View Full Version : Possible Cushings, opinions please?

07-26-2015, 11:53 AM
Hello, I’d like to tell you all my dog’s story and get some opinions.

Jack is a Samoyed, 8 years old. I got him directly from the breeder at 8 weeks old. He has his purebred papers.

His hips have never been terribly good, not form the start, but now his legs are in crisis state, and Cushings is suspected.. I’ll tell you the full history.

In 2013 a sore broke out between his toes on a front paw. Antibiotics made it go away, but a few months later it came back. He’s been on a cycle of that same cyst coming and going from then until May of 2015. Allergies were suggested being the cause in late 2014, and we switched him to Royal Canin vegetarian and cut all other food/treats. He likes it, but will get into the garbage if he can, a behavior he only started in concurrence with the food change.

Also, in the Spring of 2014 we noticed a lot of hair loss on his tail. It became a raggedy rats tail rather than a plume. He was tested for thyroid and found he was hypo, he went on medication for it. We thought this would solve the paw problem too. It didn’t.

Longer and longer courses of antibiotics have been done, varied kinds of antibiotics, and benadryl. The time between recurrence grew shorter and shorter until the antibiotics seemed to not help at all. Finally in May of 2015 he was prescribed 3 weeks of steroids. The sore healed and has not returned since. But another sore broke out on his back leg, on the leg, not the paw. I started as a tiny lump, grew into an open wound, and 2 rounds of antibiotics have not healed it.

At the same time he had the steroids in may he went of his annual professional grooming. When he came back we were shocked. We could see his skin all down his right side and hips. The skin was very dark, magenta in color as opposed to light pink. We thought it was the groomer, but that was weird; this was the best groomer at the best salon in town, and she has groomed him twice before with beautiful results.

Meanwhile, he was having increasing difficulty standing up and lying down. A month ago they started giving Cartrafin injections for arthritis, but he has gotten worse instead of better. He can’t manage stairs now, and I’ve ordered a lift-aid harness. He needs help standing on hardwood floors, and sometimes falls. He sometimes skates around like he’s on ice. He’s better on other surfaces, but his back lest shake and he walks very stiffly on them.

He spends most of his time lying down now. Lethargy or just too hard to stand, I don’t know. The hair has not only not grown back, and the loss over the ribs has repeated itself on the other side.

His annual thyroid test 3 weeks ago showed him being hyper. His meds were adjusted and he is now a tiny bit hypo. Meds adjusted again, retest in 4 weeks.

The vet brought up Cushings, and I’m mostly convinced that is his problem. I wonder if he had it for a while and the 3 weeks of steroids just pushed it into crisis. I need to know if we should bother with the screening or straight to the Cushings test. He does not show the major symptoms; his water and peeing seem normal, even reduced as he can’t walk very well to go outside.

Any thoughts would be welcome.

07-26-2015, 04:17 PM
Hello and welcome to you and Jack!! I thoroughly apologize that I only have time to post this welcome note to you right now. I will definitely return again later on tonight or tomorrow in order to write more. But I just wanted you to know that you have posted exactly correctly, and that you will indeed be receiving replies -- sometimes the weekends can just be a little bit slower around here. :o

But once again, we are really glad you've found us, and stay tuned for some more feedback a little later on! :)


Harley PoMMom
07-26-2015, 04:20 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Jack!

Oh my, sorry your poor boy is having these issues :( Those sores could be Calcinous cutis, which can be caused by spontaneous Cushing’s or steroid induced. The steroid induced type of Cushging's is known as Iatrogenic Cushing's and the only treatment needed is to slowly taper the steroid use.

It would be very helpful if you can give us as much information about your boy as possible, this will enable us to provide you with more meaningful feedback, so here are some questions that I have: Besides those sores and thyroid, does your boy have any other underlying diseases and if so what are they and what meds is he taking for it? Can you please get copies of all testing that was done by your vet and post the results here. With respect to the blood chemistry & complete blood count (CBC), we need only see the highs and lows, and please include the normal reference ranges and reporting units. Was an urinalysis done, and if so, could you post those findings too?

