Gigi's Gma
07-17-2015, 12:26 AM
Hello everyone! I am Lynda-Gigi's Gma. Gigi is my daughter's (living with me) dog, a Shitzu Poodle mix now weighing 22 lbs(should be 17). There were few records provided at adoption. Some dispute as to her age, our vets guess is she is now 15ish. She started having seizures 6 years ago right after we got her. Diagnosed as Epilepsy. She started having seizures and odd eating habits eating anything should could get to, often not food items.
But sadly she was just diagnosed a year ago with Cushings. Vet felt her age, and the epilepsy issues made her a poor candidate for the drugs available. So we've been trying to deal with her symptoms with out medicating her. She's happy when she sees her Mom or her buddy. Other than that she sleeps, eats ravenously, plays infrequently, and let's my hubs and I know if she needs out(more and more accidents.) She also has the calcifications coming through her skin, hair loss and thinning, and stiff back legs with turned out feet.
We came through a diarrhea event this weekend that scared us. Her stools were mostly soft, but it was constant and she had little control. We were frantic, vet advised to give Imodium and feed rice and rice milk, until Monday, when we were to bring her in if it hadn't stopped. She was lethargic and not seeking food beyond the rice!! It finally stopped after 3 days. Sunday she was excited asking for her reg food and playing!?
The food seeking returned with a vengeance! She ate several jelly beans, and yesterday she ate tea lite candles and Yankee candle floating candles. Her stools were white this morning! Took a bit to correlate with eating all that wax.
Here's my concern. When do we let her go? How do we know she's had enough? This weekend scared us and taught us we need to have a plan. Help? Thoughts?
But sadly she was just diagnosed a year ago with Cushings. Vet felt her age, and the epilepsy issues made her a poor candidate for the drugs available. So we've been trying to deal with her symptoms with out medicating her. She's happy when she sees her Mom or her buddy. Other than that she sleeps, eats ravenously, plays infrequently, and let's my hubs and I know if she needs out(more and more accidents.) She also has the calcifications coming through her skin, hair loss and thinning, and stiff back legs with turned out feet.
We came through a diarrhea event this weekend that scared us. Her stools were mostly soft, but it was constant and she had little control. We were frantic, vet advised to give Imodium and feed rice and rice milk, until Monday, when we were to bring her in if it hadn't stopped. She was lethargic and not seeking food beyond the rice!! It finally stopped after 3 days. Sunday she was excited asking for her reg food and playing!?
The food seeking returned with a vengeance! She ate several jelly beans, and yesterday she ate tea lite candles and Yankee candle floating candles. Her stools were white this morning! Took a bit to correlate with eating all that wax.
Here's my concern. When do we let her go? How do we know she's had enough? This weekend scared us and taught us we need to have a plan. Help? Thoughts?