View Full Version : Blue, 6 1/2 yr old, Lyso, Calcinosis cutis (Blue is at peace)
Blues people
02-24-2015, 10:43 PM
Hi there,
I am new here, although I have not posted,I do read through threads.
Our 6 1/2 yr old neutered male AB ,BLUE , was diagnosed w CD 1/15 . Since we first brought him home from a backyard breeder at 6 wks( just couldn't leave him there another day in the conditions) he has been through more than any one pup should . Rare parasites ( parents were fed "whole home chickens") . Intestinal blockage, blood infection, continuous ear issues, allergies to all things Florida, esp. Insect stings and most food ingredients; cysts, cuts and bruises,eye infections. Despite it all, he's 85 lbs of warmth and we do all we can for him to be comfortable.
He was on maintanence dose of lysodren (2xwk) so we could monitor how he would do. His retest today showed his numbers are only down by about 2 pts. But he is doing OK . SO now he will receive lysodren 5 days on, 2 days off, along with HMR lignans , melatonin, and Nuvet Plus daily. Our 7 yr old AB ABBY , is fine, energetic plus, healthy plus- from a responsible breeder. Our little cur rescue is great too- all 3 love nuvet plus and I believe it is what helped Blue survive the beginning symptoms of CD . Yes, he drinks, eats, snores, limps, and pants, BUT he is breathing normal, eating less, is no longer aggressive, and walking abit more spry. But the calcium deposits are numerous and some have begun to break. We keep them clean, and I rub coconut oil on them in the a.m. Doesn't hurt or help, but I feel better. I can't imagine NOT being able to DO something for him, and my husband didn't want to use drugs, but I am the caregiver and now he is glad I did the research and stepped up. Blue IS his first pet and he adores this dog, and just couldn't deal with the diagnose.
Today was a good day for us. Thanks for being here, Joan .
molly muffin
02-24-2015, 11:19 PM
Aww so glad you rescued Blue. I am sure he is much happier too.
I have noticed that to get that cc taken care of quite often the post cortisol number on the ACTH needs to come down to just under 5 ug. That is just a trend that I seem to see here on the forum. Then all the deposits that are already there have to break through and come out. Cycle through. I am sure it scared your hubby but it is better for blue to have that comfort and in the end your hubby will feel better once blue feels better I bet.
It sounds like horrid conditions he was in. Now he is king of his world. :). Awesome.
Squirt's Mom
02-25-2015, 07:32 AM
I moved your post to start a new thread for Blue. We like to keep each pup in their own thread. It makes it much easier to look back thru the history if needed plus it can serve as a sort of log or journal as you and Blue journey with us. We are glad to have you all join our little family here.
Blues people
02-26-2015, 01:30 PM
Thank you Sharlene and Leslie.
Blue is having a good day. People ask ? Good day!?
Yes, he woke at 7 a.m. After sleeping all night. After a yard walk, he ate - he is on "venison &barley" by nature' s valley Prairie . Gave him his 1 lysodren , 3mg.melatonin, and his vitamin. Instead of bed , he sat out on the patio, watching the birds and the squirrels. Came & sat w me in officewhile I did stuff ; at 12 he got up & went to door - his pre-CD signal HE Needed to go out. Success! Then he headed to garage for lunch and his lignans, 3 mg melatonin and his vitamin. He is sleeping soundly ! Gassy but what else isn't new!?
Around 5 he'll eat his last cup of food, 6mg of melatonin and his 2nd dose of novifit . Takes his pills in cream cheese, a favorite. I'm going to try to post his test results over the wkend . The reason I changed up his melatonin, is because he was sleeping so much and not getting any exercise- so when he would be standing I'd notice leg tremors- I would imagine from lack of use. He hasn't had a head tremor since Sunday and wondering if anyone else sees these tremors.
He is 85lbs. And is now eating 3-4 cups food , due to allergies he can only do venison. Anyone else in this dilemma $$$ . Ideas, suggestions? Thanks, Joan
02-26-2015, 01:53 PM
He was on maintanence dose of lysodren (2xwk) so we could monitor how he would do. His retest today showed his numbers are only down by about 2 pts. But he is doing OK . SO now he will receive lysodren 5 days on, 2 days off, along with HMR lignans , melatonin, and Nuvet Plus daily.
