View Full Version : Annie, 15.5 yo Westie, adrenal mass (pheo?) - Annie is at the Bridge

08-18-2015, 01:55 AM
I have been reading many of the threads the past few weeks (sometimes bawling my eyes out), trying to figure out what's been going on with Annie, my very charming (and willful :D) Westie, who is 15 years & 9 months old.

I am so grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences, knowledge, and hearts. I was particularly intrigued by frijole's Annie, and my biggest hope is to be able to bring my Annie some relief to revive her spunk and see her wag her tail more. Excuse me for the novel-length 1st post, but I wanted to cram everything I could! :p

In a nutshell, Annie has a mass on her right adrenal gland, but apparently it is not secreting cortisol because her LDDS test does not indicate Cushing's. Based on more recent symptoms, I strongly suspect she has a pheochromocytoma, but today we saw a veterinary internal medicine specialist who thinks it's more likely that the tumor is not secreting anything and Annie's symptoms are more likely unrelated (a brain tumor or canine cognitive disorder)The doc suggested Anipryl, but backed off when I pointed out that IF it is a pheo, an MAOI in contraindicated (yes, I've been doing my homework! :D We both agree that Annie is not a good candidate for surgery due to her age, but I am going ahead with a CT scan of her abdomen and head on Thurs in the hopes that we can have a more definitive diagnosis and can manage symptoms and improve quality of life for whatever time Annie has left. Also will do a urine catecholomine test, which doc said if it's positive it could be non-pheo causes, but if it's negative, that would rule out a pheo.

She's been having many of the standard Cushing's symptoms, (started to notice on-and-off since last fall, but has been getting markedly worse since early July): recurrent skin infections, extreme hunger & thirst, potty accidents in the house, waking/pacing/anxious in the middle of the night, lethargic, bouts of panting, restlessness, can't seem to get comfortable, smacking her lips/licking, etc. I thought she was just getting old. She also doesn't wag her tail anymore (since last winter), but it still works -- she holds it out when we're walking outside and wags it when saying "hi" to strangers at the vet (my hubby says her wagger is broken) :(

More recently (July/Aug) - Annie also breathes hard sometimes when she's sleeping. She has head & whole body muscle twitches. Rubs face all over carpet, furniture, people & chews feet until bloody (so she's been wearing the cone of shame pretty much since April/eye surgery). Since July, she's had 2 bouts of no eating/vomiting bile, which is rare for her, although she's had a lifelong issue with "sensitive stomach" & allergies.

* In early April, Annie developed a corneal ulcer that was down to the last layer and about to perforate. Our vet had me put in eyedrops every 1-2 hours until we could consult with the only animal ophthalmologist in Hawaii, but thankfully, all was well (except my wallet) after a corneal pedicle graft. She was diagnosed with dry eye and I've been putting Tacrolimis ointment in her eyes since (we tried cyclosporine first, but she had a reaction that turned her into an evil-looking red-masked racoon from hell).
* In May, we suffered the heartbreaking loss of Annie's adopted sister, Ursa-bug (16 year old Shih-Tzu), who probably had Canine Cognitive Disorder.
* In June Annie had several teeth extracted and a benign growth removed from her skin (forehead). She healed very quickly from both surgeries, but the hair on the leg that was shaved in April has not really grown back (we call it her "chicken leg").
* June 28-July 9: We could not get rid of recurrent skin infections (medicated baths 2x/week & antibiotics), so doc put her on 10-day steroid dose and changed her food to Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein (HP)(over the course of 1 week) (previously ate Wellness CORE, reduced fat)
* July 15: Annie was sleeping next to me in the middle of the night and she suddenly yelped/screamed and started shaking all over for 2-3 minutes. Then she quieted down and seemed okay & went back to sleep. I thought maybe she had a bad dream, but after reading about pheos, this seemed like a sudden release of adrenaline?
* July 13-18: ravenously hungry, waking up at 2-3a crying, pacing, restless. Also urping yellow bile 2 or 3 times. I took her in to the vet on 7/18 and they do bloodwork. Diagnosis as after-effects of steroids.
* July 22-26: Stomach making noises, won't eat, & urping yellow bile. Doc gives her a shot for nausea on 7/26 and 4-day dose of Cerenia pills (anti nausea); change food (over 1 week) to Hills Venison & potato.
* Early August: 2a pacing, crying, won't settle. Feed her at 5a and she eats, but continues to act the same way. I'm concerned whether Annie is in pain or has Cushing's. Doc schedules LDDS test, ultrasound, x-rays. Ultrasound results below; x-ray does not reveal any apparent arthritis or spinal degeneration that would cause pain.
* Last night, she woke me up and I brought her downstairs where she emptied her water bowl and then threw up a few minutes later. It was 3:30a (6 hours since she'd last eaten), so I thought she was going to urp water/bile, but instead it was a thick, soupy brown "kibble stew" all over the carpet! Luckily, I did not wake up the household steamcleaning in the middle of the night, but there was no way to clean it otherwise. :eek: It seemed to make Annie feel much better, though, and she proceeded to try and "help" me with clean up duty! :rolleyes:

Ultrasound - 8/11/15
Last week, an ultrasound revealed an adrenal gland mass (the gland was partially obscured, so they could not see it all, but the US report says it's "at least 1.9 x 3.0 cm). The left adrenal gland is normal. The liver is mind to moderately enlarged and mildly diffusely mottled in echogenicity. No focal hepatic parenchymal abnormalities are detected and no evidence of hepatic lymphadenomagaly is seen. Both kidneys contain cortical cysts, the largest of which is approx 1.9 cm in diameter. ... A scant volume of anechoic peritoneal fluid is present.

Cortisol Sample 1, Baseline (0H): 2.6 (ref range 1.5-5.0)
Cortisol Sample 2, Dex (4 hr): 1.0 (ref range 0.0-1.4)
Cortisol Sample 3, Dex (8hr): <1.0 (ref range 0.0-1.4)

Bloodwork - not "normal" & compared to past 2 results
Alk Phosphatase: 161 (8/6/15), 217 (7/8/15), 90 (4/8/15), ref range 5-131
BUN: 34 (8/6), 30 (7/8), 34 (4/8) ref range 6-31
Potassium: 6.5 (8/6), 5.0 (7/8), 5.0 (4/8) ref range 3.6-5.5
Na/K Ratio: 22 (8/6), 30 (7/8), 31 (4/8) ref range 27-38
Platelet Count: 674 (8/6), 272 (7/8), 429 (4/8) ref range 170-400

Squirt's Mom
08-18-2015, 07:04 AM
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08-18-2015, 08:37 AM
Hello and welcome to you and Annie! I am sorry that I have only a moment to post right now, but I will return later today and add a more comprehensive reply. But I wanted you to know that we are very glad you have joined us, and we will do our best to offer as much info and support as we can.


08-18-2015, 11:42 AM
Hello and I'm back again, although I'm afraid I don't have a great deal of insight to offer. :o

Thank you so much for your very comprehensive summary of Annie's history and symptoms. Unfortunately, I will be the first to admit that I don't know much about pheos, but as soon as I finish this note, I am going to send off a message to one of our members, Trish, who is a medical professional herself and very experienced with pheos due to treatment for her own dog. I'm hoping Trish will be able to stop by and give us her thoughts.

Given Annie's symptom profile, I confess to being hugely surprised that her LDDS test was normal. If for no other reason, I might have thought that her acute illness right now would have elevated her cortisol level even if Cushing's itself was not involved. I am somewhat puzzled by your vet ascribing all of her symptoms to the possibility of a brain tumor or cognitive disorder. That could explain things like lethargy and panting and restlessness. But I don't know how that would explain her acute GI disturbance, or chronic physical ailments like unresolved skin infections. Regardless, since you will be having the CT scans of her head and abdomen, it sounds as though you should have additional diagnostic info available on Thursday. We will definitely be interested, as well!

So in the meantime, I wish I could be more directly helpful. But as I say, I will send a note off to Trish, and I will anxiously await the CT results alongside you.


molly muffin
08-18-2015, 09:17 PM
Hello and welcome from me too.
If the tumor is a nodule only and not secreting anything, then her cortisol levels could be normal and she can obviously suppress when her body determines that there is enough cortisol present already.

