View Full Version : Doggie restlessness...Help!!

11-23-2015, 10:56 PM
My 13 year old min pin has cushing's and recently is up every 30-60min overnight. He eats and drinks water constantly, which we have gotten used to but now he just jumps off the bed all night long... over and over and over again. How do we help him? Any suggestions?

11-24-2015, 06:43 AM
Hello and welcome! Can you tell us more about your dog's overall health history, and also the testing results that confirmed Cushing's?

Is your boy currently being treated with medication for his Cushing's? Unfortunately, that is really the only way to control the excessive urination/thirst caused by Cushing's, and probably the restlessness as well. Urinary tract infections are common in untreated Cushpups, so that may be adding to his woes. Your boy may just be feeling quite uncomfortable right now, and therefore unable to settle.

Thank you in advance for telling us more about your boy's situation, and once again, welcome to the group!


molly muffin
11-24-2015, 07:23 PM
I just want to say welcome to the forum.

Marianne asks some good questions to get us started on trying to help you. The more information we have the better feedback we can provide.

Are you treating for cushings with medication, if so which drug, how much and how much does your dog weight?