Hello Joan, welcome to you and Blue! He is a lucky boy to be loved and cared for by you. I am hoping you can tell us more about his Cushing's diagnosis and treatment, though. Has he been diagnosed with elevated cortisol, or are you instead treating him for elevations in adrenal hormones other than cortisol?
If Blue suffers from the elevated cortisol of conventional Cushing's, then I am puzzled by his Lysodren regimen. It sounds as though you are giving him Lysodren five days of every week, now and in the future? Actually, I am not aware of any Lysodren protocol whereby you would be dosing him that frequently on a longterm basis. With conventional Cushing's, there is typically a short daily "loading" period followed by an ongoing maintenance phase in which an approximation of the single daily loading dose can be divided into portions and given over the course of each subsequent week. For treatment of elevated hormones other than cortisol, the loading phase does not occur and the lower-dose maintenance phase is all that takes place.
Is this what you are doing with Blue, and will this be an ongoing pattern? How much does Blue weigh, and how much Lysodren are you giving him each day?
Blues people
02-26-2015, 02:46 PM
Hi Marianne, and thank you. I know I wrote mixed and confusing info! Was trying to write when I was tired,,, not good. I will get everything together tonight after work and post. Just a quick response - we didn't do a loading at first becAuse he was in such rough shape and due to all his allergies and med reactions. But now we are feeling confident he will do okay. So we are moving forward. Thanks... Joan. (85 lb ideal ) was 90 5 wks ago.
Blues people
03-07-2015, 09:26 PM
Hi. I am back. It's been crazy here at our place. Selling 1 house, buying another, daughter moving into her own place, family visits, extra dogs visiting and work. I am sure you all know the same . And Blue.
So, I will try to get all his numbers posted:
Test Result baseline. Result dex supp. Post ACTH
CORTISOL. 8.1. 5.9. 19.9
Androstenedione .85 .72. >10.0
Estradiol. 101.5. 87. 94.0
Progesterone. <0.20. <.20. 4.23
17 OH PRogest. .32 .37 23.3
Testosterone <15.0. <15.0. <15.0
Test done at UOT on 1/8/15
Blues people
03-07-2015, 09:45 PM
On 2/24/15 we just had a cortisol test run.
Sample 1 baseline was 6.8
Sample 2 after injection was 17.1
He was originally on a Maintenance dose of lysodren 2 tablets 500mg.twice week. For 4 weeks
Now he is on 1 500mg for 4 days, off 1, on again for 3, off 1 then 4 on, off 1 , 3 on. Etc.
he is also on 3mg melatonin a.m. And noon and 6 mg before bed.
HMR LIGNANS 2 40 mg capsules daily.
Novifit L 2 tablets daily
He eats natures prairie venison and barley food due to beef and chicken allergies.
He also gets Nuvet plus vitamin 3 x daily, and will decrease to 1 when his numbers and health are better.
He is on allergy shots - HESKA . For all things florida!
Blues people
03-07-2015, 09:54 PM
He is much more alert since we started novifit and spaced the melatonin.
His US on 1-9-15 showed extremely enlarged adrenal glands but no tumors.
His constant hunger has decreased but I feel it is within normal .his water intake is still what one might consider a lot , but I don't think it is as much as previous. He has always been a huge drinker, his panting is almost nonexistent ,and his sleep breathing is back to calm. His bathroom accidents are infrequent , usually only when we are gone longer than 4 hrs.
Blues people
03-07-2015, 10:11 PM
My worry now is the CC. it is now covering most of his shoulders, and his outer abdomen sides and hips. They are dark, crusty, and smell like a mold. Tried cleaning at first w peroxide wash and then neosporin, bacitracin . Then we tried some coconut oil, then just a simple compress. My 3 vets have cushing dogs, but not CC involved. So any advice would be appreciated. I did see Bella also has CC issues and was reading that thread. We are thinking of taking him to the ocean this week,it always seemed to help his allergy rash- but not sure if it would hurt , literally- or help. I do have a few sprays we keep in his med drawer- pramoxine and chlorhexidine sprays and shampoos. His new spots haven't erupted as yet, but are pink , hard and hot to the touch. I just went and picked some fresh aloe, thinking maybe it would help while he sleeps.
