View Full Version : My Little Boy went deaf and blind - Squeak is now at Rainbow Bridge
08-03-2015, 07:33 AM
Hi Everyone Im new here I been searching for answers for my little dog..
I'm so sick with worried about my little dog, he went to the vet and received his yearly vaccinations, while he was there I had mentioned to the vet that he is panting a lot and his ears are red on the inside, they checked his ears, gave him some antibiotics and some kind of steroid shot.
I also mentioned that his belly is big, when I call his name he don't hear me, and he cant see.. he is 8 yrs. old. so they did a blood test, his alp was 447 and his alt was 312. I asked the vet if its possible he may have Cushing's, he said maybe, but in meantime he said that Squeak had high liver enzymes and gave him some antibiotics and denamarin so I gave it to squeak...
but this week his eye sight is worse, the vet never looked in his eyes, squeak at times runs in to things, I notice sometimes his eyes are bugged out.. Does Cushing's cause deafness and blind ness..I'm so sad about my little dog.. somebody tell me what you think,. please.
here are some of his symptom's
1.normal appetite spots on his skin
3.sleeps a lot
4.Sometimes pants a lot more than usual
5.In the past 6week seems he went deaf and blind all of a sudden.
6.Did have a bladder infection was treated with antibiotics
7.Is on denamarin liver supplement for high liver enzyme's
8.No increase in water
9.Doesn't want to jump up on couch or bed anymore.
10.Walks real slow like its an effect for him to get around
11.Sleeps a lot
12.Drool a little bit
13.Right hind leg hurts him at times and at times it shakes
In spring was treated for itchy skin
Was licking his paws a lot.
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2015, 07:41 AM
Hi and welcome!
What you are describing may or may not be Cushing's but I would want to have him seen ASAP by an IMS - Internal Medicine Specialist. I would ask for a referral this morning and get the earliest possible appointment with the IMS.
There is a condition called SARDS, Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome, in which the pup goes suddenly blind. The signs are the same as Cushing's other than the blindness and it is often misdiagnosed as Cushing's when it is not. However, deafness is not part of that nor am I sure about the bugged out eyeballs. That really bothers me. I had a Boston rescue who had breast cancer that spread everywhere, including her brain. I had noticed bulging eyes in Tasha just before she had the first seizure that lead to the discovery that the cancer was in her brain. A brain tumor will also cause the eye balls to bulge. So I want you to get your baby boy seen by an IMS just as soon as you possibly can.
Let us know how he is today and what the plan is!
Leslie and the gang
08-04-2015, 07:59 AM
Good Morning Everyone
I took Squeak to the vet yesterday, they did the Cushing's test 2 different ones,one it was called SA120, which I believe he said was a CBC and then the other test ACTH2, I wont Know anything till Thursday is when the test results come back. In the meantime they gave him a shot of Baytril , and some Clindamycin antibiotic's to take2 times a day, and some eye drops "Neo Poly Dex 2 times a day. The Vet said, he look lethargy and toxic, like he had got into some thing and his body just couldn't fight it off, he look like he was going down hill, Squeak had no access to anything toxic I'm with him constantly so no one could poison him their was no weed killer sprayed or anything that he could get into.
Squeak is eating well, not acting starved, drinks water not the insatiable thirst, just normal, he has normal bowel movements, urinates normal. I just wish he would get well again, he cant see and this really makes me sad and I cry because my little baby boy can't see me or see his toys he thinks I shut the lights off, and he can't hear he sits and stares some times he is facing the wall because he don't know where he is at... I pick him up and put him on his bed next to me or hold him... he don't hear well... he try's to hear..I'm so sick over all this... I just want him well.. Then I'm scared if he has Cushing's the medication will kill him... I read some sad stories about the medicine... So my friends that is the update on my little Squeak today.
