View Full Version : My new addition

12-28-2015, 02:05 PM
Hi All

As many of you know, I lost Woody just over 2 years ago to cancer although he wasn,t a cush pup you took me and him to your hearts and helped me survive what has to be the darkess 2 years of my life. I have remained dogless all that time but now I have a new addition :D

Her name is Poppy and she is a 5 month old Jug (jack Russell x Pug) and she is delightful, she is tiny but has attitude in bucket loads. She is keeping me on my toes and is my reason to wake up in the mornings. She is having skin problems at the moment and is on medication, I just can,t get a healthy dog :p but I,m sure we can get it sorted out. So here is to many adventures I,m sure Woody would approve.

I have put pictures in my album of her.


12-29-2015, 06:39 AM
Hi Tracy,

I am so very excited for the both of you and yes, I know Woody would certainly approve!

I love the photos of your wonderful cutie pie! Keep them coming.

Keep us posted too!!!

12-29-2015, 07:18 AM
Tracy, your post was just what I needed to put a smile on my face and brighten my day! I can't tell you how happy I am for you and Poppy, and like Terry says -- please keep the stories coming! ;) :)

Also, please feel free to talk over her skin problems if you'd care to. There are several of us here who have been battling chronic skin infections, allergies, etc. with our dogs, so you've got some company in that regard, too. :o

Either way, thanks so much for telling us about Poppy. May the two of you share a long and wonderful life together!!


Budsters Mom
12-29-2015, 12:35 PM
So, so happy to read this news today!!! :D:D:D:D


01-10-2016, 05:07 PM
Well Poppy has been here about 3 weeks now and she is coming on leaps and bounds. She is almost toilet trained just the odd accident usually when she is playing and "forgets" to ask, and I keep forgetting as its been 17 years since I had a puppy:eek: She has a great appetite and is very trainable so far she will sit on command give you a paw, give a kiss, waits for her lead to be put on so she is coming on nicely. As for her skin :rolleyes: we have been to the vets twice this week, she was being treated for puppy pyoderma but as the medication didn,t help I took her back. She has had 3 skin scrapes and poor Poppy has Demodex Manage. We have started treatment but just wondered if anyone else has dealt with this skin condition and can give me some tips, she is really itchy :eek:

01-11-2016, 08:43 AM
Hi Tracy, so happy to hear about and welcome Poppy.

As for the mange, from what I remember, it is caused by mites, can be common in puppies sine their immune system is not fully developed.

Is it localized (just one area) or all over?

01-11-2016, 12:13 PM
Thanks Addy Poppy has generalised demodex manage, probably caused by her immune system (she was a puppy mill pup) so I need to boost her immune system and pronto :) I have already changed her food to a good fish based puppy food as she was on adult rubbish food :eek: she also gets plenty fresh air, walks, and lots of tlc and stress free life which I have read can all help boost immune system. I now need to look at probiotics for her but have no clue where to start so if anyone has used probiotics or knows of a way to boost her system please let me know :)

01-11-2016, 05:34 PM
I know a couple of people in the UK who've used products, including probiotics, from a company called Dorwest. I don't have any personal experience of them but the people who have used them are very knowledgeable.

Poppy's very cute by the way, and I hope she's feeling much better soon.

01-11-2016, 08:34 PM
I wonder if you are able to get the same probiotics Trish uses or used with Flynny?

I think you are on the right track with Poppy, TLC alone can do wonders as well as keeping her happy and stress free. We had a One year old pug visiting our office for two weeks, she sure was cute and wanted her own way but very smart. Pair that with a JT, well, my dear, Poppy must be quite the adorable little bundle.

I know Sonja's Apollo had demodex mange but being a cush pup, treatment with the Meds was hard on him. I remember Glynda knew quite a lot about it.