Would love to give him a Benadryl for itch, but I worry about his kidneys .
So, this is where we are at.just when I feel we shouldn't prolong his ordeal, he jumps up when he hears our cars, goes to greet our little 2 yr old, and follows our resting spots. He has even tried to play ball w our grandson. So, we keep going and hoping for the next little triumph. Thanks all, Joan
Harley PoMMom
03-08-2015, 12:21 AM
Regarding the CC, although I have no experience dealing with CC we do have members that are and from reading about their CC journey one needs to get that post cortisol number down to least 5 ug/dl.
With the Lysodren protocol Blue is on I really don't believe his post cortisol will be able to drop to that lower level that is required to gain control of the CC.
As Marianne has mentioned generally with Lysoden there is a loading phase and once that is achieved it is then followed with a maintenance regimen. Here's a handy a link from our Resource Forum that has information regarding Lysodren: Lysodren loading Instructions and related tips (
And, unfortunately even with treatment, is does seem that the CC gets worse before it gets better. :(
I am also posting a link to another members thread, Renee, who I consider our Resident CC expert: My girl pug (confirmed Cushings & confirmed calcinosis cutis) / Introduction ( Her thread is filled with information pertaining to CC.
Hugs, Lori
03-08-2015, 12:56 AM
Hi and welcome. I am so sorry that you are dealing with CC. My pug was first diagnosed with CC in Oct of 2013. Before it was all said and done, she had open lesions from the top of her head to the base of her tail. She is now what I would call in 'remission'.
First, I'll just put this right out there - there is NO cure for CC other than bring the cortisol into proper therapeutic range and keeping it there long term. The proper range is a post of below 5 ug/dl. And, when I say long-term, I mean staying in range for months or for life. My pug stopped her meds for about a month during a bout of pancreatitis. In just 3 weeks, I saw lesions recurring.
There are things you can and should do to help manage the CC, but none of these items will cure it. They can help, that is all.
CC lesions are very susceptible to secondary infection, so I do suggest you run a course of abx on occasion, especially if things are looking particularly bad. In combination with the abx, I also suggest you add a high quality probiotic.
I did use tramadol for pain, as needed. I think they are painful. Or, at least they were painful for my pug.
You may be told that DMSO is a treatment. My personal belief is that it does nothing and is an outdated treatment. But, that is only my opinion, and there are those that have reported good results using DMSO. It will not cure the CC though, so don't think it will. It smells horrific and you'll need to wear gloves when using it. I used it on my pug for about 2 weeks then stopped. I could see it was doing nothing but making her uncomfortable and making my other pugs treat her like she had leprosy.
What I did find helpful for topical treatment was using tea compresses. Not tea tree oil! Just tea bags, like lipton or chamomile tea. I did clip the hair around the areas as well, to keep them open and exposed to air, and I did peal away the scabs that were ready to come off, otherwise they just rotted over the skin. I never covered the lesions up, although I understand covering them may be necessary to prevent your dog from itching them.
Another CC mom, Dawn, had success using a spray she purchased on amazon. I cannot recall the name, something like cetochlor? I think this helped keep infection down.
Some people have used weekly medicated baths. I'm not opposed to this. My personal choice was not to bathe my pug until her lesions were in a significant stage of improvement. I didn't think the sores needed anymore moisture and I didn't want anything else topical on them to irritate the skin more.
I actually think some time in the ocean may not be a bad idea, especially if the sores are crusty right now. If they are open and oozing, then I would not recommend it.
The lesions will bleed, crack, ooze, peel away, look raw and angry, then eventually start to dry out. When they begin to flake and dry out, I believe they are on their way to getting better. Also, keep in mind, they will get worse before getting better, and even as you bring the cortisol down, the lesions that are below the surface will continue to bust through and break open. This went on for about 6 months for us. Hopefully they will not be as angry as the ones that you may be dealing with now though.