Squirt's Mom
08-04-2015, 09:53 AM
It is heart-breaking to watch them lose sight and hearing at the same time. It is very possible Squeak is depressed, quite depressed in fact. This is a real thing for dogs and they sometimes need help to get thru a stressful situation just like humans. So when you see the vet again, talk to him about canine depression. Squeak certainly has every reason to be depressed - his world has become foreign and he feels all alone most of the time.
Not sure you have heard of TTouch or not but it is a type of massage that can do wonders for dogs, all animals in fact including humans. I think the TTouch Body Wrap might bring Squeak some comfort. I used this method with Squirt, who had become terrified of storms in her elder years and it helped her a great deal. The key to the TTouch wrap. or the Thundershirt for that matter, is to start using it when there is no immediate threat of the stressor if possible. ie you get the dog used to wearing it while the sky is clear, no storms, so the dog associates the wrap or shirt with good, safe times. With Squeak you don't have that opportunity so I would approach it like this -
First, set up whatever seems to calm him now whether sitting on the couch with you or on the bed with you or you laying on the floor with him - the key is to make him feel comfortable and safe first. Spend some time with him in this calmed state. Then take the wrap and let him smell it all he wants, nose it around if he chooses, anything to let him know this is not going to hurt him. Next start wrapping him, slowly and carefully so you don't startle him. Once he is wrapped and the wrap is secure, hug him, hold him, talk to him, let him know this is a very good thing so he associates the wearing of this wrap with being safe and loved. Here is a link on how to apply the TTouch wrap (TTouch has designed and is selling a pre-made wrap now but I have always had luck with an Ace bandage as shown here) -
Now, you notice I said to talk to Squeak. YES talk to him. He can't hear the words or tones like he used to but he *can* feel vibrations. Let him lay against your chest while you talk and he will be able to feel the vibration in your body. He will learn to associate this vibration coming from you as language, a form of communication, and it will ease him as he learns. It is possible that in time he will be able to note the differences of vibrations in the air around him when someone is speaking. It is possible for him to be able to tell your vibration from anyone elses just like he knows your voice from everyone elses.
Squeak has limited senses now so you have to find ways to use the ones that are left to him, primarily scent and touch. I had a blind and deaf Dane once upon a time who taught me how to communicate with her via vibrations and scents. She would stay in the house with me most of the day but slept outside. After supper I would clean the kitchen and start the dishwasher then take her out for the night. One night when I started the dishwasher I saw her get up and walk to the back door, waiting to go out. She had learned that when she felt the vibration of the dishwasher starting that meant she went out. I started to use vibrations to talk to her - I would slap the floor a certain number of times beside her to tell her something, like simply to let her know I was going to touch her I would slap the floor beside her once or 2 slaps meant something else. She felt the vibrations and learned what I wanted her to do. She had an old blanket that she loved. She would carry it around with her out in the yard. One day I decided to leave her a scent trail so I drug the blanket behind me on the ground. She followed and that became a game for us. Squeak will learn things like this too - watch him and you will learn together. Start developing
Dinah, my Dane, had a canine companion who was sighted and could hear that helped her a great deal. So that is something else you might think about - getting another dog for Squeak.
You will have to be very, very consistent in everything you do so Squeak feels safe. If you bang the wall to get him to go out, bang the wall in the same way every time and never bang the wall for any other purpose. That wall bang becomes the word "potty" so you cannot bang the wall to say "time to eat". Your neighbors and friends will think you slap nuts stomping around, slapping the floor and banging on walls but you and Squeak know that you are simply speaking a language others cannot understand. ;)
Leslie and the gang
08-04-2015, 02:47 PM
Thank you for the info, I do talk to squeak and hold him and sing to him like I use to before he got sick and I tap the floor for him to eat out of his dish where he always eats and knock on the door to go potty. He has two other companions geegee and Pharaoh and Petee they love him, geegee sleeps with him. She knows some thing is wrong she will stand and bark lightly in his face she is a little Pomeranian and Pharaoh a German shepherd they are all close.. the cat wants to love on him she lays beside him and push's on him rubs her head against him.. like they always have.. I always talk to him when we go out I bump him a little to make sure he knows I'm right there beside him.. he does hear a little but not a lot.. the vet took pictures of him yesterday for his home page.. he had pro photographer there.. and after all the tests and stuff they decided that squeak was a great candidate for the photo shoot.. I thought that was sweet of them. But like I said earlier, he the vet wont get the results for Squeak till Thursday so then we will I hope know what we are dealing with.... I just hope he don't have cancer or worse.. I'm so sad about my little dog.. he is only 8 yrs. old and use to be so full of life run after birds and squirrels and lizards in the yard loved to play ball.. chased the kitties.. barked at anything in his yard... he was full of life.. now he is so sad...I'll let you know more Thursday... thanks for the advice I definitely will do all that can help him.
