View Full Version : Lyla and prednisone

07-01-2015, 11:26 PM
I’m hoping someone has some experiences to share about Iatrogenic Cushings and recovery once the prednisone has been withdrawn. My golden retriever Lyla was 5 years old when she was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. She is the love of my life. She’s 10 now. A year ago she was diagnosed with severe IBD after she lost 6 pounds in 4 weeks. I thought she was going to die. She started prednisone and Azathioprine to suppress her immune system. Her intestines were badly damaged and she needed high doses of prednisone for months.

It took some time but she managed to kick the IBD and looked wonderful last fall. But in January of this year she had three seizures in one day. Then she began having one or two a week. She used to just have one every 4-6 weeks. A visit with a neurologist and more medication didn’t help. Then she began having “episodes” in the middle of the night where she would walk in circles and go in the closet and stare at the wall. The episodes were preceded by massive shaking in her hind end. Then the severe ataxia really began, her appetite was terrible, her stomach was bloated and she didn’t want to be near people or be brushed. She was acting like a dog who was trying to slip away and die. The skin on her tummy turned black and flaked off. Strangest was that she reabsorbed her fatty tumors! She had five of them ranging in size from golf ball to grape. They’re gone!

I just knew it was the prednisone. This drug that saved her physical life was now killing her quality of life. She was so lame she could barely walk. Every morning I had to lift her up off the floor. She was so hot she wouldn’t sleep in her dog bed at night. Then by morning she was so stiff she couldn’t get up. Her IBD specialist agreed it was time to withdraw the prednisone. It took 5 months with a small decrease once a month until finally we went to a Tues/ Sat dosing schedule for a month and then no more. She has been completely off prednisone for 5 weeks after taking it for almost a year.

Is she ever going to get better? She seems to be improving a little every day and I can feel small new muscles filling in around her bony back legs. All the vet can tell me is that recovery takes months. And all the while in the back of my mind is the IBD. If that comes back she will need pred again.

The first week off pred was the worst. Her hair fell out in clumps and she was so lame. Her hair has grown back some, but it’s prickly and long. She chewed her legs and feet all up until they were covered in sores. She is drinking less than she was and her appetite has improved. But recovery is so slow. How long will it take? Will she ever be OK now that the prednisone has been withdrawn? Today she greeted my friend who visited at the door like she used to. I almost cried when she actually wagged her tail. I love Lyla so much. I just want my happy dog back.

07-02-2015, 07:37 AM
Welcome to our site. I am glad to read Lyla is showing improvement, however slight, each day.

Has your vet/specialist talked to you about adrenal atrophy and or Addison's? Being on prednisone for so long can cause the adrenal gland(s) to atrophy and stop working properly. Here is a link that describes Addison's disease in dogs - http://www.addisondogs.com/addisons/

Were there any blood panel tests or other tests performed to check the circulating cortisol levels as well as the electrolyte levels recently.

Keep us posted

molly muffin
07-02-2015, 07:24 PM
I completely agree with Terry, you want to know that the adrenal glands are working and producing some cortisol and that her electrolytes are in good shape too (all within range) So I'd do that first, so you know.

Then if the adrenals are producing cortisol and the electrolytes are good, it is a slow road back. I mean slow, hair folicles have to go through their cycles and each hair has it's own cycle. You are looking at months, maybe a year to get her back into shape, but it can happen.

If she does get IBD again, remember to try the chicken and mushy rice, several very small meals a day. Pain meds if needed and try not to go to prednison unless absolutely necessary.

My golden was on prednison for many years, and the exact same thing happened. We could never get her off it completely, but I think with it being a year if everything is okay, you have a very good chance with Lyla. Just don't give up on her, she can get better and recovery from this. If she is Addisons then there is a treatment regimene that they can do for that too.

Let us know okay.

07-02-2015, 10:50 PM
Thank you! It. Good something to hear something hopeful. I will not give up. She had all the basic blood work 3 months ago. Everything was fine. She has elevated Liver Enzymes, but that's expected with seizure meds. She goes this Thursday for blood work again. She's never had a cortisone level test. I'm not sure how long she has to be off pred to get a true reading. But I will ask for sure!

Squirt's Mom
07-03-2015, 08:33 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Lyla!

If you haven't, I would talk to a canine nutritionist about a diet for Lyla that can help with the IBD and maybe keep it at bay enough the pred won't be needed much at all. It is so frustrating, and frightening, when the drug that aids also harms so much. Pred is a miracle drug but comes with some pretty horrid side effects long term. But a YEAR off the pred is great! In time you should start to see more and more of your sweet girl as she used to be and you will have more reason to smile in joy.

Leslie and the gang

07-03-2015, 06:09 PM
Do you happen to know what kind of IBD your baby has? I have a dog (not my Cushpup) with Crohn's Disease, and we only treat him with immunosuppressive medications during severe flare ups. There are a number of non-supressive options out there, depending on what's causing her inflammation and whether it's caused scar tissue or ulceration yet.

07-03-2015, 11:18 PM
:( I wish a year off of the pred... Lyla is just 5 weeks off and was on it for a year. She is still on Azathioprine, every other day and low-dose Metronidazole. Those two drugs she will probably be on for the rest of her life for her IBD. Just please no more prednisone! She also used to get Mometamax steroid ear drops ALL the time. No more steroids! So instead I have been cleaning her ears twice a week with an enzyme cleaner…so far so good!

Lyla’s internal medicine specialist did not put her on a special diet. He said her IBD was probably genetic. After he scoped her he said her intestines were full of lesions and that her IBD was severe. He just told me to get her to eat, eat anything. She had to eat. So for 6 months I cooked hamburger and pasta for her. She wouldn’t eat anything else. I fed her small amounts 5 or 6 times a day. Whenever she looked remotely hungry I fed her. Then as her appetite returned I tried several different commercial diets, all of them made her tummy hurt and she would never eat them for more than a few days before turning up her nose.

Then when I took her to the ER about 4 months ago because she was panting so hard and FULL of gas, the vet gave me a few cans of Royal Canine Venison canned food to try and she ate it! And it didn’t make her sick! So now she gets 2 cans day, plus Wellness Venison snacks, a few eggs from my chickens plus weird as it sounds, a few tablespoons of custard. She loves it so much. She takes pills 6 times a day and I roll the pills up in turkey. Since being off of the pred she is acting hungry again! And tonight when my puppy (my year old golden…still a puppy..) took off searching in the grass for mice, Lyla went with her! She seems to be regaining interest in things. I pray it continues!

molly muffin
07-05-2015, 10:38 AM
Yay. Hope that lyla continues to improve. It's always great to see them being interested and interacting with other dogs. Awww a puppy. I remember those retriever pups so full of energy and life and happiness.

Gosh that is a bad case of IBD. Glad you found something that will work for her tummy