View Full Version : Dealing w/ Cushings, Seeking Insight

06-19-2015, 10:20 PM
I have a 13.5 yr old lab mix. She's had diabetes going on 3.5 yrs. I took her to her regular vet about 2 months ago because I suspected Cushings. She tested positive for pituitary Cushings. The dr. started her on 75mg of Trilostane. Testing reveled the dose was too much. We took a break from the medication for one week and started her on 50 mg of Trilostane, again too much. She's now on 25mg Trilostane (started her up on it again after a week off the 50mg dose). The problem from my observation is the Trilostane (no matter the dosage amount) affects her appetite, makes walking difficult for her because she seems to lose strength in her hind legs and she seems confused to some degree. When she's off the Trilostane she has energy, has strength in her legs and she has an appetite. I just don't know if I should take her completely off the Trilostane and let her enjoy the remainder of her life with some semblance of quality of life. My girl just doesn't seem to be able to tolerate this drug. I also believe she's had Cushings for some years w/o medication. I would appreciate feedback, thoughts, comments and first-person advice from anyone who may know what I'm experiencing/talking about with my girl. Thank you.

Squirt's Mom
06-20-2015, 07:35 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your girl! :)

Yes, by all means, STOP the Trilo for now. Let's get some info before we go any further, ok? So that means lots of questions so we get the best picture of what has been going on with your baby girl.

Is her diabetes under control?

What signs were you seeing that concerned you when she was diagnosed with Cushing's?

What tests were performed to determine the diagnosis? LDDS? ACTH? Abdominal ultrasound?
What were the actual results of all the testing done to diagnose the Cushing's, including lab work that shows things like BUN, ALP, CHOL, etc? Not the invoice, the actual results of each test.

How much does your baby girl weigh?

Did the vet give you and predisone and tell you when and how to use it?

Did the vet do ACTHs before restarting at the lower doses? If not, that was very, very risky to restart without knowing where her cortisol was at that time. Very risky. ;)

If you are not a member of our sister site, K9Diabetes, please go register with them asap. They are THE experts on canine diabetes. You will find them at http://www.k9diabetes.com/forum/.

I'm glad you found us and am sure others will along soon to chat with you as well. So gather those test results, post them here, then tell us all you can about your baby girls health history. We will be here to help in any way we can.

Leslie and the gang

My sweet Ginger
06-20-2015, 08:06 AM
A warm welcome from me too and I'm really glad you've found us.

I totally second what Leslie said and I'm only here to tell you that it is very important for you to answer ALL her questions.
Get the actual results from your dr.'s office if you don't already have them on hand as the don't usually give them to you , either the hard copies or have them email them to you and post them here. The more info., the better feedback we will be able to give you.

And yes, please stop the trilostane for now. Thank you in advance. Song