View Full Version : omg i don't know what to do, got the results from blood test

05-21-2015, 12:40 AM

hello everyone

my 13 yr. old Maltese/Pap blood test came back positive for Cushing last week. now I have spent time doing research and I understand they whys and how this illness has inflected it's self on my dog. feel guilty that for the past yr she has been this ill and I thought it was old age and the loss of her sister. now I have crossed off all the symptoms she has and am wondering if I should make the decision to have her pass over.. she is completely blind. I just spent $$ over the last few yrs at the vet with her sister who had a heart condition and copd and just getting into the black..im so tired from having to get up at night and then go to work she's always hungry but due to her small stature and 1 short leg she has to be on her regular amount of food so this causes her to bark a lot. she can't seem to get comfortable laying down and moves during the night and I admit she sleeps with me.. sorry folks for the ramble but I have had no one to discuss this with.

05-21-2015, 07:05 AM
Hi and welcome to our site. I am sorry you and your girl are going through this.

Do not think you are rambling for one minute :). Some Cushing's symptoms are very often confused with just getting old. We all have been there and are here to help. So take a deep breath.....

When you get the chance, post the results here of the blood tests so we can all see.

Know that if she has Cushing's it is treatable and the symptoms and the discomfort your girl is feeling will go away.


PS I took the liberty of moving your thread to here

molly muffin
05-21-2015, 08:02 PM
Well hello and welcome!

Yes, as Terry said could you post the blood test results that diagnosed the cushings and any other blood/urine test results. (just the ones that are out of range, with normal range next to it) that will give us an idea of what the situation looks like.

It sure can be awful with uncontrolled cushings. The symptoms just wear you down and I won't lie, until you get it under control it can be expensive.

You said she is blind? Did they determine why she is blind? Blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

What medications is she on?

We are here, you can talk to us as much as you want and know that each and every one of us have "been there done that"

welcome to the forum!

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2015, 08:31 AM
I am mom to two blind babies and one that is blind in one eye. They all do just fine - in fact the one who doesn't even have her eyeballs anymore usually fools people who don't know her into thinking she can see. She, Trinket, has sonar like a bat! It is amazing to watch her navigate her dark world.

With the correct treatment, your baby can return to a more familiar state and you both will experience some relief. The signs you described can all be made to disappear with the right treatment. So don't give up hope - you have bucketfuls of hope now with us. This is scary at first but the more you learn and the more you can talk to folk like us who live with this every day, the more comfortable you will become and in no time you will be a pro at this!

I'm glad you found us and look forward to hearing more as time passes.
Leslie and the gang