View Full Version : Japanese Spitz - Angel Ruffle has passed

06-09-2015, 10:34 PM
I have a Japanese Spitz, 8 years old. Just started on Vetoryl on the 7th June. On the second night he started vomitting and has no appetite for dinner. It became worse last night. He only took his dinner at 10pm and subsequently has been vomitting every other hour. He is still not eating therefore i cant feed him the anti nausea med. I will be rushing down to the clinic when it opens at 12pm. Ruffle is abt 9 kg and the vet recommended 30mg of Vetoryl. He is incredibly weak now. I understand this are the side effects but is he an extreme case? We were both awake last night due to his frequent vomitting. This morning i tried to feed him with his pellets, apples, banana and treats - all refused by him.

molly muffin
06-09-2015, 11:13 PM
I created your very own thread so that we can keep all the information for you in one place and you can easily find it.

First things first.

Do not give him any more vetroyl.

At 9kg he should have started at no higher than 20mg. Not eating and vomiting, are signs of overdose.
You need an ACTH done pronto, and electrolytes checked. If he is too low, then they might need to give a rescue dose of prednisone.

Definitely get him in to the vet as soon as possible as an over dose can be life threatening.

Let us know what is going on, as we will be worried!

What symptoms did he have that made you test for cushings?
Do you have the results of the cushings tests and any blood and urine work done? We'd like to see the abnormal values only, if you could post those results. This enables us to give you better feed back.

There are so many things that it could be other than cushings, and for him to show those kind of symptoms on just a dose, makes me wonder if he really has cushings or if something else is going on. (this is why the test results are helpful)

Hang in there, we'll be right here with you.

06-09-2015, 11:42 PM
He went for Dexamethasone Suppression (275) test anout 2 weeks back.

The pre dexamethasone range is 13.9 with reference range 1.0-6.0ug/dL.

Post 4 hr and 8 hr dex is 5.9.

He has pot belly, increased drinking n urination, loss of fur, fur stopped growing and recurring skin infections thats why we run in for the cushing test. It seems like he is better off without the medications and i feel extremely guilty for letting him go thru the sufferings now. I have stopped giving vetoryl n he's still not eating now. He doesn't even hv the strength to drink n get up. In case he gets very dehydrated i have attempted to feed him with some water through a syringe..

molly muffin
06-10-2015, 12:29 AM
Do you have an emergency vet? If not at least get him in first thing. I am very worried.
My dog is 8.1 kg and we started her on 8mg and have slowly worked out way up. It makes a huge difference. Every dog can react differently to the drug and you don't know until you start them how it will go.

molly muffin
06-10-2015, 12:35 AM
I'm heading to bed, (in Canada) but cannot say enough that this is a very dangerous situation and he needs to see a vet asap. This is life threatening.

I'll check in first thing in the morning.

molly muffin
06-10-2015, 12:49 AM
Do you have any prednisone? That is one thing they give to help them when they go to low.

Wendy Tillotson
06-10-2015, 12:52 AM
Do you have any prednisone? That is one thing they give to help them when they go to low.

I would get to an emergency vet ASAP.

Wendy Tillotson
06-10-2015, 12:54 AM
Please, if there is one available, go to an emergency clinic ASAP. This can be life threatening,

Wendy Tillotson
06-10-2015, 12:56 AM
Whatever you do, don't give anymore Vetoryl. Hope everything will be ok.

If used properly, he is better off on medication. That was too high a starting dose. Should have been no more than 20 mg and possibly less.

molly muffin
06-10-2015, 07:07 AM
It's morning. Checking n to see how your fur baby is doing

06-10-2015, 09:08 AM
Dear all,

Thank you so much for being here with me. Ruffle has been hospitalised and has to be on drip the next 3 to 4 days. I discussed about lowering the dosage. However, the distributors in Singapore only has 30mg or 60mg capsule. We will have to decide if we wish to continue him on Vetoryl albeit on lower dose (the only way is to break the capsule) or to abort it completely. The latter will ultimately lead to Ruffle's organs shutting down since we are not treating the root of the problem. From the blood test results, the vet says that things are not looking well for Ruffle. Generally has 6 to 8 months left :'( as his kidney and liver are in red... I just hope he can stabilse and go back to before and cherish every moment with him. :'(