We should round up Trish to get the name of the probiotics and to see if it is available for you:)

01-12-2016, 07:32 AM
I think it's wonderful that Poppy has a great home now. I understand the 2 year wait, I am not ready at all to even think about another dog. Maybe someday, however due to the loneliness I rescued a cat and although he is well behaved, I have found out unfortunately I am just not a cat person. He is cute, but it's just not the same. I will be watching your posts to see how Poppy is doing. Welcome Poppy to our family here.

molly muffin
01-12-2016, 05:39 PM
Poppy is beyond cute! A little bundle of joy. Just when you weren't looking for a dog, Surprise! hahahahaha

I love her and I'm sure there are tons of adventures in store for the two of you.

01-14-2016, 09:48 AM
Thanks everyone

McDavies I had completely forgot about Dorwest I have contacted them and they suggest garlic & Fenugreek Tablets to help build her immune system up, it also helps repel fleas, ticks, and some mites so have ordered them. :) I have also started to give her a teaspoon of natural yohurt with her food and she loves it.

I have also been on the phone to a company called Neem, who supply Neem Oil products to the dog world as well as human. I have been researching neem oil for a few days and have asked a few people I know in the rescue world and they said it is a good product, so I have ordered her neem shampoo and a neem spray. These products wont get rid of her demodex manage but will help with her itching and help repel any more mites. She is terribly itchy and has bitten a big patch on her tail to it has bled a few times and it keeps her awake.

She had a bad day yesterday as she was so itchy and she is teething so combine these two and she was not a happy girl. She was so restless, couldn,t get comfy when she lay down, so we spent the day giving her, her teething ring then refreezing it and giving it to her again followed by a tempid bath to try and help with her itching she managed to settle about 2 am this morning. :eek: I felt so sorry for her, one good thing is her tummy isn,t so red and has less lesions on it, so fingers crossed we are getting somewhere.

Budsters Mom
01-14-2016, 01:23 PM
I only have a second to post right now. I wouldn't EVER give a dog anything with garlic. It is extremely TOXIC!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:



Budsters Mom
01-14-2016, 08:08 PM
I'm back, sorry I posted from work this morning and I literally only had a a few seconds.:o

Rosie was a complete and total mess when she arrived. She was 10 weeks old and loaded with fleas, ticks, ear mites and skin mites. It is not uncommon for puppies to arrive in such a condition. Rosie came from an "oops!" Situation. Pet owners failing to Spay and neuter, then SURPRISE!!!, but not really, of course.

It took me a couple of months to get Rosie straightened out. Frequent bathing ( every day or two) finally broke the cycle of skin mites. They were literally buggers to get rid of. It was a constant vacuuming, wiping down and washing bedding. It was a full out assault! So, the best advice I can give you is Vacumn like there is no tomorrow, bathe, then start all over again. I do not like to clean and this sucks, but it was the only thing that worked.

Good luck!! Please no garlic!!!!!

01-15-2016, 02:52 PM
I always thought a little medicinal garlic was ok, large amounts are toxic though! Awwww little Pops, stop the itching girl! Sounds like she is being a right menace otherwise :) :)

01-15-2016, 02:58 PM

Yeah I know garlic is toxic but this is in very dilute measures and the people I know from the rescue centres use it with no ill effects. Poppy is on baths every second day but it's making no difference and all bedding is washed everyday it is a huge pain but needs must. I could get rid of the mites quicker if she went every 5 days to the vet for a chemical dip but as her immune system is already compromised I will only do this as a last resort.

01-15-2016, 03:00 PM
Hay Trish

Menace is an understatement today, she has been a rascal definitely starting to see her personality which is a bit of a diva ha

01-15-2016, 03:05 PM
Wonder who would win the diva award out of her and Molly, would be a close run thing :D:D or cannot forget the chicken leg dancing diva, up in doggy heaven sending diva training down to them both haha Addy.... where are you??? x

01-15-2016, 03:12 PM
I reckon Molly would win at the moment as she has had more years to practice but I'm sure poppy will catch up. I forgot how much hard work a puppy is :)

01-15-2016, 03:21 PM
hehe yes, Molly has had many years to refine her Diva skills :D:D:D there is still hope Poppy will grow into a sensible dog after this puppy silliness... my they are lots of work though, least she keeping you warm at night!

