Baileys Butler
10-21-2015, 05:31 PM
Hey everybody. I have been lurking here since our dog Bailey was suspected of having Cushings. Thank you everyone here who contributes and answers questions. It's a big help and was a big comfort to our family that our Cushings dog could live her normal life and it's not a death wish.
Anyway, about Bailey. She is a 10-ish year old Dachshund mix that we rescued 4 years ago. She is 18 lbs. About 2-3 months ago we noticed she was having more accidents in the house. Then noticed a MAJOR increase in her water intake. Took her to the vet who looked at her, heard the symptoms and immediately said "I believe this is Cushings". Of course we had no clue what that meant but between him and this site we got a quick course! He took blood and urine samples that day, which still maintained his Cushings diagnosis. We brought her in for her ACTH test which confirmed it (can't remember exact numbers but I believe after 2hr # was 55(?)). Anyway, he started her on 9mg 1xdaily. We gave it to her in the morning with meals. She seemed to be ok with it other than sleeping more an hour or so after dose. On the fifth day of initial dosing she vomited twice at night (of course). Called the vet and he said stop for 2 days, if she's fine after that give her small dose Prilosec to help nausea and try again. So we did that and all seemed fine. We took her for her 2 week ACTH and #s were great! (6.3 first draw/ 8.1 2hr)Symptoms still remained however. After reading through here and discussing with the vet it seems that is not abnormal and can take a month or more for symptoms to subside.
So now our current problem, he wrote us another 10 day prescription so she could take that while we ordered her month supply online. I gave her her first pill in the morning yesterday and woke up this morning to find she had pooped in the house 4x. Sorry for grossing anyone out here...It was not runny but loose, mucousy, and obviously frequent. Called vet again and he said stop 2 days and try again. He also said he would like to lower dose to 7mg.
Anyone have any advice? Do gastrointestinal issues subside? Should we lower dose? 9mg is low and #s are good, but she still has symptoms. Any help, advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Anyway, about Bailey. She is a 10-ish year old Dachshund mix that we rescued 4 years ago. She is 18 lbs. About 2-3 months ago we noticed she was having more accidents in the house. Then noticed a MAJOR increase in her water intake. Took her to the vet who looked at her, heard the symptoms and immediately said "I believe this is Cushings". Of course we had no clue what that meant but between him and this site we got a quick course! He took blood and urine samples that day, which still maintained his Cushings diagnosis. We brought her in for her ACTH test which confirmed it (can't remember exact numbers but I believe after 2hr # was 55(?)). Anyway, he started her on 9mg 1xdaily. We gave it to her in the morning with meals. She seemed to be ok with it other than sleeping more an hour or so after dose. On the fifth day of initial dosing she vomited twice at night (of course). Called the vet and he said stop for 2 days, if she's fine after that give her small dose Prilosec to help nausea and try again. So we did that and all seemed fine. We took her for her 2 week ACTH and #s were great! (6.3 first draw/ 8.1 2hr)Symptoms still remained however. After reading through here and discussing with the vet it seems that is not abnormal and can take a month or more for symptoms to subside.
So now our current problem, he wrote us another 10 day prescription so she could take that while we ordered her month supply online. I gave her her first pill in the morning yesterday and woke up this morning to find she had pooped in the house 4x. Sorry for grossing anyone out here...It was not runny but loose, mucousy, and obviously frequent. Called vet again and he said stop 2 days and try again. He also said he would like to lower dose to 7mg.
Anyone have any advice? Do gastrointestinal issues subside? Should we lower dose? 9mg is low and #s are good, but she still has symptoms. Any help, advice is appreciated. Thank you.