View Full Version : Bailey 9 year old female beagle
09-14-2015, 10:04 AM
Hi im in the process of having bailey tested for cushings
First test acth 2 blood draw was inconclusive so tue. They are doing the low dose 3 blood draws test but in the mean time I think she has lost her sight.i have informed the dr so shes going to check hers eyes.
It all started with a bladder infection she hurt her tail and just when we thought things were getting better she started breathing heavy drinking alot of water and couldnt get enough to eat she wouldnt walk anymore and gained weight fast.the drinking of water is better but she is always hungry. She has incontinence now too and never has trouble with that before. I dont have a copy of the 1st blood draw I will get a copy.
She did have blood and urine tests prior to the cushings to rule out other things and everything was good there.
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2015, 10:39 AM
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Squirt's Mom
09-14-2015, 10:43 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Bailey! :)
The sudden blindness and rapid appearance of the signs says SARDS to me more than Cushing's. SARDS is Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome and has many of the same signs as Cushing's. I would talk to the vet about this and perhaps ask for a referral to an eye vet asap - I would certainly want this checked out before starting Bailey on any treatment for Cushing's when it may not be Cushing's at all. Here is a link on SARDS from our Helpful Resource section -
Let us know what the vet thinks about the possibility of SARDS and what the plan is from here.
Leslie and the gang
09-14-2015, 01:40 PM
Thank you for your response leslie
I will read the info link .After we noticed the eyesight change I was thinking it could be sards.
The vet texted me and said we will check her eyes sounded like she still wanted to do the second cushings test still.
09-14-2015, 02:54 PM
Greetings to Bailey from my beagle, Abbie! I really hope that you can get Bailey to a veterinary opthamologist soon. You might want to divert the cost of any additional Cushings tests to the expense of a specialist.
molly muffin
09-14-2015, 09:44 PM
Welcome from me too. A veterinary opthamologist should be able to tell you the cause. My dog is losing sight due to high Blood Pressure causing retinal bleeds. They went from clear and fine to 3 months later, described as significant loss of focal point eye sight. So that is something to have them check out too.
Is the bladder infection completely gone now? They do come back sometimes the very resistant ones.
09-15-2015, 07:48 PM
They didn't do the 2nd cushings test . She did the eye exam and decided not to do the test. With the symptoms she had and now being blind she suspects Sards too. I was referred to a vet ophthalmologist.(Animal Eye Consultants of Iowa) They come to Fargo 2 days a month.Has anyone heard of them ? I have an appointment Oct 12 in Fargo ND my other option was in Minnesota but I live in ND so this one is closer . If anyone has more info I would appreciate it. I'm kinda numb today I love this little beagle with all my heart and more.i just want her to be happy and I'm sure she senses my feelings no matter how much I try to hide them. Thank you for your replys !
09-15-2015, 08:19 PM
Her bladder infection was gone shes had 2 tests and both were negative forgot to add this ☺
09-15-2015, 10:01 PM
Hi, Tammy! Am so glad you were able to get Bailey an appointment with an opthamologist and I'm sure you want the 12th to hurry up and get here. I took a look at the clinic's web page and it looks as though they handle a wide variety of issues. Please give Bailey a big hug from us!
09-16-2015, 06:56 AM
I just had a look at the eye group, too, and discovered that the lead veterinarian is Dr. Sinisa Grozdanic, who is rather famously associated with SARDS research. While affiliated with the Iowa State Univ. vet school, he developed a potential treatment for SARDS around 2007-8 that was originally hoped to be quite successful. My impression, however, is that the treatment has not proven to be the breakthrough it was originally hoped to be, and it is not now widely endorsed nor duplicated by other clinicians. Dr. Grozdanic is certainly highly credentialed and highly qualified to diagnose SARDS, however. He will definitely be able to tell you whether the problem is SARDS or instead some other condition. So I would feel fortunate having him evaluate my dog's eye condition, although I might want a second opinion about the specifics of treatment if he is still recommending a protocol that is highly expensive, lengthy or burdensome. I just don't know that he has yet proven significant positive results with that original treatment. Here's a link to another forum thread that discusses these same issues:
Having said all this, I do think that Dr. Grozdanic maintains that for his treatment to have a chance to work at all, it is important to intervene as quickly as possible. So I think he would say that waiting a full month before Bailey is evaluated is less than ideal. I realize that they have a specific rotation for their clinic visits, but you or your vet may want to contact Dr. Grozdanic directly to tell him you think you may have a dog with SARDS, and to ask whether there is any way that Bailey could be seen more quickly.
Definitely keep us updated, OK?
09-17-2015, 10:00 AM
I have contacted dr holly my vet and shes going to see if she can get bailey in sooner. We would be going to the twin cities in minnesota for this appt .
Dr. Robert D. Larocca, DVM
The clinic is called (Animal eye speciality center P.A.I)
Cross your fingers for me 💖
Thank you Marianne for this attention for a sooner appt
Such wonderful people here to help me I hope someday I can give help to someone too!
09-18-2015, 11:54 AM
I could have gotten bailey in as soon as monday in minnesota but it was on emergency basis only. So when i asked her if the vet thought it was nesesary to be checked as an emergency she asked another employee that had been working there a long time since the dr was in surgery and she said no if its sards its not an emergency because nothing can be done about it. so i wasnt very impressed with their responce. I am waiting for the appt in fargo ,but i have texted them just to make sure she gets the erg test that day.I will contact them by phone just to touch vet didnt seem to think it was an emergency either.what i dont understand is they havent diagnosed her with it . I know the symptoms were all there and im she she has it but why do the drs decide it before the test. im confused at this point and just plain worn out trying to help her with the blindness. She is doing better at walking outside so thats a plus and weve been playing ball in a confined area so she can find it sooner.Its good to see her getting excited.But its going to be alot of work! She has gained so much weight that concerns me.
molly muffin
09-21-2015, 09:19 PM
Try doing some scent focus playing. My molly is losing her sight, especially the close in focal sight and I throw small bits of her kibble for her to chase. Tap if she doesn't hear it land and then she finds it by smelling and pounces.