Sorry I've typed so much. I'm working a lot right now, so I am not on all the time, but I always watch the CC threads.
Blues people
03-08-2015, 09:19 AM
Thank you both for your quick response. I am going to go over the loading protocols you posted w/ my husband and vet and see what we can agree on. If I calculated his weight/dose correctly he would be as follows;
85 lbs = 38.63 kg.
38.63 kg x 50 mg. = 1931.5
1931.5 / by 2 = 965.72
So he would need almost 1000 mg twice a day for 8 days.
I am terrible at math - so if this doesn't seem likely , I'd appreciate being corrected! Lol.
In the meantime , I will work on cleaning up his cc lesions as you suggested.
Blues people
03-08-2015, 09:47 AM
I have added 2 pictures in album to show 2 of his lesions. Any ideas ? Ty Joan
Squirt's Mom
03-08-2015, 10:17 AM
Your math is right but unfortunately your vet is not. Lori has described the correct way to use Lysodren. The loading period is crucial and Blue will take forever to load, if he ever does, using this weird method. I would do more than "talk" to my vet - I would tell them how this is supposed to be done - and do it the correct way. You are Blues ONLY voice and if you don't speak up on his behalf, no one will. ;) With CC in the mix, it is critical to get that cortisol under control and keep it there.
molly muffin
03-08-2015, 12:14 PM
Leslie is familiar with the loading procedures for lysodren and maintenance.
I do know that those who are dealing with cc have reported it is important to get that post ACTH number down to just under 5.0ug and keep it there and then let the calcium deposits cycle through to get rid of it.
Keeping the sores dry enough that they can weep it out and then heal is important.
03-08-2015, 12:21 PM
Another CC mom, Dawn, had success using a spray she purchased on amazon. I cannot recall the name, something like cetochlor? I think this helped keep infection down.
The chlorhexidine spray is called Trizchlor - UC Davis also recommended it for Pansy who had a less severe case of cc. It is easy to apply (just a light misting) and smells nice.
03-08-2015, 01:14 PM
The chlorhexidine spray is called Trizchlor - UC Davis also recommended it for Pansy who had a less severe case of cc. It is easy to apply (just a light misting) and smells nice.
Thank you!! I knew it was something like that! I will try and remember the name so I can add it to the arsenal, lol.
Harley PoMMom
03-08-2015, 02:59 PM
If I calculated his weight/dose correctly he would be as follows;
85 lbs = 38.63 kg.
38.63 kg x 50 mg. = 1931.5
1931.5 / by 2 = 965.72
So he would need almost 1000 mg twice a day for 8 days.
Yep, that Lysodren dose is correct, however, there is no set time-frame for loading. All dogs are different so it may take one day or a total of 10 for a dog to load.
Now, according to the Lysodren protocol:
Because of the potency of Lysodren, the veterinarian is encouraged not to rely on the instructions given to an owner. Never provide the owner with more than 8 days of Lysodren, initially.
With Lysodren usually the appetite is a good gauge for when the dog is loaded, any slight hesitation or pause to eat can mean a dog is loaded and an ACTH stimulation test should be performed.
I know it seems confusing, and trust me you will get the hang of things, and remember we are here to help.
Hugs, Lori
Blues people
03-12-2015, 02:10 PM
Thank you- Renee , if you could look at pics I added of Blues CC and let me know what you think, I'd appreciate it. Any one else also. His shoulder seems to be better than it starts bleeding again. Heading to vet for some antibiotic powder - not sure on name.
Today isn't a good day, panting a lot- so I am assuming he's hurting. He also developed a slight limp in his front leg last night, but I think it's all CC related because it's that shoulder that's bleeding. He may have slept wrong to compensate . And a little spacey too. Circling has lessened , but he's not wanting to go out. Gave him some yogurt w probiotic as I noticed he was having trouble - straining to go . Praying it's not a new issue.
Thanks again, Joan
03-12-2015, 02:16 PM
If the powder is neopredef (which is amazing stuff!) you will not want to use it, since it has a steroid in it. Unfortunately, that steroid would be counter-productive. But, in a dog that does not having cushings, that powder is really great stuff.