molly muffin
08-04-2015, 07:17 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum from me too.
Poor little Squeak, he sure has been though a lot recently.
Did the vet have anything to say about what might have caused the hearing loss?
Did they check him for cateracts or renal detachment? Have they checked his blood pressure?
High blood pressure can cause retinal bleeds, which leaves scars, and where those scars are, they have no sight. I took my dog to a dog ophamologist who discovered what was happening with her sight going.
High cortisol can cause the high blood pressure.
SARDS, will cause a total retinal detachment, so those are ways to rule possibilities in and out.
Big hugs, we know this is hard when you are trying to do your very best to fix things for Squeak.
08-04-2015, 08:34 PM
Thank you Molly Muffin
You know when Squeak was 2 he was attacked by two labador mix boxers they jumped over a 6 ft. fence to get him... one ran across the yard to get squeak, squeak was chasing a lizard and barking at it..
The dog ran grab squeak up in his mouth and the other dog was running toward him I ran to the dog who had squeak in his mouth screamed bloody scream NOOOOOOOOOOO NOooooo then when the other dog came he started to growl and I kicked him in the nose and lunge for the other dog and hit him in the head.. he dropped squeak I was still screaming for my husband to help Help help the neighbors came running and squeak ran in the house,
as my husband opened the door and my other little dog was running around in the yard crying.. terrified.. .. The neighbor who owned the dogs came over and said she couldn't believe her dogs jumped the fence,
I told her I need to take Squeak to the vet.. he was all bloody and crying, she ask me was I going to call the police.. I said no and ask her would she help pay the vet bill, she said yes.. he had to have over 35 stitches he was bit in his back, and near his butt around his neck...
where the dog had him in his mouth I heard squeak crying and the dog was just plain mean.. so my vet said I did a good job taking care of the wound til he could see squeak, I had shaved his fur and cleaned his wound with a antiseptic. Then put a light gauze on it... he didn't have any internal wounds but his skin was pulled up oh what a horrible sight...
the bill was 500 dollars and the neighbor felt so bad she paid the full bill... she was crying and so upset about what her dogs did to little squeak....
anyhow... I'm doing everything I can for my little squeak... tonight he actually grabbed his toy.. and was squeaking it.. putting it in my shoe.. he hasn't done that in a long time..
I was so happy I seen him doing that.. I got on the floor with him.. he wanted to play tug-a-war.. we did that for a few minutes then he went and laid down...I will keep all updated about Squeak... they did check his bp, and they did check for cataracts, and all kinds of things in his eyes yesterday... I have some drops to put in them twice a day... they are so blood shot.. I hope he don't have a tumor in his brain..
molly muffin
08-05-2015, 08:40 AM
Oh my gosh! That must have been just terrifying.
You have a good head on your shoulders to take care of him so well until you could get him to the vet for stitches.
He certainly sounds like a bit of a character. :) I'm glad that he is having a good evening. Makes the heart sing to see them feeling better.