I think they will definitely be able to tell at the clinic if it is SARDS or not, since they will be able to do a more thorough test than most GP vets can.
Too bad the vets didn't agree that it is an emergency. Symptoms or not, until it is diagnosed it is an unknown.
There is an item called a halo that you can get for blind dogs. It helps them to not run into things and hurt themselves. That might be something to think about too.
09-25-2015, 09:45 AM
I was totally disapointed that they didnt think she should be seen sooner. she has alot of congestion and still some episodes of heavy breathing.i have been putting cookies in her treat ball and she likes that,but with all the weight gain im reluctant to give her too many.i feed her 2 times a day , she has quit laying out in the kitchen for food i have switched her to reg food not light as this was not satisfying her. She does sleep alot or maybe just lay with her eyes open I know shes trying to do the best she can.last night i couldnt help myself i layed down beside her and cryed and she gave me kisses,like its going to be alright what a trooper. i wish i was as strong as her.I wonder if their are any opthamologists close to nd besides the 2 my vet gave me.Thank you for your replys.
Squirt's Mom
09-25-2015, 10:01 AM
I'm so sorry this is happening to you and Tammy. I am mom to two totally blind babies, one who is blind in one eye, and to one who is losing his sight due to cataracts we can't address because of his heart disease. They all do very well in their dark and darkening worlds, amazing me daily and reminding me to be grateful. There are some things you can do to help Tammy.
Get your furniture etc. where you want it to be for the rest of her life and do not move anything without putting it right back in that place. She needs to know where things are so she feels secure and if we move things like the couch, it throws them all off.
Use different napped rugs in the doorways to different rooms so Tammy knows when her feet feel that smooth rug she is entering your bedroom and the fuzzy one means she is entering the bathroom and etc.
Talk to her often, often, often. Anytime she is walking with you talk to her constantly, or wear bells on your ankles, or drag your feet so she knows where you are at all times and can follow with more ease.
Never touch her without speaking her name - that can scare her because she can't see your hand reaching out toward her. An unexpected touch is terrifying for some.
You may need to get some bubble wrap or other soft things to wrap corners, furniture legs, and other things Tammy can hurt herself on if she runs into them. One of my blind babies is like a pin ball and bounces off of everything in his path so my house is bubble wrapped! :-D Good Housekeeping would be appalled! :p
Don't despair - blindness is very often much harder on us that on our babies. They often seem to adjust more quickly and with less stress than we do. ;)
09-28-2015, 10:54 PM
Tammy, I'm new to the forum but have 3 beagles, and understand how stressful a sick fur baby can be. I am also glad they skipped to second Cushing's test and checked Baileys eyes. I can tell you these people on this site are truly amazing, compassionate, comforting and very knowledgable. Hang in there and I'll keep Bailey in my thoughts. Tammy (too)
molly muffin
09-29-2015, 06:08 PM
Are they saying there are no other ophamologist for dogs other than Ohio State university?
10-06-2015, 12:44 PM
I guess there are no vet opthamologists in nd just the one she is seeing in fargo they are there 2 days a month from vet tried to get her in sooner to vets in minnesota she called 4 and none could see her sooner than end of oct nov or in dec I guess their pretty booked so we kept the oct 12th its getting closer.
thank you Sharlene
Beaglelover thank you for your support
11-06-2015, 03:35 PM
Just an update on Bailey.She started treatment with Dr G the 12th of Oct the day we saw him he diagnosed her with sards and said it was auto immune disease.
He started her on cyclosporine leflunomide cerenia.Did the shots in her eyes and antibiotic salve for infection that got fine.About a week and a half ago she got really sick throwing up.And had mucus and bood in her stools as a result she got colitis. My vet put her on antibiotics and she developed a sore on her back from the leflunomide my vet prescribed drops for that it healed.We brought her into town for her blood tests yesterday, she has not ate much in a few days, nothing yesterday or today she has had a little water.She seems like she more lethargic this afternoon. We have cancelled her appt with Dr. G we dont want her to suffer with more meds .anymore.I do have the results of her first cushings test and lab work from last month I can post them if any one wants to see them.
11-07-2015, 10:57 AM
Hi Tammy,
I'm so sorry that Bailey is feeling poorly. If I were in your shoes, I do believe I'd discontinue the eye treatment, too. As I wrote to you earlier on, I think Dr. G is very capable when it comes to diagnosing SARDS, but I also think there remains some controversy around his treatment approach. Since Bailey is seeming to be worse rather than better, I don't think I'd continue with the treatment, either. I sure hope she starts bouncing back, and that her blood testing this week doesn't show anything that's even more worrisome.
I saw your question about posting lab results on our "How to" forum, and I wrote a reply to you there. If you still have problems after reading my reply over there, just let us know.
We'll be anxious to continue getting updates, and I sure hope your little girl starts feeling better!
molly muffin
11-08-2015, 12:04 PM
I hope you saw Mariannes reply about how to post lab results. We really like to only see anything that is out of range, high/low.
I don't think would continue treatment either with Bailey getting worse.
Hopefully with this treatment discontinued, Bailey will perk back up.
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