I'll check out the pictures now.
03-12-2015, 02:18 PM
Okay, I looked at the pictures. Most definitely looks like CC. Poor guy, That's a big one on his shoulder!
You can look at a few in my album too, and see a few of the stages.
Blues people
03-13-2015, 10:37 AM
Hi. Took some time to look at pictures. Blue def is in the middle.
I am wondering tho, should I try to get the hair off , or should I just let it proceed on its on?
Also, the powder is NEO-PREDEF W TETRACAINE . I guess I need to research . 3 of the techs are using on their CD dogs. And they all said it would help to get the healing started, and advised to try it for 24 hrs.
Any suggestions?
Ordered the spray from Amazon that was suggested. Also someone suggested Sam E. .
I apologize for not naming names. I read all posts , I should make notes, because I get so overwhelmed, not sure who said what.
I am off next week, and between the renovations at our new place and keeping on top of Blue, I hope to accomplish a lot.
As a side note- I have Dupytrens Disease in my hands, and typing becomes tiresome, so if it seems I am being short, please bare with me. I so appreciate everyone's input. When I read others stories, I feel like so many others have much more to deal with, so I just keep reading. Ty Joan
molly muffin
03-13-2015, 08:54 PM
No need to name names. :) We'll figure out anything we need too. Sorry it is so hard to type, I can't imagine how frustrating that must be.
the Sam-e is for the liver, it along with milk thistle is great.
I don't know about the powder. You said 3 vet techs are using it on their dogs? Do their dogs have CC?
We each have our own things to try and balance, a dogs life it seems is seldom an uncomplicated one. :) We humans just try and keep up. LOL
Renee probably knows more about the powder.
03-13-2015, 09:54 PM
Neopredef is an antibiotic powder, which also has drying properties and the numbing agent.
It helps keep/get the hot spot/chewed area dried out, instead of staying moist (an appealing breeding ground for bacteria, as you well know), and the numbing for obvious reasons, tho may also help keep them from licking it. The stuff works wonders!!
Since it contains antibiotic, I do recommend only using it when necessary, but definitely use until the sore is all gone.
It's great for seeing out when they've chewed between toes and it's all moist and cranky looking with some blood.
Samantha and Zanya
Blues people
03-13-2015, 11:13 PM
Yes all 3 vet techs have cc dogs. All 3 were rescues. They actually were the people who first mentioned CD when we took Blue in w symptoms.
I will try sam e as I just read how it helps for arthritis too, I had him on milk thistle early on but stopped when we started vitamins.
I put powder on today, it seemed to stop him from trying to scratch- but I will only use sparingly as it may also have prednisone, according to a post.
He is doing better, h20 is down a bit, and today he actually ate his food as if he wasn't starving. But he is still limping and I think it may be a new lesion starting on his elbow.had a bit of hard time getting up tonight. But he is alert and happy to see the little ones come in. So, we look forward to tomorrow.
Thank you to Renee, Samantha, Lori and Sharlene
Ps to Renee- I am not sure what the topical steroid would do? But I wanted to try to just get the bad shoulder lesion to start drying and it did help make him a bit more comfortable. Ty
Blues people
03-19-2015, 01:14 AM
Blues limp in left leg/foot is getting worse, tonight he couldn't put weight on it. So into vet in morning. This morning , as he lay next to me, I almost saw pleading in his eyes- like, help me. It was a difficult day, because his tremors were very acute, as was the leg and neck stretching. Neither of these symptoms can be explained. My daughter even said she felt he was asking for help- is it time? But later I came home and found him sitting w my husband , on the floor, and he let me go to him, today hello. If I had to decide at noon, I would have said , it's time. He growled at his sister, when she came near. And didn't get up for his treat. Tonight, he is sleeping peacefully, his slow steady breathing, assuring me it was right to wait.
His cc lesions are healing very slowly, but new ones are just under the skin. But boy are they awful looking. I only use the powder if he is really irritable .
So questions ? Anyone else had limb pain? Or have any idea what it could be?
Lyme symptoms were mentioned by someone. I will double check .
