View Full Version : Help! Started vetoryl and my dog is worse not better

11-08-2015, 06:59 PM

So thrilled to have found this group. I have been searching the last two days for a place just like this.

I have a 11 lb blind black mini poodle named Keiki who I love!

She has declined quite a bit over the last year. She has gone through all the costly tests to confirm cushings disease. We started 10 mg of vetoryl last Sunday. Yes the peeing and drinking. Have subsided but she seems more miserable.

Not eating vomiting diarrhea not steady sleeping. She bit me pretty badly yesterday when I gently tried to wake her. Again later in day when awake she did it again. She finally ate a bit yesterday then again wanting to pet her she winced and tried to bite me again. Within a half hour she vomited so I think she was not feeling well.

I called the vet to schedule an appointment tomorrow. I did not give the meds today. She is really tough to take them with all my tricks. Not BM today and sleep sleep sleep. One attempt to bite me. Otherwise ok. She love the car and had no interest today.

I am heartbroken and not sure what to do. It seems all her symptoms are typical side effects. However, this does not seem worth the price - as she seems much worse despite the fact she is peeing less.

Do these side effects go away? Has anyone else had this experience? Between peeing poop and puking now biting I am at a loss. I love her dearly but I have seen a huge difference this week not for the best which makes me wonder of this treatment is a good idea.

Would love any thoughts.


11-09-2015, 06:08 AM
Hi and welcome to our site. I am sorry you and your girl are going through this.

Her biting is very worrisome indeed and is not typical with the onset of Cushing's. It could be she is in terrible pain somewhere. Add to that the vomiting etc. she clearly is in distress and am glad you stopped giving the medication.

Is she on any other medication for other conditions? Has the vet ruled out thyroid conditions?

When you get the chance, post the results of the tests performed to come to the Cushing's diagnosis.

Keep us posted on what the vet indicates.


PS - I have manually approved your membership so you do not need to reply to the email to complete your registration.

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2015, 09:00 AM
Sweetheart your baby needs to see someone TODAY, asap. This could be the cortisol going way too low which is life-threatening and must be attended to immediately when it happens.

Be sure his vet has ruled out all possible problems with the thyroid, too. Sudden aggression is seen with hyperthyroidism as well as other conditions....and is seen with pain, which has to be very great for a pup to show signs of pain.

Please get your baby in to see someone asap today....I wouldn't wait one minute longer than I had to. ;) Let us know what you learn when you can! Hope all turns out well.

Leslie and the gang

11-09-2015, 11:02 AM
Thanks for the posts. It was a hard weekend and I have been feeling helpless with pee poop and puke--and her clearly feeling miserable . The peeing has been a long-term issue. At the vet now and he thinks while started at 10mg this may be too much.

She is blind and can be nippy but has been so much better over the years with training and learning to trust. I truly think it is due to her not feeling well.

They are going to do more blood work and hydrate her. Looks like she lost a lb this week 😟

I will say there was a huge decrease in water intake and peeing after a few day on the plus side.

I do not have test results but she had an ultra sound, bloods have been off then did that 8 hour testing so I am confident she has it.

I need to travel for work this weekend so will board her at vet and they can monitor her.

Hoping for the best!! Thx

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2015, 03:32 PM
My Squirt tested positive on the LDDS, HDDS, ACTH, UTK panel and abdominal ultrasound....but she didn't have Cushing's then. She had a tumor on her spleen. Once the tumor and half her spleen were removed, her cortisol returned to normal. The stress of that tumor caused her cortisol to rise NATURALLY and when it was gone it naturally returned to normal. Just so you know 2 positive tests, even FIVE positive tests, do not mean a fool-proof diagnosis with this disease. This is one of if not the hardest canine disease to correctly diagnose. ;)

molly muffin
11-09-2015, 06:57 PM
No, the biting isn't normal for cushings, but is normal for thyroid issues, and if she is blind, then she likely is easier to startle.

Did they do the ACTH?

Can you get copies of the tests results for your own records, so you can see how she is doing and what goes up and down?

Did they check electrolytes also? Trying to think of what might be bothering her.

Have they also done a urine culture to check for bacteria?

11-22-2015, 12:12 PM
Thanks all. We took her off for a week and started her on half dosage. I am in vaca and she is boarding at vet.
She will get the next test to see how she is responding.
Better this time. But still very lethargic, sleeping not eating. Not herself. When I get back going to see a specialist. The vet just called and we talked. Said the cushings could be masking another disease that is now more obvious.

I agree--will get copies of records for me and then post and bring her to see an internist so can figure out what is going on.

Thanks for your replies. If any other suggestions please let me know.

Kristin and keiki.

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2015, 12:27 PM
I'm not clear by your post, but in the name of all that is Holy, stop the Vetoryl, please. Tell the vet you want it STOPPED, not reduced, until things can be figured out a bit more. Please.

Harley PoMMom
11-22-2015, 03:20 PM
I totally agree with Leslie, I would stop giving her the Vetoryl until things can be figured out especially since she is unwell and not acting like her normal self.

Keep us updated, please.

Hugs, Lori

11-23-2015, 06:52 AM
Thanks for the update.

I too agree, stop the Vetoryl. These could be signs the cortisol levels have fallen too low or that she is having a reaction to the Vetoryl (no matter what dosage) --- either way it is not good to keep giving it to her while she has these symptoms.

Low cortisol can also cause an electrolyte imbalance of which at its worse can be life threatening. I would suspect most vets know this if they are going to administer this drug.

It is good she will be seeing an internist.

Continue to keep us posted

molly muffin
11-23-2015, 04:29 PM
I think an internist is the right call.
Did the vet do an ACTH and electrolyte check to see if her cortisol did go too low?

In general though, you don't want to give vetroyl to a dog that is unwell and she certainly does seem to be feeling unwell, with the diarrhea and vomiting, etc.

I too would stop and then see the internist. If the vet didn't do those tests, maybe they could do them while she is boarding with them??