View Full Version : Whiskey - 8 years old - Sweet Whiskey has passed

03-06-2015, 06:48 PM

My name is Christine and I have an 8 year old toy poodle named Whiskey who means the world to me. For the past few weeks he has been drinking water excessively and having a lot of accidents. He has always been chubby so I really didn't notice the potbelly. His vet put him on a diet about a year ago so I thought he was just losing weight.

I got so alarmed yesterday when he drank a whole bowl of water in 1 sitting so I took him to the vet. After I told her about the symptoms said she suspects Cushing's or Diabetes so she ran bloodworks panel and urinalysis. He has a bit high range on few of the markers for both Cushing and Diabetes so today he is at the vet getting the Low Dex test, Ultrasound and Fructosamine test.

I have been crying all day since they broke the news to me yesterday and at my wits end. I have been reading up on Cushing's and can't quite digest if this is a disorder or a tumor. Is it genetic or did I not do something right raising him?

So I have a few questions. My apologies in advanced if what I about ask is redundant to the threads that were posted before mine. I am so scared and upset I can't really wrap my head around things right now.

1) Are there any other tests they can run to figure out which it may be so we can start his treatment as soon as possible?

2) I see holistic medication that is available. Are they to be used with the medication the Vet might prescribe? Also, before we can determine what he has just give it to him as supplements so his condition does not get worse?

3) Are there anything I need to avoid until we get his diagnoses? Do not let him drink so much water? Measure out his food?

Thank you very much in advanced.


03-06-2015, 07:03 PM
There will be other people on to help you with more updated info. I just wanted to chime in to say not to worry. Cushing's can be treated and is not a death sentence. Please do not withhold water.
You had nothing to do with Whiskey getting this so don't beat yourself up.
My previous cush baby was diagnosed when she was 10 and with medication she lived a little over 16.
So don't give up hope.

03-06-2015, 07:12 PM
Hi Christine :)
I'm new here too. My 15 year old just got diagnosed with Cushing's.
There are so many people here who can help you. I feel better already having gotten information from them.

I can't give you much advice, other than to say, I'm sure Whiskey's condition is not your fault in any way. You didn't do anything wrong. Its actually great that you were so observant of the things that were going on, that you got the little guy straight to the vet :)
And let him drink as much as he wants. Once the vet gets him on the proper meds, the drinking, peeing and hunger will likely start to normalize.

Hang in there :)

Harley PoMMom
03-06-2015, 07:25 PM
Hi Christine,

Welcome to you and Whiskey! The first thing I want you to know is that Cushing's is not a death sentence for a dog, ok? ;)

If you would get copies of the tests that were done on Whiskey and post those values that are abnormal with their reference ranges and units of measurement that would be a big help to us...e.g....ALT 150 U/L (5-50)...thanks!

Diabetes and Cushing's do share some of the same symptoms, however, usually on a canine chemistry blood panel the marker for diabetes, which is glucose (GLU), is very elevated, was this value high? If it is than the priority is getting that diabetes under control before having any tests performed for Cushing's. The reason why this is that any non-adrenal illness can create false positive results on all tests for Cushing's.

Now, let me see if I can explain what Cushing's is and not confuse you more. :eek: When a dog has Cushing's their body is producing excessive amounts of cortisol. There are two forms of spontaneous Cushing’s, pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) and adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (ADH).

The Cushing's is caused by a tumor that is located on the pituitary or the adrenal gland. Most dogs, 85% of them, have the pituitary type (PDH) while 15% have the adrenal form (ADH), and rarely some dogs do have both.

Now, Cushing's can also be caused by a overuse of a steroid, such as prednsione which is known as Iatrogenic Cushing's. With this type of Cushing's a dog can display the same symptoms as the naturally-occurring Cushing's while the only treatment for Iatrogenic that is needed is to slowly taper the steroid use.

There are no holistic medications that I know of that can lower that excessive amount of cortisol, only the conventional treatments will.

One very important factor, do not restrict water, when a dog has Cushing's that extra cortisol makes their kidneys work harder and therefore the dog has to drink massive amounts of water to keep up with the urine output.