His food and water intake is back to a good place, so I had hoped w the lesions getting a bit better we might be heading towards a happy place. But this limp is far from happy! Can't find any cuts, marks,or lesions, Although his foot seems swollen "at times" .
Today his quality of life was not a good one. If I could be sure he will have, I will struggle on with him, but I can't deal w him being in pain, if it's NOT going to get better .
My shelties all lived between 15 &21 yrs, and I just knew it was time, but this is so different . He is only turning 7 in July ...
He is my husbands buddy, but he is my baby. His sis just turned 8 and she is the picture of health and vigor. She is my clown, my talker, my social butterfly. He is my leaner, my snorter, my protector, my watchful follower. But just because I am not ready, doesn't mean he isn't. . ..?????
Harley PoMMom
03-19-2015, 09:28 AM
The elevated cortisol can mask signs of arthritis and we have seen that when the cortisol comes down than arthritis symptoms can pop up. Sometimes a pain medication can help with the arthritis. I've also seen where some members have had success with adequan shots in treating their dog for arthritis.
Hugs, Lori
Blues people
03-19-2015, 10:41 AM
Thanks Lori,
Blue is on his way to vet now, with a list of questions.
I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly.
Will post after appt.
molly muffin
03-19-2015, 03:47 PM
Checking in to see what the vet had to say.
All the little bumps under the skin have to come up, break through and go away, like a cycle and then hope for no more new bumps.
Hope they can figure out the leg situation. Not being able to move and hurting could definitely make him grumpy. Doesn't mean it's time, just that he doesn't feel so hot, so have to try to distinguish between the two items.
Hang in there!
Blues people
03-20-2015, 11:07 AM
Well, Blue is here to see another day! Lol.
The staff were shocked to see his condition! How quickly he has deteriorated since last visit,2 weeks ago.
Took blood, skin scrapings, and complete check up.
So far electrolytes are normal, ( they called, left msg);
They shaved around lesions to get better access- have never seen a case as bad . Sent sample to lab for clarification on possible type of infection. Came home with 2 ABX to get him started, once results are back in 5-7 days we may need to get a compounded rx.
Recommended Epsom salt bath, which we did, and it soaked the scabs, and hubby was able to remove most with just a little touch. ( one area I am not able to stomach. )
This also seemed to help with his leg soreness and the his whole body looks much less irritated.
Couldn't find any evidence of injury to leg,foot or shoulder, nor did he react when pushed, pulled and squeezed. Dr. Questioned arthritis and also infection related.
More later. Thanks , Sharlene and Lori
Harley PoMMom
03-20-2015, 02:49 PM
Improvement moves slowly with that dreaded CC :mad::( And, as you probably already know :o it does get worse before it get better, it just takes time and patience :eek::eek: If you're anything like me, that patience is hard to come by. ;)
Sending you both huge hugs, Lori
molly muffin
03-20-2015, 09:05 PM
well cushings and infections can play havoc with the body.
Seriously cc can take an awful long time to cycle through. Get that cortisol post level down to under 5.0ug and just take care of it through the cycles. Once the cycles of the calicium that is still there have all come through, then hair should start to grow back.
If the leg is arthretic then perhaps some pain meds, like tramadol or some shots adequan I think it is called, would be helpful. We have another member going through leg issues with her dog too and that is what they are going to try.
Blues people
03-23-2015, 08:17 AM
Sharlene - yes they did give him a pain shot, and we came home w rimadol? For pain.
The Epsom salt baths and compresses are really helping, not just the cc but his muscles . Yesterday was a hard one, I was in a mood, and almost convinced myself it was time. He seemed to be wheezing, but after his bath he was better, and I think it was just the pain or irritation. He ate well and slept better.
Yesterday morning he came and sat w us on the patio lounge chair. It requires him to climb up , which he did w difficulty but it was his choice.( hasn't done that in months).
I guess it's his quality of life I worry about . But he's never been a super active dog anyway- except for his ball and tug toy. He is def a foot dog.
Our ABBY is so active, I have to remind myself NOT to compare them.