06-10-2015, 10:19 AM
Hoping that the next few days finds Ruffle in better condition due to the drip. Just for your info the maker of the drug (Vetoryl) advises against breaking the capsule!


molly muffin
06-10-2015, 11:25 AM
Okay, your vets do realize that they over dosed Ruffle right? And that is why he is in such bad shape now? Whatever you do, do NOT start him back on ANY vetroyl until his cortisol levels, verified via ACTH testing shows that his adrenal glands have returned to over producing and symptoms return.

If and when that ever comes about, then he can be started on medication again, but NEVER at 30mg. You take those 30mg pills to a compounding pharmacy and have them made into a lower dosage.

I don't think your vets understand either the disease or the medication at all.

We have dogs who have lived for years on proper medication. It can be done, it is treatable, but not if they are going to over dose him every chance they get and say it will save his life.

Recovery from overdosing is very difficult. Just be very careful and let us know what is going on.

I do hope he recovers from this. He might end up being Addison, which is where the adrenal glands never start to produce again, but that is treatable.

Your vets should have discussed all of this with you.

Squirt's Mom
06-10-2015, 11:48 AM
Please stay in touch and let us know how your baby is doing. I am just so sorry this happened. :(

06-11-2015, 03:54 AM
Just came back from the hospital.. he seems worse.. he doesnt even open his eyes fully n not responding to our calling.. they also injected something at his anus to help him pee else his bladder will be too full from the drip. He's also not eating.. they have to force feed him and he's only eating a little.. doesnt look too good to me... my tears are dried from crying.. i wish i had never started Vetoryl on Ruffle at all seeing his current state really breaks my heart. I hope he can tide thru this ordeal..

molly muffin
06-11-2015, 06:45 AM
Oh no. Sorry he isn't doing better. Are they constantly checking his electrolytes and are they giving him any steroid to counter act the low cortisol?

I do hope he can pull through this too. How are his kidneys?

This is so scary. Poor little guy. I know it is very hard on you too. We have all fingers and paws crossed her for him to pull through

Squirt's Mom
06-11-2015, 09:47 AM
I so hope things are looking up this morning.

06-12-2015, 11:53 AM
Thank you everyone for being with us through this difficult time. Ruffle is now an angel looking after me as always at the rainbow bridge... we will reunite 1 fine day and will never ever have to separated again. Together, we are one <3

Budsters Mom
06-12-2015, 12:55 PM
Fly free Ruffle, Fly free!

molly muffin
06-12-2015, 01:32 PM
I am so very very sorry to hear this. I was so hoping he would pull through. My heart just breaks for you as they have these huge personalities that will surely be missed very much.

My sincerest condolences.

Squirt's Mom
06-12-2015, 02:08 PM
I am so so sorry to hear this. But you are right - one day you will hold your baby boy again.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox, Redd and all our angels

When We Meet Again

I was laying on the couch early one day
a dog was barking; from where I couldn't say
I got up from the couch and went outside
then off I went out into the countryside

I took a path thru the bushes and trees
but the sound of that bark kept nagging at me
I followed the path till I came to a river
I reached for a branch and caught a sliver

Under an oak tree I sat down to rest
I watched all the bird's fly from their nests
After awhile a group of ducks waddled by
then a fox gave chase so they decided to fly

I walked down the river past a small ridge
and down in the meadow there was a bridge
Down by the bridge thru the fog
I saw what I thought was the barking dog

Like a bolt of lightning in the dark
I knew right then that was my old friend's bark
I looked thru the fog toward the bridge again
and sure enough there was my old friend

As healthy and beautiful as the day we met
I ran down thru the meadow to greet my pet
She ran thru the meadow at such a fast pace
it was like the old days when we used to race

I hugged and kissed her as she licked my face
all her sickness was gone there wasn't a trace
We were together again after such a long time
the sun was shining and all was fine

We walked toward the bridge together again
then we crossed it together me and my friend
This is the way I know it will be
when we meet again my pet and me

John Quealy