08-06-2015, 06:20 PM
HI everyone
I got the call from the vets Office, sad news:( he does have Cushing's
I will have to wait till Monday for the Vetoryl medicine the Vet Tech said, that they would rather start this on a Monday its in case an emergency and I would have access to them. Paula the vet tech also said that all his vitals looked good, his liver enzymes were way down, his kidney alleviations were fine. he had no cancer cells.. so some good news I guess... he seems to be doing okay today except for his sight, he is trying to see, he is hearing a little, I still don't understand how a dog can get this and why. And by the way thank you everyone... for caring about my little squeak...
molly muffin
08-06-2015, 09:48 PM
Well cushings is treatable. I think it is better to get a cushings diagnosis than cancer or kidney problems, etc. Not that you want them to have anything of course, but those others can be worse than cushings.
Just always remember with cushings, the rule is low and slow, no more than 1mg/1lb to start with.
Did you get the numbers from the tests?
Squirt's Mom
08-07-2015, 07:37 AM
I remember getting that diagnosis and thinking my world was truly ending. Now, 8 years later, if I ever have the choice of an illness for one of my babies to have, it will be Cushing's. I work in rescue with special needs and hospice babies and have seen a variety of diseases. And oh, yes, I would choose Cushing's every time. ;) It can be a very complex disease with rare complications showing up...but most pups start treatment and return to their old selves and remain as such the rest of their lives with proper management of their treatment. You are a great mom, I know because you are here, so your baby already has the biggest, most important factor in place - a mom who cares deeply and who will watch her baby like a hawk...and who has a new family that will be with you both all the way. So take a deep breath and get prepared for the adventure of your life!
Leslie and the gang
08-07-2015, 08:05 AM
I'm going to go to the vet and get a copy of the test results this morning.. I will post them today..
08-07-2015, 11:11 AM
I don't know if you can see squeak but here he is this morning
molly muffin
08-07-2015, 12:13 PM
awww, he's so cute. :)
08-13-2015, 10:25 PM
Hi everyone
Well squeak has cushings, and the Vet put him on vetoryl 10 mg a day .. I hope he feels better soon... I feel so bad for him he can't see he is blind.. and Im devastated over this, he cant see his toys or me or where he is going... Im looking on the interent for some kind of help for a blind dog, I heard of halo that keeps him from running into things... anyhow here is a picture of his test results hope you can see them...
and bottom part
Squirt's Mom
08-14-2015, 07:25 AM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about Squeak's test results into his original thread. We like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members, and parents, to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!
08-14-2015, 10:23 AM
Awww, thank you for posting the picture of little Squeak. He is such a cutie-pie, it is no wonder that you love him so!
Also, thank you for showing us the testing results. Yes, it is true that the ACTH stimulation test is consistent with Cushing's, as are several of the other blood abnormalities. I remain so sorry about his hearing and vision loss. Hearing loss is not commonly associated with Cushing's, but as Leslie has noted, there is an eye condition named SARDS that can occur alongside Cushing's. Sometimes dogs will lose their vision, exhibit many similar symptoms, but not have elevated cortisol. So in that case, there may be a hormonal imbalance associated with the SARDS, but not necessarily Cushing's itself. However, since Squeak's cortisol is indeed elevated in conjunction with many traditional symptoms, I do understand your vet's decision to start the Vetoryl.
Can you tell us how much Squeak weighs? That would be my main question at this point -- making sure that the dose is appropriate for him since initial dosing is tied to weight. The generally preferred dosing formula right now is to not exceed an amount that is greater than 1 mg. per pound. So I am hoping that Squeak is not a lot smaller than 10 pounds.
08-14-2015, 09:54 PM
Squeak weighs 21 pounds he is on 10 mg.Is that enough or does he need more.. the Vet said he would check him in 2-4 weeks to see how he is doing.
molly muffin
08-14-2015, 10:34 PM
That is a fine place to start Squeak at 10mg. You might end up knowing more but this is safer to start with till you know how his body reacts. You don't know for sure until after 30 days, as that is how long the cortisol will usually continue to drop.