01-15-2016, 03:23 PM
Just hope she grows good strong legs like Woods so she can keep up on all the hiking...

01-15-2016, 03:46 PM
Having had to deal with, am dealing with and will keep dealing with an atopic dog for the rest of her life...I kinda understand what you are going through with Poppy, lovely name by the way :)

Is Poppy on an anti biotic? Many dogs with mites suffer from secundary infections, microbial but also yeast. Was she thouroughly examined for those? You have to deal with the whole package, at first, in order to gain control. Even if it means treating quite aggresively... It's not that the immunesystem is too weak (and therefore couldn't handle cetain medications, it's the other way around. The immunesystem is working much too strong and as long as she has mites, this will continue unfortunatly. Once the immunesystem is in overdrive, it won't calm down by itself anymore, it kind of keeps stirring itself.... The itching is something that neds to be adressed as well...through medications. First of all, it's making them miserable and second of all, they will skratch and bite to the extend they will open their skin, leaving them even more vulnerable to infections (more itching, etc) And eventhough, on this particular forum, cortisol/prednison is something "bad"due to the nature of Cushing's, a short term course of Prednison in very itchy dogs isn't that harmfull :) My own dog needs a pred course 3 or 4 times a year...I give it to her smilingly because I know how much better she feels and because I know it's not that harmful, if used correctly, sparingly and for the right reasons.

Have you tried Stronghold to eliminate the mites? That's an option too.... The longer the immunesystem stays in this uncontrolled way, the harder it will be to get it back to "normal" again.

The washing is definately neccesary but you need to wash it at high temperatures to kill the mites. And not just Poppy's bedding, but also her sweaters, her brush (if she has one), collar, leashes...everything she gets in contact with.

I don't want to bring you down but with "just" boosting her immunesystem, it may take too long or may not even work at all. Poppy needs agreesive treatment to get rid of the mites, to get rid of the itching (and the leasions caused by it) and chances are that Poppy is suffering (now or in the future) from all sorts of allergies. And "just" boosting the immunesystem, unfortunately, doesn't work. It's an extended list of differant meassures one has to take to get it all under control and even then there can be flare up's.

I really don't want to make you upset or anything, but I feel for Poppy and her itching and since she is not really making great progress, from what I read ( and I may be reading it wrong) she needs more treatment then she is receiving now.

I have been down your path, the last 18 months, have seen dermatologists, been to specialised allergy and skin clinics and I have learned so much these past 18 months.... So I just wanted to share that with you for the benefit of your lovely Poppy :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

01-15-2016, 06:34 PM

Thanks for the information. I will tell you what has been done so far to try and deal with these little beggars of mites.

She has just finished a 2 week course of antibiotics for a secondary infection.
Has medicated shampoo is bathed every second day with it but no difference so far.
I wash everything that she comes in contact with including my clothes as she loves to lye on me at high temperature.
She is being treated every 2 weeks (due again next week) with advantage in her neck.

So my research of the demodex mite is that it thrives on pred apparently it makes it multiply faster
Antibiotics won't get rid or help but can be used for secondary infections which she had.
Every animal and human is born with demodex mite but in some cases when the immune system is compromised or under developed the body may not be able to control the mite so therefore they multiply and take over. Poppy is a puppy mill pup so therefore probably didnt get the best start to life (she is almost 6 months) hence the reason to give her immune system a helping hand
A lot of puppies tend to grow out of it when the immune system fully developes and it usually never re occurs.
It can cause depression and subdued in dogs I see poppy sometimes looking subdued but she is mostly lively and into everything ha ha
The mites bury into the hair folicals and hide in there can only be seen under microscope via a skin scrape. poppy had 3 skin scrapes hence the diagnosis.
Your right when you say it needs to be treated aggressively, which would mean chemical dip every 5 days with horrible possible side effects I just haven't got my head round that yet as she would need to spend the day at the vets as due to my asthma I can't be around the dip as its so strong but if I have to go this route I will :confused:
I think her itch gets me down more than it does her, as she can be quite easily distracted away from it with a toy which I do to try and stop it.
I am breaking my own code and going down the homepathic route and have ordered some products that will deal with the itch which is a cream, a soothing shampoo that helps flush the mites to the surface and a probiotic to help support the immune system, if these don't help/work then we will re think the dips :)