So for right now lets see if your dear boy has diabetes, and if that is diagnosed we have a sister site that deals with canine diabetes. You can ask all the questions you want, we are here to help in any way we can. Hang in there, I do understand how scared you are feeling and trust me, soon that fear will fade as you gain knowledge about the health issues sweet Whiskey may be facing. ;)

Hugs, Lori

Squirt's Mom
03-07-2015, 07:22 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Whiskey! :)

Love the name! I've had a couple of Poodles that nearly drove me to whiskey but never thought of that as a name! :p

I just wanted to impress on you what Lori talked about - the diabetes MUST take precedence if he tests positive for it. Diabetes can be immediately life threatening, Cushing's is not. And the fact that diabetes can skew the Cushing's tests, always makes a suspicious Cushing's diagnosis in my book when both are tested for at the same time and diagnosed at the same time. So take your time on the Cushing's if Whiskey does have diabetes and focus on that first and foremost.

The link to our sister site Lori mentioned is - http://www.k9diabetes.com/forum/

I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more as time passes!
Leslie and the gang

03-07-2015, 07:38 AM
Welcome from me, too! I just want to reinforce what the others are saying about the difficulty in distinguishing between simultaneous diagnoses of diabetes and Cushing's since both diseases can produce so many of the same symptoms and even the same test results. I do also agree that if diabetes is confirmed, that takes the priority in terms of initial treatment.

Here is an article that will better explain the challenges in sorting out the two diagnoses. When Dr. Peterson talks about "cutaneous" changes that are more indicative of Cushing's, he is referring to changes in skin and coat. Does Whiskey have any abnormal "balding" areas of hair loss, or unusual skin bumps/lesions?


Hang in there! No matter how the tests turn out, we will be happy to do our best to help you sort things out.


03-07-2015, 05:33 PM
First and foremost, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the community for your support.

My vets have been awesome and just got all the test results back! Whiskey has been confirmed to have Cushing's, they just have to do some additional tests to confirm which form but they believe with what tests they have done it is Pituitary.

I am very grateful for the staff and doctors at Western University who are on the ball with Whiskey's care and have been a huge emotional support for me.

I am still trying to digest everything. Whiskey will be starting his medication on Monday but my main question is before we find out which form he has is it wise to put him on medication?

What do you guys think is the best medication to put him on?

Also, should Whiskey be on a low calorie diet? Since he is eating so much?

03-07-2015, 05:36 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Whiskey! :)

Love the name! I've had a couple of Poodles that nearly drove me to whiskey but never thought of that as a name! :p

His original name was "Jack Daniels" but sounded like an drunk so I revised it to "Whiskey".

He is one of the calmest and sweetest dog's ever! when he was a puppy he did drive me crazy!

Harley PoMMom
03-07-2015, 09:37 PM
Very important question, was the diabetes ruled out?

03-07-2015, 10:49 PM
Welcome from me, too! I just want to reinforce what the others are saying about the difficulty in distinguishing between simultaneous diagnoses of diabetes and Cushing's since both diseases can produce so many of the same symptoms and even the same test results. I do also agree that if diabetes is confirmed, that takes the priority in terms of initial treatment.

Here is an article that will better explain the challenges in sorting out the two diagnoses. When Dr. Peterson talks about "cutaneous" changes that are more indicative of Cushing's, he is referring to changes in skin and coat. Does Whiskey have any abnormal "balding" areas of hair loss, or unusual skin bumps/lesions?


Hang in there! No matter how the tests turn out, we will be happy to do our best to help you sort things out.


Whiskey does not have any "balding" areas or hair loss yet nor does he have lesions. He has his usually pimples which I have had my Vets confirm they were just pimples. I am one of those neurotic mom's so every little bump and such I have them check it.

He has some loose skin on his hind leg which was weird. Aside from that his energy level has gone down a bit more. He seems to not like his dry food anymore as well. So I am going today to JustFoodForDogs to get him a fresh cooked meals for him.

I have 5 bowls of filtered water out for him at the moment. I also have 3 cats so I'm not leaving things to chance.

03-07-2015, 10:52 PM
Very important question, was the diabetes ruled out?

Yes, Diabetes has been ruled out. His Glucose levels were a bit higher than normal to be categorized as "abnormal" but it was not high as it would be if he did have diabetes. We also received his Fructosamine test back that completely ruled diabetes out.

