View Full Version : Starting Trilostane treatment for Cushings diagnosis
08-20-2015, 07:36 PM
Hi my 9 year old Boston terrier just got diagnosed with Cushings. He had the low dose dec test and the ACTH. We are going to start the Trilostane as soon as the meds arrive at our vets office.
He had had all the symptoms for awhile now. He also has liver issues which I'm now told may get better with the Trilostane treatment.
After the test today, he had his second pee accident. He peed on the floor like crazy. Was like a river non stop. Not sure if the test today contributed.
My question is, has anyone had good results with Trilostane treatment? I'm very worried. Want to do everything I can for him. I'm told if drugs don't work, then nothing can be done. :( He's like my baby and want to think positively.
Harley PoMMom
08-20-2015, 07:56 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your boy!
We initiate our new members by asking them a ton of questions which helps us to provide more meaningful feedback, so get ready for your initiation. :D
What exact symptoms did your boy display that led you or your vet to test for Cushing's in the first place? How much does he weigh? Is he taking any other herbs/supplements/medications? Could you get your hands on copies of all tests that were done on your dear boy and post any abnormalities that are listed...e.g....ALT 150U/L (5-50). Was an urinalysis done, and if so, could you post those findings too? Also, could you post the results of the LDDS and ACTH tests? What dose of Trilostane/Vetoryl is the vet starting him on?
We do have many members that are experiencing success with their dog's treatment with Trilostane/Vetoryl. Cuishing's is not a death sentence for a dog it is a treatable disease, however for the treatment to work safely and successfully it requires an educated pet owner along with an experienced vet.
There are two medication that are used most often to treat Cushing's, Vetoryl/Trilostane is one and the other is Lysodren/Mitotane. These are serious drugs and their proper protocols need to be followed in order to have a safe and effective treatment.
I am including some links from our Resource thread that can help you understand this Cushing's journey that you and your boy are taking, and remember we are right beside you both to help in any way we can.
Hugs, Lori
Those links:
08-20-2015, 08:26 PM
Thanks for the welcome Lori :) glad that I found this site!
He is a 25.5lb Boston terrier. 6 months ago started drinking more. As months went on got worse. Symptoms include: excessive drinking, hunger, peeing more, can't jump or go up stairs as before (can sometimes but very weak in back legs), some hair loss back of legs and belly. Pants s little more easily. Had one accident peeing in floor and tonight second accident. May have something to do with being at vets today for the test.
Was initially given a complete blood test. Came back possible for Cushings but liver was elevated. Did a few liver tests where results were 30 (I believe) and have a liver ultrasound which indicated n tumours.
Current meds: liquid hepato support and Zentonil. (Also takes eye drops for a previous eye ulcer that had surgery and cataracts)
I don't have any copies of reports. Can possibly get them. He was given a urinalysis that had also led to Cushings diagnosis. I was told urine so diluted like water. His pee is totally clear.
I'm not sure the dosage we are starting him on. I was told but forget now as I'm picking up tomorrow. I know we are starting slow and working way up. Our vet will monitor closely and I believe in 14 days review with a test.
I will update with any further information.
Thanks for the advice. I have been so scared about the diagnosis but glad there's hope. I need to learn a lot more about Cushings and I will definitely make sure my vet and I are ding everything. Like I said, he's my baby. And he's not just my husband and I dog. We have a 2.5 yr old daughter shows absolutely in love with Miles and I want him to be around for along time :)
molly muffin
08-20-2015, 09:31 PM
If he had the ACTH test today then that quite likely contributed to the cause of the accident. The ACTH is a blood draw that tests what the resting cortisol is, or the cortisol in the body normally. Then they give an injection and this causes like think of it like a sponge, that squeezes the cortisol being stored in the adrenal glands and dumps it into the body. This post number then shows how much cortisol was actually stored in the adrenal glands.
This means that after an ACTH test, they have a lot of cortisol in their bodies, more than normal even that causes what I call the ACTH spaz. It lasts about 48 hours with most dogs. Everything is just exaggerated it feels like.
