View Full Version : Loss

06-13-2015, 08:29 PM
I'm sorry guys I did a new thread because I am sure that this has not been covered except maybe in checking in for June.
You may all remember me from my Caseybug post that I did in January 2013 so I must reach out to you again in this time of despair, as I posted before Kevin and I had been together for 15 years and finally got married Oct 26, 2013.
On June 1, 2015 the world lost the most wonderful man, husband, father, son, sibling and Angel. My husband was killed in a motorcycle accident and although I know this site is all for dogs you guys have helped me before so I beg that you will take pity on me and allow me to ask you all for help again, I'm lost without him!
Jill (Caseybug's mom, and Kevin's loving wife)

06-13-2015, 08:52 PM
Dear Jill
There are no words that I can say to ease your lose. You feel like a part of you was toren out of your heart and soul. Please know we are here to comfort you.
Love Sonja,Angel Apollo

06-14-2015, 03:39 AM
Dear Jill,
I cannot begin to imagine how heartbroken you must be with the sudden loss of your husband, Kevin. My heart goes out to you and your family. Your family here will always be there for you too.
Love, Linda x

06-14-2015, 06:43 AM
Dearest Jill,

I am so incredibly sorry to read your post about Kevin. I cannot begin to think how heavy your heart is. We are all part of a cushpup family and are here for you!

loads of cyberhugs (((((hugs)))))

06-14-2015, 07:53 AM
Dear Jill,
I, too, lost my husband very suddenly last year. Time does not take away the pain, but it does slowly open the door for memories to enter. As they return, they push aside the pain a little at a time.

Give yourself permission to grieve in your own way. Each must find his or her own way. You have begun to heal because you are reaching out. May your days each hold more reasons to celebrate his life and eventually your own.

God bless,

06-14-2015, 07:59 AM
Oh no Jill, this is horrible news! I am stunned to read it and I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Losing Kevin like this seems way too much to bear. I am so grateful you have written to us. We will do our very best to lift you up and walk beside you now. Losing Casey and now Kevin, you may feel as though you have no heart left and no life to live. There is no way to replace what you have lost, and my own heart aches for you. We are here for you, and we will always help you honor Kevin alongside Casey. And we will help you sort out the way forward even when it seems as though there is no place to go. Casey brought you to us and so her presence is still being felt. We know that her daddy Kevin filled both your lives with love and so his presence will always be felt here, too. We will always join you in remembering and honoring.

Jill, I am so, so sorry. Sending huge hugs to you across the miles. Please write to us whenever you want some company. We will always be here whenever you want to talk.


My sweet Ginger
06-14-2015, 09:18 AM
Oh Jill,
No words of comfort I can offer you that will ease your heart break right now except to say I'm sorry about Kevin. Still, I hope and pray that you will take some comfort in knowing that now your husband is with Kasey and they are looking after each other.
I'm so very sorry. With tears, Song.

Squirt's Mom
06-14-2015, 09:45 AM
Dear Jill,

There are no words that will take away this pain, no amount of time, nothing. It will be part of you from now on. My adult daughter was suddenly taken so I understand the agony you are experiencing today. When I got "the call", all I remember is screaming, "NONONONONO...." then not much of anything else for nearly 2 years. I simply existed, moving thru life but never participating. Even after being awakened from that stupor I kept my grief around me as tightly bound as armor for a long time. That screaming is still close after almost 9 years, and at times I feel it trying well up and out of me again and again and again.

And you know what? I let the screams come; the screams, the tears, the hitching breath - all that agony I allow to come. Why? Because my child is worth every second of it. Because it is one of the few ways I can honor her today. Because it cleanses my Soul and brings her closer to me. Because I can then see her more clearly in the eyes of her sons. Because of love - a love that cannot die regardless. We are conditioned to see grief as a negative but it can become a vehicle for wondrous things...if we let it.

Cry, scream, do whatever you need to do to get thru this moment. Don't push the grief down, thinking it will destroy you. Let it cleanse your Soul and carry you out of the abyss. Hold those precious memories of all the good times close; in time they will sustain you when you think you cannot take one more step. Find the small things that bring you peace and joy, and do them often. And know you are never alone.


06-14-2015, 09:54 PM
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Budsters Mom
06-14-2015, 10:18 PM
Dear Jill,

I am at a loss for words.:o There is nothing that I can say that will help to ease your pain or lessen your loss. My heart hurts for you:o
So many of our members know the perfect thing to say at times like this. I am not one of those blessed angels. I stumble along sending my love and support and hopefully that message comes through. I am truly sorry. Know that you are never alone. We are here.

With heartfelt sympathy,

06-15-2015, 08:40 AM
Sorry for your loss. I divorced last year and lost my dog a few weeks ago - its a horrible feeling being alone - there is a light in the distance and over time it gets brighter and the pain eases so you can get on with life - but time is the only thing that takes the pain away - you can't rush it - the waves are huge and they gradually get smaller as months pass - I've never lost a husband that way - but just allowing yourself to cry when those waves crash and be kind to yourself - that got me through being alone.
Our thoughts are with you x

06-16-2015, 05:00 AM
Jill so so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and Kevin.

molly muffin
06-16-2015, 07:09 AM
Oh Jill. I am so sorry and shocked to hear of Kevin's loss. What a devastating time this must be for you. I cannot even begin to imagine the depths of the pain you are going through.

My heart just breaks for you.