I hope that with the cortisol coming down that he'll be doing much better. Did the vet take a look at his eyes and what did he say was going on there?
I love Squeaks picture. :) So cute!
09-06-2015, 12:13 PM
Squeak seems to be doing ok... his hearing is not as bad as it was we had him on a antibiotic for a few weeks and he seems like he can hear better... thank god for that.. he eats well has had no side effect from the medicine and is doing okay as far as being blind he gets around pretty good... I said he weighs 21 pounds..but he feels like he weighs 50 why does he feel so heavy?
molly muffin
09-08-2015, 08:03 PM
Well my 18lb dog feels like 50 lbs too when I'm carrying her around somewhere. :) or up the stairs. LOL
There is a facebook group for blind dogs, they often have some helpful ideas and yes I've heard good things about the halo.
How is Squeak doing on the medication? It's been a couple days now.
03-08-2016, 09:17 AM
Hello Everyone,
its been a while since I been on the forum..
Squeak has cushings which I had posted his results.. a while back...
he had been doing good.. for while getting around well even though he is blind too.
but the other day, I cooked up some hamburger deer meat with brown rice and green beans, and fed it to him, he ate it loved it all 3 of my babies ate it... the next morning Squeak was sick, he throwed up most of the food,
had a bit of diarrhea, he got over that, so I took him to vet that same day she gave him some medicine for pancreatitis,
she said, and a pain shot and a water pack I had left him there for a few hours so they could hydrate him. and some antibiotics,
well he seems to have gotten worse, he hasn't ate, and when he drinks he spits it back up, just sleeps all the time potty's on his self or bed some times, and he shivers at times,
I don't know what to do he is droopy , he'll walk across the room falls down, I don't If were at the end of road I have to make a decision...
All the vet wants to do is tests, the tests are expensive and they are not helping squeak, just those 3 little things they did.. cost over 300 dollars,
I don't know what to do...anymore I just cry and hold squeak I'm so sad over my little guy...
PS the other 2 who ate the deer meat were fine.. Can someone tell me what they think my next move should be.. Am I looking at Squeaks End of life, to send him on to rainbow bridge?
Sorry if my grammar is bad
Squirt's Mom
03-08-2016, 10:12 AM
First of all, if you have not stopped giving the Trilo do so immediately! Second, you really really really need to have the vet perform an ACTH to make sure the cortisol has not gone too low - which is what it sounds like. If that is the case, it is life-threatening. I would do whatever I had to do to find the money to have that test done ASAP. Regardless STOP the mediation if you haven't. Also, wild game meat is risky - you never know what pathogens are in the meat and a cush baby has a lowered immune system in most cases so they may get very sick when others do not. So unless game meat is what they have been raised on, don't feed it to them. ;)
But the biggest issue right now is the cortisol level - that really REALLY needs to be checked NOW.
In addition, I have merged your post about Squeak's test results into his original thread. We like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members, and parents, to refer back to the pup's history when needed. If you have not been here in a while, use the search feature found at the top of the page to locate Squeak's thread. Thanks!
03-08-2016, 10:23 AM
Squeak has been on vetoryl for the past few months since july,
at first 10 mg, then 20mg, he has lost weight, he hasn't eaten in 5days,he is also after he drinks spitting up water with little pieces of white stuff in it..
the meat I fed him was well cooked.. and drained well, no grease, rinsed til almost dry in hot water.. then left to drained. I don't feed deer meat to them all time.. just now and then.. for treat.. geez what a treat for squeak made him sick... when he was eating it, he just gobbled it up, I usually have problems with him eating his regular food.. I'm waiting on the vet to call me back to see if we can get him tested on the cortisol... I'll let you know.