It is a mine field dealing with these little beggars as a lot of drugs make them worse. Thank you for your information and hope continue to make progress

Budsters Mom
01-16-2016, 12:21 AM
So sorry Tracy.:o Rosie had skin and ear issues with mites as a puppy, but none as challenging as the ones you were dealing with now.:o Poor little Poppy and poor you. Those damn mites (that you can't even see)exhausted me!

Yes, puppy mill puppies often have compromised immune systems among other issues. You are doing a great job! I know that it's hard, frustrating and exhausting right now. You are Poppy's guardian. You'll figure out the combination that works best.;)

01-16-2016, 09:26 AM
Poor baby. Maybe some info on this link that will help.

My doxie had bladder cancer and her oncologist had me give her
500 mgs of ester C daily to boost her immune system.

I think a good omega fish oil would help also.


01-16-2016, 12:35 PM
Thanks Kathy I remember reading of Rosie's problems and allergies.

Barb - I have read the like thank you and looks like I am on the right track, she is now on a good food with everything she needs in it, she gets walked 3 times a day and has plenty playtime in the garden, I'm not working at moment so she gets to play loads and be with me all day so no stress on her. I ordered the neem products the other day for her

Well Poppy's "beauty" products arrived today and I put a little of the neem cream on her hip where she scratches and she never bothered it for about 2 hours so a bit of relief for her, I will bathe her tonight in the neem and coconut shampoo which should help soothe the skin and itch and also help flush these little critters out. Fingers crossed

01-17-2016, 09:02 AM
Tracy, hi.

I'm joining this conversation a little late, but wanted to say congrats on your new puppy! We added a kitten to our home in the fall. The young ones sure do liven up things, don't they?

Sorry I can't offer you any advice on the health issues. I do wish you well for 2016.

01-19-2016, 05:08 PM
Poppy update - some good news and some not so good.

The not so good is we had to go to the vets yesterday as poppy had chewed her tail quite badly, so I sat up with her from 2 am until the vets opened at 8am. The vet checked her over and cleaned it up she has an antibiotic cream now to put on the hot spot and some drops for her ears as they were a bit smelly.

Good news - is on checking poppy over a lot of her lesions have gone she had loads down her spine and now only has one her upper quarters are clear and her left hind quarter is clear and there is some hair regrowth there. So heading in the right direction.:D she is not mange free but not as bad as she was

molly muffin
01-19-2016, 07:59 PM
Yea. Progress! Good to hear this. Maybe her immune system is kicking in and helping her to fight off these mites too.

01-30-2016, 05:09 PM
Hi all

Poppy's mange continues to be a challenge for us both. It has now erupted on her paws and under her chin, her chin not bothering her but her paws are so she is in 3 legs :rolleyes: she doesn't walk far as obviously hurts her so it's toilet breaks and nothing else. I am using the cream on her paws and it helps a little but not enough. She stills plays as long as she can sit down and play but she sleeps a lot which is part of it all. So we are going to the vet next week to discuss the shampoos/dips. I've always been reluctant to go this way as the side effects scare me but looks like we may have to as she's not happy and I'm not happy that she is no longer the bouncy naughty puppy I had.:)

02-04-2016, 03:45 PM
Hi Tracy,

I am so sorry to hear that Poppy's mange is challenging you more then what you were hoping for :( I hope the vet can offer you some good advice and treatment options... Please keep us informed and all our best,

Saskia and Quincy :)

