View Full Version : Brand New--Need help and resources

09-06-2015, 05:58 PM
Hi, I have an 8 1/2 year old retired greyhound that was just diagnosed. He was started on treatment and is also placed on thryoid med for hypothyroid as well. He looks like hell....extreme hair loss on limbs an ears, excessive thirst, intestinal issues, muscle tremors and weakness in back end, ulcers on front toes, and now unbelievably enough he stepped into a fire ant mound multiple times so his rear leg is blown up like a balloon. I started him on benadryl every six, using cortisone spray, and bathing his leg in apple cider vinegar that is diluted. What other supplements are ya'll using that are homeopathic? I need lots of help. Thanks, I have three other dogs (two of them greyhounds (one has SLO) and a whippet, and ALL my dogs are seniors. I am at the end of my rope.

molly muffin
09-06-2015, 10:32 PM
First how much does he weigh and what medication and dosage was he started on?
What if any other blood work was abnormal? If so can you post those results that where either too high or too low with the range. (this helps us to answer your questions better)
Did they determine if your dog has pituitary or adrenal cushing?
the front knuckling can be due to either neurological or spinal issues.
Intestinal issues with Greyhounds can often be IBD, which can be very hard to deal with and your vet needs to let you know if your dog has it or not, as being on a sole protein and finding one they tolerate is usually key to their health.

Most of us in addition to the normal cushing medication of either trilsotane/vetroyl or lysodren, supplement with some sort of liver supplement like denamarin, milk thistle, etc Omega 3's, like say a salmon oil. Some people use others but it is in addition to the cushing treatment.

Oh dear, those fire ants are just awful. I stepped in a hill once and my leg ballooned up. I used tea compresses also on it, like a camomile tea, that sort of thing, but it just has to get out of their system.

Welcome to the forum.