View Full Version : New here - very concered for our Buddy boy - Buddy has passed

01-03-2016, 01:42 PM
Hello all, I am new to this site and was hoping to find some help. Our almost 10 year old Boston Terrier, Buddy, was diagnosed with Cushings this past summer. Like everyone here, he is such a big part of our lives and I just can't imagine losing him.
We have been taking him to the vet and are currently giving him 40mg of Vetoryl, as 30mg was not doing much for him. Our fur baby now looks so horrible it makes me cry. His fur is next to nothing, he is skin and bone everywhere except his pot belly. He eats normally (although always hungry) And now just this weekend, we started nothing he has been breathing very hard. We will be taking him back on Monday to the vet for his testing to see if the meds are doing what they are supposed to be doing. We have noticed his water intake is much better but not much else has changed.
My questions:
Are we just prolonging a painful death for our boy? Will he eventually start looking better or is that a permanent thing with cushings? if so about how long will it take to see a difference? I am dreading having to put him down but I can't bare to see him suffer.
The finances have been hard and we are doing all we can to get him better. But I don't know how much longer we can afford to do this. Especially if it gets into surgeries and such.

Any advice or suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Buddy's Mommy

01-04-2016, 08:47 AM
Hello and welcome to you and Buddy! I am very sorry that nobody had the chance to greet you two yesterday, but we are definitely glad you've found us. We have been a bit short-handed during the holidays, but life should be returning more to normal this week. ;)

I'm afraid it will be later today before I can return and write a more thorough reply to you, myself. But I didn't want you to think you've been overlooked or forgotten in the meantime! So once again, welcome, and I'll be back in touch with you before long.


01-04-2016, 03:35 PM
Thank you for the response Marianne.

Unfortunately shortly after writing my last post our little Buddy took a turn for the worse. I am heart broken to say I found this site a bit to late. Buddy past away at home surrounded by his family comforting him while he took his last breaths. It was so very hard but we are blessed to have had him for 10 years and although we did our very best to get him better, it was just his time to go. I am grateful we were able to have him at home as I was dreading having to put him down. He died peacefully in his home, in his favorite blanket with the people who loved him so very much.

Buddy's mommy

Budsters Mom
01-04-2016, 06:21 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my Buddy Boy too. :o Buddy has joined our other fur angels at the rainbow bridge. They will watch out for him now. We remain here to support you.

Fly Free Buddy Boy, Fly free!


molly muffin
01-04-2016, 06:55 PM
Oh no. I am so sorry that you have lost your precious Buddy. :(

I have changed the title of your thread to reflect your loss and his name will be added to our In Loving Memory thread.

My sincerest condolences.

01-05-2016, 07:43 AM
Oh no! I, too, am so sorry for the loss of your precious boy. Even though you have only just found us now, perhaps we can still be a help to you :o. Many of us here have also lost beloved companions, and we surely do understand the depth of the pain and loss. So if it would bring you any comfort to return and talk to us, it will be our privilege to listen. You can share stories about Buddy and your lives together, or just tell us how you are doing in the coming days.

Once again, I am so very sorry. But your boy will now be honored here, always, amidst our other angels.

Sending huge hugs,