View Full Version : Sophia Pup - Diabetes and Cushings

02-21-2015, 02:40 PM

I am brand new here. On January 15, 2015 my 11 year old girl fell lame. Took her to her vet and after lots of testings they said she had cushings. They told me to get a ultrasound within 3 months. The vet said the only thing her cbc picked up was elevated liver and gallbladder enzymes. This was all new to me. Not even a month later Sophia was vomitting quite a bit, then stopped eating. I only let this go on for less than a day before I took her back to the vet who said I needed to take her to the Pet ER Hospital. I did and they told me she was in diabetic ketoacidosis. My vet said she was a little shocked because her cbc did not show any signs of diabetes but that these two diseases do go hand in hand. After 4 days in the hospital they told me I could take Sophia home, gave me a diabetes kit and instructed me on how to administer the insulin and gave me antibiotics. I was then told to bring her back after 10 days for a glucose curve. I do that next weekend. However, I am worried about my girl. Her breathing is labored. I've read quite a bit but have not taken her back to the hospital because they told me they have to treat or rather regulate her diabetes first. Then they will start with treating the cushings.

This has been very difficult for me becuase I do not want to have my dog suffer and she's just laying around and drinking a lot, I have to pick her up to go to the bathroom...etc. I just do not know what to do because the Dr.s tell me she is a difficult case, but they could get it under control. Thing is, I feel like waiting for the glucose curve is just not helping.

Any advice?

Harley PoMMom
02-21-2015, 03:13 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your girl!

First thing, please do join our sister site that deals with canine diabetes, the members there can help you immensely, here's the link: http://www.k9diabetes.com/forum/

Ketoacidosis is life threatening, and needs to be addressed ASAP.

Now, getting that diabetes under control does take priority over treating the Cushing's, so this needs to be done and than we can help you with the Cushing's, ok ;)

Please do keep us updated.

Hugs, Lori

02-21-2015, 05:03 PM
Thank you! I just registered on that board you suggested. Just worried about my pup because this latest symptom seems related to cushings, and not diabetes. I'm just worried and don't want her to suffer. Thanks for your reply.