02-05-2016, 06:50 AM
Well I relented and Poppy had her first dip/shampoo on Tuesday, luckily she didn't suffer any nasty side effects phew. Due to her back and tail being in such a mess I got the vet to shave her to allow the air in and for me to apply the cream to the sores and this would also allow the dip to work better. It also let me see what was going on under her fur and boy is she in a mess. I had to rush her to the vets yesterday as she hadn't pee,d or pooped in 15 hrs and I was worried. She was throughly checked over no temperature or infection but myself and the vet both think as the mange is in all 4 paws she is sore and won't put her feet down to go to the toilet, so he gave us some painkillers and when they kicked in she was straight to the toilet :D she really is having a hard time at the moment and she doesn't do anything anymore she just lays in her bed and watches me doesn't play either sigh. But I'm hoping with the painkillers she will start to feel better soon. I still take her out a walk everyday which entails me carrying her and letting her sniff and meet people I think it is important for her stress levels that she gets fresh air. So she will go for the dips every Tuesday until these mites pack their bags and bog off

02-05-2016, 09:30 AM
Thanks Tracy, for the update. Glad to hear Poppy's getting the dips/shampoo treatment and that her fur is shaved off :) I know you're not too thrilled about it but sometimes it's neccesary to do something we don't like very much, to prevent worse... Good to hear as well that she's on painmedication, she obviously needs it. I hope this will help Poppy heal asap... All our best,

Saskia and Quincy :)

02-05-2016, 08:42 PM
Aww Tracy, sorry to read about Poppy. I just know things will get better for you both, dang that mange way.

Please let us know how things are going so we don't worry about you both.

I really had no idea it could spread to their paws.

Hugs ((())))

02-09-2016, 07:57 AM
Well it's dip day again for Poppy hopefully she will do well and no nasty side effects again.

Over the last few day the naughty Poppy has came back she is playing is far more up beat and can walk as long as it's on grass, so painkillers must be working. :D She shredded the toilet roll this morning when I was in the shower then shredded a box of hankies in the living room ha it's so good to have her personality back.

02-09-2016, 04:13 PM
That's good news, a more up beat and naughty Poppy :D From my experiences with the dips, many dogs won't show any side effects, some will be lethargic for a day or two after the dip but bounce back really quickly :) I hope Poppy will do well again with her dip...good luck :)

Saskia :)

02-11-2016, 05:21 PM
It is fantastic news, we like a naughty Poppy!! Those evil mites are on the way out, I am sure of it :D x

02-13-2016, 12:25 PM
That's trish I think they may well be ready to pack their bags.

Poppy did really well again after her dip and continues to be a real cheeky little diva which I'm loving. She is back on all 4 paws and walking 3 times a day as long as I carry her over the roads and pavements as the concrete still hurts her paws. Her fur is starting to grow back in and she is looking really well. I think she is well on the road to be healthy again phew.

I have added a few new pictures of her

02-13-2016, 02:09 PM
Hi Trish,

I am so glad Poppy is doing this well on her treatment! :D I loved the pictures, she looks happy, alert and content.. :)

Saskia :)

02-16-2016, 04:41 PM
Poppy had dip no 3 today and is currently asleep in her bed :)

When I went to pick her up earlier the surgery was getting their kennels cleaned and painted so no where for poppy to stay so they brought her into the reception area and she was having a ball playing with the vets, vet nurses and the receptionist, everyone was fussing over her and off course she was loving the attention. She had the head vet on his knees playing tuggy when I went in, she didn't want to come home :eek:

She had a skin scrape done today and they found lots of dead mites on her but she does still have eggs and live ones but not as many so heading in the correct direction. She has been booked for another 4 dips and hopefully that will do her. Poppy will sleep most of the night now but I will wake every few hours just to check on her, I hate dip night ha ha. The usual side effect I see from these dips is poppy won't go to the toilet afterwards as she has to wear a cone collar so I wait as long as I can and nip her collar off for a quick toilet break will watching she doesn't lick herself phew long night but well worth it

I have add some pictures of her progress

02-17-2016, 08:07 AM
Now that is good news and a great way to start my day to read that Poppy is on the mend!

