had mestasised to the spine and he had 3 months if the new tablets he was given didn't work and around 6 if they did. They worked but he has been unable to walk far at all ie 10 metres and getting up was a struggle. He in the last couple. Of days has lost the ability to bear his weight and so they are now using a mechanical hoist to move him. He is also in constant pain - some times really bad often just there but always there. He is starting to sleep all the time and his mental faculties are pretty much t here is starting to lose track of time and day. His time is getting closer.

Having said all of that he has a saying about being old - it's better then the alternative. I asked him yesterday if it is still better than th e alternative he said only just but it is. Human spirit is an amazing thing. I know many don't agree with this and understand why but when he thinks t he alternative is better he should be entitled to have the alternative. It's only medical science that has and is keeping him alive.

Budsters Mom
02-19-2016, 03:11 PM
I am so sorry Robert.:o I have two older seniors at home right now. It is certainly hard to watch them decline. It is heartbreaking to see their quality of life slip away.

Big hugs,