View Full Version : Need advice on my dog blood clot on his rear legs

03-30-2015, 12:49 AM
I have a an 10 year old pointer mix dog- Pecas. He started limping a couple of months ago when we were running. I noticed one time and never again until a couple of weeks ago. X-Ray showed hip issues and need to exercise more and lose weight. i was working on that, but his condition worsen day by day. Suddenly He couldn't walk anymore and was in a lot of pain. He was rushed to the Hospital and has been there the last 3 days. They found a blood clot on his legs. For the first time I hear about cushing illness and he has that. I am overwhelmed with all of this.
Doctor started blood thinners but his condition is still stable but still serious. It has passed 24 hours and still waiting for the next 24 hours to see progress.
i am very concerned about his condition and the potential for not walking again and keep suffering. Also that the treatment can damage his kidneys.
Does anybody have a similar situation with a dog that has survived? and how did He live?
Please share any information that you may have with regards to other dogs with the same symptoms.



molly muffin
04-01-2015, 05:57 PM
How is Pecas doing today?

Often blood clots are a problem after surgeries, I think we have had a few that have had clots and the key is getting them immediate care and for the clot to be dissolved without becoming dislodged. Clots really work the same with dogs as humans, you don't want it to dislodge and go to the heart.

Hopefully that is what they are working on is getting it dissolved and then they will be able to evaluate how much damage might have been done to the leg.

Welcome to the forum. I am very sorry for the reason that brought you to us and do hope that the news is better today.

Harley PoMMom
04-01-2015, 08:11 PM
Hi and belated welcome to you and Pecas!

I am sorry for the very late response to your post, but know we will help in any way we can.

I see that Pecas was diagnosed with Cushing's disease, could you post the results of all the tests that were done to diagnose his Cushing's? Thrombocytosis, which is an increased number of circulating platelets, is a common finding in our cushdogs. What symptoms does Pecas display? Is he on treatment for Cushing's?

I do remember a member whose furbaby did have a blood clot in their leg, I've included a link to their thread: www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1613

I'm sorry your Pecas is going through this and I hope he is better soon.

Hugs, Lori