It sounds like the episode with the yelp might have been a seizure or something else going on. Many of the symptoms do present like a pheo, and hopefully the testing will give you more to go on concerning that. I wonder about IBD causing the stomach upset or pancrease even. Given that 6 hours later the food wasn't adequately digested my first inclination is gastric upset with the possibility of IBD. I think that the CT scan you are planning will tell you more, but you're in a holding pattern trying to figure out what is going on with Annie.

Trish might indeed have some more insight as her Flynn has had both a pheo and IBD.

08-19-2015, 03:46 PM
Thank you so much for responses, and reading through my looong post!:D ... I realized later that I forgot to include my own name, Carole.

Yes, Marianne, I was very surprised to find out the LDDS was normal, I was so sure it would be Cushing's, although the vet did say it could be atypical.

And yes, molly muffin, Annie has always had intermittent issues with her tummy, so the recent bouts could be unrelated to the adrenal tumor, although she's never vomited food before, just bile. Also, when her tummy acted up before, it would be gurgling like hell and she'd be clearing the room with farts :o, but that hasn't been the case lately.

I have found some human pheo case studies and discussion boards and it seems that the excess release of catecholamines can cause decreased gastric motility, which seems to fit her latest bouts. However, I know I'm so desperate for answers that I'm probably grasping at anything (and it may not turn out to be a pheo!).

In any case, Annie has hardly eaten since her early Mon morning barf incident. She took a few bites of kibble yesterday (Tues) morning, then seemed utterly miserable -- uncomfortable, lip-smacking, moaning, refluxy ... I was worried, so stayed at home to watch her until she settled down. She wouldn't eat anything last night or this morning, so this morning I made her a batch of her usual "upset tummy food" -- rice porridge with some bits of boiled turkey. I know she'll eat it, but worried that it may make her feel worse again (and I really need to go in to the office today).

Annie has to fast after 8pm tonight for her CT scan tomorrow. I called the vet, but still waiting to hear back. I guess I'll go ahead and give her a few teaspoons this morning and a couple more small feedings when I get home and again just prior to 8pm.

It's nice to have someplace to come and ramble ... :o I worry so much about my poor Annie. :(


08-19-2015, 04:27 PM
Hi Carole and Annie

My dog was diagnosed with a pheo back in 2012, he was 11 at the time so we went ahead and had the adrenalectomy. He is a fox terrier x. Many of the symptoms you are describing he also had, apart from the excessive thirst and hunger. He was also negative on LDDS testing. The tumour was on his right adrenal and was picked up on an ultrasound. They also went on and did a CT, so get better pictures. The suspected pheo because of the position of the tumour, in the medulla (middle) of the adrenal gland. He also had very high BP >200. Has Annie had a BP check? You are quite correct that this type of tumour does not secrete cortisol hence the negative LDDS. But they do secrete catchecholamines like adrenaline which can be intermittent so they get a spurt and if you read Frijole's Annies story, she had definite periods when heart would race, she would go pink and be really stressed looking. Flynn did not seem to have those, they thought he might be secreting a small amount continuously.

Unfortunately it can be hard to diagnose, there are blood tests and urine tests that some IMS are using, this explains it a bit more. We did not do these testing but another member Vicki who is treating her dogs Brando and Snuggles has, because of their ages she is treating medically http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23311717 so you might want to look up their thread. The adrenals are in such a tricky spot that it can be dangerous to poke a needle in to get a biopsy and a definitive result. Flunn has a nodule on his other adrenal, it is just over 1cm and when they did the surgery they did not think it looked cancerous so we have been monitoring it for nearly 3 years with only very minimal increase in size.

If BP is a problem and that really can make them feel yuck if it is consistently elevated then the drug of choice is phenoxybenzamine.

Hopefully after the CT we will have more answers as to the likliehood this is in fact a pheo then you will be able to move forward from there and get the most appropriate treatment in place.

My dog has also had liver tumours and had two big surgeries for those, the last one 18 months back, I think with him being 14 now I would be hard pressed to put him through surgery again.