It must be so great to see her walking and frisky.

Good job!

02-19-2016, 01:30 PM
So happy to hear about Poppy. Dang that mange. Glad she is doing better.

02-24-2016, 03:40 AM
Poppy had dip number 4 yesterday and again did very well, due to how well she is doing the vet allowed me to take her cone collar off after a few hours instead of 24 Hrs, it made such a big difference as she doesn't like wearing it.

She is back walking on pavements so I no longer need to carry her to the park phew and she has built up quite the fan base in the village we popped out for a quick toilet walk and took me an hour to get home with everyone stopping to pet her and see how she was doing and off course she loved the attention. She has been very naughty and cheeky this week just like a puppy should be and is back interested in her training. Three more dips to go :D

molly muffin
02-24-2016, 06:48 PM
Just love a mischievous playful poppy!!!

02-25-2016, 06:57 AM
I'm so glad to hear that the dips are going well!!

YAY POPPY!!! :) :) :)

03-02-2016, 07:55 PM
Checking in on dip day, must be soon
I hope all goes well.

03-03-2016, 05:04 AM
Dip number 5 under our belt :) Poppy had some more skin scrapes done she has them done every 2 dips and the vet was really pleased as she only found 1 mite on her :D but the rule is the scrape must be clear then she needs a further 2 clear scrapes so hopefully next weeks dip should be clear then she will only need a further 2 dips.

Poppy continues to do really well, fur is growing back in slowly but it's growing even on the really bad part of her tail, which the vet said may never grow back there is some hair growth. :D she continues to be a handful and has the loudest bark I've ever heard I swear she would shatter glass with it. She makes me laugh on a daily basis and I'm so glad she is feeling better.

03-11-2016, 11:35 AM
Dip no 6 done and dusted and again she done so well, went to pick her up and she was running up and down the corridor with the vets dog, the vet was telling me that they now have 2 more pups with the same thing as poppy coming in for dips but they are in pretty bad shape, so:eek:

I have added a few new pictures of her recovery

03-16-2016, 04:34 PM
Good News - Poppy is Mange Free :D she just needs to have a skin scrape next week and if its clear then she will be signed off phew its been a long time coming :)

Budsters Mom
03-16-2016, 05:09 PM
YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!! Excellent News!!!!!:D

03-16-2016, 10:05 PM
Always good when good happens to our fur ball. Ya Poppy!
Sonja, Apollo

03-17-2016, 03:30 AM
That's good news, congrats...

Saskia and Quincy :)

03-17-2016, 06:46 AM
What a super good report! :)

We'll be keeping everything crossed at our house that Poppy breezes through next week's check, too.

Job well done!

03-17-2016, 07:53 PM
So glad to hear the great news, now Poppy can be a puppy and an adorable one at that.

03-18-2016, 09:42 PM
So pleased to read that. :D
Fingers crossed for next week.

03-27-2016, 03:34 PM
Awesome news!

Good News - Poppy is Mange Free :D she just needs to have a skin scrape next week and if its clear then she will be signed off phew its been a long time coming :)

03-29-2016, 05:54 AM
Thanks all well Poppy's last skin scrape was clear so she has been signed off from the vet :D

She continues to challenge me on a daily basis she is now 8 months and apparently is going through adolescence, everything I had taught her is forgotton, everything is on her terms, she is starting to chew up the house when she gets a chance, she is super hyper despite walks, she constantly drives me insane but I would not have it any other way. I just hope we get through this stage quickly lol

03-29-2016, 07:53 AM
Oh Tracy, I'm so glad Poppy's all free and clear! :)

Now that she's feeling chipper, it sounds like the wild beast in her has been unleashed (maybe Woody's giving her some secret coaching as to the mayhem ;))...