03-08-2016, 10:33 AM
I agree with Leslie that I would not give Squeak any more trilostane while he is ill. And if your vet cannot do the ACTH today, then I would ask for some prednisone to give Squeak as a test, to see if it perks him up. If his cortisol has dropped too low, the prednisone will replace it and it will make him feel better. I am so sorry he is doing so poorly -- I can imagine how worried and upset you are!
molly muffin
03-09-2016, 10:49 PM
I agree prednisone along with stopping the trilostane is a good option to see if he perks up.
Also try small meals more frequently of very bland food, like cooked chicken and mushy rice.
03-11-2016, 08:57 AM
My little boy went on to rainbow bridge yesterday, the Cushing's just took the life out of him with other complications, I'm so sad without my boy I miss him so much. He spent 2 nights in the hospital then the vet called in the morning said he was suffering,they tried all kinds of things, he couldn't walk across the room anymore, I carried him out side and he would sit then fall over, he was drinking water but would vomit it back up couldn't keep anything down then he developed loose bowls, couldn't control his bladder he would wake up soaked in his urine, was shaking and cold, we had him euthanized. I didn't want him to suffer no more.
My poor baby he died peacefully in my arms. I want to Thank everyone for there support through Squeaks Illness and advice.
03-11-2016, 09:29 AM
My heart goes out to you on the loss of your beloved Squeak -- you were a great mom who did everything you could.
03-11-2016, 09:44 AM
Such sad news...I am truly sorry for your loss.
03-11-2016, 10:39 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. What a blessing that you were able to be with him when he passed. He was as happy as he could possibly be, just because he was with you.
03-11-2016, 01:50 PM
I cannot tell you how sorry I am about the loss of your dear little boy. I know your heart is broken. The decision you made was the right one for him, to end his suffering. But I know you are suffering so, yourself. Thank you so much for returning to us and telling us what has happened. We hope it may bring you a bit of comfort to know that Squeak as now been added to our memorial thread of honor. Here he joins all our other precious babies who have gone to The Bridge.
You have written about how close all your animals are, so it brings tears to my eyes to think how your whole family must be missing little Squeak right now. But in his lifetime, he was surrounded by love. And at the moment of passing, he was cradled in your arms. Your love was the greatest gift that was within your power to give him.
Please know that we will always welcome you back to talk with us at any time, to tell us how you're doing, or to share memories of your little boy and the life you shared together.
Sending many hugs to you from across the miles,
03-11-2016, 02:04 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss, but how beautiful you were there for him when he passed. Please trust that you did everything you could for him, loved him and cared for him, and HE knew that, too.
03-11-2016, 06:40 PM
So very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy Squeak.
molly muffin
03-14-2016, 05:27 PM
I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of beloved Squeak. What a brave little guy he is and tried so hard.
My sincerest condolences. :(
03-15-2016, 10:17 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. Its very hard to get over the loss of a beloved pet. Please take care of yourself . Our furbabies know we loved them as much as they loved us.
03-16-2016, 06:35 AM
I too am very sorry - you have my deepest condolences. Your little boy knows you did everything you could and will be with you always. We will always honor and remember him here.
04-01-2016, 12:46 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Squeak. Our senior adopted dog had some similar issues. In his older age, he not only had Cushings, but also had lost a lot of his ability to see and hear. We made the decision to let him go, when he stopped being able to move about and would sit in his bathroom.
It's good that you were able to be with Squeak at the end. As awful of a choice euthanasia might feel like, being with them helps. Hugs to you in the terrible time of heartache.
My little boy went on to rainbow bridge yesterday, the Cushing's just took the life out of him with other complications, I'm so sad without my boy I miss him so much. He spent 2 nights in the hospital then the vet called in the morning said he was suffering,they tried all kinds of things, he couldn't walk across the room anymore, I carried him out side and he would sit then fall over, he was drinking water but would vomit it back up couldn't keep anything down then he developed loose bowls, couldn't control his bladder he would wake up soaked in his urine, was shaking and cold, we had him euthanized. I didn't want him to suffer no more.
My poor baby he died peacefully in my arms. I want to Thank everyone for there support through Squeaks Illness and advice.
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