Mary Anne
03-29-2015, 12:21 PM
Our 10 year old Chihuahua/ Pomeranian mix was diagnosed with pituitary Cushing's 5years ago. He was treated with mitotane and unfortunately his adrenal glands were destroyed which caused him to have Addisons disease. We have been treating him with florinef and prednisone and he has been great...never know he was sick. Things changed about 2.5 months ago.Teddy started to refuse to eat....things have gradually deteraited now and he refuses mostly all food.we have had to force syringe feed him now for the last 3 weeks. The other change is he started with some mild head bobbing....this has progressed to 3-4 instances of head shaking,eye twitching and sometimes his front legs will give out....or he just lays down quickly cause he feels weird. We had a complete work up at ourr vet hospital.ultrasounds,radiograph,blood and urine. The only thing found was a small foreign object inside him. This thing is laying beside his kidney and pancreas. The vets there want to operate. I'm concerned as I would be putting my dog through major surgery. And I still have a dog who is aneroxic. Its becoming increasingly difficult to get his meds and liquid food into him. He is becoming aggressive and more difficult to feed. My local vet feels Teddy has a macrotumor. We tried dextamethasone and phenobarbital with no success in either appetite or the neurological signs. I'm at a loss as to what to do.......