But I do understand that you wouldn't want it any other way because it means she's a young and healthy little thing. My sweet Peg was such a handful at that age. Quite wild and willful -- she was already a very big Lab by then, and she'd "pogo" straight up-and-down with feet totally off the floor at my side, or at the door, or anytime we'd meet anybody. People would just stare at her in surprise and say OH MY!

But now she's almost 12 with hips that don't really work, and only able to take short leisurely strolls. People still say OH MY! but now because she is so sweet and gentle :o. What I wouldn't give to see one more joyful leap straight up in the air. The time just goes by so quickly. I know you are even loving having a naughty Poppy because it means she's finally feeling good. Hang in there, Tracy!

03-29-2016, 08:37 AM
Puppy crazies, I love it. Koko will be nine and he will still, occasionally have a puppy crazy spell. I laugh so hard.

Treat puzzles, Stuffed kongs, toys that exercise his brain helped Koko make it through.

A www, I am so glad she feels soooo much better. Go Poppy:D

Budsters Mom
03-29-2016, 08:41 PM
Hi Tracy, I'm so glad those mites are gone. They can be some tough, destructive little buggers!:o

The puppy phaze can be exhausting! Rosie is almost 3 years old, yet still will get into mischief if left to her own devices and imagination.;) Tons of toys have helped. She'll pull EVERY toy out one by one as she plays. It looks like a toy explosion all over, but keeps her entertained. She gets into things ONLY when bored and unsupervised. It doesn't happen when I'm home because she's always right where I am. When I'm out and my folks are supposely supervising her, is when problems occur. I have a doggy proofed penned in area (in my bedroom)where she stays when I'm unable to watch her. It is the size of a small room. I floored the carpeting in her pen by using 8 discarded desk chair mats. It looks like a puzzle, but works. Rosie NEVER has accidents in the house, but she does love to pull up tufts of carpeting and eat it when she's bored. The flooring keeps her from doing that. Her penned area includes her large crate and a nest bed with bedding, a water bowl and several indestructible toys and chew bones. The ones that I don't have to worry about her chewing up/tearing apart, then eating the pieces. This way, I can go take a bath, run to the store or ???? And Rosie is safely contained. Rosie sleeps in her penned area during the night and is very comfotable in it.

A word of warning.....Puppies can be devious little escape artists. Rosie escaped from her pen MANY times before I found the right combination. Thankfully, she came right to me each time! Soooo, you may think your pen is secure, but don't be so sure!!!:eek: Rosie has the ability to climb straight up and out, like a cat. So to recap.... A safe penned area and a variety of toys help. The pen should be a HAPPY place. Not a place used for timeout/punishment. ;) The younger they are when the pen is introduced, the more likely it will accepted as the norm. I would imagine it would be harder if the pup was used to complete freedom all the time. Rosie has never know anything else, so she's happy in her pen. As soon as I start the bath water or start to get ready for work, she goes into the pen on her own. She has it figured out.

Good luck with our mischieveous Poppy,


04-28-2016, 12:54 PM
Been a few weeks since I posted so think a little update. Poppy is fab, she continues to create havoc in the house, makes me laugh on a hourly basis and snuggles so well.

My brother past away last week and I went to stay with my elderly mother for the week, I was a bit worried as its only me and poppy in my house, mums house was so busy but I needed have worried poppy took it all in her stride from 4 month old babies to 89 yrs old grandmas she loved them all and overall behaved really well I was proud of her. She made firm friends with my 2 yrs old great nephew they played together with her toys and his and she never once jumped up or tried to nibble him like she can do plus he was a good source of food for her :D

She is a firm favourite with the locals where we stay and one elderly woman always comes out and gives her a treat it's so sweet. Don't get me wrong she not all good and can still drive me nuts but she will do for me :D

04-28-2016, 12:55 PM
Hi Tracy, just checking in because we need a fresh update on Poppy! Definitely hoping that all remains well. ;)


P.S. Can't believe we were typing at the same time -- very sorry about your brother, but such a good puppy report!