Blues people
03-07-2015, 11:13 PM
Hi Christine,
( we had a little sheltie named whiskey,,,! )
You have come to the right place for help. Just reading, calms me.
So many positive people here.
We are in our 2 nd month of treatment and the lysodren is helping.
Hopes for your little guy!

Harley PoMMom
03-08-2015, 01:06 AM
My vets have been awesome and just got all the test results back! Whiskey has been confirmed to have Cushing's, they just have to do some additional tests to confirm which form but they believe with what tests they have done it is Pituitary.

Could you get copies of all the tests that were done that confirmed Blue's Cushing's and post those results here?...thanks!

I am still trying to digest everything. Whiskey will be starting his medication on Monday but my main question is before we find out which form he has is it wise to put him on medication?

It depends on how they are going to differentiate between the pituitary or the adrenal form of Cushing's.

If it is with an ultrasound to visualize the adrenal glands then treatment should wait until this is done because both Lysodren and Trilostane change the shape/form of the adrenal glands.

What do you guys think is the best medication to put him on?

The one factor that does play an important role in this decision is the medication the vet has the most experience and knowledge in using. Both Trilostane and Lysodren can be used with either the pituitary or adrenal type of Cushing's. However if the dog has a functional adrenal tumor and is a good surgical candidate, an adrenalectomy could be a complete cure.

Also, should Whiskey be on a low calorie diet? Since he is eating so much?

For most dogs, with treatment, that ravenous hunger does diminish and a more normal appetite returns.

Hugs, Lori

03-09-2015, 01:16 AM
Seems like this disease hates Whiskey. He now has something that looks like blisters bumps on his underbelly. His whole body is reddish pink and he has been rubbing on the floor. He is completely low energy right now.

Are there any side effects from Low dex testing? or is this from Cushing's?

03-09-2015, 07:02 AM
What you are describing sounds to me more like an acute allergic reaction than anything else. Have you given him anything new or different to eat over the weekend? Has he been exposed to any chemicals in the yard or in the house? If it was a reaction to the dex test, I would have expected it to show up earlier than this.

If he is still red and itchy this morning, I would definitely call and consult with your vet. If it is an allergic reaction, sometimes just giving an antihistamine will help. But sometimes you need a more powerful anti-inflammatory drug like a short-term steroid (I know it sounds crazy to talk about giving a steroid to a Cushpup, but sometimes it is necessary for just a couple of days).

If Whiskey were to start having trouble breathing, that would be an emergency allergic situation and he would need to be seen by somebody immediately.


03-10-2015, 02:47 PM
Hello everyone,

Sorry for being slow on my responses. Whiskey was also diagnosed with Pancreatitis so he has been hospitalized getting IV fluids and some more testing.

I was in the process of changing his diet to more of a holistic diet. I am back on my way to the vets to show them the food so they can determine what is going on.

The Vet also did mention that Cushing's dogs are a bit more prone to Pancreatitis which I have no valid information about.

molly muffin
03-10-2015, 05:53 PM
Hello, I wanted to welcome you to the forum also.
Yes cushings dogs can be prone to Pancreatitis. I'm so sorry to hear that Whiskey has developed it.
I'm sure that he is in the best place to get care for that. When he does come home what is often recommended is mushy rice and boiled chicken, several small meals per day, is easier on their digestive system. You won't be wanting to give him any high fat food or treats though going forward, now you know he is prone to this. Moderate works best.
You also won't be starting cushing meds as long as he is ill with pancreatitis.
Hoping they can figure out what happened so quickly with him and get it sorted out soon.

Welcome again

03-12-2015, 03:46 AM
I'm sorry to say Whiskey passed away 3/11/15.

Not only was he having issues with his Pancreatitis and Cushing's. He began showing signs of Diabetes as well. Along with that his Gallbladder was solidifying.

My little man waited until I arrived at the Vet to pass with me there in my arms. He was the most angelic sweetest dog ever with a gentle soul.

I lost his brother Riku around the same time in 2013. Along with his sister cat Beamer that same year before Thanksgiving.

My heart is breaking but I know my babies are all together.