Thanks for the encouragement,and understanding . Last night my husband, who relies on me for all things dog related, told me I was giving him mixed msg.- it's time- no maybe we should keep trying- no it's worse- no, others on k-9 do well once it's in control!
I wish I had visited here last night. I'd have made more sense !
So thank you. To Lori ,Sharlene
Our family and friends think it's time. But, they also don't have pets/ or wouldn't have time or resources to do as we do.
Our vet staff have told husband, no one would fault you, if you didn't go forward at this point. ( they have cd pups) so I do feel, we need to try to be less emotional, and more realistic.
If his leg does not improve - he would have to live on pAin pills. Is that fair?
I am not sure.
molly muffin
03-24-2015, 07:19 PM
I think there are good days and bad days for not only our dogs but for ourselves.
If the leg doesn't improve and he is in constant pain, then that is something you will have to give some thought to. If it does improve and he over all improves, and I have to say, we've seen it take at least 6 months for improvement with cc, it really does have to cycle through and the post ACTH number is important in getting that to work, then over all improvement is a factor you will also have to take into consideration.
There are no clear cut answers. It is something you have to judge and quality of life is always a factor.
Big hugs. Bad days pass and become good days. hopefully today was a good day for both of you.
Blues people
03-29-2015, 01:11 PM
Just returned from a week visit w my sis and family. Wonderful. Blue was here w John getting his daily epson salt baths. His skin scraping came back as staph, so he is on a combo of antibiotics. His limp was bad this morning, seems he has a an injured acl. Other than surgery which is not recommended, due to his weakened state, he is on meds and water therapy. And rest- which is easy!
Going in for blood work this week.
His lesions are good and bad depending on how you see it. They are def beginning to bother him.
But he is up on his chair, eating,drinking normally and is heading to door if he needs to go out.
Small blessings.
Seeing him after a week, is still heartbreaking. Had hoped for more improvement.
molly muffin
03-31-2015, 06:02 PM
oh drat, that staph infection can sure be awful on their skin. Unfortunately with cc they are prone to getting infections in them. If you haven't picked up the antibacterial spray then you'll want one when this staph is gotten rid of, so Blue doesn't get another.
Oh now, sorry to hear that the ACL is now a problem. Rest is the best thing if surgery isn't an option. No jumping up or down!
let us know how the blood work goes.
Blues people
04-01-2015, 09:35 PM
Well, today was horrible. He is def hurting, and I know that because he is panting terribly, and a slow quiet whine, almost like when he was a baby. The tramadol is not good for him, seems so out of it, but hubby gave to him while I was out. He finally went to bathroom, but his urine is strong again , he isn't drinking - just stands at bowl. I gave him ice chips. Which he fought. But I did manage to get about a half cup . Leg is so much worse, unless he is taking rimadol , then he does move around . Yesterday was a good day, actually walked yard.
I truly cannot deal w his pain. His lesions are doing better, and his coat is coming in soft and full. But, again, I am, feeling, it's time.
I can deal w all the mess, meds, cleanings, but the pain I can't help- he and John want him to be well. But will he be? He follows me all day, limping, Not wanting to be alone.
J is at work, thank you for all the kind words, this is by far the hardest decision I have ever had to make- 20 + pets and this is the toughest to give up on- let go- think only of him. Now to help john come to this place also.
molly muffin
04-01-2015, 10:13 PM
If it's the ACL causing the pain, then that can heal with time, but it does take time. Cushing pups are prone to ACL tears. The more immobility the better. Yes tramadol doesn't always set well with them and makes them loopy. The least amount you can give him and him not be in pain the better. I got a doggy play pen for molly when she hurt her back last winter and had to stay quiet for 6 weeks!!!! Talk about a tough time, she thought she was in trouble and being punished but by doing that, putting up steps instead of letting her jump, lifting her up and down from the couch and her chair, she improved in basically 5 weeks.
I know this is tough and I wish the best for you all. These are not easy times.
Blues people
04-02-2015, 12:15 PM
Our Blue puppy is at peace.
After a very rough, painful night, he wasnt able to greet his bud at the door. Took an hr. To convince J it was time- he tried every argument in the book- but in the end, Dr. Took 1 look and confirmed my decision. He was hurting beyond help.