05-14-2016, 01:06 AM
Popsicle Poppyseed turning the house upside down, haha as only she can :D. Sharp little teeth on those puppies :) So good she has turned the corner and you have done such a great job of turning that little sweethearts life around, she had a hard start but boy has she landed on her feet with a Mum that loves her to bits, treats her well. Go you!! xxx

05-19-2016, 08:16 PM
Must be time for a new picture of Poppy;)

I hope you are both enjoying everything you can after all that time spent setting that sweet girl right.

05-20-2016, 09:58 PM
So happy Poppy is bringing you joy and laughter. Funny how they just do.
Love Sonja, Apollo

05-21-2016, 06:07 AM
With a face like that I am sure Poppy had everyone eating out of her paws. Good girl.
Keep the updates coming.

05-25-2016, 05:21 AM
Well it's been all go here the last few weeks. We have moved house, we have came back to my home town where I grew up, few reasons really one is financial and my mum isn't coping to well since my brother died so now I'm home to help look after her. Poppy was a bit stressed with the packing up of the old house and chewed a hole in the sofa :eek: she needed a vet visit and some special food and meds to help it go through her system which it did ha ha. Poppy stayed with my mum who she is so relaxed around the day I moved as I didn't want her upset again, I made sure everything was in place so to keep stress levels down before she came home and it seems to have worked she has settled beautifully better than I had hoped. Oh and the day we moved poppy went into season my puppy dog is growing up ;). She has met most of the local dogs but at a distance due to her session and I think we will both be very happy here. I have added some new pictures of the Poppy dog :)

05-25-2016, 06:49 AM
Tracy, so good to hear from you and I love the new pics! Poppy is indeed growing into such a lovely young lady ;). I love her coloring -- her coat is beautiful!

I'm so glad the move has gone well, and I'm sure it is a great comfort for your mom to have you nearby. And how nice for Poppy that her granny is right there to share in loving on her. Sounds like a win-win all around! :)

Best wishes on your new home!

05-25-2016, 07:35 AM
A www, moving can be stressful for our fur babies, as long as they have all the familiar things, it helps. Glad to hear Poppy settled in.

I'm sure glad the sofa remnents passed through her digestive system.
One time I was watching some tv dog show and a little poodle mix ate a whole big chunk of a plastic table cloth:eek:

Enjoy your new home:)

06-10-2016, 11:38 AM
Poppy is so cute! Thanks for posting new pics.

I relate to your wanting her to stay energetic but also to outgrow her naughty habits. We have a one-year-old cat about whom we feel exactly the same. Every day that she bounces around makes me happy. But, I wouldn't mind if she lost her counter surfing habit. ;-)

Good to hear Poppy's health has improved! It must be a relief for your move to be over and everyone to be settled without great mishap. Enjoy the summer!

06-28-2016, 11:53 PM
That's great:) Good luck for your new adventures:)

07-16-2016, 05:56 AM
Well little Poppy is one today how did that happen :p She has been through so much in her first year from 5 months of mange, moving house, she's coped so well. She is the light of my life.

Happy birthday Poppy and here's to many many more :D

07-16-2016, 07:53 AM
Oh...Happy Birthday, Poppy!

07-16-2016, 09:40 AM
Happy birthday to Poppy! May the two of you have many delightful future adventures together!

Well little Poppy is one today how did that happen :p She has been through so much in her first year from 5 months of mange, moving house, she's coped so well. She is the light of my life.:D

Harley PoMMom
07-16-2016, 10:03 AM
Happy Birthday, Poppy!!!

07-16-2016, 12:07 PM
Happy Birthday,

molly muffin
07-16-2016, 01:49 PM
Happy 1 year Poppy Girl!!!

07-16-2016, 02:45 PM
Ah, Happy Birthday from me, too!!! :) :p :D :) :p :D :)


Budsters Mom
07-16-2016, 09:42 PM
Happy Birthday Poppy! :D:D

07-21-2016, 11:51 AM
Sorry it's late, but Very Happy Birthday Poppy!!!!