Thank you everyone for your support.

03-12-2015, 06:06 AM
I am really sorry to hear of Whiskey's passing. I am so glad that you were with him at the time and I am sure that helped Whiskey immensely.

Squirt's Mom
03-12-2015, 06:56 AM
Oh honey! This is not what I expected to read this morning at all! :( I am just so sorry for your loss and pain - I know it well. :( You did all you could for your sweet baby and he knows that as well as we do. I am sure Whiskey is ever so grateful to you for all you did on his behalf, including setting him free when his vessel could no longer function. Today he is whole and strong once more, watching over you with all the love and devotion you gave him. One day when you job here is done, you will see your sweet babies again, hold them all in your arms. From that day on you will never be parted again.

Whiskey's name has been added to our In Loving Memory thread for 2015 where he will always be remembered and cherished as a member of our family here. Please know we are here should you need to talk.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie and the gang

See You Soon
by Luka Bloom

I hope I love you enough to let you go
On the road only you can see
I hope I love you enough to let you go
And loosen the hold that you have on me

I want to bless you on your way
Say always to yourself be true
I hope you know there is no sweeter place in the world
Than the places I have been with you

See you soon, see you soon

The weakness in me fills my heart with fear
Telling me to control and try to keep you here
The spirit in me that's what is good and true
Telling me to be strong, and trust the letting go of you

See you soon, see you soon

The road waits patiently before you
Away you go now
Don't even look behind
Fill yourself with riches from the times we knew
I'll keep your goodness here
In my heart and in my mind

See you soon, see you soon

I hope I love you enough to let you go...

03-12-2015, 10:41 AM
I'm so, so sorry to hear about Whiskey. When I read your message I shed a few tears for him and I hope that's a few you won't have to cry. He was so lucky to have you caring for him. Don't hesitate to come here if you need to talk, many of us know how hard this can be.

03-12-2015, 11:25 AM
I am so deeply saddened to hear that you lost your beloved Whiskey. It was a wonderful last gift to you that he waited for you to say his goodbye. He was special little man indeed.

03-12-2015, 12:03 PM
Rest in peace Whiskey.

I am so sorry.

Blues people
03-12-2015, 12:11 PM
Thinking of you.

03-12-2015, 01:32 PM
Thank you everyone for your condolences.

Whiskey just had so many issues going on. I hope my post has not scared any new people or people out there who are dealing with Cushing's.

Everyone has been so wonderful and so informative here. I am going to get Whiskey's Test results on here so the experts here and help refer to the information for others who might experience the same thing I have.

My heart is broken but if Whiskey's experience can shed lights for anyone and be of help I would love to contribute.

molly muffin
03-12-2015, 03:47 PM
oh no I am so sorry to hear that Whiskey has passed. :( I know he will be greatly missed.

My sincere condolences to you and your family

03-12-2015, 04:25 PM
I am so sorry to read that Whiskey has passed. He was obviously much loved as were his siblings before him. Give yourself a gentle hug during this difficult time.

03-12-2015, 04:54 PM
Oh no! I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I know that your heart is broken and all of us on this forum grieve with you for your sweet Whiskey. I hope you can take comfort in knowing that he is whole and happier than you can imagine running free at the Rainbow Bridge.

For us parents left behind here on Earth, it just never gets easier losing a fur baby. I will be holding you close to my heart and in my prayers in the coming days. Please know that if you would like to share any memories of Whiskey, we would love to hear them. We will always cherish his memory.

Please take good care of yourself. You did all you could.

03-12-2015, 05:55 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss :(. Rest peacefully sweet Whiskey!

03-13-2015, 06:10 AM
I'm sorry to read of what you have been through.
You gave him a joyous life.
I remember singing a song to my last dog as he passed and I saw a swirl of mist rise out of his body after his last breath.
I hope that comforts you. We shall see our little ones again.

03-13-2015, 10:54 AM
My sincere condolences on your loss of Whiskey.
You're right about too many issues, my Daisy Mae also had gall bladder problems, as well as kidney issues and Cushings.

Take comfort that he did not endure illness for a long time and that he is at peace.
They are so resilient and often don't show obvious signs of illness until several problems are present. Hugs.