Re her tummy, again we have been through this one. Having a bit of a flare up right now! I give him just one novel protein, lately he has been on vension but seems to not be agreeing with him anymore. I have taken him off that and just giving him chicken and rice to let it all settle down. I also give him half a tst of Metamucil dissolved in 50ml of water and poured over his dinner. Plus a probiotic and also metronidazole when he is real bad. Slippery elm bark can also settle them down, cerenia for nausea is also good. Also a small amount of pumpkin, I buy the actual vegetable boil and mash about a tablespoon for him but I know others buy unsweetened pumpkin in a can from the supermarket. It is important to get them to eat, when he goes totally off food I give him scrambled eggs and that always gets eaten, plus I add water to his meals so he is getting enough fluids as he has never been a big drinker. Has she had worming treatment?

The allergy symptoms are similar to Flynn, rubbing his face on the carpet. The best thing I have found for that is a drug called Apoquel, it is new and in low supply but ask your vet if that is available. make sure flea treatment is up to date as well.

Hope that helps, fingers crossed the CT gives us the answers but do ask for BP if that hasn't been done. Thanks Marianne for the heads up!

Trish :)

08-20-2015, 02:49 PM
Thank you so much for chiming in, Trish! I'm sorry to hear about Flynn's tummy flare and hope he feels better soon.

I did give Annie a tiny meal yesterday and 2 mini meals in the evening. She loves the rice porridge and seems to be doing ok.

The vet took Annie's blood pressure during Annie's last tummy flare up, but it was normal. She's never had worming treatment.

Many of her symptoms -- like drinking a lot of water, sundowning, appetite -- come and go day-to-day. The canine cognitive symptoms like going to the hinge side of the door and "lost" in the room only started in June-July (coinciding with the skin infections, hind leg weakness, etc). However, she has been constantly lethargic/depressed for many months now, which breaks my heart. She still loves to cuddle and be loved on, but I hardly ever see that spark that has been the essence of Annie. :(

Her IMS said they will monitor her BP throughout today while Annie is there for her CT scan. I'm a bit apprehensive because they have to put her under for that, but Dr. W reassured me that it'll be very light and only for short amount of time.

They're going to do the urine catecholamine test, but we are waiting for the lab to send the specimen kit (and her IMS said we can hold off and see what the CT scan results are).

Please send my sweet Annie some good vibes today for her CT scan.


molly muffin
08-20-2015, 10:40 PM
Hi Carole, just popping in and checking to see how everything went with Annie today. How is she? How are you?

08-21-2015, 05:16 AM
Thank you so much, Sharlene, and everyone sending us prayers and positive energy today -- it worked! :)

Annie's IMS said she did great with the anesthesia, and her blood pressure was normal before, throughout, and after the CT scan.

CT scan was good news ... no evidence of any brain tumor or abnormalities in her head. "Within the right adrenal gland, there is a focal, large, approximately 2.3 cm diameter, heterogenously enhancing soft tissue dense mass. No conclusive evidence of tumor thrombus or other filling caudal vena cava. No abnormalities are detected in the gastrointestinal tract. Left adrenal gland, spleen, urinary bladder, or mesentary/peritoneum. No lymphadanomegaly is seen. Both kidney contain cysts, the largest approximately 2.3 cm.

So the mass in her adrenal gland is contained, with no evidence that it's invading neighboring veins or organs. Nothing to support whether it could be a pheo or not.

We'll be doing the urine test that may give us a better indication, but until then, our IMS is sticking with the canine cognitive disorder diagnosis. She gave us a prescription for Keppra, an anti-seizure med that she said in her experience, has shown better success with CCD than Anipryl -- and it's safe and result can be seen within a week.

I'm not quite sold on the CCD diagnosis, but then again, Annie IS nearly 16 years old. We'll see how it goes with the Keppra while we wait for further pheo-related testing ...

Other than her funky tummy, Annie's actually been doing ok otherwise the past few days ... sleeping peacefully through the night and hasn't been guzzling down water or panting/breathing hard.

I'll report back on her progress with the Keppra ...

Thanks again, and have a great weekend!

molly muffin
08-24-2015, 11:21 PM
Okay I know it's only been 3 days but any difference yet on the keppra?

