View Full Version : vetoryl not working

08-04-2015, 06:11 PM
To make a long story short my dog is not responding to vetoryl. she started out at 60 mg then 70then 80 at 80 he said the tests came back alittle better and he thought we would have It licked at
90. 90 tests came back not good also then we went to 120 and still the same then 180 at 180 she started acting lethargic I took her off
totally and she seems to act better without it for a while. my vet said I should put her on 120 so I did and she was fine for quite a while then my vet said she had to have the usual check up for vetoryl and after that she was never the same. clinical signs all back. long story, sorry, short. I am very confused about vetory and I think my vet is also also dechra. I am really wondering if a low low dose 30 am 30 pm would be good anyone have any experience as this

Squirt's Mom
08-05-2015, 08:07 AM
Hi and welcome!

Lets start at the beginning and go one step at a time. First, how much does your baby weigh?

Next, how is the vet performing the ACTH to check the cortisol levels? Vetoryl has a very specific protocol to follow and if it is not followed precisely, the results are worthless. Your baby MUST eat with the med and the test MUST be performed within 4-6 hours after that dose with the meal. If your vet is fasting your baby the test is useless or if the vet is doing the test later than required, the results are worthless. So the details of the testing procedure would be good if you can find out and share.

You say Dechra seems to be confused by this drug so I assume your vet has called and talked to them? If not, ask him to asap.

What prompted the testing for Cushing's in the first place? Can you get the results of the testing done then and post those results here? That would help us a great deal in helping you.

Does your baby have any other health issues? Is she on any other meds?

Some dogs can't handle one drug or the other and needs to switch. So it may be that your baby isn't responding well to the Vetoryl and will need to go to Lysodren but let's get more information first, 'k? So if you can answer the questions and get those test results posted we can go from there.

Hang in there! You are not alone - you and your baby girl now have a brand new family and we will be with you all the way.
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-06-2015, 10:03 PM
I just want to say hello and welcome to the forum.

Leslie asked some very good questions and the more information we have the better we can respond to your questions.

Looking forward to hearing more about your furbaby.

Squirt's Mom
08-07-2015, 07:41 AM
How is your baby? I am worried about her. Has your baby had an abdominal ultrasound? I ask because something like a tumor could cause the cortisol to continue to climb. So I wonder if something other than Cushing's is going on....or something in addition to the Cushing's.

08-09-2015, 07:41 AM
thx for the response. she weighs 64 lbs. she got tested because she was panting terribly and excessive drinking. they seem to do the testing as you say. I drop her off and they do the first tests 4 hrs after. The levels seem to remain the same no matter how high the dose goes. She isn't on any other meds besides glucosomine. I didn't have ultrasound of her stomach. I probably should??

molly muffin
08-11-2015, 09:07 PM
I think that I would do an ultrasound and a complete blood chemistry and urinalysis since it is strange that she doesn't seem to be responding.

Do you have her ACTH results?

Squirt's Mom
08-12-2015, 06:57 AM
Definitely an ultrasound asap. That test saved my babies life by finding a tumor on her spleen. I cannot recommend that test highly enough! It could hold the answers to the continually rising cortisol. ;)