Now the important thing to remember when starting trilostane is to start at no more than 1mg/1lb. In your case, your dog weighs 25 lbs, so starting dose would be 25mg. This can be given once a day or could be divided into twice a day, like 12mg morning, 13mg evening, or 12mg/12mg am and pm for example.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
08-20-2015, 09:58 PM
Thanks you for the info! I was quite concerned that he just stood there in front of me peeing like crazy tonight. He would never do that and it was out of his control. It makes a lot of sense now. I feel I get information from my vet (maybe I get overwhelmed) but sometimes other people who have been through this have a better way of explaining. This is a really great forum, than you soo much!
08-24-2015, 05:45 PM
Miles is only taking 10mg to start (25lb dog) . Only been a few days. Repeat test within a couple weeks. Hope that the meds will work once we get on the right dose. The vet called today and results definitely pointing to pituitary.
molly muffin
08-24-2015, 09:38 PM
Did you write down the results? That would be helpful to know and you will want to keep records too as this is a long journey and you really want to keep track of any tests results (best way is to get copies) and also make notes in a diary maybe of symptoms and how he is on any given dose.
I started my molly low too. She started at 8mg and is 18lbs. She is currently at 15mg.
10-27-2015, 10:39 PM
Hi, I recently found this site over the summer when my dog was diagnosed with Cushings. He is on 10mg Vetoryl and working well. (25lb Boston terrier- 10 years old)
Anyways I am not familiR if Vetoryl has Any drug interactions. Right now (non Cushings related) he has diarrhea...pretty bad. I have Fortiflora here but he took that occasionally before he had been on Vetoryl. It's like a probiotic to sprinkle on food. Is this ok? Are there any drugs that can't be taken with Vetoryl?
10-28-2015, 12:26 AM
Hi there and welcome - first and foremost, please immediately stop the vetoryl. It should never be given to a dog that is sick, especially when it's gastric upset of some sort.
When was the last monitoring ACTH run? Do you have those results? Is your baby displaying any other symptoms?
As for interaction between vetoryl and probiotics, you should be fine. Many people, myself included, give probiotics along with cushings meds.
Squirt's Mom
10-28-2015, 06:46 AM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about Fortiflora into Miles' original thread. We like to keep all info about each pup in one thread so it is easier to look back through the history if needed. Thanks!
Squirt's Mom
10-28-2015, 06:48 AM
Renee is right - stop the Vetoryl. Diarrhea is a sign of an overdose and we don't want to take any chances so no more Vetoryl for a bit.
Is he still taking 10mg?
How is his appetite?
How is his energy level?
Any blood in the stool?
Please let us know how he is doing when you can!
Leslie and the gang
10-28-2015, 10:44 AM
Hey! He's fine today. My dog once in awhile over his 10 years gets diarrhea. Whether he eats something, maybe too excited, etc. he appears to be fine today. It has nothing to do with the the Vetoryl (I'm almost positive) he's been on 10mg for a little while now and doing excellent. Again I'm sorry don't have the numbers but he's improved drastically and the vet is happy.
I never did give him the probiotic yet as he seems ok now. As a Boston terrier, he's always had a sensitive tummy and once in awhile this happens
My other question is: is 10mg too low dose for a 26 pound dog? Apparently numbers are great, he's back to himself, drinking normally, eating normally and can now jump on the couch. It's a miracle. He's himself again. Just hoping it lasts.
Harley PoMMom
10-28-2015, 05:10 PM
My other question is: is 10mg too low dose for a 26 pound dog? Apparently numbers are great, he's back to himself, drinking normally, eating normally and can now jump on the couch. It's a miracle. He's himself again. Just hoping it lasts.
All dogs are different, and with saying that, what works for one may not work for another, so if Miles symptoms are controlled and he is doing well with the dose he is on, than that is great and would indicate that the 10 mg is doing what it should be doing. ;)
Hugs, Lori
10-28-2015, 07:02 PM
Thanks Lori! :)
molly muffin
10-28-2015, 09:31 PM
Hi. I use florafora with my dog any time she has a gastro upset and poops seem to start being a bit soft. I keep her of it past everything clearing up. My dog is on trilostane also.
Good rule though is to skip a dose or two of trilostane when they get the gastro upset with diarrhea. It doesn't hurt to have them off the trilostane and then stRt back up once the gastro is cleared up. As. Y dog is prone to the gastro upsets I keep florafora on hand and skip doses as needed.
Glad to here that things look better today.
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