So glad that the tumor on the adrenal is contained and that there is no sign of a pituitary tumor.

08-26-2015, 08:47 AM
Thanks so much for checking in, Sharlene. It turned out to be a scary weekend. Annie seemed alert when I brought her home on Thurs eve following the CT scan. She ate a couple small meals of rice/turkey bits and I gave her a dose of Keppra (1/2 of a 250 mg tablet; she is 16.5 lbs & dosage is every 8 hrs). I thought she'd wake me up as usual in the middle of the night for a potty run and I'd give her the next dose, but for the first night in a looong time, she slept through the night.

The next morning, she was groggy and slept for most of the day. She vomited yellow bile twice in the morning and wouldn't eat. Her IMS said usually there are no side effects with Keppra, but it has caused sedation in some dogs. I've held off (and her IMS agrees), no more Keppra until she stabilizes & tummy improves--and then we start off on a lower dosage and monitor VERY closely. Annie was more lively on Sat, but sluggish again on Sun. I did find and mix in some Slippery Elm Bark "soup" with her rice/turkey porridge, but had to add some canned food to entice her to eat. The SEB has helped, but she seems to be getting a bit constipated after 3 days, so I switched to Pepcid (she urped bile yesterday and this eve before I could feed her). ... And just a little while ago, she vomited the food she ate 4-5 hours ago.

I've been worrying myself sick and recall how my mom always swore that my elderly childhood dog Tobie "was never the same" after he had some teeth extracted under general anesthesia. So I started googling, and found many articles/studies documenting that in cases where humans and/or dogs already display pre-existing signs of dementia or canine cognitive dysfunction, anesthesia seems to hasten the decline (for reasons yet unknown).

Annie was put under anesthesia in April (for the corneal graft), June (for dental cleaning, tooth extractions, and removal of a fast-growing lump on her head, which was benign), and Thurs for the CT scan. She was already lethargic for months prior to April, but the cascade of Cushing's-like symptoms started after the 2nd anesthesia.

I would make the same choices again, because each was made with my heart to try and maintain her health and quality of life. But my heart is breaking to see her fade away and decline so quickly despite all my efforts. :(

I'll call her IMS tomorrow about Annie's tummy issues and will take her in if needed. So please keep sending us good vibes and prayers. :o
Thank you!

My sweet Ginger
08-26-2015, 11:45 AM
Hi Carole,

I hope Annie's tummy gets better very soon.

My pup had a very bad reaction to sedation after US. A barely standing, walking dog came out hopping and running around in their parking lot like a little bunny.:eek::eek::eek: That restlessness lasted for hours and hours. I guess each dog gets a different reaction.:rolleyes:

I think with most anti seizure meds dogs get some level of grogginess and it takes some time for their body to get acclimated to the drug.
I might've seen little grogginess in my pup for a little while but the effectiveness was almost immediate.
My pup now weighs under 8.5 lbs. ( she weighed over 10 lbs when started on) and been on Keppra @125 mg x3 daily (a half pill, 250mg) for a few months shy of 2yrs now. In the beginning the biggest problem for us was 3x dosing while I was working part time until it became a daily routine for us and also I don't work anymore.;)
Annie's dosage may not be on the high end going by her weight as our neurologist said we can't increase my pup's dosage any higher.
The two most important things to get the optimal benefits of seizure meds are the right dosage and being on schedule as possible as you can. I go by 7am, 3pm and 11pm schedule and this works out pretty good for us now. I really can't be right on schedule even if I'm home most of time but try to stay within 30mins leeway either way.

Although Keppra is a kind of new seizure med on the block with lacking some long standing studies I think it's a pretty safe drug going by my Ginger. Another seizure med, Zonisamide gave my baby bloody stools and more severe drowsiness.

I hope Annie's tummy problem gets sorted out and she gets relief from Keppra once she's started on it. Hugs, Song.

09-01-2015, 05:18 PM
Thanks, Song, for sharing your experiences with sedation and Keppra.

I can't believe how fast it's happened and my heart is breaking, but I've made the decision to let Annie go this evening.