J is now trying to deal w a loss he has never experienced before- the loss of his constant companion and bud.
I have lost my baby- my 85 lb. whiny, leaning, head rubbing baby.
He is now forever going to be pain free, never have to take another pill, not be poked and prodded- but chase his yellow balls and sprinkler sprays.
Thank you all for your advice, compassion, kind words and encouragement . It was invaluable to me these last few months.
I will be praying for all of your pets to have happy, healthy, pain free futures. And will check back from time to time.
Budsters Mom
04-02-2015, 01:22 PM
Soar with the others sweet Blue! Joyous and pain free!
04-02-2015, 02:08 PM
My sincere condolences, Joan -- I hope that both of you can find peace in knowing that Blue is pain-free and having fun with all of our fellow pups!
Harley PoMMom
04-02-2015, 03:14 PM
Oh Joan,
I am so sorry for the loss of dear Blue and my heart goes out to you and your husband during this most difficult time. It is so hard losing them and we definitely understand the pain you are feeling, please know we are for you and your husband always.
Godspeed sweet Blue
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
Squirt's Mom
04-02-2015, 04:53 PM
I am heart broken to hear this. It is never easy no matter the circumstances. They are so stoic and strong we can't easily accept their decline and ultimate demise. I know that Blue is now pain free and watching over you as you watched over him. One day you will hold this baby boy again and on that day, you will never again be parted.
Our deepest condolences,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick. Sophie, Fox, Redd, and all our Angels.
I Will Wait For You...
I will wait for you...
Though we never wanted to say goodbye,
Remember me...
When winter snows are falling through a quiet sky
I'll remember you
When, in our darkest hour,
You held my hand and prayed I wouldn't go,
But a silent voice called out to me;
My time had come, and I had to travel Home...
Since then, I know your life has never been the same,
For I visit you each day:
So many times I've felt your pain:
I've watched you cry:
And I've heard you call my name...
But now, further along life's road I stand
In a timeless world, just beyond your sight,
Waiting for the day when I can take your hand and bring you across
to this land of Golden Light...
Till then, remember me, you understand-and try not to cry.
But if you do:
Let your tears fall
For the happiness and joy we knew,
And for the special love we shared,
For love can never die.
~Stephen O'Brien
molly muffin
04-02-2015, 05:21 PM
Joan, I am so sad to hear that Blue has passed. I know he is at peace now. It is those who are left behind who have to handle the pain of their passing.
My sincerest condolences.
04-02-2015, 05:28 PM
Sorry to hear about Blue.
You've done all you can do and one day
Blue will see you again and thank you for
all your love and kindness :)
I know some people believe in an afterlife and others don't.
I respect that.
I am one of those that didn't believe unless I saw it myself - and then I did.
I saw an Angel when I nearly died when pregnant 14 years ago ( I call it my son's guardian Angel) and my last dog visited me about a month after his death at age 6 to thank me for taking his pain away and tell me he was going on somewhere good that was further away but would always be able to be here for me if I needed him.
I've never told anyone that before - but it has helped me this time around with my sick dog - there will come a time when you think on them and smile instead of crying.
If you had any previous pets they will greet your Blue and take good care of him :)
04-03-2015, 03:16 PM
Praying for blue and all left behind. I'm sure blue will be met by and meet many beautiful and caring souls.
Blues people
04-04-2015, 09:51 AM
Thank you all.
Last night was a hard one. I am one of those people, that is calm and effective in the crisis - then when it settles, and I have time to think, it hits me hard.
At 2 a.m. I thought I heard him , and then the tears started.
Around 5 I heard the sprinklers turn on, and finally found sleep.
The Sprinklers!
Blue loved them, to run, jump and try to eat the spray! We never could get a video, because we were so involved in watching him.
But we had (thought) turned them off last few days, so he could go out without getting wet- we pulled in from vet - and the sprinklers were ON ,! John was so convinced it was Blue. And unbelievably the cycle ran twice! And we let it.
So this morning, at 5 , I felt peace again, that he was out there somewhere running in sprinklers.
I wish you all a Blessed Easter, New beginnings, happy spring.
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