Renee is our resident CC expert, and in her photo album she has pics of her sweet Tobey with varying stages of CC, could you take a look at those pics and see if Jack's sores look like that? Here's a link to Renee's album: http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=805

Please know we are here to help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask all the questions you want.

Hugs, Lori

07-27-2015, 02:06 PM
Hello again! I am so glad that Lori had the chance to greet you yesterday, as well. She has asked some very useful questions, and I will await your answers alongside her.

From what you've described, it does sound possible that Jack may suffer from Cushing's. However, discovering whether or not there are irregularities in his labwork can help in the diagnostic process. This is because there are certain lab normalities that are characteristic of Cushing's, in addition to outward symptoms.

So I will be patient and await that additional info from you. I must tell you that I can truly sympathize with the infection issues!! I have two non-Cushpup Labs, both with skin issues at the moment. My older girl has had one of those interdigital cysts between her toes for months, too. Just as soon as we think we've gotten it healed, it reappears. So my poor dog spends a lot of her time walking around with a sock taped over her paw :o. And my younger girl is now suffering from a chronic staph infection that resolves with antibiotics and then breaks out again. We're in the midst of changing food with her, too. We're guessing that either allergies or some kind of immunosuppresive problem is the issue for her, too. But the challenge is figuring out exactly what is going on, and there are sure a lot of question marks involved!


07-27-2015, 09:28 PM
Thank you all for the responses and welcome, I'm really surprised and delighted by the responses.

Jack has only had thyroid blood work done so far. We haven't started the Cushings tests yet, I'm seeing his vet on friday. I'll have to learn all about tracking and understanding the blood work

A question for you all; the weakness of his legs has begun to be variable this lt 2 days. At night he cannot manage stairs, but in the late afternoon he seems almost normal. He has been getting painkillers, I wonder if it's just the effects wearing off. Which would indicate pain is more the issue than weakness. Can Cushings dogs seem to recover a little without treatment?

I'm going t o look at those pictures now, again thank you so much.

07-27-2015, 09:40 PM
Renee is our resident CC expert, and in her photo album she has pics of her sweet Tobey with varying stages of CC, could you take a look at those pics and see if Jack's sores look like that? Here's a link to Renee's album: http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=805

Hugs, Lori

Picture 14 is the closest, but it's not a close resemblance. His is perfectly round with an outer ring of bump, and a round open wound in the middle that is not scabbing over. It looks wet but produces little blood.

Thank you for your help!

07-28-2015, 10:53 AM
Hmmm...I do have to wonder whether the mobility issue may have more to do with pain, too. If muscle weakness was the cause, I really wouldn't expect that to improve/worsen throughout the course of a day. I would think that would be more constant, or at least, it was with my dog. Prior to treatment, he got to the point where he just never could jump on the couch, or in the car, or make it up the stairs at any time.

With my own older non-Cushpup Lab (she'll be 11 next month), I definitely notice her arthritic issues waxing and waning. At times she can barely hobble, and then other times she'll actually kick up her heels and run in the yard (like if she sees a squirrel :rolleyes:). Of course, she usually pays the price afterwards. But obviously there are times when she feels better and worse.

If you want to try, you might take a picture of Jack's sore and upload it to your album. That way, folks here can take a look and see if it brings any thoughts to their minds.


molly muffin
08-04-2015, 08:13 PM
Hmm, that does sound a bit more like pain. Maybe they could try Adequan shots if the other one isn't working?

Perhaps they can do a biopsy on the sore and find out for sure what it is and that would give you a better idea of how to treat it.

I think a full panel to see what his chemistry levels are would be worthwhile too. Often with cushings you'll see an increase in ALKP and sometimes ALT too.

If it is cushings, then starting him on some medicine will be a balancing act, as the cortisol makes him feel better, and when it is lowered you might notice more problems with the arthritis. Do you have a water therapy for dogs available in your area? That might be something that could help and he would enjoy.

Just throwing out some ideas for you to consider with your vet.