She's continued to decline over the past week. Barely eating, losing weight, and getting weaker. Tried rice/chicken, canned food ... hamburger. On Sat (8/29), I hand fed her a scrambled egg, which she ate! .... and then vomited up an hour later. After the 2nd vomit episode, I took her to the emergency vet to get checked out. They gave her a shot of Cerenia (anti nausea) and tablets to take home.

Annie ate a few spoonfuls of i/d canned food Sat eve and Sun morn, but then renewed her hunger strike. Then on Sun eve into early Mon morn, she pooped several times (midway it became) diarhhea. Annie looked utterly miserable yesterday. I stayed home and took her to see her IMS, who did testing and diagnosed kidney failure. :(
8/31 - BUN 115 (range 7-27) (8/5/15 = 34) (7/8/15 = 30) (4/8/15 = 34)
8/31 - Creatinine 5.7 (range .5-1.8)(8/5 = 1.4) (7/18 = 1.0) (4/8 = 1.1)
8/31 - Phosphorus >16.1 (range 2.5-6.8) (8/5=5.5) (7/18=5.0)
8/31 - Lipase 2197 (range 200-1800) (8/5 = 238) (7/18 = 769)

IMS said Annie's kidney problems were possibly triggered by the anesthesia or stress from the CT (on 8/20) or even effects of the pheo, but no way to know for sure. I could admit Annie for IV/ fluids for a few days to see if she improves ... but even when her kidney #s were ok earlier this month, she was still lethargic and apathetic, so I don't want to keep prolonging her life if she's not even able eat or drink on her own anymore.

IMS sent her home with subcutaneous fluids so we could have a bit more time for family to say goodbye. I wish I could hold her safe in my arms forever. I'm a wreck. Hardest thing ever to let her go.:(


molly muffin
09-01-2015, 05:51 PM
I am so sorry that she has declined so much so quickly.
I often think that once kidney values start going up like that it just is so much harder to,get anything stabilized. It just all ties together within them. :(.

Know that our hearts are with you.

09-01-2015, 06:59 PM
Oh Carole, I am so sorry to read this news about Annie, but I surely do understand why she is feeling so poorly given those values and I absolutely understand your decision to release her. Please know that our family here will be thinking of you both, and your entire family, this evening and in the days to come. You will be sparing Annie any more pain by shouldering the pain yourself, and we will be here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

I'll be lighting a candle tonight for your sweet girl. Sending many hugs to you all.

09-02-2015, 08:22 AM
Hi Carole, just checking back in this morning and wanting you to know my thoughts remain with you. If Annie did make her passage last night, I can only imagine how hard this morning may be for you. I am sending huge hugs and wishes for comfort.

Please do take care of yourself,

Squirt's Mom
09-02-2015, 08:47 AM
Dear Carole,

My heart is breaking with yours. Please know you are not alone. The angels here surround you and Annie.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
09-02-2015, 08:54 AM
Checking in on you.

09-02-2015, 02:20 PM
Thank you all for your support and understanding, it really, really helps.

My tenacious, lovable Annie is frolicking at the bridge with Ursa-bug, Penny, and all her angel friends and Cush pups.

My heart has a huge whole in it. Annie did perk up in the afternoon ... even ate some cheese nips.It raised my hopes, so we did another blood test and it was pretty much the same. So I feel the last afternoon with Annie was a gift. She was being brave and strong for her Mommy and Dad so we could xo the same for her and release her from more suffering.

She still looked absolutely beautiful, couldn't even tell she was almost 16.

Rest in peace, my sweet Annie. Always in my heart.


09-02-2015, 03:25 PM
My deepest condolences to you and your family -- all of our pups who have gone before Annie were waiting at the bridge for her. Even though you have had to make these tough decisions before, it doesn't get any easier.

09-04-2015, 07:55 AM
So sorry for your loss. Annie had a long and well loved life but I know that doesn't help at the moment.

09-04-2015, 07:27 PM
Gosh I am so sorry to read this news on Annie. You did good by her, hard as it was. Big hugs Carole to you and your family x

molly muffin
09-05-2015, 09:31 PM
My sincerest condolences on the loss of your precious Annie.

My heart goes out to you and your family.